Escritos 24 (52):61-87 (
The concept of freedom is not just another concept in Kierkegaard’s thought. On the contrary, it is one of the most significant issues which the Danish philosopher deals with. Thus, the article examines the meaning of this concept within the philosophy of Kierkegaard by following the interpretation of Cornelio Fabro. In order to achieve such a purpose, firstly, the general features of the thought of the Italian philosopher are presented. Subsequently, the metaphysical foundation for Human freedom within the thought of Kierkegaard is developed. Afterwards, the radical determination of the will in its choice of evil and sin are analyzed, as well as the existential reality of Self as the first principle of action. Lastly, the dispute that Kierkegaard has with Hegel, which motivates his writings, is briefly exposed; and some of the ideas that Fabro takes from the Danish philosopher are listed.