Los derechos humanos: un mínimo común denominador para la convivencia civilizada en Colombia
¿Why is it that Human Rights must be respected if it seems fashionable the apology for scorning them? This paper intends a review of how is it that Human Rights and the Humanitarian Right have developed, and of why they are not just moral ideals but a universal system of right, not without lacks, but also with plenty of developments. In that order of ideas three devices created to make the Human Rights exigible are analyzed. Such devices are: The incorporation of the International Right in the internal right; the Office of the High Commissioner of United Nations for Human Rights; and the actions that could be accomplished by the States in relations of cooperation with a particular country. In Colombia, since 2003, among the imperfect situation of the International Right, the Human Rights have made the biggest advances to obtain the condition of being exigible. But, despite of such development a lot is still necessary for an acceptable degree of respect of Human Rights in Colombia. Each year a great deal of people die because of political reasons. And, unfortunately, in the last years the Colombian government has promoted legislation very encouraging of war and humanity crimes impunity. Supposedly the government effort is directed to achieve peace and reconciliation among Colombians, but such objective will be reached with great difficulty following such path. The reasons for those difficulties are basically three: Justice Simulation; a preservation of the power of the mobs, and a concealment of the responsibility of the state. But, ¿Does these difficulties mean that there is nothing to be done to find a civilized exit to the Colombian crisis? No. As is pointed out in this article, there are three considerations of logical, historical and political character that allow thinking the following: It is no reasonable to think in dismantling the Social State of Right for preserving the State of right; and a society that deliberately leaves to impunity great crimes of the past can hardly create confidence and guarantee the rights to justice and life for the great crimes of the future. Because of all of this making the Human Rights the minimum common denominator of all political parties, the State and the whole society would be a key to achieve the overcoming of social exclusion in our country and to generate just foundations for a democratic coexistence