In the article grounded, that informative safety occupies one of key places in the system of providing vitally of important interests of all countries. It is foremost conditioned by the urgent necessity of creation of the developed informative environment of society. But ex- actly through an informative environment mostly come true threat to national safety in the different spheres of activity of personality, society and state. In modern terms there was a requirement in overthinking and clarification of problem of informative safety through the prism of existential and network practices taking into account modern ambivalent of in- formative processes. It is shown that network practices of providing of informative safety have a row of features that is set by character of social practices in a cyberspace and network, stream organization of virtual space. It is shown, that modern tendencies different personality and social anomalies can cause in the field of information, that unavoidable will put both personality and public safety under a threat. At the same time, without regard to the sub- stantial enough working of problem of informative safety, unity in understanding of essence of phenomenon of informative safety in the context of the network for existential measuring in a modern scientific paradigm it is not. Summarizing socio-philosophical comprehension of this problem in unfortunately there are not levels on a due. Network practices of providing of informative safety are determined by a functional value, but not the place where are subjects at. Locations are now determined the by derivatives from the submachine’s of informative network. In other words, made decision in a network, but come true locally and territorial. An event «in place» becomes to the derivatives from an event in a network knot. This feature is the basis of essence of practices of both providing of informative safety and realization of aggression, for example, of hybrid wars. For example, today an aggressor can conduct informative wars on any territories, being in a comfortable for him place and at any time, keeping the anonymity. It is shown that complication of social co-operations and increase of their intensity in the conditions of cyberspace are conditioned by matrix nature of network space that results in high variety of practices of providing of safety. Network communicative space pro- duces the efficiency presented by the new system of social limitations. Interests of subjects remain, develop and increased, and, the necessity of certain efficiency is kept and increased as a guarantor of safe co-operation in a network. To such state peculiar large enough degree of spontaneity, chance, disorganization of social co-operation, and are dangers. More difficult, reflective comprehension of freedom – «paradoxical freedom» is con- ceived in life of society. Her descriptions are the inevitable imposing and assuming of responsibility for the obvious and latent consequences of risks: a social subject is put in the terms of life, when it is necessary constantly to choose. It appears that it is simply impossible not to choose something or someone taking into account the factor of immedi- ate or set aside, obvious or latent risks. The estimations of the done choice are actively varied in social and cultural space and change in time. A choice, that became functional, effective for one cultural space, is not universal for other cultures. Deviation in one valued- normative space becomes an innovation in other. «Risk freedom» becomes the norm of practices of providing of safety. To it some movement of focus of attention of society is related from a norm to the value. In a modern cyberspace in a greater measure an orientation develops on a value, but not orientation on a norm. On the other hand, absence of the single valued system is another feature of network «social order» that generates a variety and development of tolerance. Contemporaneity is characterized by an orientation on the new methods of selection, that admits stability and safety to the prospect. Network the Internet presents space of most closeness and intensity of communication. The different types of social structures, that is set by an orientation, closeness and intensity of informative streams, predetermine the different forms of co-ordination in society. Grounded, that branching of ways of providing of informative safety in the conditions of network communications of informative society is set by such criterion, as a level of intensity of communication. Pro- viding of informative safety, foremost in the Internet, are the practical operating under overcoming of breaks and protecting from information. Overcoming of breaks comes true with the aim of orientation in general informative space for the purpose control after in- formation. Drawn conclusion, that informative safety is protecting the information and protecting from information. Providing of informative safety in the conditions of informa- tive society is a necessity that becomes the attribute of modern life of any social subject, and requires incessant work with information that includes for itself co-operating with different consulting models, where localization of action, providing of freedom and mini- mization of risk are.