U recentnoj knjizi Christopher Cowley je problematizirao shvaćanje racionalnosti koje se nalazi u utilitarističkoj raspravi o samoubojstvu, kao i općenito shvaćanje racionalnosti koje se usmjerava ustanovljavanju vanjskih razloga. Suprotno tome, Cowley zastupa unutarnju perspektivu kao jedinu vjerodostojnu u takvim odlukama. Izravno ću razmotriti njegovu kritiku Richarda Brandta i Davida Humea. Intencija je teksta nuđenje preciznije interpretacije Humea te usporediti argumente za i protiv unutarnjih i vanjskih razloga. Zaključak je uvjetovano prihvaćanje perspektive unutarnjih razloga.In a recent book, Christopher Cowley has expressed the problems of the concept of rationality related to the utilitarian discussion about suicide, as well as in general the concept of rationality which is directed by the appeal to external reasons. Contrary to this, Cowley defends the internal perspective as the only trustworthy in such decisions. I will analyze directly his criticism of Richard Brandt and David Hume. The intention of the paper is to offer a more precise interpretation of Hume and compare the arguments for and against internal and external reasons. The conclusion is a conditioned acceptance of the perspective of internal reasons