Morality has been part of society for ages. Lack of morality in the younger generation shows a gap in terms of moral formation in children and this arguably has a long-lasting negative impact on society. Institutions such as the family and the church play important roles in moral formation. However, problems such as child-headed families and divorce make it difficult for the family to effectively play a role in the moral formation of children and building a sustainable society. This gives the church the task of taking responsibility for ensuring moral formation in children. The study aimed to explore the moral formation of children and youth, and how the church through a children’s ministry/Sunday school can assist in minimising challenges such as moral decay and moral unconsciousness in Mahikeng, North West Province in South Africa. This study focused on the moral formation of children and the role that the church can play through the children’s ministry to raise morally conscious children in society. Since the focus of this study is children’s ministry, a qualitative research approach was adopted in this study. The research participants for this study were Fifteen (15) children ministry/Sunday school teachers and pastors/ministers. In-depth interviews were used as a method of collecting data and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings of this study revealed that three institutions, namely, the family, government and the church are responsible for the moral formation of children, and these institutions need to do this task during childhood. Since some families might not have the capacity to carry out this task and the government might overlook it, therefore it is the responsibility of the church to carry out this task of instilling morals in children. Amongst others, moral formation can be provided through teaching children and living a good and morally exemplary life with adults where children will learn good conduct and behaviour from adults within the family and community. Activities such as sports and drama can be used to instil morals and encourage good behaviour in children. Thus, the church must ensure that the task of teaching takes place continuously in children through children’s ministry.