Problem that is examined in the article helps to expose the methods of modern terrorism. Main principle of action of modern terrorist groups is influence on plenty of people and report of the requirements to guidance of the states through MASS-MEDIA. Terrorist groups search a method to take on the direct rebound both on public and on those, who expresses her opinion in a government, for an acceptance or abolition of one or another law straight related to interests of these groups. Each of them wishes to get hold maximal publicity for the actions and, what be more, obtain intimidation and submission for the sake of implementation of the intentions. It is thus possible to talk about the new type of terrorist threat – informative war. Informative terrorism is the new type of terrorist activity, oriented to the use of different forms and methods of the temporal or irretrievable outcommissioning informative infrastructure of the state or her elements, and also purposeful use of this infrastructure for conditioning, entailing catastrophic consequences for different parties of vital functions of society and state. In a global network the Internet web-sites, on that not only ideology of extremism and his extreme form is propagandized – terrorism but also there are the detailed instructions on making of home-made explosive devices, feasance of diversions, are situated, acts of terrorism and т. of п. Introduction of prohibitive national legal norms is ineffective because the web-sites of terrorist orientation are created, as a rule, on territories of other countries. Thus the single going are absent at an international level near counteraction to terrorism and extremism in the Internet, however be norms of international law, forbidding to place information of similar character there. For suppression of terrorist and extremist propaganda in a network the Internet international cooperation of the states is needed, foremost, creation of necessary contractual legal base, and also making of mechanism of realization of such cooperation in accordance with positions of п. of 12 ч. II of Global counterterrorist strategy of the UNO.