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  1. (1 other version)Becoming and being a person through others : African philosophy`s ubuntu and Aquinas` mutual indwelling in comparative discourse.Callum David Scott - unknown
    African Philosophy and St Thomas Aquinas have both been taught in African universities, but the engagement between the continent’s indigenous philosophical tradition and the Catholic intellectual tradition’s preeminent strand, has not been thorough. Presupposing that plural philosophical traditions contribute to the search to better understand, this research embarks upon a comparative analysis of the perspectives of the African ubuntu philosophy and Thomist philosophical conceptualisations of human becoming and being. Through analysis of dimensions of both traditions, it is contended that human (...)
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  2. Death in abundance versus life in abundance in the context of COVID-19 and poverty : a practical theological reflection on the much-needed pastoral accompaniment of the grieving families through the various stages of grief.Olehile Buffel - unknown
    Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology.
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  3. Crossbearers as the messianic generation: towards a black radical Christology.Obakeng Africa - unknown
    South Africa is in crisis, and theologians have been grappling with the theological significance of this state of affairs. In the realm of black theology, many have expressed concern around the discursive malaise this theological tradition is currently experiencing. On the other hand, theologians are still coming to terms with the epistemological break that Fallism introduced into popular discourse in the country. Some theologians have responded to the movement, but no theologian has articulated a theological contribution from the movement itself. (...)
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  4. H.B. Bousfield, first Bishop of Pretoria, to 1881: the foundation of the diocese of Pretoria (1870-1879) and the early episcopacy of H.B. Bousfield, first Bishop of Pretoria (1878-1881). [REVIEW]O. M. Suberg - unknown
    In 1870 the Synod of the Anglican Church in South Africa decided to found a see in the Transvaal. The pioneer of Anglican work there was Bishop T.E. Wilkinson of Zululand who during visits of 1873 and 1874 organised the Church. In 1875 Wilkinson resigned his diocese over his involvement in the Transvaal. It was only after the annexation of the Transvaal by Britain 1877 that a bishop was chosen. This was not Wilkinson whom the Transvaalers desired but was H.B. (...)
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  5. The investigation on the impact of societal structure on violation of the rights of women and children in Limpopo : church and African tradition perspective.Daphne Maphuti Majapie Madiba - unknown
    African traditions have a significant impact on the societal structures, the Churches, and schools. The secular government also contributed to the increase of gender-based violence since the corrective measures were insufficient to curb the challenges. The purpose of this study is to create an awareness among the Churches, traditional lead-ers, and other structures who are concerned about the welfare of women and children, clearly indicating that violence is neither God’s purpose of creation nor the purpose of the African tradition. Furthermore, (...)
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  6. Towards a holistic narrative-hermenuetical premarital counselling model for couples in an African context: URCSA congregation as a case study.M. P. Matsepe - unknown
    In 1994 South Africa elected its new democratic government and that brought about change politically, economically, and socially. The political change brought about new transformation that saw people in the society in particular woman being given new opportunities to participate equally in economy like any South African. With the dawn of democracy there is an alarming high rate of divorce in South Africa. According to Statistics of South Africa (2013,) since the dawn of democracy the high rate of divorce is (...)
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  7. The centrality of the Holy Spirit in God’s grand acts of creation, reconciliation, renewal and fulfilment : the kingdom of God and culture.Pavel Hoffman - unknown
    The Spirit is the overall renewing and liberating presence-maker of God’s grand acts of creation, reconciliation, renewal and fulfilment. Not as doctrines, but these acts while we are involved therein are the ortho-experiential drivers of our reflective experience in which we reflectively pattern and process our daily experiences. The centrality of the role of the Spirit in four grand acts of God continuously opens up our awareness of our creatureliness, awareness of sin, awareness of being reconciled, awareness of being in (...)
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  8. An investigation of the transgenic human embryo debate from the perspective of the African Philosophical tradition of humanness.Oluwaseun Tosin Babatuyi - unknown
    A number of novel scientific and biotechnological exploits and interventions have been recorded in recent times. Of principal concern is the attempt by certain scientific researchers and practitioners to modify the genetic make-up of the human being at the embryonic stage in order to produce a more advanced form of human life. This attempt is motivated by the desire to enhance the quality of human life to such a degree that it renders us less vulnerable to debilitating diseases in general (...)
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  9. An ethical analysis of a Christian Theology of reconstruction in Africa and its contribution to epistemic masculine violence (in South Africa).Ayanda Mdokwana - unknown
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  10. Re-framing (South) African youth ministry: Cutting the colonial umbilical cord of Western Hegemony.Garth Aziz - unknown
    Youth ministry, as understood in an African context, is predominantly informed, and guided by a West/Euro philosophy and hegemony. African youth ministry, it seems, is struggling to break away from the hegemony of the developed world, one that is not always compatible or even deals with the developing world like Africa. There has been a renewed energy from the youths on the African continent calling for a decolonial conversation, which ideally, should also include theology and youth ministry. The #feesmustfall and (...)
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  11. Pastoral inquiry of the clergy into dual relationships in the District 3 Full Gospel Church of God: a congregational paradox.Mabasa Robert Buman - unknown
    The study will analyse a number of principles and ethical standards on the clergy of District No.3 Full Gospel Church of God in Southern Africa who offer help to congregants who are in need of therapeutic help other than preaching. In the analysis of ethical issues in a dual relationship, I shall refer to how the therapist (pastoral counsellor) has to relate with their clients. The clergy being their pastor on a Sunday Church service and also serves as their counsellor (...)
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  12. Peculiarities in the African Pentecostal tradition : disciplinal and decolonial perspectives.Mookgo Solomon Kgatle - unknown
    The African Pentecostal tradition as a distinct movement within the Protestant tradition is discussed here from a disciplinal and a decolonial perspectives. The characteristics that inform this distinction are explored in order to show that Pentecostalism is part of the Protestant tradition but distinct from other streams within this tradition. In addition, the different types and streams that exist within the broader Pentecostal movement such as classical Pentecostalism, African Independent Pentecostalism, Newer Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches and prophetic Pentecostalism are highlighted (...)
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  13. The role of children's ministry on the moral formation of children in Mahikeng.Olebogeng Victor Mogale - unknown
    Morality has been part of society for ages. Lack of morality in the younger generation shows a gap in terms of moral formation in children and this arguably has a long-lasting negative impact on society. Institutions such as the family and the church play important roles in moral formation. However, problems such as child-headed families and divorce make it difficult for the family to effectively play a role in the moral formation of children and building a sustainable society. This gives (...)
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  14. An investigation into the timelessness of God Theology, with special reference to African Traditional religion.Mogomotsi Jaba - manuscript
    The main aim of this thesis was to explore the timelessness of God theology while making special reference to African traditional religion. The ‘timelessness of God’ is a theological model taught in Western traditional theism. Owing to its development by historical figures like Augustine, Boethius, and Aquinas, this theological model posits that God is absolutely immutable, simple, and omniscient. Developed through the lens of Greek philosophy by the mentioned figures, these divine attributes place God out-side of time. To state that (...)
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  15. Assessment of counselling skills among the clergy : a case study of the Roman Catholic priests in the diocese of Masvingo in Zimbabwe.Rudolf Nyandoro - unknown
    The purpose of this research was to assess counselling skills among the Roman Catholic priests in Masvingo diocese- Zimbabwe. This research took place because the priests encountered challenging situations that called for pastoral counselling skills. The research examined and assessed the competence of the clergy. To carry out this research, a survey of 40 priests and 50 parishioners was undertaken. The methods used to collect data were the questionnaire and unstructured interviews. The research structure began with the general introduction, followed (...)
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  16. The healing touch of nature in the context of pastoral therapy.Annezka Alida Magalhães - 2011 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    The research on "The healing touch of Nature in the context of pastoral therapy" illustrated the role of Nature in bringing healing to individual people in an urban context in South Africa. The role Nature plays in connecting the participants with God and how this positively affects their daily lives, has been central in the research. Through their interaction with Nature, the participants lead richer, more meaningful lives and experience a greater sense of well-being. Nature stimulates and elicits response as (...)
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  17. Assessment of sustainable water security in the Bojanala region in the Northwest Province in South Africa.Neo William Mokone - unknown
    Sustainable water security is essential for human well-being, environmental preservation, economic prosperity, and social stability. Pursuing sustainable water security is instrumental in guiding policymakers, planners, and stakeholders to implement effective and equitable water management practices that can create a resilient and sustainable water future for both current and future generations. The Bojanala District, like many other regions, faces significant challenges regarding water security. Understanding the challenges faced by the Bojanala District in terms of water security is vital to secure a (...)
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  18. An investigation into the historical, cultural-religious, mystical and doctrinal elements of Paul's Christology and soteriology : a theoretical study of faith.Jan Albert Gibson - unknown
    Through his personal spiritual growth process and Jesus’ teachings and life, Paul became acutely aware of the vast differences between Prophetic Judaism and the Mystical Traditions in relation to the Temple Cult and Temple-ism in general. Paul’s own “history of religion” centred on Abraham’s Covenant as the first and preferred, unmediated, spiritual and universal model, against Moses’ priestly mediated cultic system designed basically for Jews. Therefore, Paul follows Jesus teachings and mission to “rip the dividing curtain” of the Jerusalem Temple (...)
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  19. Schwachheit und geistliche Leiterschaft : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung zu auswirkungen korperlich und seelisch Leidender geistlicher Leiter im Gemeindebau.Oliver Merz - unknown
    This empirical and theological project researches physical and emotional weakness in the context of spiritual leadership, in order to discover what consequences these impediments have on church development. Selected representatives (national leaders - or at least regional leaders - of Swiss state and free churches) have therefore been interviewed. It was possible to describe four contrasting typologies which describe the different effects of handicapped leaders and to deduce various consequences for the understanding of church leadership and development. This research is (...)
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  20. Transformational development of the poor in the Amalinda Forest Community, East London : an exploratory practical theological study.Mandah Khuthaza Mazantsana - unknown
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  21. How moral responsibility emerges from a deterministic world.Herman Van Rooyen - 2023 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Humans are only one of many species that populate the earth. Based on the way they have taken command of natural resources and rearranged the surface of the earth with a network of cities, roads, infrastructure and technology, they seem to have become the dominant and leading species alive. However, on the evolutionary scale of organic progression they are actually quite young. In this dissertation, a philosophical account will be given of how a deterministic cosmos managed to become partly alive. (...)
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  22. The centrality of Jesus Christ in God's acts of creation, reconciliation, renewal and fulfilment : the views of John Calvin and Ellen G White.Patrick Patrese Jones - unknown
    In John Calvin and Ellen G White’s sense making approaches God’s act of redemption and reconciliation in and through Jesus Christ takes the centre stage in the foursome of God’s acts expressed in the biblical historical timeline as creation, reconciliation in Jesus Christ, renewal through the Holy Spirit and fulfilment at the end of time. While the 16th century Calvin emphasised God’s acts of creation and reconciliation in Christ more than God’s acts of renewal and fulfilment, the 19th century White’s (...)
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  23. Comparing the Christologies of Ellen White and Karl Barth : establishing a new method for evaluating White’s writings.Gustav Van Niekerk - unknown
    Ellen G White, one of the founding members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (hereafter SDA Church) has deeply influenced this church in her lifetime and continues to do so through her writings. Her writings span hundreds of thousands of pages, filling books, articles, letters, and compilations, focusing on pastoral and practical Christian-ity, being filled with theological statements. This thesis considers two methods of eval-uating White’s theology: The first is to use specific authors who are quoting White, while the second is (...)
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  24. Political-ecclesiological perspectives on human dignity and conflict management.Eric Mandel Betts - unknown
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  25. A theological exploration of the interface between Johanne Marange Apostolic Church and the human rights discourse with particular emphasis on children and women's rights.Mathew Mare - unknown
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  26. A critical review of a socio-politico-economic transformation perspective for advancement of Christian discipleship in South Africa.Daliwonga Mbana - unknown
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  27. The spirited hermeneutic in relational theology : triune God : an ontological perspective.Daniel Lee Duncan - 2022 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any men spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”(Nelson, 2012: NIV). This thesis sets forth and examines “the Spirited Hermeneutic: Triune God,” in the context of relational theology and under an ontologic perspective (Wood, 2016(a)-(g)). A “Spirited Hermeneutic does not (sic) just look at what the Spirit said to the author, nor just to the text, but looks to the Spirit to (...)
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  28. Exploring and storying Protestant Christian women's experiences living in sexually unhappy marriages.Nicoline Spies - 2011 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    This research project arose from my journeys with Protestant Christian women who were living in sexually unhappy marriages. In South African Protestant faith communities there is the expectation that Christian marriages will experience sexual fulfilment. For many Christian women however, sexual unhappiness becomes their reality. Sexuality is cocooned in silence not only within the church, but also in many Christian marriages. This leaves many Christian women (and men) with little or no recourse to address sexually unhappy marriages. My research journey (...)
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  29. South Africa's transition to democracy viewed from the just war perspective.Chuene Collence Mokobane - 2022 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    This is a study of South Africa’s new dispensation viewed from the just war point of view. The thesis of this study is that, the peace that was established after the formal and informal negotiations was not just and could not be durable because it did not eliminate the root cause of the conflict. The thesis is predicated on the recognition that: A debt or a feud is never extinguished till the equilibrium has been restored, even if several generations elapse (...)
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  30. Church unity and justice in the "Gereformeerde Kerke" in South Africa : perspectives from the Soutpansberg Synod between 2003 and 2008.Elijah Baloyi - 2011 - Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 37 (1).
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  31. Meaning, proof, and religious belief in Anglo- American philosophical theology : an investigation into the theme of reasonableness of religious belief in Anglo-American philosophical theology from the mid 17th to the early 20th centuries.William Charles Peter Sweet - 2022 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Summaries in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans.
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  32. Black church buildings that are still on white churches' land: a land restitution perspective.Leepo Johannes Modise - 2011 - Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 37 (1).
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  33. The Natives Land Act of 1913 engineered the poverty of Black South Africans : a historico-ecclesiastical perspective.Leepo Johannes Modise & Ndikho Mtshiselwa - 2014 - Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 39 (2).
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  34. The Minister of the Word in the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) and party politics: A theoretical and practical perspective.Leepo Johannes Modise - 2015 - Historiae Ecclesiasticae 40 (2).
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  35. The 2nd Paarl World of Business Workshop.Gordon Ernest Dames - unknown
    This one-day event took place on the 1st November 2007 at the Paarl cricket club. The Black Association of Wine and Spirits Industry’s structure was analysed to identify specific sectors and target groups for the workshop. Participants represented rural areas in the Boland, Overberg and Cape Peninsula, consisting of young and older members; mainly emerging business leaders. Dr Clint Le Bruyns was the main facilitator. Ms Sue Mcwatts and Dr Gordon Dames assisted in the small group sessions.
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  36. The ethics of christian giving as liberation vision for the wellbeing of the black African Reformed Churches.Elijah Baloyi - 2013 - THEOLOGIA VIATORUM:JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGION IN AFRICA 35.
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  37. Aspects of a discipleship-pedagogic in the formation of disciples in a postmodern society.Gordon Ernest Dames - 2013 - Practical Theology in SA 19 (1).
    The aim of this article is to propose critical disciples that can live faithful, moral and purposeful lives in a postmodern world. Christian education functions today in a postmodern society, characterized by a multicultural and multi-social reality. This reality changes rapidly and requires a pedagogical model that can renew as societal challenges and changes occur. A critical discipling model is adopted according to a pedagogical quintet approach. In relation to contextual challenges this model consists of the following aspects, namely: a (...)
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  38. The history and future of training faith leaders to participate in employee assistance programmes.Leepo Johannes Modise & C. Landman - 2011 - Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 35.
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  39. The implications of experimental philosophy and moral psychology for the problem of free will.Garth Harold Elzerman - 2022 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    The problem of free will has a long and intricate history. The millennia of development of the problem have seen the evolution of numerous free will viewpoints. A cursory look at the evolution of the concepts of free will and determinism, the various arguments, counterarguments, complex adjustments to arguments, the variety of sources of empirical research, and empirical insights illustrate the complexity of the debate. This elaborate reality opens itself to a pluralist account of free will and moral responsibility capable (...)
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  40. Theories of atonement and the development of soteriological paradigms : implications of a pentecostal appropriation of the Christus Victor model.Sean David House - 2012 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Atonement theories have great implications for the soteriological paradigms associated with them, but their significance has not always been recognized in the formulation of theological systems, the lack of dogmatic definition by ecumenical council encouraging diversification and isolation from other doctrinal loci. The strongest coherence between an atonement model and soteriology can be seen in the reformed tradition, and its theory of penal substitution has become the standard accepted by many non-reformed protestant groups, including classical pentecostalism. Tensions persist in the (...)
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  41. Pelagius's Panopticon: self-observation and the Christian ideal.Brian Christopher Wagner - 2022 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Text in English, with summaries in English and Afrikaans.
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  42. The performance of hope : the social construction of self stories embedded in God-stories in the context of a short-term rehabilitation programme for addiction.Gerhardus Johannes Engelbrecht - 2011 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    The purpose of the research, which shaped the research question, was exploring the social construction of cultural stories of substance abuse and the difference that God-stories can make in these circumstances. The research is about the difference that the positioning of the self in the biblical and Christ-stories, the stories of faith, can make in the construction of self-stories in the context of substance abuse. This study thus studied the social construction of self-stories embedded in God-stories in the context of (...)
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  43. The church as a social conscience : the quest for human dignity.Xolani Dlwati - 2012 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    This dissertation focuses on the role of the church as a social conscience in its quest for human dignity. It specifically explores the role played by the Anglican Church of Southern Africa in the restoration of human dignity through the contributions made by the various bishops and archbishops in addressing the challenges of socio-economic and political injustice faced by society. Furthermore, this dissertation explores the practical mission and ministry of the parish of St Thomas in Kagiso 1, Krugersdorp in its (...)
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  44. How should the protection of privacy, threatened by new technologies like radio frequency identification (RFID), be seen from a Judeo-Christian perspective?Erwin Walter Schmidt - 2013 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Radio Frequency Identification is a new technology which allows people to identify objects automatically but there is a suspicion that, if people are tracked, their privacy may be infringed. This raises questions about how far this technology is acceptable and how privacy should be protected. It is also initiated a discussion involving a wide range of technical, philosophical, political, social, cultural, and economical aspects. There is also a need to consider the ethical and theological perspectives. This dissertation takes all its (...)
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  45. Practical theological study of the marginalisation of women in religious leadership in the Pentecostal tradition in South Africa.Pumeza Cordelia Nonie Jacobs - 2022 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    This practical theological study sought to explore the reasons for the exclusion of women from the overall leadership positions of the church, the consequences of this situation, and how women feel about it. The value of the study is that it reflects on women’s experiences and gives a voice to marginality. It adopted a qualitative approach where the data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten randomly selected participants from the Assemblies of God Back to God denomination. The findings indicated (...)
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  46. God kies nie so nie : 'n dogmaties-historiese ondersoek op die tradisionele uitverkiesingsleer.Johannes Diederick Mienie - 2011 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Afrikaans text, with summaries in English and Afrikaans.
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  47. The impact of religious and cultural discourses on the leadership development of women in the ministry : a vhusadzi (womanhood) perspective.Lufuluvhi Maria Mudimeli - 2012 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Culture and religion have both healthy and unhealthy effect on the leadership development of women in Africa. In this regard, the impact of especially African Pentecostal Christian discourses, as well as Vhavenda cultural discourses, on the lives of women leaders are brought to the surface through literary reviews, questionnaires and interviews. Accordingly, the data obtained by means of these methods are analysed using existing theological and cultural hermeneutics methods. Furthermore, they are deconstructed in terms of a vhusadzi perspective of empowerment (...)
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  48. Engaging the theme of social justice in Amos 5: 21-24: a challenge to prophetic ministry in the Apostolic Church (LAWNA), Nigeria.Godwin Olutayo Akintola - 2021 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
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  49. Gender inequality among ministers in Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe (ELCZ) : a pastoral womanist critique of the exclusion of female clergy from the top/senior leadership of the ELCZ.Elitha Moyo - 2021 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
  50. A practical theological comparative study of pre-independence and post-independence leadership in the Mahon Evangelical Church of Southern Africa.Sizakele W. Malinga - 2021 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
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  51. Liberative black theology: A case study of race in theological education.Marilyn Naidoo - 2021 - Acta Theologica 24.
    Our history in South Africa has shown that we are largely segregated and unequal, as race continues to define the opportunities of many. Post-apartheid interactions continue to be troubling in racial terms. The new interracial relationships that are created in religious organisations can become a model of social cohesion for South African society. However, Christian organisations are structured in patriarchal and hierarchical ways with their authoritarianism; hence, the roots of oppression lie deeper. Black theology is part of a larger ongoing (...)
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  52. Ministerial formation for service: Integrative theological education at Justo Mwale University, Zambia.D. T. Banda, L. Banda, M. Blok & Marilyn Naidoo - 2021 - Acta Theologica 40 (2).
    In ministerial training, effective integration of academic excellence, spiritual formation and vocational training is critical to produce holistically trained Christian leaders. This article positions integration as an educational approach that attempts to coordinate and synthesise the major learning dimension and can bring about significant learning, since it takes account of the lifeworld of the student and engages a custom-designed curriculum. This article reports on an empirical research project on integrative theological education at Justo Mwale University, Zambia. It reports on various (...)
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  53. Persuing the ideal of integration in Pentecostal theological theological education: A case study of pentecost Theological, Seminary, Ghana.Marilyn Naidoo & D. Quampah - 2021 - Acta Theologica 40 (2).
    Theological colleges aim at training well-formed, well-resourced Christian leaders who possess a compelling personality and moral authority for impactful and transformational leadership. This is achievable largely through an integrated approach to the curriculum that places equal value on the development of the “head, heart, and hands”, the institutional ideal of holding the cognitive, affective and psychomotor dimensions of theological training in equilibrium. In addition, the contextual and contemporary relevance of such a curriculum is critical for maximum effect. The initial slow (...)
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  54. Decolonisation of knowledge in Zambia : the quest for epistemic liberation.Richard Mwamba - 2021 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    The quest for epistemic liberation remains an important project in the post-colonial era of Zambia, and entails challenging the existing inequalities in knowledge representation at the epistemic front in the country. At the core of this quest is the position that the continued dominance of Western knowledge and the corresponding marginalisation of indigenous knowledges amount to an epistemic injustice that affects the contemporary existence of the peoples in the country. This study critically examines the problem of epistemic injustice in Zambia (...)
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  55. The professionalisation of pastoral care-giving: a critical assessment of pastoral identity within the helping professions.Glenda Dames - unknown
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  56. The African philosophical conception of personal naming among the Shona speaking people of Zimbabwe.Crymore Penzura - 2021 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    Text in English with summaries in English, Shona and isiXhosa.
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  57. The Healing Work Of Spiritual Direction.Marilyn Naidoo - unknown
    The goal of all spiritual care is spiritual well-being and spiritual health. Spiritual direction is important in this regard as it emphasises developing one's relationship with God which inevitably leads to greater integration of one’s inner and outer life. This article will highlight the practice of spiritual direction which fosters healing and wholeness and is a legitimate approach to caring for the needs of the spirit. This article focuses on how spiritual direction heals. It highlights the nature of the direction (...)
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  58. African Identity and the Challenge of Modernity.Marilyn Naidoo - unknown
    The achievements of African intellectuals endeavour in the decades since independence have been extraordinary. In multiple fields of enquiry and expression Africa has thrown off alien dominance and asserted its own energetic perspectives. The urgent question emerging among Africa's educated elite is whether the ideological underpinnings of Africa's post-independence era is sufficient for securing Africa's future. This intellectual transition accents one of the principal challenges facing African theology. Africa has urgently needed the aid of critical reflection in coping with a (...)
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  59. A REDCo Study: Learners’ Perspectives on Religious Education and Religious Diversity in Catholic Schools in South Africa.Marilyn Naidoo - unknown
    Societies are changing rapidly, and in many countries there is an ongoing debate on the role of multiculturalism and religious diversity. REDCo, an international comparative research project set out to investigate whether developing ideas on multiculturalism and religious diversity influenced school pupils’ views on these issues. A South Africa project was conducted to understand how learners experienced religious diversity within a new approach to religious education in South Africa. To answer the research question, the REDCo II questionnaire was used in (...)
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  60. Moral Formation: The Motivations Of Young Adults in the Moral Decision-making Process in the Charismatic Tradition.Marilyn Naidoo & Dawie Thomas - unknown
    Moral formation is a crucial aspect of the training that young Christian leaders have to be exposed to during their education. This article considered the dominant role of transmission based moral education within the moral formation of emerging adults. The empirical study took a holistic focus to analyse the nuances of the moral self and give moral formation the focus it requires. Three major areas of the moral self, namely knowledge, emotion and socialisation, were investigated. These three areas are considered (...)
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  61. Student Attitudes Towards Religious Diversity in Catholic schools in South Africa.Marilyn Naidoo - unknown
    South Africa’s Policy for Religion and Education is linked to a broad range of initiatives celebrating linguistic, cultural and religious diversity. Public and independent schools are expected to implement the Policy and ensure that that they act in a religiously neutral way. This article highlights how students in Catholic schools understand religion in school and the impact of religions, via results obtained from the REDCo II Questionnaire on Religion and School. It was especially important to understand how students experience religious (...)
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  62. An empirical study on spiritual formation at theological training institutions in South Africa.Marilyn Naidoo - unknown
    Spiritual formation is a significant component of the educational work of a theological institution that prepares students for church leadership. Theological institutions have a responsibility to engage students in reflecting on spiritual life, to provide opportunities for students to deepen their spiritual journeys and to develop in students a spiritual maturity that is required of future Christian leaders. This article reports on the findings of a descriptive study carried out with theological students during their training for Christian ministry. The aim (...)
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