100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subject = Historical and Philosophical studies: Philosophy" in "Goldsmiths Research Online"
This set has the following status: complete.
- Between Freedoms: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Haunting Categorical Imperative.Martinon Jean-Paul - unknowndetails
- Contemporary German Philosophy. Answers to Questions From Professor Gerard Vilar.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- La vida y la belleza: en el medio, en el extremo [Life And Beauty. On Schiller's 'Letters On The Aesthetic Education Of Mankind'].Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Extravaganza.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- El hombre y la tierra / Man and Earth.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Improvising on Intuition.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- The Love of Proper Names.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- A Note On Philosophy And Photography.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Elizabeth and the Peacock.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Ein Verdienst der Künstlerin [To The Artist's Credit].Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- I Shall Never Grow Old.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Picking Up / Bouncing Back.Alexander García Düttmann, Jean-Luc Nancy & Olivier Richon - unknowndetails
- A Man For All Seasons: Derrida-Cum-‘Queer Theory’ Or The Limits Of Performativity.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- A Second Life. A Note On Adorno’s Reading Of Proust.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Das Hin und Her der Freundschaft [The To and Fro of Friendship].Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Idiosyncrasy And Film.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Kommen und Gehen. Über den Begriff des Spätstils [Coming and Going. On the Concept of a Late Style].Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Quasi. Antonioni und die Teilhabe an der Kunst [Quasi. Antonioni and Participation in Art].Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Visconti: Insights into Flesh and Blood.Alexander García Düttmann & Robert Savage - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)"The Absence of Origin”: Beckett and Contemporary French Philosophy.Derval Tubridy - 2006 - In [no title].details
- Integral Actuality.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Language Without Soil.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Bearers and Proper Names.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2008 - In Martinon Jean-Paul, [no title].details
- (1 other version)Is There Life in Cybernetics?: Designing a Posthumanist Bioethics.Joanna Zylinska - 2011 - In Zylinska Joanna, [no title].details
- 33, 34, 35… The Life of The Limits.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2008 - In Martinon Jean-Paul, [no title].details
- Secrets and Lies: eating in the darkness in China Mieville's Embassytown.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- For and Against the Contemporary. An Examination.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Consciousness of Semblance: Participation in Art and Politics.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Insect Asides.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- Merleau-Ponty Reframed: Interpreting Key Thinkers for the Arts.Andrew Fisher - unknowndetails
- Adorno's American Dream.Alexander García Düttmann - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 149.details
- Foucault’s Gulag.Jan Plamper - unknowndetails
- Hors d’oeuvre: some footnotes to the Spurs of Dorothy Cross.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- Excavating Government: Giorgio Agamben’s Archaeological Dig.Sophie Fuggle - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:81-98.details
- The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Political Indeterminacy.Suhail Malik & Andrea Phillips - 2011 - In Malik Suhail & Phillips Andrea, [no title].details
- Law, Literature, Revolution.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Bioethics Otherwise, or, How to Live with Machines, Humans, and Other Animals.Joanna Zylinska - 2011 - In Zylinska Joanna, [no title].details
- Anti-Sociology and its Limits.Alberto Toscano - 2011 - In [no title].details
- Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour.Sophie Fuggle - unknowndetails
- For Those Who Like That Sort Of Thing, That’s The Sort Of Thing They Like.Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- Theophilus Gale and Historiography of Philosophy.Stephen Pigney - unknowndetails
- The End of Man.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2013 - Punctum Books.details
- A manifesto for nonsense: the Futurist drive in Deleuze’s poetics.Helen Palmer - unknowndetails
- After "Rwanda" : In Search of a New Ethics.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2013 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.details
- Tympan Alley: Posthumanist Performatives in Dancer in the Dark.Lynn Turner - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):222-239.details
- Kafka i zivot slova [Kafka and the life of the letter].Alexander García Düttmann - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Derrida Und Ich: Das Problem der Dekonstruktion.Alexander García Düttmann - 2008 - Transcript Verlag.details
- Animal transference: a "mole-like progression" in C. J. Cherryh.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- Fort-dancing.Lynn Turner - 2010 - In Turner Lynn, [no title].details
- Two genetically modified films.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- Telecommunications: the undoing of DNA.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- Homing pigeon: the postal principle and Lynn Hershmann's 'Conceiving Ada'.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- 'Tape' plays Teletribunals.Lynn Turner - unknowndetails
- One Day in the Life of a City.Simon D. O'Sullivan & John Lynch - unknowndetails
- The Production of the New and the Care of the Self.Simon D. O'Sullivan - 2006 - In Simon O'Sullivan, [no title]. Palgrave.details
- Deleuze, Guattari and the Production of the New.Simon D. O'Sullivan - unknowndetails
- The Strange Temporality of the Subject: Badiou and Deleuze Between the Finite and the Infinite.Simon D. O'Sullivan - unknowndetails
- On poetry and politics.Jean Paulhan, Jennifer Bajorek, Eric Trudel & Charlotte Mandell - unknowndetails
- Beyond Barthes: Rethinking the Phenomenology of Photography.Andrew Fisher - unknowndetails
- The Involution of Photography.Andrew Fisher - unknowndetails
- Tales from the Raj.John Hutnyk - unknowndetails
- In Radical Form(ation): Bergsonism, Bodies in Process, and Unconscious Vision.Lia Chavez - unknowndetails
- Morandi with Heidegger.John Chilver - 2007 - In Chilver John, [no title].details
- Asking, We Walk.Susan Kelly - 2012 - In [no title].details
- Traps Against Capture.Edgar Schmitz - 2010 - In Schmitz Edgar, [no title].details
- Ambient attitudes. On contingency, treason and humour.Edgar Schmitz - unknowndetails
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