Granì 11:43-48 (
The idea of the philosophy of existentialism that the greatest freedoms is the freedom of society, formed the basis of the Ukrainian movement artistic nonconformity (underground), which originated in the artistic life of the Soviet Union in 1960. The essence of the universe existentialists know intuitively, discarding any scientific evidence and research. Artists in this direction convey reality through their inner feelings, «Coming» in the afterlife. Study such pressing issues as human freedom, humanism, alienation, loneliness, fear of change, responsibility is a choice, a critical attitude toward progress and improvement of the primary things of the world and of the human person and so on. The reflection of these experiences we find in the works of many Ukrainian artists, however, focus our attention on the work of artists Transcarpathian region. On the basis of a specified key concepts such as «existence», «being», «nothing», «boundary situation» and so on. Accordingly, difficult for artists during the 1960s - 1980s, they tried to portray on canvas the experiences and concerns. However, this expression strictly limited by the government. Therefore, usually feeling existentialism artistically artists of this time were hidden, veiled symbolic presentation. Often images of real experiences, spiritual, psycho-emotional and mental characteristics of man and nonkonform was prohibited by the authorities. Original masters scene painting is a student of Erdelyi and F. Manaylo - Vladimir Nikita. His work can be called implicitly mirror events in the region and Ukraine as a whole. The way he delicately veiled play and painful problems of his native land, defines it as a national author. With the artist’s canvas can track events that took place in Transcarpathia, because it was his paintings are illustrations of those events. In his works we trace coverage of all the above reasons ekzystents them.