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  1.  14
    Pictorial Logic of Poetry.Rahim Kooshesh - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):113-136.
    Logically, among the various pictorial elements that poet chooses, merges, and uses contemplatively and deliberately in his work, certain semantic and aesthetic connections exist that studying and analyzing them can help us in comprehension, criticism, and editing of literary texts. These relations between these elements construct certain linear and geometric shapes in poetic images that attention to them can display the technical and semantic delicacies of poetic texts. In this article, the author wants to propose this point by analyzing and (...)
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  2.  15
    Comparative Study of the Story "Man and Treasure" of the Masnavi and the Story "Alchemist" by Paolo Queleo.Feresahte Mahjoob - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):179-206.
    Gnosticism and true knowledge are not limited to any special nation or individual. Anyone who is created by God has the ability to understand these holy concepts. Thus all men of :::union:::, although they live far away from each other, have the same beloved and therefore the hidden meaning of their expressions is the same. In our literature, Molana's mystical poems cannot be challenged and his parables are saturated with mysticism and love. One of such mystical anecdotes is the story (...)
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  3.  21
    Reviewing the Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne from the Perspective of Criminal Law.Maryam Mahmoudi & Mahmoud Abedpour - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):137-156.
    Literary texts are a set of intellectual and cultural reserves of nations and reflect their thoughts, ideas and hopes which in every era and period are affected by people and their needs. Many problems such as sociology, management, economy, politics, cultural and social aspects and law exist in literature. Thus, in order to know nations one has to be affiliated with their literature. Legal subjects and related concepts and terms are among issues which are specifically prominent in these texts and (...)
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  4.  12
    Regional Characteristics of Story Writing in Northern Iran.Rahman Moshtaghmehr & Reza Sadeghi Shahpar - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):29-56.
    Regionalism in the contemporary Iranian story writing begins seriously in 30's and reaches its peak in 40's and 50's. The regional stories reflect, mostly, the common characteristics and elements such as cultures, beliefs, rules and ceremonies in the geographical area. In the contemporary Iranian story writing, with respect to the geographical origins of writers and regional specifications reflected in their works, five realms of regional story writing in the north, south, east, west, and Azarbaijan can be distinguished. After presenting definition (...)
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  5.  11
    A Psychological Analysis of Black & Red in Saeb's Poems.S. K. Musavi, Jahangir Safari & Seyed Mojtaba Hosaini - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):57-92.
    Psychological analysis of people based on psychology of color is considered as one of the current methods in psychology. Those who choose colors freely and consciously and on the basis of their interests and taste pave the way for their psychological analysis. Saeb as the most prominent literary figure of the 11th century A.H and as one of the most active poets of this country is a suitable choice for psychological analysis based on psychology of colors because not only his (...)
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  6.  17
    Aims and Tools of Application of Allegory in Khaghani's Divan.Gholamreza Rahimi & Fereshte Mohamadzadeh - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):93-112.
    Allegory, an old widely- used tradition in poetry, has been employed by Persian poets all through the history of Persian literature. Khaghani who is considered as one of the stylist poets of Seljuk era, paid special attention to allegory. The present article is a survey of the use of allegory in Khaghani’s Divan and points to certain verses in which the poet has employed this technique. The results of the present study reveal two points. First, the main part of Khaghani’s (...)
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  7.  10
    Study and Comparison of Two Semi-Historical Figures of Shahnameh (Bahrame Gur and Bahrame Chubin).Eshagh Toghyani & Rezvan Vatankah - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):1-28.
    Bahrame Gur and Bahrame Chobin are among the prominent characters of Shahnameh. It seems that the story of the life of these two champions has been exposed to legendary and popular narratives and it has been hidden in ambiguity and mystery. Similarity in some of the narratives and events of the life of these two characters enforces this hypothesis that these events are related to the life of one person. Since the story of Bahrame Gur and Bahrame Chobin has been (...)
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  8.  15
    The Dialectic Strcture of Fasting in Mystical Texts.Mohammad Kazem Yusofpoor & Mohsen Botlab Akbarabadi - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (4):157-178.
    Fasting, as a common practice in mystic schools, has a special status due to religious obligation it demands, its constructive nature, and its role as the first step in spiritual aspiration. In the context of mystical thought, and due to interpretive and spiritual quality of mysticism, fasting goes beyond the boundaries of superficial religious interpretations, expands its meaning and finds a meta-religious stance, so that sometimes attention to religious fasting itself defiles such meta-religious fasting. The dialectic/interactive structure of mysticism which, (...)
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  9.  18
    Study of Human Nostalgia in Poems of Molana Jalalodin Mohammad Balkhi.A. Anaghe & Elahe Kolahdooz - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):161-188.
    Ghorbat (nostalgia) is an Arabic gerund. Literally it means being separated from one's home and going away and colloquially it means the remoteness of human spirit from the Spiritual World and the Great Court since soul has lived near God and suddenly it was polluted with guilt and descended to this earthy world. After descent, soul came to this world a world which is not reprehensible by itself but when soul depends itself on world and its attachments and forgets its (...)
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  10.  12
    Sinfulness of Hafez and the Sin of Adam.Heydar Gholuizade - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):189-214.
    One of the characteristics of symbolic-mystical poems is the use of reversed or paradoxical terms like: debauchery, disobedience, sin, unbelief, Christianity, hypocrisy & dissimulation and their synonyms. These terms are often used in mystical & lyric poems and study of them can help us to comprehend and interpret them from different points of view. These reversed terms symbolize the motion of mankind’s soul, mystical states and loving intoxication Hafez, one of the most remarkable Persian sonnet writers, uses these term very (...)
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  11.  11
    An Intertextual Study of Image of Sea in Shams' Sonnets.Hossein Agha Hosseyni & Zahra Moeini Fard - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):1-28.
    Study of most sonnets of Rumi reveals that after music the plurality of images is the most prominent aspect of these sonnets. These images are the result of moments of revelation and ecstasy of the poet. In such moments, the element of language becomes salient for suggesting the meaning to the reader. In such moments, a number of images help Rumi to express his revelations. Because of this, his poems have a revelatory and dream-like mood. The interpretation of such sonnets (...)
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  12.  16
    Comparative Study of "Tarh" and "Towghi" in Persian and Arabic Literature.Hossein Kyani & Seyed Fazlollah Mirghaderi - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):55-84.
    Tarh poem in Persian and Towghi in Arabic are two kinds of modern poetry which are told in a meaningful way by using a few words. We can say that short classic poems in Persian and Arabic are replaced by Tarh and Towghi which are recognized by Persian and Arabic poets in early 70s of 20th century. History of Persian short poems goes back to the old short poems and then to “Khosravi-ha” and history of Arabic short poems goes back (...)
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  13.  10
    The Problem of Connected Spelling anf th Advantage of Disconnected Spelling in Persian Words.Reza Rouhani - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):85-108.
    The beautiful handwriting of Persian language suffers from some problems and the facilitation of these problem is the job of Persian writing scholars. The present article discusses the problem of connected spelling in comparison with disconnected recording of compound words. It criticizes and evaluates graphemic conventions in Persian. It also advocates and enumerates the advantages and benefits of the disconnected form and exemplifies the idea through common compounds.
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  14.  16
    A Study of Three Woks by Non-Iranian Researchers on the History of Persian Literature.Mostafa Seddighi & Kavoos Hasanly - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):29-54.
    Using modern methods for studying literature does not have a long history in Iran but such methods can be observed in the works of non-Iranian researchers who study Persian literary history. The study of Persian literature and the process of its evolution was considered by non-Iranian researchers from the beginning. Therefore, literary works of Shebly Noamany, Edward Brown and Yan Reepka are considerable because they propose three different views in the study of Persian literature history and its development process: Shebly (...)
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  15.  16
    China in the Prism of Persian Poetry.Shirzad Tayefi, Bobin Quy & Alireza Puorshabanan - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):137-160.
    Iran and China relationship goes back to past centuries, even before Islam. But, after the victory of Islam, stronger bonds were developed between the two countries and, gradually, different depictions of Chinese culture and civilization were reflected in Persian literature and particularly in poetry. Chinese religion and ritual, aestheticism, handicrafts and painting are some of the representations to which this essay is devoted. This essay also investigates the general reflection of China in Persian poetry.
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  16.  23
    Allegory in Persian and Arabic Proverbs.Mansoure Zarkoob & Zahra Abdollahi - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (3):109-136.
    Allegory is an indirect expression which is based on simile: In this trope, the person uses a concrete entity to suggest his mentality which is usually an abstract concept. In old and modern rhetorics, allegory has been considered as a tool for imagery. Considering books on old and modern rhetorics and by investigating the proverbs in which allegory is used to make meaning accessible for the reader, it can be said that allegory and imagery do exit not only in simile-based (...)
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  17.  42
    Determinism and Free Will in Hafez and Maari Ideologies.Mohammad Khaghani, Davoud Nejati & Reza Jafari - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):1-22.
    The subject of ‘Determinism’ and ‘Free will’ is one of the most debatable and abstruse theological arguments. This argument has very old historical roots and has been appeared in different ways in the sayings and thoughts of philosophers, mystics, poets and others. It can be said that the concept of determinism is one of the key and practical concepts in the poetry of Hafez and Abu Ala Maari. Judging from the form of words, some people assume that these two poets (...)
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  18.  13
    Some Points about Compound Verb.E. Khoeini - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):45-58.
    The problem of compound verb and determining clear criteria for distinguishing this form of verb from verb phrase and simple verb has been a subject of hard debates among grammarians, especially over the last few years. While providing answers to some of the existing open questions about compound verbs, this paper focuses on analysis of the structure of this grammatical category from two aspects, semantic and morphological, and establishes a framework that offers a clear pattern for the analysis of this (...)
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  19.  13
    Narratology of Haftgordan Study (Based on the Narratives of Anushiravan Marzban and Ferdowsi).Arash Akbari Mafakher & Roghaye Sheybani - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):103-124.
    This article aims at a narratological study of the “Haftgordan story” of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and the story of “Afrasyab-ibn Pashang” as narrated by Anushirvan Marzban in Hormozdyar. After a review of the summaries of the two narratives, a comparative structural study of the works coupled with a study of their mythical and ritual origins are presented. These studies show that Ferdowsi’s account of the story is characterized by its bucolic, nationalistic and rationalistic nature as well as the exclusion of some (...)
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  20.  12
    Jameel Sedqi Zohawy and Persian Language and Literature.Naser Mohseni Nia - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):23-44.
    Mutual cultural and literary relations among world nations, especially neighboring countries, have been customary and conventional. A prevalent relation, worth mentioning, could be that of Iran and Iraq. The contemporary Iraqi poet, Jameel Sedqi Zohawy (d.1936), possesses a particular status in this regard. The author tries to write about his life, works, views, style and position in contemporary Arab world, and also his competence in and familiarity with Persian language and literature. No doubt Zohawy's friendship with contemporary Iranian men of (...)
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  21.  20
    A Survey on the Arabic Poems of Tarikh-e Baihaq.Salman Saket - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):125-156.
    Tarikh-e Baihaq by Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Zaid-e Baihaqi, known as Ibn-e Fundoq, is undoubtedly one of the most important and significant works on local historiography. As the title of the book indicates, it deals with the region of Baihaq (now: Sabzevar), as well as the biographies of the renowned persons who lived there. In fact, the book is a historical geography which illuminates many ambiguous dimensions of that area. Since Ibn-e Fonduq had unique knowledge of Persian and Arabic literature, (...)
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  22.  17
    Comparative Study of Mazdak Story in Shahnameh and other Historical Sources.Mohammad Taheri & Mohammad Momeni Sani - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):59-76.
    Mazdak appearance on Sassanid era is one of the most important historical events of Persian history which has certain complexity and ambiguity. This event has narrated extensively by Ferdowsi in Shahnameh and the historians and researchers of Shahnameh have always referenced to Shahnameh in their analysis of this story. They also have used the contents of the national epic in their reviews. But the wonder is that neither Iranian researchers nor the orientalists referred to several fundamental differences between the narrative (...)
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  23.  13
    A Study on the Mythological Structure of Sam-Nameh.Zarin Varedi & Hamideh Nazari - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (2):77-102.
    Many ancient epic and folk stories have mythological bases. Characters, creatures and events in these stories are presented with a mythological coverings, so that sometimes it is impossible to distinguish reality from myth. Sam-Nameh is a half epic- half lyric series which depicts the story of Sam's travel for finding his beloved. This series, which consists of many intervowen short stories, in some respects adopts mythological patterns. Some of these patterns have their roots in Iranian myths, especially in Avesta and (...)
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  24.  23
    Spiritual Insight & Geometric Symbols.Fatame Akbari, Taghi Pour Nadarian, Ali Asghar Shirazi & Habib Ollah Ayatollahi - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):1-22.
    This article comprises three parts. The first section deals with the evaluation of geometry & its relation to the parallelism among the main three fold worlds [intellectual world, absolute imagination world, & material world]. In this section, we considered Pythagoreans, Plato, Ibn Sina, Ekhvan alsafa, Abu Reyhan Biruni and Rene Guene view points about the symbolic position of geometry & its relation to the spiritual insights. In the thoughts of these figures, geometry describes the super natural realm & cosmic lives (...)
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  25.  11
    The Morphological Study of "HasanakeVazir" Story.Mina Behnam - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):131-150.
    Narratology is one of the modern methods in the analysis of literary works which was first applied on Russian fairytales by Russian critique Vladimir Propp. Propp's ideas in the book "The structural analysis of the tale" had an important influence on the narrative theory. Nearly all the French structuralists have been influenced by Propp and some even tried to complete and correct his theories. Being a real story, "Hasanak_ e_ Vazir" doesn't correspond to the theories of Propp and others. But (...)
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  26.  17
    Siyavash, a Ritual and Mysterious Character in Shahnameh.Firouz Fazeli & Ebrahim Kanani - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):93-108.
    The myth of Siyavash, with regard to its every minute thematic structure, is one of the most pivotal part in the Iranian mythological chain and gives structural support to it. Most stories are, thematically, like Siyavash’s, and pave the way for it. Siyavash has the highest humane character in Iranian myths and especially in Shahnameh. His birth, life, and death possess the qualities of ancient myths and his character is enshrouded in mystery and ritual. Based on the analysis of the (...)
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  27.  13
    Innovation in Sohrevardi's Philosophy and Variety of Science Definitions in his Works.Seyyed Mohammad Khaled Ghaffari - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):69-92.
    The issue of science and rationalism (knowledge and cognition) achievement in humans has always been present in the mind of philosophers and scientists. Among the old philosophers, Sheikh Shahabedin Yahya Sohravardi paid special attention to these issues and in his many different Persian and Arabic philosophical publications, he presented different definitions of this subject. The goal of this study is to answer this question that whether these different definitions are due to lack of understanding or mental depression of Sheikh in (...)
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  28.  12
    Woman in Persian Dream Interpretation Books (Study of women symbols in Persian dream interpretation books).Mokhtar Komeili - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):109-130.
    One of the mysterious phenomena in our world is "dream" or "to dream". Objects are appeared symbolically in this phenomenon. Thus, to understand their real meaning, they should be interpreted and investigated. Long since, it was common to investigate dream symbols and compiling them led to create works called "dream interpretation book" So many symbols have been allocated to women and women problems in Persian dream interpretation books.By considering and analyzing these symbols, they would present a more clear and more (...)
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  29.  15
    Marzban-name, Relic of Iran in Sasani Age.Mehdi Rezaei - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):47-68.
    Marzban-name includes old tales and narratives. It is believed that this book was originally written in one of the middle – Persian dialects. As Varavini says it was first written in Tabari language and after that it was translated into New-Persian by Saad ed Din Varavini and Malatyvi. By investigating its stories, it becomes obvious that, according to Varavini, Marzban-name has very old origin, even older than what Varavini claimed. This archaism is very obvious in the content of most of (...)
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  30.  12
    Analysis of Several Distortions in Khaghany'''s Poetry.Abdolreza Seyf & Majiad Mansoori - 2010 - Research on Mystical Literature 4 (1):23-46.
    Geographical elements should be considered for understanding similarity of compounds and expressions and several features of stylistics among poets of Arran school and Azerbaijan, especially Khaghani and Nezami. Because of this, some similes and ironies in the poetry of Khaghani, Nezami and some other poets of Azerbaijan are almost unique. This article tries to correct some pervasive distortions in Khaghani’s poetry. Such distortion is also evident in Nezami’s poetry. Since such distortion is the product of a compound which belongs solely (...)
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