100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subject = Historical and Philosophical studies: Philosophy" in "Goldsmiths Research Online"

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  1. Between Freedoms: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Haunting Categorical Imperative.Martinon Jean-Paul - unknown
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  2. Contemporary German Philosophy. Answers to Questions From Professor Gerard Vilar.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  3. La vida y la belleza: en el medio, en el extremo [Life And Beauty. On Schiller's 'Letters On The Aesthetic Education Of Mankind'].Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
    An essay on Schiller's "Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Mankind", published here in a Spanish translation.
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  4. Extravaganza.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  5. El hombre y la tierra / Man and Earth.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  6. Improvising on Intuition.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  7. The Love of Proper Names.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  8. A Note On Philosophy And Photography.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  9. Elizabeth and the Peacock.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  10. Ein Verdienst der Künstlerin [To The Artist's Credit].Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  11. I Shall Never Grow Old.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  12. Picking Up / Bouncing Back.Alexander García Düttmann, Jean-Luc Nancy & Olivier Richon - unknown
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  13. A Man For All Seasons: Derrida-Cum-‘Queer Theory’ Or The Limits Of Performativity.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
  14. A Second Life. A Note On Adorno’s Reading Of Proust.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  15. Das Hin und Her der Freundschaft [The To and Fro of Friendship].Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  16. Idiosyncrasy And Film.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  17. Kommen und Gehen. Über den Begriff des Spätstils [Coming and Going. On the Concept of a Late Style].Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  18. Quasi. Antonioni und die Teilhabe an der Kunst [Quasi. Antonioni and Participation in Art].Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  19. (1 other version)Visconti: Insights into Flesh and Blood.Alexander García Düttmann & Robert Savage - unknown
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  20. (1 other version)"The Absence of Origin”: Beckett and Contemporary French Philosophy.Derval Tubridy - 2006 - In [no title].
    'Samuel Beckett and Contemporary French Philosophy' explores the productive relationship between literature and philosophy, tracing the key ideas that inform Beckett's work and the ways in which these ideas are central to the French philosophy that developed in Beckett's wake. Forged within a similar cultural nexus both writer and philosophers pursue questions of epistemology and ontology within an exploration of the nature and function of language. Reacting against the rule-bound parameters of conceptual frameworks such as empiricism and structuralism, the chapter (...)
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  21. Integral Actuality.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  22. Language Without Soil.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  23. Bearers and Proper Names.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2008 - In Martinon Jean-Paul, [no title].
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  24. (1 other version)Is There Life in Cybernetics?: Designing a Posthumanist Bioethics.Joanna Zylinska - 2011 - In Zylinska Joanna, [no title].
    The aim of this chapter is to engage with the inherent humanism of bioethics and consider the possibility of thinking bioethics otherwise - beyond the belief in the intrinsic dignity and superior value of the human, and beyond the rules and procedures rooted in this belief. It is also to challenge what we may call the ‘cognitivist pretence’ of humanism, i.e. the conviction that the human can be distinguished from other forms of life by the inherent ‘truth’ and teleology of (...)
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  25. 33, 34, 35… The Life of The Limits.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2008 - In Martinon Jean-Paul, [no title].
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  26. Secrets and Lies: eating in the darkness in China Mieville's Embassytown.Lynn Turner - unknown
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  27. For and Against the Contemporary. An Examination.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  28. Consciousness of Semblance: Participation in Art and Politics.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  29. Insect Asides.Lynn Turner - unknown
  30. Merleau-Ponty Reframed: Interpreting Key Thinkers for the Arts.Andrew Fisher - unknown
    Since the 1950s, art and philosophy have continued to return to the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and his assertion of the primacy of perception. Influenced by Husserl and Heidegger and an associate of Sartre and de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty developed a range of evocative concepts that have informed the production, criticism and theory of art. The only phenomenologist of the first half of the twentieth century to engage with the sciences and psychology as well as art, literature, linguistics and politics, his (...)
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  31. Adorno's American Dream.Alexander García Düttmann - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 149.
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  32. Foucault’s Gulag.Jan Plamper - unknown
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  33. Hors d’oeuvre: some footnotes to the Spurs of Dorothy Cross.Lynn Turner - unknown
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  34. Excavating Government: Giorgio Agamben’s Archaeological Dig.Sophie Fuggle - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:81-98.
    This paper looks at the development of certain Foucauldian concepts and themes within the work of the Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben. Where Agamben is well-known for his critique of biopower in Homo Sacer, his recent work a more complex engagement with Foucault both in terms of his subject matter, governmentality and economy (oikonomia), and his critical methodology, most notably, his reaffirmation of the value of Foucault’s archaeological method. Focusing on three of Agamben’s recent publications, Signatura Rerum: Sul Metodo, Il regno (...)
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  35. The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Political Indeterminacy.Suhail Malik & Andrea Phillips - 2011 - In Malik Suhail & Phillips Andrea, [no title].
    This article proposes that Ranciere offers an accurate account of contemporary art’s self-understanding of its politicality, explaining his widespread appreciation and influence by the sector. For this reason the critique of Ranciere’s notion of politics and the demonstration of its deliberate disavowal of specific political determination allow for a systemic argument against contemporary art’s critical ambitions as in any way politically adequate.
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  36. Law, Literature, Revolution.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  37. Bioethics Otherwise, or, How to Live with Machines, Humans, and Other Animals.Joanna Zylinska - 2011 - In Zylinska Joanna, [no title].
    How can the human speak in the shadow of the post-humanist critique? This essay arises out of a prolonged moment of doubt, a cognitive and affective confusion over the ontology and status of what goes under the name of “man.” Now, that confusion is of course nothing new. It has been inherent to the disciplinary inquiry within the humanities conducted under the aegis of philosophical positions broadly associated with post-structuralism over the last few decades. The early twenty-first century attempts on (...)
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  38. Anti-Sociology and its Limits.Alberto Toscano - 2011 - In [no title].
  39. Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour.Sophie Fuggle - unknown
    This article examines the notion of subversive discourse found in both the Brazilian dancemartial art known as capoeira and the recent urban phenomenon called parkour, looking in detail at the origins and influences of the two disciplines. With reference to capoeira, I argue that the linguistic structure which underpins the game provides the space for each capoeirista to develop his or her own creative expression or ‘personality’ within the framework of the discipline. When looking at parkour, I consider the ways (...)
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  40. For Those Who Like That Sort Of Thing, That’s The Sort Of Thing They Like.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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  41. Theophilus Gale and Historiography of Philosophy.Stephen Pigney - unknown
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  42. The End of Man.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2013 - Punctum Books.
    Masculinity? This book attempts to answer this one-word question by revisiting key philosophical concepts in the construction of masculinity, not in order to re-write or debunk them again, but in order to provide a radically new departure to what masculinity means today. This new departure focuses on an understanding of sexuality and gender that is neither structured in oppositional terms nor in performative terms, but in a perpendicular relation akin to that which brings space and time together. In doing so, (...)
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  43. A manifesto for nonsense: the Futurist drive in Deleuze’s poetics.Helen Palmer - unknown
    This thesis presents a critical analysis of Deleuze’s philosophy of language, using and examining Russian and Italian futurist manifestos to draw out the ‘futurist’ aspects of Deleuze’s language and thought. These aspects constitute a poetics of Deleuze as well as a poetics of the avant-garde, presenting in both areas the celebrated, utopian state of language as dynamic, performative matter. The way in which futurist manifestos often attempt to perform and demand their aims simultaneously, and the temporal problems which arise due (...)
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  44. After "Rwanda" : In Search of a New Ethics.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2013 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.
    Is writing about peace after the Rwandan Genocide self-defeating? Whether it is the intensity of the massacres, the popularity of the genocide, or the imaginary forms of cruelty, however one looks at it, everything in the Rwandan Genocide appears to defy once again the possibility of thinking peace anew. In order to address this problem, this book investigates the work of specific French and Rwandese philosophers in order to renew our understanding of peace today. Through this path-breaking investigation, peace no (...)
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  45. Tympan Alley: Posthumanist Performatives in Dancer in the Dark.Lynn Turner - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):222-239.
    ‘Tympaniser’, Alan Bass tells us, is an ‘archaic verb meaning to ridicule publicly’ or to decry. In the essay fronting Margins of Philosophy called ‘Tympan’ Derrida decries the philosophy that would own its limits, absorbing ‘the margin of its own volume’. While it is Derrida’s late work on the ‘animal question’ that has brought his insistence on the nourishment of the limits between species as limitrophy to wider attention, it is also named as the general condition of the interface of (...)
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  46. Kafka i zivot slova [Kafka and the life of the letter].Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
    Issue theme - Process:Music. At the beginning there was an encounter, accidental or not. In Zagreb, in the early 1960's, Orson Welles was shooting parts of The Trial based on the writing of Franz Kafka. A kind of rumor, a tale, was burned into the memory of a city that at the time feverishly invested itself into modernism. Among those newly founded institutions the Zagreb Music Biennale has played a significant role. Almost four decades later, in April 2009 the Process:Music (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Derrida Und Ich: Das Problem der Dekonstruktion.Alexander García Düttmann - 2008 - Transcript Verlag.
  48. Animal transference: a "mole-like progression" in C. J. Cherryh.Lynn Turner - unknown
    Writing in 1996 and thus prior to Derrida’s extensive treatment of the ‘animal question’ though simultaneous with her own book of anecdotal stories entitled Dog Love, Marjorie Garber suggests that the turn to animals in cultural studies is wholly describable as an effect of transference and that this transference concerns the displacement of an idealised humanism no longer tenable in such studies. Assuming that this transference occurs for the humans involved onto animals, here dogs, Garber does not imagine a counter-transference. (...)
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  49. Fort-dancing.Lynn Turner - 2010 - In Turner Lynn, [no title].
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  50. Two genetically modified films.Lynn Turner - unknown
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  51. Telecommunications: the undoing of DNA.Lynn Turner - unknown
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  52. Homing pigeon: the postal principle and Lynn Hershmann's 'Conceiving Ada'.Lynn Turner - unknown
    Writing of Freud’s vexed attempts to step beyond the pleasure principle, Derrida remarks that there is ‘no legacy without transference’. Lynn Hershmann’s digital feature 'Conceiving Ada' concerns a contemporary computer scientist’s attempt to rescue a ‘forgotten woman’ from a history that restricted her genius. Emmy’s efforts to save the titular Ada, Countess of Lovelace, to both her computer’s hard drive and to her unborn daughter’s DNA are presented and critically discussed as the confirmation of a new feminist present. Yet the (...)
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  53. 'Tape' plays Teletribunals.Lynn Turner - unknown
    This paper developed aspects of my 'Wind up: the machine-events of tape' publication with particular focus on Cornelia Vismann's analysis of technologies of law for presentation at a colloquium in memory of her work, organised jointly by Birkbeck department of Law and Research Architecture at Goldsmiths.
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  54. One Day in the Life of a City.Simon D. O'Sullivan & John Lynch - unknown
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  55. The Production of the New and the Care of the Self.Simon D. O'Sullivan - 2006 - In Simon O'Sullivan, [no title]. Palgrave.
    Thesis 1: The new does not arrive from some ‘other place’, but is produced from the very matter of the world, after all what else is there? And where else can the new come from? The new then involves a recombination of already existing elements in and of the world. The new would then be a repetition, but with difference. As such the new must be distinguished from fashion, which involves a repetition of the same, that is, does not really (...)
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  56. Deleuze, Guattari and the Production of the New.Simon D. O'Sullivan - unknown
    Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari have arguably gone further than anyone in contemporary philosophy in affirming a philosophy of creation, one that both establishes and encourages a clear ethical imperative: to create the new. In this remarkable undertaking, these two thinkers have created a fresh engagement of thought with the world. This important collection of essays attempts to explore and extend the creative rupture that Deleuze and Guattari produce in the Capitalism and Schizophrenia project. The essays in this volume, all (...)
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  57. The Strange Temporality of the Subject: Badiou and Deleuze Between the Finite and the Infinite.Simon D. O'Sullivan - unknown
    This paper stages an encounter between the philosophical systems of Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze specifically as these relate to the production of subjectivity, or what I call the finite/infinite relation. I attempt to demonstrate that for Badiou a bar of sorts between the finite and the infinite remains determining, whereas for Deleuze – and specifically with his actual/virtual couplet – this bar no longer operates. The paper is at times quite technical in its excavation of the systems in question; (...)
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  58. On poetry and politics.Jean Paulhan, Jennifer Bajorek, Eric Trudel & Charlotte Mandell - unknown
    Jean Paulhan was a legendary editorial figure of twentieth-century French literature, assisting and publishing many of the most important writers of his lifetime. He was also the author of several volumes of fiction and numerous essays dealing with literature, art, rhetoric, and language. Yet he published his own work in a manner that deliberately kept it inconspicuous, or as Maurice Blanchot put it, "in the margins." A critics' critic, he gave his texts the same scrupulous attention he gave to others, (...)
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  59. Beyond Barthes: Rethinking the Phenomenology of Photography.Andrew Fisher - unknown
  60. The Involution of Photography.Andrew Fisher - unknown
    As we settle further into the era of digital media and globalized visual culture, it might be tempting to think that photography holds no more than historical interest. Yet it continues to feature in debates with considerable significance for the present.1 The terms by which it was negotiated in the twentieth century – the print, the negative and the mechanical-optical apparatus, the affective experience of a moment stilled, and any truth that its rendering promises – have been technically and culturally (...)
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  61. Tales from the Raj.John Hutnyk - unknown
    What is Empire? What is not? Where is it? Where is it not? The most general backand- forth questions to begin. We could start by asking whether there is now anything outside the Empire of capital. Hardt and Negri declare as their initial task “to grasp the constitution of the order being formed today” (2000, 3). It is undoubtedly helpful to see an increased arsenal of concepts available for the difficult task of naming the conjuncture at which contemporary capitalism currently (...)
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  62. In Radical Form(ation): Bergsonism, Bodies in Process, and Unconscious Vision.Lia Chavez - unknown
    In this practice-led research I aim, through text and visual artworks, to examine the dynamic, vitalist body of ‘emergent forms’ and becomings in art. From a theoretical standpoint, I focus my examination on Classical Bergsonism and the unique implications it holds for the figure in time. I probe Henri Bergson’s insistence upon the notion that life and reality are in constant flux in order to explore how this central claim could shed light on the status of the dynamic or shifting (...)
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  63. Morandi with Heidegger.John Chilver - 2007 - In Chilver John, [no title].
    The essay analyses discrepancies within Giorgio Morandi's oeuvre between still life and landscape paintings. It turns to readings on spatiality from Martin Heidegger's 'Being and Time' to allow for re-interpretation of Morandi's work though, for example, the Heideggerian distinction between readiness-to-hand and presence-at-hand. The essay then considers how such approaches can apply to representations of architecture, and ends by feeding these back once again into the reading of Morandi's work.
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  64. Asking, We Walk.Susan Kelly - 2012 - In [no title].
    This chapter draws on the Zapatista's slogan 'Asking, We Walk', the ancient 'right to ramble' in the UK, and an archive of walks through the muddled jurisdictions of Southwark in South London, to propose practices of walking and asking not as cartographic gestures, but as part of the production of constituent power. Moving away from the notion of political constituency as an electoral unit that counts bodies within a given territory, the chapter proposes a more dynamic notion of constituency composed (...)
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  65. Traps Against Capture.Edgar Schmitz - 2010 - In Schmitz Edgar, [no title].
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  66. Ambient attitudes. On contingency, treason and humour.Edgar Schmitz - unknown
    Ambient attitudes charts the post-critical attitudes of recent contemporary practice. The book draws on the fields of recent political philosophy and contemporary art to outline a new politics of indifference, dispersal and disengagement. Combining new modes of resistance with readings of contemporary artistic work, the book outlines key motives of the affirmative turn: from analysis to invention, from irony to humor and from specificity to whatever. The book writes together Toni Negri and Robert Walser, Liam Gillick and Giorgio Agamben, Gabriel (...)
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