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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "PubliCatt"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Bridges, Arches and Bricks.Roberta Corvi - unknowndetails
- Mental Causation for Mind-Body Dualists.Antonella Corradini - 2015 - Humana Mente 8 (29).details
- Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism.Sergio Galvan, Antonella Corradini & Jonathan Lowe (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Routledge.details
- Two Omnipotent Beings?Ciro De Florio & Aldo Frigerio - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):309-324.details
- Emergent Dualism: Why and How?Antonella Corradini - 2015 - In Patricia Wallusch & Heinrich Watzka (eds.), Verkörpert existieren. Ein Beitrag zur Metaphysik menschlicher Personen aus dualistischer Perspektive. Muenster, Germany: Aschendorff Verlag. pp. 45-58.details
- On Pragmatic Denial.Ciro de Florio, Massimiliano Carrara & Daniele Chiffi - unknowndetails
- Self-Organization.Fabio Introini - unknowndetails
- From objects to systems. From systems to networks?Fabio Introini - unknowndetails
- Toward a New Lexikon and a Conceptual Grammar to Understand the "Multicultural Issue".Giovanni Bombelli - unknowndetails
- Two Omnipotent Beings?Aldo Frigerio & Ciro Florio - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):309-324.details
- Prohairesis as a possible instance of metaphysical implication in Aristotle's ethics.Nicoletta Scotti - unknowndetails
- Humboldtian inner linguistic form. A crucial notion for present-day division of labor.Savina Raynaud - unknowndetails
- Lebenswelt and Operational Methodology in the Philosophical and Epistemological Reflections of Hugo Dingler.Dario Marco Sacchi - unknowndetails
- Introspection Illusion and the Methodological Denial of the First Person Perspective.Giuseppe Lo Dico - unknowndetails
- Neuroeconomics, Identity Theory, and the Issue of Correlation.Giuseppe Lo Dico - unknowndetails
- Deflation and Reflection: on Tennant's Criticism of the Conservativeness Argument.Ciro de Florio - unknowndetails
- Metaphysical Presuppositions of Argument from Design.Sergio Galvan - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective.Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.details
- (1 other version)Experimental Ethics – A Critical Analysis, in: C. Lumer (Ed.) Morality in Times of Naturalising the Mind.Antonella Corradini - 2014 - In Experimental Ethics – A Critical Analysis, in: C. Lumer (Ed.) Morality in Times of Naturalising the Mind. pp. 145-162.details
- Mirror Neurons: some critical remarks.Alessandro Antonietti & Antonella Corradini - unknowndetails
- Quantum Physics and the Fundamentality of the Mental.Antonella Corradini - 2014 - In Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 51-64.details
- Truth, Evidence and Proof in Criminal Proceedings.Giulio Ubertis - unknowndetails
- On the rationality of social practices.Paolo Monti - 2012 - In Botturi Francesco (ed.), Understanding Human Experience. Peter Lang. pp. 103-120.details
- The Work of Clement of Alexandria in the Light of his Contemporary Philosophical Teaching.Marco Rizzi - unknowndetails
- Higher Order Languages and Logical Truth.Ciro de Florio - unknowndetails
- The Ecology of Learning-by-Building: Bridging Design Science and Natural History of Knowledge.Marco de Marco, Renato Fiocca & Francesca Ricciardi - unknowndetails
- Design Research seen as Applied Science capable of theorizing the IT Artifact.Francesca Ricciardi - unknowndetails
- Extracting knowledge from within design processes: an emerging issue for IS research.Francesca Ricciardi & Marco de Marco - unknowndetails
- Moral Philosophy in Bioethics. Etsi ethos non daretur?Adriano Pessina - unknowndetails
- Design and Normative Claims in Organization Studies: a Methodological Proposal.Francesca Ricciardi - unknowndetails
- n-th order Logic.Ciro de Florio - unknowndetails
- The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model in mental health: a research critique.A. S. Álvarez, M. Pagani & Paolo Meucci - unknowndetails
- Theories of Everyday Life: A Search for Meaning or a Negation of Meaning?Laura Bovone - unknowndetails
- The Role of Metaphysics between Science and Faith.Sergio Galvan & Ciro de Florio - unknowndetails
- The category of "métissage": status quaestionis.Paolo Gomarasca - unknowndetails
- Emergence in Science and Philosophy: Introduction; Part I Introduction: General Perspectives; Part II Introduction: Self, Agency and Free Will; Part III Introduction: Physics, Mathematics, and the Special Sciences.Antonella Corradini & O'connor Thimothy - unknowndetails
- Philosophy and Neuroscience.Antonella Corradini - 2011 - In Christian Kanzian, Winfried Löffler & Josef Quitterer (eds.), The Ways Things Are: Studies in Ontology. Ontos. pp. 203-220.details
- Mirror neurons and empathy: a neuroscientific foundation for morality?Antonella Corradini - unknowndetails
- The emergence of mind. A Dualistic Understanding.Antonella Corradini - unknowndetails
- Omega-Incompleteness, Truth, Intentionality.Sergio Galvan - unknowndetails
- Why a Psychologist doesn't Need to be a Constructivist.Antonella Corradini - unknowndetails
- Francesco Vito at the Catholic University from 1929 to 1968.Daniela Parisi - unknowndetails
- N-order, logic.Ciro de Florio - unknowndetails
- The tacking knowledge strategy. Claudio Ciborra, Konrad Lorenz and the Ecology of Information Systems.Francesca Ricciardi - unknowndetails
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