100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subject = B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion" in "University of Worcester Research and Publications"

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  1. Online Seminar: 'Pain cannot (just) be whatever the patient says it is. A critique of a dogma.'.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    McCaffery’s famous assertion that “pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing wherever he [or she] says it does”, is challenged by Charles Djordjevic in his 2023 paper: Pain cannot (just) be whatever the person says: A critique of a dogma. If Charles’ arguments are accepted, interesting and troubling questions must be addressed by nurses in practice and education. Within clinical environments, shorn of the certainty that accompanies McCaffrey’s dictum, nurse responses to patient reports of pain are complicated. (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Philosophy and Nursing: The next ten years?Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    In the second of two online events to celebrate publication of the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Nursing, we - Pamela J Grace, Michael Traynor, Sally Thorne, John Paley, and Paul Snelling - look into the crystal ball and ask: where might philosophy and nursing be ten years hence? Speakers talk either to their chapter contributors and/or they draw on fresh thinking.
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  3. (1 other version)Philosophy and Nursing - Where are we now?Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Two free online events are planned to celebrate publication of the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Nursing. The first of these (scheduled for 16th November) asks “Where are we now?” regards philosophy and nursing. The second (30th November) looks ahead and asks where, regards philosophy and nursing, might we be ten years hence? Speakers at each event talk either to their chapter contributors and/or they draw on fresh thinking. Contributors include: Mark Risjord - Barbara Pesut - Denise J Drevdahl - (...)
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  4. The metaphysics of qualitative research.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    John Paley was formerly senior lecturer at the University of Stirling. He is now retired but spends a lot of his time writing books: Phenomenology as Qualitative Research: A Critical Analysis of Meaning Attribution (2017), Concept Analysis in Nursing: A new Approach (2021), and constructivism and the Metaphysics of Qualitative Research (due out next year). This talk is about the ideas in the new book. The book’s take-home message is this: The ontological and epistemological sentences that supposedly ‘underpin’ qualitative research (...)
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  5. Empathy, caring and compassion - a Freudian critique of nursing work.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Freudian psychoanalytic concepts offer a useful means of pulling the rug out from under ideas central to nursing's self-image. For example, profoundly difficult questions are raised for our attachment to and identification with empathy, caring, and compassion once we entertain the possibility of the unconscious and the "death drive". In this seminar, drawing on the earlier work of Menzies-Lyth and others, Michael Traynor outlines and develops recent published work he has undertaken.
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  6. (1 other version)Introduction.Martin Lipscomb - 2023 - In Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Nursing (Editor). Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1-3.
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  7. Can philosophy benefit nurses and/or nursing? Heidegger and Strauss, problems of knowledge and context.Martin Lipscomb - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):1-8.
    When researchers and scholars claim their work is based on a philosophical idea or a philosopher’s corpus of ideas (and theory/theorist can be substituted for philosophy/philosopher), and when “basing” signifies something significant rather than subsidiary or inconsequential, what level of understanding and expertise can readers reasonably expect authors to possess? In this paper some of the uses to which philosophical ideas and named philosophers (Martin Heidegger and Leo Strauss) are put in exegesis is critiqued. Considering problematic instances of idea-name use (...)
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  8. Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Nursing (Editor).Martin Lipscomb - unknown
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  9. The Anvil of Argument - book launch/panel discussion.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education - book launch and panel discussion (held on 03.11.22.). Link to recording of event.
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  10. Symposium contribution: Ambition and Character.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
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  11. Reply to John Paley.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 202-204.
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  12. Introduction to Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1-6.
    This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book utilises the assertion ‘pain is what the patient says it is’ as a vehicle to explore complex questions around the role professional values/norms and professionalism play for university-based nurse educators in steering what is and is not taught to students. It outlines and argues for naturalistic or moral realism. The book then proposes that nurse educators in the United States and elsewhere (...)
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  13. Response to Chapter 8.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 179-182.
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  14. Reply to Barbara Pesut.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis.
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  15. Pain is (or may not be) what the patient says it is - professional commitments: objects of study or sacrosanct givens?Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 7-27.
    This chapter’s focus on pain highlights a problem of general concern. Following Zurn, it is presumed that curiosity is subject to socio-cultural and political constraints. And, to restate, mindful of these constraints, critical thinking can be blocked or discouraged by nurse educators when this disposition and activity menaces professional values and practices associated with those values.
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  16. Diagram Research Group Delta (Δ) Research Placement at Flat Time House.John Cussans, D. Burrows, D. Kenning & M. Yacoob - unknown
    Between 16 October and 12 November the Diagram Research Group undertook an online residency as the first of the Delta Research Placement at Flat Time House, London. Over the period they conducted four illustrated discussions online that explore their interests in diagrams in relation to Flat Time and Latham’s ideas concerning the unification of scientific and artistic bodies of knowledge and the primacy of time and event. Each session was led by one member of the group who initiated conversations engendering (...)
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  17. David Burrows and Simon O’Sullivan, ‘Fictioning: The Myth-Functions of Contemporary Art and Philosophy’.John Cussans - 2019 - Third Text.
    Book review of 'David Burrows and Simon O’Sullivan, Fictioning: The Myth-Functions of Contemporary Art and Philosophy is published by Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 576 pp, 86 b&w illustrations, ISBN 9781474432405'.
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  18. (1 other version)Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education edited by Martin Lipscomb.Martin Lipscomb (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge: Taylor & Francis.
    This work explores the interplay of complexity and values in nurse education from a variety of vantages. Contributors, who come from a range of international and disciplinary backgrounds, critically engage important and problematic topics that are under investigated elsewhere. Taking an innovative approach each chapter is followed by one or more responses and, on occasion, a reply to responses. This novel dialogic feature of the work tests, animates, and enriches the arguments being presented. Thought-provoking, challenging, and occasionally rumbustious in tone, (...)
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  19. The Beneficial Effects of Cultivating Gratitude in the University.Blaire Morgan & L. Gulliford - 2022 - In Jonathan Brant, Edward Brooks & Michael Lamb (eds.), Cultivating virtue in the university. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Taking gratitude as an example, this chapter considers how character and virtue can be cultivated in universities while simultaneously recognizing the diverse ways in which virtues might be understood and valued. With reference to multicomponent perspectives on virtue, the chapter outlines the conceptual issues surrounding gratitude and how they have informed the conceptualization and measurement of gratitude as a multifaceted construct comprising cognitive, affective, attitudinal, and behavioral elements. The chapter then considers how the virtue of gratitude might be cultivated in (...)
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  20. The Beneficial Effects of Cultivating Gratitude in the University.Blaire Morgan & L. Gulliford - 2022 - In Jonathan Brant, Edward Brooks & Michael Lamb (eds.), Cultivating virtue in the university. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Taking gratitude as an example, this chapter considers how character and virtue can be cultivated in universities while simultaneously recognizing the diverse ways in which virtues might be understood and valued. With reference to multicomponent perspectives on virtue, the chapter outlines the conceptual issues surrounding gratitude and how they have informed the conceptualization and measurement of gratitude as a multifaceted construct comprising cognitive, affective, attitudinal, and behavioral elements. The chapter then considers how the virtue of gratitude might be cultivated in (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    This work explores the interplay of complexity and values in nurse education from a variety of vantages. Contributors, who come from a range of international and disciplinary backgrounds, critically engage important and problematic topics that are under investigated elsewhere. Taking an innovative approach each chapter is followed by one or more responses and, on occasion, a reply to responses. This novel dialogic feature of the work tests, animates, and enriches the arguments being presented. Thought-provoking, challenging, and occasionally rumbustious in tone, (...)
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  22. Concept Analysis: Theory, Practice, and Method.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Concept analyses are performed so that clearer and more focused understandings of key ideas in nursing can be achieved. It is anticipated that these improved understandings can beneficially inform practice and research, and this form of analysis has, and will continue to play, a significant role in the nursing literature. CA is not, however, one thing. New approaches and perspectives on this activity are emerging, and while numerous examples of CA are published, debate about the nature, methods, and value of (...)
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  23. If there is a ‘firebreak’ lockdown this Autumn, teacher wellbeing and commitment can be supported by strong peer relationships and nurturing a sense of ‘we-ness’.Maxine Watkins, Alison Kington & Kathryn Spicksley - unknown
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  24. Meillassoux, correlationism, and phenomenological transcript analysis.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 184-197.
    In this chapter correlationism ‘stands for’ a non-nursing dispute that nurse researchers might benefit from being aware of. Not all nurses are researchers. However, exploring this exemplar allows more general questions to be posed about nursing’s relationship to or with ideas originating in non-nursing disciplines. While it is not my aim here to resolve the difficulties sketched, hopefully these questions will initiate further reflection and debate. Whether narrowly or broadly defined the subject is, as will become clear, complex, value laden, (...)
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  25. (1 other version)The concept of gratitude in philosophy and psychology: an update.L. Guilliford & Blaire Morgan - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Moral Philosophy (Zemo).
    This paper surveys interdisciplinary research on gratitude that has been conducted since the review paper translated into German in this issue ‘Recent work on the concept of gratitude in philosophy and psychology’, was published in the Journal of Value Inquiry in 2013. We share progress on our subsequent research, and report on key developments in the field. We revisit familiar themes regarding conditions placed on gratitude, the structure and moral value of gratitude, and the pedagogical implications of research on gratitude, (...)
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  26. The Shadow Sides of Gratitude Special Issue: An Introduction by the Guest Editors.Blaire Morgan - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Moral Philosophy (Zemo).
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  27. Complexity and ambition in nurse education.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Educators who fail to recognise complexity in the educative encounter may be less ambitious in interactions with students than would otherwise be the case and, potentially, this could result in compromised learning. It is proposed that complexity and ambition are useful descriptors that highlight, albeit loosely, topics meriting consideration.
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  28. Sketch 2 for a Time Slip Installation.John Cussans - 2020 - International Journal of Creative Media Research 5.
    Sketch 2 for a Time-Slip Installation was created for a multi-modal artistic research project called BC Time-Slip (The Empire Never Ended) which began as a residency at Dynamo Arts Association (DAA), Vancouver in August 2016. BC Time-Slip is the first phase of a larger artistic research project exploring the discourse of decolonization in British Columbia from ethnographic, Indigenous and science fictional perspectives called The Skullcracker Suite. During the residency the DAA gallery was converted into a Special Investigations Room researching Philip (...)
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  29. A New Scientist World View? A Personal Reflection.Joy Rooney - 2020 - Asylum 27 (2).
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  30. Survival and Worldliness: A Study of Trainee Teacher Identity on the PGCE Route.Linzi McKerr - unknown
    The aim of the paper is to present the initial findings of a doctoral research project on trainee teachers following a PGCE route into teaching. It explores trainee teacher identity, how it develops and how they believe their chosen ITE route impacts upon their identity. The paper concludes with a look at implications for teacher education. It would appear that, in an age of highly politicised teacher education, we are in danger of losing sight of the individual at the centre (...)
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  31. Is Fear of Death a Rational Preoccupation?Brian Nyatanga - 2005 - International Journal of Palliative Nursing 11 (12):643-645.
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  32. The Performative Space In the Virtual World.Elizabeth Swift - unknown
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  33. Self and Others: Relational Pedagogy for Critical Pupil Engagement.Stephen Bigger - unknown
    A discussion of how humans have conceptualised ideas of self and relationships with others, applying this to teaching and learning. Relational pedagogy puts understanding of relationships first, highlighting ethics and social justice, and applies to the whole curriculum. Pupil engagement is viewed as the development of Self, in cognitively and socially critical directions. This is the full version of the paper discussed at this meeting. Part 2 has been developed further in the light of this and other discussions.
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  34. ‘Strategic Management in (a) Crisis?’ Uncertainty, Imprecision & the Incomplete as Axioms in Building Appropriate Theory.Paul Davis - unknown
    This Paper argues that a key task in understanding crisis situations lies in how their general manifestations penetrate into and affect individual enterprises. One transmission mechanism for moving crisis around is studied here: uncertainty based on incomplete propositions (enthymemes). The challenges posed by incompletely specified commerce are traced, using Latourian tools of relational materiality. Conventional approaches to enterprise planning born of strategic management theory may be a barrier to dealing with the incomplete, but their overthrowing is likely to evoke considerable (...)
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  35. The Appropriation of Ideas, Theories, Concepts and Models by Management Practitioners.Laurence Robinson - 2010 - Dissertation, Coventry University
    During the second half of the 20th century there has been both a burgeoning intellectual interest in business and management as a topic and an exponential growth in the formal study of business and management as an academic subject. Indeed by the end of the century it was estimated that worldwide there were 8,000 business schools and more than 13 million students of business and management. In addition, it was estimated that worldwide annual expenditure on university level business and management (...)
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  36. Assessing Influences on Gratitude Experience: Age-related Differences in How Gratitude is Understood and Experienced.Blaire Morgan & L. Gulliford - 2017 - In Jonathan R. H. Tudge & Lia Beatriz de Lucca Freitas (eds.), Developing Gratitude in Children and Adolescents. Cambridge University Press.
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  37. Admiral Nurse Competency Framework – A Resource for Practice.Christine Carter & Jennifer Bray - unknown
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  38. The Fictionalist Paradigm: A Commentary.John Paley - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12243.
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  39. The Gannet’s Skull Versus the Plastic Doll’s Head: Material ‘Value’ in Kathleen Jamie’s ‘Findings’.Pippa Marland - 2015 - Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 19 (2):121-131.
    This article focuses on Kathleen Jamie’s exploration, in the essay ‘Findings’, of her encounters with a range of material ‘things’ that litter the landscapes of the Outer Hebrides. I argue that her use of metaphor and simile establishes interconnections between material substances of all kinds, but that through discussion of the objects she chooses to keep, Jamie suggests that we are most drawn to things that are ‘transformed by death or weather’. At the same time the narrative conjures a sense (...)
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  40. Ethical Decision-making: Learning From Prominent Leaders in Not-for-profit Organisations.Marie Stephenson - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Worcester
    Ethically questionable leader conduct continues to garner headlines. It has prompted the leadership field to renew their focus on research regarding the ethical dimensions of leadership. Empirical emphases have focused on understanding negative leader behaviour, with the typical leadership study reliant upon positivist approaches. I critique these studies as not having produced meaningful, practicable or wholly relevant insights regarding the challenges and support mechanisms required to lead ethically. Few studies have in fact examined leadership in not-for-profit organisations where decisions might (...)
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  41. The Transpersonal That Can Be Defined Is Not the True Transpersonal: a Taoist Perspective on Defining Transpersonal Psychology.Scott Buckler, A. Woodward & H. Law - 2019 - Transpersonal Psychology Review 21:17-20.
    This brief position paper is stimulated from the continued need to define and redefine the area of transpersonal psychology. Understandably, being able to articulate what ‘transpersonal psychology’ is enables discussions within the wider academic and public community, yet all existing definitions are complex, conveying a number of inherent meanings in their definition, which in turn, can cloud others’ perceptions on the area.
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  42. Birth, Death and Survival: Exploring Pre-service Teacher Identity and How To Think Differently About Teacher Education Using the Work of Hannah Arendt.Linzi McKerr - unknown
    This presentation is the result of a doctoral research project into preservice teacher identity development on a one-year university based teacher education route. In English education system, concerns have been raised about many aspects of impacting preservice teachers during the PGCE and beyond: a neo- liberal, market-driven education system; high levels of performativity and accountability within the teaching profession, and the lack of attention to the process of identity formation within teacher education. This study brings an Arendtian philosophical framework to (...)
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  43. Shekhinah as ‘shield’ to Israel: Refiguring the Role of Divine Presence in Jewish Tradition and the Shoah.Luke Devine - 2016 - Feminist Theology 25 (1):62-88.
    The biblical, talmudic, midrashic, and mystical traditions, as well as contemporary Jewish feminist theologies, reveal a plethora of Shekhinah images. If tracked historically these readings, while diverse, reveal continuities even across traditions. These include Shekhinah’s ‘immanence’, ‘presence’, ‘exile’, and shared ‘suffering’. Another vital continuity is Shekhinah’s function as protective ‘shield’. Accordingly, in her gendered theology of the Shoah Raphael argues that Shekhinah was ‘present but concealed in Auschwitz because her female face was yet unknowable to women’. Raphael’s selectivist approach appropriates (...)
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  44. How Shekhinah Became the God(dess) of Jewish Feminism.Luke Devine - 2014 - Feminism Theology 23 (1):71-91.
    Shekhinah, the ‘cloud of Yahweh’ in the Bible, a synonym for God’s presence in the rabbinic tradition, and a feminine hypostasis in the Kabbalah, is a popular theological image in contemporary Jewish feminist circles. Shekhinah currently exists in many forms: she is another name for God, feminine, relational, experiential; she is a Goddess and the singular image that is sufficiently adaptable for a diverse range of postmodern feminist interpreters. However, the processes by which Shekhinah became the God/dess of Jewish feminism (...)
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  45. Producing Hope Through Practice. The Promise of Expansionist Pragmatism in Generating New Everyday Utopias.Paul Davis & Douglas Wotherspoon - manuscript
    This Paper uses pragmatist thinking to reconsider the status of utopian projects. The argument begins by noting the defensive attitudes of many utopian advocates. This defensiveness appears due to two sentiments: that many political movements remain hostile to utopias; and that the capacity of societies to generate new utopias may be declining. Focussing on the latter assertion, the argument notes that many utopias remain uncounted, so how is falling generative capacity to be gauged? It is asserted instead that the capacity (...)
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  46. Education and Big Data.Maggi Savin-Baden - 2017 - Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory.
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  47. “Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support For Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?M. Sommer, L. Finlay, O. Ness, M. Borg & Alison Blank - forthcoming - The Humanistic Psychologist.
    This study, the third in a series of three, draws on a broader Norwegian research project exploring the phenomenon of support for young persons with mental health issues. The aim was to explore and explicate the sense of “nourishing communion”, as a somewhat neglected aspect of support. Fourteen Norwegian young adults, aged 18-25, were interviewed about their experiences of support. Data was analyzed using van Manen’s hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to open up possible meanings of how nourishing communion is concretely lived. Analysis (...)
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  48. Restoring the Classic in Sociology: Traditions, Texts and the Canon.Alan R. How - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book demonstrates that classical sociology is essential to cutting-edge debates in the contemporary social sciences. It has become fashionable to play down the importance of the classic text in sociology and critique the ideas of Weber, Marx and Durkheim as ideologically outdated. The author mounts a strong challenge to this view, criticising such notions as de-traditionalization, structuration and postmodernism, emphasizing instead the relevance of habit, re-traditionalization, and social integration across time. Arguing that sociology has eliminated the importance of the (...)
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  49. Labour, Work, Action.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Although the descriptor often carries negative connotations, rationing is, depending on how it is defined, neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ in itself. Indeed, if we suppose that rationing describes the controlled or managed allocation of scarce resources, and/or if it designates means or methods of constructing, restricting and channelling demand then – arguably – absent unlimited resources, it is an ever present and inescapable part of everyday real-world decision making. Rationing can be justified on rational, practical, and ethical grounds. And the (...)
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  50. Sight, Sound and Text in the History of Education.J. Crutchley, Stephen Parker & S. Roberts - 2018 - History of Education 47 (2):143-147.
    This special issue arose from a joint conference of the History of Education Society, UK and the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society, held in Malvern in Worcestershire, England in 2016 on the theme ‘sight, sound and text in the history of education’. The conference drew together media and educational historians, as well as archivists and museum professionals, to examine both methodological issues and a range of examples of sensory and textual histories. The three-day event, as well as (...)
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  51. Critical Review of Research Evidence of Parenting Coordination’s Effectiveness.R. Deutsch, Misca Gabriela & C. Ajoku - 2018 - Family Court Review 56 (1):119-134.
    Parenting coordination has been in use since the mid-1980s, but research on its effectiveness is sorely lacking. We review the extant research organized by three themes: parenting coordinators’ perceptions of their role and function; professionals’ and parents’ views and perceptions of PC; and outcomes of PC, including some measures of effectiveness of the PC process. While these studies provide some insight into PC effectiveness, there is still a lack of research that uses objective out- come measures of efficacy and that (...)
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  52. Approaching Models of Nursing from a Postmodernist Perspective.Phil Lister - unknown
    This paper explores some questions about the use of models of nursing. These questions make various assumptions about the nature of models of nursing, in general and in particular. Underlying these assumptions are various philosophical positions which are explored through an introduction to postmodernist approaches in philosophical criticism. To illustrate these approaches, a critique of the Roper et al. model is developed, and more general attitudes towards models of nursing are examined. It is suggested that postmodernism offers a challenge to (...)
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  53. The Weird World of Donald Trump: Video Essay.Richard Allen - unknown
    This short video essay was presented at Glasgow Buzzcut Symposium 'Side Burns' on Wednesday 5th April 2017. It is called The Weird World of Donald Trump. It argues how America’s current encounter with the world of Donald Trump is akin to the weird realism of H.P Lovecraft, drawing upon Mark Fisher’s account of the weird - defined by Lovecraft’s fiction - as an encounter that can encompass grotesque sensations of fear when experiencing an object or being that shape shifts and (...)
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  54. Theatrical Latency: Walking Katrina Palmer’s The Loss Adjusters.Richard Allen - unknown
    In this article I introduce the term ‘theatrical latency’ as a pleasurable effect experienced when listening to sound in relation to visual perception. Latency refers to both the phenomena of audio delay and a theatrical sensation that comes from the reanimation of visual environments through aural framing. In this configuration, the notion of latency takes on a double meaning as both a recorded phenomenon and the retrieval of something dormant within physical objects, sites or materials. These ideas will be introduced (...)
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  55. The Measure of All Things: Rethinking Humanism through Art.Richard Allen - unknown
    University of Buffalo New York Department of Art Gallery. The ancient philosopher Protagoras is most famous for his claim: “Of all things the measure is Man” and today, Western societies continue to promote anthropocentrism, an approach to the world that assumes humans are the principal species of the planet. We naturalize a scale of worth, in which beings that most resemble our own forms or benefit us are valued over those that do not. The philosophy of humanism has been trumpeted (...)
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  56. Encountering Anthropomorphism.Richard Allen & Shaun May - unknown
    On Anthropomorphism concerns itself with performances and artworks that explore the complex of interesting and mutually contradictory ideas located under the umbrella term, ‘anthropomorphism’. On the one hand, it is used to refer to something that resembles a human, and on the other hand it refers to our natural tendency to read human characteristics in the non-human object or animal. Moreover, an interrogation of the concept of anthropomorphism, especially as it is found in contemporary performance, suggests that there is not (...)
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  57. The Importance of Learning History and Philosophy of Computing.Colin Price - unknown
    Computers have invaded our offices, our homes, cars and coffee-pots; they have become ubiquitous. However, the advance of computing technologies is associated with an increasing lack of “visibility” of the underlying software and hardware technologies. While we use and accept the computer, we neither know its history nor functionality. In this paper, we argue that this is not a healthy situation. Also, recruitment onto UK Computing degree courses is steadily falling; these courses are appearing less attractive to school-leavers. This may (...)
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  58. Dancing 'Nessun Dorma'.Daniel Somerville - unknown
    In the 1990s and into the beginning of the 21st century, Luciano Pavarotti helped popularise opera through singing the anthem for the Italia90 soccer World Cup; through concerts with the Three Tenors, and through his inter-music-genre charity concerts, Pavarotti and Friends. In doing so, he helped bring opera, and in particular ‘Nessun Dorma’ from Puccini’s opera Turandot, to a wider audience than ever before. In Daniel Somerville’s practice-research performed presentation, which draws on his research into operatic movement, he muses on (...)
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  59. Dancing 'Nessun dorma' - Paper/Performance Text.Daniel Somerville - unknown
    In the 1990s and into the beginning of the 21st century, Luciano Pavarotti helped popularise opera through singing the anthem for the Italia90 soccer World Cup; through concerts with the Three Tenors, and through his inter-music-genre charity concerts, Pavarotti and Friends. In doing so, he helped bring opera, and in particular ‘Nessun Dorma’ from Puccini’s opera Turandot, to a wider audience than ever before. In Daniel Somerville’s practice-research performed presentation, which draws on his research into operatic movement, he muses on (...)
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  60. Early Intervention and the Power of Social Movements: UK Development of Early Intervention in Psychosis as a Social Movement and its Implications for Leadership.D. Shiers & Jo Smith - unknown
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  61. Social Theory and Nursing.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Despite noteworthy exceptions, nursing’s literature largely disregards the ways in which social and sociological theory permeates, guides and shapes research, education, and practice. Likewise, social theory’s ability to position nursing within wider structures of healthcare and educational provision is similarly and puzzlingly downplayed. The questions nurses ask and the problems they face cannot however, adequately be addressed without engaging with social and sociological theory and, to progress this engagement, contributors to this book explore how social theories are used by and (...)
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  62. Exploring the Justificational Status of Assertions Made About Nursing’s Collective Beliefs.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    Nursing publications frequently reference groups. The nature and capabilities of group agents or collective subjects, and the relationship between nursing as a group and nurses as individuals is, however, rarely made explicit in these publications. Following Alvin Goldman, questions pertaining to groups can be classified as metaphysical or epistemic. Metaphysical questions take two forms. First, we might ask about the ontological status of group agents. For example, to what extent, if at all, do group agents exist and act independently of (...)
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  63. Guattari reframed: interpreting key thinkers for the arts.Paul Elliott - 2012 - London: I.B. Tauris.
    Guattari Reframed presents a timely and urgent rehabilitation of one of the twentieth century's most engaged and engaging cultural philosophers. Best known as an activist and practicing psychiatrist, Guattari's work is increasingly understood as both eerily prescient and vital in the context of contemporary culture. Employing the language of visual culture and concrete examples drawn from it, this book introduces and reassesses the major concepts developed throughout Guattari's writings, asserting his significance as a revolutionary philosopher and cultural theorist, and invites (...)
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  64. Conceptual Canvas.Anthony Barnett - unknown
    This image and notes was submitted to the exhibition & competition 'Images of Research' at The Hive, University of Worcester. The aim of the competition was for students and staff to submit "An image that encapsulates their research in a way that is as visually appealing, creative and unique as possible" together with "an accompanying text clearly communicable to a non-academic audience".
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  65. Really Doing It – An Exploration of Strategies for Interaction in Intermedial Performance.Elizabeth Swift - unknown
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  66. The Theory and Application of Critical Realist Philosophy and Morphogenetic Methodology: Emergent Structural and Agential Relations at a Hospice.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
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  67. (1 other version)Introduction.Martin Lipscomb - 2016 - In .
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  68. Research Appraisal and Individual Responsibility - a Critique.Martin Lipscomb - 2016 - In .
  69. A Hospice in Change: Applied Social Realist Theory.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
    A Hospice in Change: Applied Social Realist Theory reports upon a study into aspects of the ways in which structural and organisational developments, professional cultures and ‘bedside’ or patient focused clinical practice interact within a single UK institution. While the findings of this study are time and context specific, the events and social processes being described may nonetheless resonate closely with the experience of healthcare practitioners at other hospices both within and without the UK. The work examines themes and ideas (...)
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  70. Personal Construct Theory? Utilisation in Qualitative Research.Theresa Mitchell - unknown
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  71. Phenomenological Data Analysis Strategies.Theresa Mitchell - unknown
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  72. Looking for Koltès - Practice-based Translation, Rhythm and Politics.Frederic Dalmasso & R. Baines - unknown
    Within a global context, the symposium will propose to debate the following themes: Questions relating to the issues of minority voices and cultures in drama translation Issues of power, patronage and authority in drama translation Modes of production and dissemination of translated drama texts Scholarly inquiry into drama translation Historiography of drama translation Sociology of drama translation Plays as artefacts of cultural memory Drama translation as a testing ground for disciplinary paradigms Invited speakers: Prof. Adam Versenyi University of North Carolina, (...)
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  73. Exploring the Politics of Women’s In/Visible‘Large’ Bodies.Irmgard Tischner & H. Malson - unknown
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  74. Difference and Diversity.Stephen Bigger - 2005 - Journal of Beliefs and Values 26 (1):81-85.
    Review of Piper, H and Stronach I 2004 Educational Research: Difference and Diversity Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers. £45.00. IBSN 0754633551 This collection of papers on educational methodology are drawn from two conferences, ‘Realism, Relativism or Post-Modernism’ and ‘Feminism and Educational Research Methodologies’, suitably updated and with additional material. The overview and introduction are given in the final chapter, with separate text from each editor side by side in two columns. This overview is critical, even ‘rude’ so as not to seem to (...)
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  75. Spirituality as a Process within the School Curriculum.Stephen Bigger - 2003 - Prospero: A Journal of New Thinking for Education 9 (1):12-18.
    Spiritual education concerns the quality of our thinking about ourselves, our relationships, our sense of worth and identity, and our sense of well-being. All curriculum subjects can contribute to this search for meaning. Religious education and the act of worship can contribute but are in practice very problematic if dogma inhibits open reflection. No one tradition of spirituality should be promoted since spirituality is a process. The world faiths provide starting points, but life provides more. The human spirit may be (...)
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  76. What Do Public Values Mean for Public Action? Putting Public Values in their Plural Place.Paul Davis & K. West - unknown
    Public values are moving from a research concern to policy discourse and management practice. There are, though, different readings of what public values actually mean. Reflection suggests two distinct strands of thinking: a generative strand that sees public value emerging from processes of public debate; and an institutional interpretation that views public values as the attributes of government producers. Neither perspective seems to offer a persuasive account of how the public gains from strengthened public values. Key propositions on values are (...)
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  77. What is the Public Value of Government Action? Towards a (New) Pragmatic Approach to Values Questions in Public Endeavours.K. West & Paul Davis - unknown
    There has been a resurgence of interest in values in recent public administration research, based on two distinct arguments. For different reasons, neither approach is likely to secure a robust normative basis for public endeavours. These reasons are assessed, using an alternative body of theory rooted in contemporary social theory that we term, ‘new pragmatism’. New pragmatic ideas are deployed to critique the divorce of values from facts; the abstraction of values from concrete situations; the anthropocentric foundation to social choice; (...)
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  78. London 2012 (Re)calling: Youth Memories and Olympic 'Legacy' Ether in the Hinterland.Geoff Kohe - unknown
    Engendering interest and support among young people was a key strategy for the organisers of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Part of the approach entailed promoting the event as a context and inspirational catalyst to propel young people’s proclivities toward, and enduring participation in, sport and physical activity. Although a variety of participatory platforms were entertained, the discipline of physical education remained a favoured space in which enduring Olympic imperatives could be amalgamated with government policy objectives. In this paper data (...)
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  79. ‘Without Occupation You Don't Exist’: Occupational Engagement and Mental Illness.Alison Blank, P. Harries & F. Reynolds - unknown
    In this Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis we set out to explore the meanings of work for people living with severe and enduring mental health problems. The participants were three women and seven men who were attending a mental health day centre. Data were collected through up to three depth interviews with each participant over eighteen months. The interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. Following transcription data were analysed according to IPA principles. Two overarching themes were identified. Building and maintaining an (...)
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  80. The Meaning and Experience of Work in the Context of Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.Alison Blank, P. Harries & F. Reynolds - unknown
    Research into mental health and employment has indicated that work holds multiple meanings for people with mental health problems. This paper reports findings from a phenomenological study which aimed to understand the complexity of these meanings by exploration of the perspectives of one individual who was considering returning to work. Data were gathered through a series of three interviews carried out over a period of 18 months. Three themes were identified – Beliefs and Values about Work, Working with a Mental (...)
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  81. Last Train to Oxford (Someone Called Derrida).J. Schad & Frederic Dalmasso - unknown
    Last Train to Oxford - a thought thriller. A dramatised adaptation of John Schad’s documentary novel by Fred Dalmasso & John Schad Someone called Jacques Derrida, the philosopher, someone called him on the phone, someone who was dead. A mystery, he thought, a mystery that begins in 1968 when Derrida visits Oxford and there he dies, several times. Murder, he thought. So too thought my father, an Oxonian, in his final nightmare years. And so we investigate, not just the Oxford (...)
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  82. Someone Called Derrida.J. Schad & Frederic Dalmasso - unknown
    A dramatised adaptation of John Schad’s documentary novel by Fred Dalmasso & John Schad Someone Called Derrida is a real-life murder mystery that focuses on not only the famous French philosopher, Jacques Derrida’s complex relationship to Oxford but also the final years in the life of the author’s own father, 1990-1996 - years overwhelmed by dementia, nightmare and memories of, inter alia, the public school at which he had boarded during the Second World War. Every factual detail is, as far (...)
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  83. Aligning Olympic Education With the Liberal Arts: a Curriculum Blueprint From Taiwan.Li-Hong Hsu & Geoff Kohe - unknown
    Background: For some time the Olympics have enjoyed a relatively cosy, and quite unsurprising, relationship with Physical Education and its practitioners. Yet, as academics continue their critiques of all matters Olympic, this seemingly symbiotic partnership is being placed under much closer scrutiny. The debates are typically orientated around several key concerns, namely, the vagaries of Olympic discourse, the implicit assumptions that align Olympic idealism with ‘good’ moral education, the relevance of Olympic values in young peoples' lives, the Olympic industry's politicizing/colonizing (...)
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