100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subject = B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion" in "University of Worcester Research and Publications"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Online Seminar: 'Pain cannot (just) be whatever the patient says it is. A critique of a dogma.'.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Philosophy and Nursing: The next ten years?Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Philosophy and Nursing - Where are we now?Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- The metaphysics of qualitative research.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Empathy, caring and compassion - a Freudian critique of nursing work.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Introduction.Martin Lipscomb - 2023 - In Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Nursing (Editor). Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1-3.details
- Can philosophy benefit nurses and/or nursing? Heidegger and Strauss, problems of knowledge and context.Martin Lipscomb - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):1-8.details
- Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Nursing (Editor).Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- The Anvil of Argument - book launch/panel discussion.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Symposium contribution: Ambition and Character.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Reply to John Paley.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 202-204.details
- Introduction to Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1-6.details
- Response to Chapter 8.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 179-182.details
- Reply to Barbara Pesut.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis.details
- Pain is (or may not be) what the patient says it is - professional commitments: objects of study or sacrosanct givens?Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 7-27.details
- Diagram Research Group Delta (Δ) Research Placement at Flat Time House.John Cussans, D. Burrows, D. Kenning & M. Yacoob - unknowndetails
- David Burrows and Simon O’Sullivan, ‘Fictioning: The Myth-Functions of Contemporary Art and Philosophy’.John Cussans - 2019 - Third Text.details
- (1 other version)Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education edited by Martin Lipscomb.Martin Lipscomb (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge: Taylor & Francis.details
- The Beneficial Effects of Cultivating Gratitude in the University.Blaire Morgan & L. Gulliford - 2022 - In Jonathan Brant, Edward Brooks & Michael Lamb (eds.), Cultivating virtue in the university. New York: Oxford University Press.details
- The Beneficial Effects of Cultivating Gratitude in the University.Blaire Morgan & L. Gulliford - 2022 - In Jonathan Brant, Edward Brooks & Michael Lamb (eds.), Cultivating virtue in the university. New York: Oxford University Press.details
- (1 other version)Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Concept Analysis: Theory, Practice, and Method.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- If there is a ‘firebreak’ lockdown this Autumn, teacher wellbeing and commitment can be supported by strong peer relationships and nurturing a sense of ‘we-ness’.Maxine Watkins, Alison Kington & Kathryn Spicksley - unknowndetails
- Meillassoux, correlationism, and phenomenological transcript analysis.Martin Lipscomb - 2022 - In Complexity and Values in Nurse Education: Dialogues on Professional Education. Routledge: Taylor & Francis. pp. 184-197.details
- (1 other version)The concept of gratitude in philosophy and psychology: an update.L. Guilliford & Blaire Morgan - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Moral Philosophy (Zemo).details
- The Shadow Sides of Gratitude Special Issue: An Introduction by the Guest Editors.Blaire Morgan - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Moral Philosophy (Zemo).details
- Complexity and ambition in nurse education.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Sketch 2 for a Time Slip Installation.John Cussans - 2020 - International Journal of Creative Media Research 5.details
- A New Scientist World View? A Personal Reflection.Joy Rooney - 2020 - Asylum 27 (2).details
- Survival and Worldliness: A Study of Trainee Teacher Identity on the PGCE Route.Linzi McKerr - unknowndetails
- Is Fear of Death a Rational Preoccupation?Brian Nyatanga - 2005 - International Journal of Palliative Nursing 11 (12):643-645.details
- The Performative Space In the Virtual World.Elizabeth Swift - unknowndetails
- Self and Others: Relational Pedagogy for Critical Pupil Engagement.Stephen Bigger - unknowndetails
- ‘Strategic Management in (a) Crisis?’ Uncertainty, Imprecision & the Incomplete as Axioms in Building Appropriate Theory.Paul Davis - unknowndetails
- The Appropriation of Ideas, Theories, Concepts and Models by Management Practitioners.Laurence Robinson - 2010 - Dissertation, Coventry Universitydetails
- Assessing Influences on Gratitude Experience: Age-related Differences in How Gratitude is Understood and Experienced.Blaire Morgan & L. Gulliford - 2017 - In Jonathan R. H. Tudge & Lia Beatriz de Lucca Freitas (eds.), Developing Gratitude in Children and Adolescents. Cambridge University Press.details
- Admiral Nurse Competency Framework – A Resource for Practice.Christine Carter & Jennifer Bray - unknowndetails
- The Fictionalist Paradigm: A Commentary.John Paley - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12243.details
- The Gannet’s Skull Versus the Plastic Doll’s Head: Material ‘Value’ in Kathleen Jamie’s ‘Findings’.Pippa Marland - 2015 - Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 19 (2):121-131.details
- Ethical Decision-making: Learning From Prominent Leaders in Not-for-profit Organisations.Marie Stephenson - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Worcesterdetails
- The Transpersonal That Can Be Defined Is Not the True Transpersonal: a Taoist Perspective on Defining Transpersonal Psychology.Scott Buckler, A. Woodward & H. Law - 2019 - Transpersonal Psychology Review 21:17-20.details
- Birth, Death and Survival: Exploring Pre-service Teacher Identity and How To Think Differently About Teacher Education Using the Work of Hannah Arendt.Linzi McKerr - unknowndetails
- Shekhinah as ‘shield’ to Israel: Refiguring the Role of Divine Presence in Jewish Tradition and the Shoah.Luke Devine - 2016 - Feminist Theology 25 (1):62-88.details
- How Shekhinah Became the God(dess) of Jewish Feminism.Luke Devine - 2014 - Feminism Theology 23 (1):71-91.details
- Producing Hope Through Practice. The Promise of Expansionist Pragmatism in Generating New Everyday Utopias.Paul Davis & Douglas Wotherspoon - manuscriptdetails
- Education and Big Data.Maggi Savin-Baden - 2017 - Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory.details
- “Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support For Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?M. Sommer, L. Finlay, O. Ness, M. Borg & Alison Blank - forthcoming - The Humanistic Psychologist.details
- Restoring the Classic in Sociology: Traditions, Texts and the Canon.Alan R. How - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.details
- Labour, Work, Action.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Sight, Sound and Text in the History of Education.J. Crutchley, Stephen Parker & S. Roberts - 2018 - History of Education 47 (2):143-147.details
- Critical Review of Research Evidence of Parenting Coordination’s Effectiveness.R. Deutsch, Misca Gabriela & C. Ajoku - 2018 - Family Court Review 56 (1):119-134.details
- Approaching Models of Nursing from a Postmodernist Perspective.Phil Lister - unknowndetails
- The Weird World of Donald Trump: Video Essay.Richard Allen - unknowndetails
- Theatrical Latency: Walking Katrina Palmer’s The Loss Adjusters.Richard Allen - unknowndetails
- The Measure of All Things: Rethinking Humanism through Art.Richard Allen - unknowndetails
- Encountering Anthropomorphism.Richard Allen & Shaun May - unknowndetails
- The Importance of Learning History and Philosophy of Computing.Colin Price - unknowndetails
- Dancing 'Nessun Dorma'.Daniel Somerville - unknowndetails
- Dancing 'Nessun dorma' - Paper/Performance Text.Daniel Somerville - unknowndetails
- Early Intervention and the Power of Social Movements: UK Development of Early Intervention in Psychosis as a Social Movement and its Implications for Leadership.D. Shiers & Jo Smith - unknowndetails
- Social Theory and Nursing.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Exploring the Justificational Status of Assertions Made About Nursing’s Collective Beliefs.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Guattari reframed: interpreting key thinkers for the arts.Paul Elliott - 2012 - London: I.B. Tauris.details
- Conceptual Canvas.Anthony Barnett - unknowndetails
- Really Doing It – An Exploration of Strategies for Interaction in Intermedial Performance.Elizabeth Swift - unknowndetails
- The Theory and Application of Critical Realist Philosophy and Morphogenetic Methodology: Emergent Structural and Agential Relations at a Hospice.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Introduction.Martin Lipscomb - 2016 - In .details
- Research Appraisal and Individual Responsibility - a Critique.Martin Lipscomb - 2016 - In .details
- A Hospice in Change: Applied Social Realist Theory.Martin Lipscomb - unknowndetails
- Personal Construct Theory? Utilisation in Qualitative Research.Theresa Mitchell - unknowndetails
- Phenomenological Data Analysis Strategies.Theresa Mitchell - unknowndetails
- Looking for Koltès - Practice-based Translation, Rhythm and Politics.Frederic Dalmasso & R. Baines - unknowndetails
- Exploring the Politics of Women’s In/Visible‘Large’ Bodies.Irmgard Tischner & H. Malson - unknowndetails
- Difference and Diversity.Stephen Bigger - 2005 - Journal of Beliefs and Values 26 (1):81-85.details
- Spirituality as a Process within the School Curriculum.Stephen Bigger - 2003 - Prospero: A Journal of New Thinking for Education 9 (1):12-18.details
- What Do Public Values Mean for Public Action? Putting Public Values in their Plural Place.Paul Davis & K. West - unknowndetails
- What is the Public Value of Government Action? Towards a (New) Pragmatic Approach to Values Questions in Public Endeavours.K. West & Paul Davis - unknowndetails
- London 2012 (Re)calling: Youth Memories and Olympic 'Legacy' Ether in the Hinterland.Geoff Kohe - unknowndetails
- ‘Without Occupation You Don't Exist’: Occupational Engagement and Mental Illness.Alison Blank, P. Harries & F. Reynolds - unknowndetails
- The Meaning and Experience of Work in the Context of Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.Alison Blank, P. Harries & F. Reynolds - unknowndetails
- Last Train to Oxford (Someone Called Derrida).J. Schad & Frederic Dalmasso - unknowndetails
- Someone Called Derrida.J. Schad & Frederic Dalmasso - unknowndetails
- Aligning Olympic Education With the Liberal Arts: a Curriculum Blueprint From Taiwan.Li-Hong Hsu & Geoff Kohe - unknowndetails
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