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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "UC Research Repository"

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  1. Engineering decisions: Framework, process and concerns.C. B. Brown & David Elms - forthcoming - .
    Decisions are central to engineering processes and hold them together. It is argued that better decisions will lead to better engineering. To achieve better decisions requires that they be understood in detail. A typical decision is broken down into its essential requirements and processes, thus displaying the components of its framework. The process leads to the identification of a number of concerns. The components are discussed and a set of issues where more work needs to be done is identified. There (...)
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  2. Love and sex in Epicurean philosophy.Anthony George Hunter - unknown
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  3. The role of the press in maintaining social ideology.Timothy Charles Aitken - unknown
    The press perform a crucial role in facilitating the social, economic and political spheres which combine to bind society together. This thesis looks at the relationship between the press and ideology. It provides an account of the way ideology works through the press to influence the community and asserts that the role of the press is fundamental to the maintenance of social ideology. The thesis discusses the Marxist view of the role of the press in society, and the arguments which (...)
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  4. The great refusal : reason and revolution revisited.Martin James Morris - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    This thesis concerns the link between Reason and revolutionary praxis in the theories of Herbert Marcuse and Jurgen Habermas. The theories of Marcuse and Habermas are chosen for comparison regarding the role of Reason in revolution because the two seem to be in fundamental theoretical conflict. On the one hand, Marcuse embraces a transcendent concept of Reason, and on the other, Habermas employs an immanent concept of Reason. It is the argument of this thesis that each figure's concept of Reason (...)
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  5. Justice and Maori : reflections on contemporary justice theory and justice for Maori.Lindsey Te Ata O. Tu MacDonald - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    The thesis investigates the political philosophy of justice for Maori in New Zealand. The recent communitarian critique of liberalism undermines a normative approach to the investigation. Therefore, the critique, as it is presented by Michael Sandel and Alasdair MacIntyre and the liberal reply, as represented by John Rawls and Brian Barry, is explicated in Chapter One and a new normative approach to justice is outlined. This new approach is, in the main, the result of Brian Barry's three theorems of justice: (...)
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  6. Politics and philosophy in environmentalism : the implications of political theory for environmental policy-making in liberal democratic states.Andrew Maxwell Robertson - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    This thesis explores the relevance of philosophy for enviromental policy-making in liberal democratic states. The hypothesis is that the basic tenets of liberal democratic theory determine the worldview of western states, thereby setting the parameters and priorities for environmental policy making. In conjunction with this, an additional hypothesis is that environmentalism, as an ideologically distinct entity, is of little relevance to this policy making. In order to examine these hypotheses, a realist scientific framework for knowledge is established in which an (...)
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  7. Applying Rawls globally : extending the Rawlsian framework.Shanon P. Daly - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    The intention of this thesis is to illustrate that there are indirect processes in place within the liberal-democratic state system, in countries like New Zealand and Canada, that serve to maintain and justify its right to make decisions, regarding the allocation of power and resources within society. When the right of the liberal-democratic state to make these decisions is challenged, these processes help to channel these challenges away from its foundations. This ensures that while the shape of the state may (...)
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  8. Cosmic Xerox Machines, Tattoo Removal, and Defining 'Physicalism'.Douglas Campbell - unknown
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  9. Chaotic psychology : nonlinear dynamics as a metatheory for psychology.David Bruce Hann - unknown
    Psychology is described as a poor science. Both the methodology, and the philosophy that underlie psychology do not seem appropriate for psychology's subject matter. This is primarily due to a poor philosophy of science which fails to recognise the dynamic, and holistic, nature of psychological phenomena. Psychology is also highly fractured and in need of a unifying metatheory. Nonlinear dynamics is proposed as a possible metatheory for psychology. Nonlinear dynamics is explained in some detail, both as a means of generating (...)
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  10. Old conflicts in a new era : the reality of intractable conflicts in the twenty-first century.Leah Margaret Simpson - unknown
    This thesis proposes that while the overall rate of new internal conflicts is decreasing globally, the persistence of some internal conflicts over several generations necessitates the need for renewed understanding of what makes conflicts prone to intractability with high levels of human destruction and societal violence. International efforts to resolve such conflicts have overwhelmingly met with failure, due to inadequate conflict resolution strategies and because of the nature of intractable conflicts where high stakes and zero-sum issues convince the parties in (...)
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  11. Understanding Taylor : Charles Taylor and the shaping of a philosophical therapy for the crisis of modernity.Adam Gabriel Colin Heinz - unknown
    This thesis is a contextual examination of Charles Taylor's philosophical system applied to politics. It traces the origins of Taylor's project in Isaiah Berlin's revival of political philosophy at Oxford in the late 1950s and the critique of Stalinism. This thesis argues that Taylor's philosophy developed out of the New Left project of reconsidering the foundations of socialism. This developed into a critique of the common faults of Marxism and Liberalism as having fallen prey to a modernity characterised by a (...)
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  12. An Analogy between Linguistics and Science: A comparative study.Dr Sadeeshvara Silva Thotabaddadurage - unknown
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  13. Beyond atomism and holism : the metaphysics of psychology.Anthony Brian Patrick Ward - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between models of human nature and psychology. A central claim is that all psychological theories necessarily presuppose a model of human nature and by virtue of this, a broad metaphysical theory. Following a brief review of some of the multi-disciplinary literature concerned with models of human nature it is concluded that certain implications follow from adopting a particular model. For example implications for social science research and the interpretation of behaviour. (...)
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  14. The philosophical roots of psychology as a science.John Ross Gourley - unknown
    The following work seeks to demonstrate the ways in which a discipline's philosophical conception of science defines not only its method, but indeed, its entire academic structure. Traditionally, scientific empiricism has been viewed as the only legitimate conception of science within psychology, however, by challenging this view, it is found that empiricism represents a weak philosophical system upon which to base notions of rational inquiry. It is further suggested that the alternative of realist philosophy and implicated method take its place. (...)
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  15. Reductionism in psychology.Shayne Andreasend - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    Reductionism in psychology is traditionally regarded as an exercise in drawing data from a physiological field in order to explain psychological or behavioural phenomena. The data taken from the physiological level are seen in this view as more basic and more real in terms of a hierarchy of sciences, and come closer to providing "hard facts" due to physiology lying lower on a hierarchy of sciences than psychology. However, reductionism is also considered here in a number of different ways, including: (...)
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  16. The theorisation of suicide : an exploratory study.Jane Elizabeth Campbell - unknown
    This thesis is a conceptual exploration of a number of issues relevant to the theorisation of suicide. Five research questions are addressed. 1. How should suicide be defined? It is argued that intentionality is central to an understanding of suicide. Suicide is defined as ending one's own life intentionally. 2. Why is there a proliferation of theories of suicide? Three main sources are identified - the complexity of suicide, the existence of different disciplines, and the significance of different basic theoretical (...)
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  17. The relationship between psychology and society.Matthew Keith Marshall Thompson - unknown
    The purpose of this study was to critically explore the relationship between psychology and society. Many aspects of the powerful relationship that was found were discussed. In particular the lack of a social structural analysis in psychology was seen as vital in shaping how society affected psychology and how Psychology affected society. Very little discussion of what type of relationship psychology has and should have with society was discovered in the literature. Upon a more detailed examination of major forms of (...)
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  18. The epistemology of live blogging.D. Matheson & K. Wahl-Jorgensen - forthcoming - New Media and Society.
    This article proposes a typology of the epistemology of live blogging through an analysis of two live news blogs: Radio New Zealand News’ live blog of a significant earthquake in Aotearoa New Zealand in November 2016 and BBC News’ live blog of the Brexit referendum result in June 2016. We use these cases to draw out five features of the genre that we suggest may characterise other live news blogs. We demonstrate that these blogs tend to produce a fragmentary narrative (...)
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  19. Explanations of male abuse of female partners : an explication, evaluation and integration.Sonja F. Bakker - unknown
    Male abuse of female partners is now recognised as a major social problem that has serious and significant consequences for its victims. This study is based on the argument that this problem must not be reduced to individual acts of violence for this risks obscuring the real nature of MAFP and, thereby, hinders the development of any effective solutions to the problem. The problem that is identified in this study is men's control and domination of their women partners. Etiological research (...)
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  20. Book Review: Media and Moral Education. A Philosophy of Critical Engagement. [REVIEW]Cheryl Brown - 2020 - Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning 13 (1):80-82.
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  21. Juxtaposing thematic regions derived from spatial and platial user-generated content.Grant McKenzie & Ben Adams - unknown
    Typical approaches to defining regions, districts or neighborhoods within a city often focus on place instances of a similar type that are grouped together. For example, most cities have at least one bar district defined as such by the clustering of bars within a few city blocks. In reality, it is not the presence of spatial locations labeled as bars that contribute to a bar region, but rather the popularity of the bars themselves. Following the principle that places, and by (...)
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  22. The observational roots of reference of the semantic web.Simon Scheider, Krzysztof Janowicz & Ben Adams - unknown
    Shared reference is an essential aspect of meaning. It is also indispensable for the semantic web, since it enables to weave the global graph, i.e., it allows different users to contribute to an identical referent. For example, an essential kind of referent is a geographic place, to which users may contribute observations. We argue for a human-centric, operational approach towards reference, based on respective human competences. These competences encompass perceptual, cognitive as well as technical ones, and together they allow humans (...)
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  23. An Exception To The Rule: Journalism And Research Ethics.D. Matheson - 2018 - In Ron Iphofen & Martin Tolich (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics. Los Angeles: Sage.
    This chapter argues that journalism’s ethical frameworks, particularly at moments when it is making its grandest claims to value, collide with those prevalent within universities and particularly with ethical review structures. Working through these tensions requires some accommodation from all sides, and also provides opportunities for learning. The chapter discusses how universities might recognize the ethics systems particular to practices, like journalism, which set out to serve the public good and which produce knowledge in ways distinctive to that practice. Underneath (...)
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  24. A computer tool for structured analysis.P. Yee - unknown
    This report looks at the need for structured techniques and more, the need for computer implementations of these techniques. In particular I look at data flow diagrams, one of the most important analysis tools and document my own design and implementation of a computer tool for creating and manipulating data flow diagrams. MacDaffy is aimed at increasing the productiveness of data flow diagrams as an analysis tool.
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  25. Four principles for groupware design : a foundation for participative development.A. Cockburn & S. Jones - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    Participatory design amalgamates the expertise of interdisciplinary specialists with the taskspecific expertise of end-users. Groupware design is widely recognised as benefiting from participative approaches. Recognition of this ideal, however, does not preclude the failure of groupware design due to poor communication and inadequate understanding between participants. We provide a grounding in the problems affecting groupware success, and introduce four design principles that guide all those involved in design around the pitfalls that have been encountered, some repeatedly, by groupware.
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  26. Ngā Whakaaro a Puhiwahine: A Political Philosophy and Theory from the Mōteatea of Puhiwahine.Hemopereki Simon - 2020 - Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 4 (1).
    Mōteatea are the orally sung literature and one of its most famous composers was Ngāti Tuwharetoa and Ngāti Maniapoto’s Puhiwahine. This paper will explore the political philosophy and theory contained within Puhiwahine’s waiata pakanga ‘Mā Wai Rā’ written for Ngāti Toa relations particularly their war leader, Te Rangihaeata. The observations from these forms of indigenous oral literature are based in a form of emerging indigenous philosophy called whakaaro based philosophy and method. Additionally, the author introduces a Kaupapa Māori Research method (...)
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  27. Education for a Vocation or Society? The Dialectic of Modern and Customary Epistemologies in Solomon Islands.Peter Walters, Adrian Benavides & Kristen Lyons - 2020 - Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 4 (1).
    Rural Training Centres in the Solomon Islands are community-based initiatives that offer vocational education to men and women. Since the 1960s, RTCs have grown to become an organised movement of 47 centres present almost in every province. Based on learnings from fieldwork in three RTCs, we explore the centres’ training model, and the dialectic between indigenous and Western schooling traditions that converge at some points and deviate at others. We argue that the idiosyncratic features of the RTC learning experience can (...)
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  28. Pre-service teachers’ conclusive principles for teaching technology education.P. M. Snape - 2016 - Design and Technology Education: An International Journal 21 (2).
    What enduring knowledge and understanding from tertiary education study will learners remember most that will contribute to their on-going performance and understanding for effective teaching? This paper is based on research undertaken to identify what third-year initial teacher education students in a course including Technology Education curriculum development conclude as important principles for teaching that discipline effectively in their classrooms. Their course-concluding principles should be seen as first steps or thoughts as they transition from university into their first appointments and (...)
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  29. The role of the art of living in early childhood education.Christoph Teschers - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 3 (2):40-50.
    The notions of well-being and happiness are widely used today in a range of disciplines, areas of research, educational practice and daily life. However, these terms have to be considered critically, and careful reflection on their meaning is needed in each context where they are used. One reflection in the context of education has been conducted in relation to positive psychology as well as philosophical concepts and questions such as how to live a good life, the art of living and (...)
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  30. Daniel D. Hutto and Erik Myin, Radicalizing Enactivism: Basic Minds Without Content. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013; 206pp. [REVIEW]D. Campbell - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):174-176.
  31. New Realisms, Materialisms, (Post-)Philosophy and the Possibility for a Feminist Internationalism.Kolozova Katerina - 2017 - Continental Thought and Theory: A Journal of Intellectual Freedom ISSN: 2463-333X 1 (3):673-679.
    The new forms of feminist realism and materialism could have significant political ramifications that should be owned by feminist scholars and activists as a way to create new possibilities for an internationalist political language and action that would be geographically, economically and in terms of nation-state politics as varied and as multi-centered as possible. Such a new universalism must emerge at the economic and academic margins, move concentrically toward the center seeking to provide the grounds for uncompromising comradeship worldwide. The (...)
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  32. Nasty Feminism, Nasty Feminists.Nicol Thomas - 2017 - Continental Thought and Theory 1 (3).
    The question “what does a woman want?” has been asked by psychoanalysts in the past—particularly by Freud and Lacan—and is a question that has been taken up by feminist scholarship and epistemology. This essay addresses this complex question via both feminist research and enquiry and a Lacanian psychoanalytic praxis. The issue of women’s very speech is crucial, which is a cornerstone element of the feminisms of Spender, Steinem, Hanisch, Irigaray, Cixous, Felski, Jane and Ford. Lacan makes the point that feminine (...)
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  33. Changing pedagogies: including indigenous epistemologies and inclusive practices.Sione Areli - 2015 - .
    This literature review looks at a variety of sources in regards to the topic of the inclusion of indigenous epistemologies within modern pedagogy. The study focusses on Māori epistemologies and is therefore grounded in the New Zealand context. A number of authors are represented in this review and various opinions are supplied.
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  34. The Natural Ontological Attitude from a Physicist's Perspective: Towards Quantum Realism.Daniel James Robertson - unknown
    The debate between Arthur Fine and Alan Musgrave is well known amongst those involved in the scientific realism debate and centres upon two papers that are quite often found together in philosophy of science anthologies. Reading them like this gives the very strong impression the Musgrave is the victor which is the commonly held view. In this thesis, I wish to overturn this view by placing Fine's paper in context, namely as part of a larger work on the history and (...)
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  35. Science Fiction and the Contest of Ideology.D. Bedggood - unknown
    Even a cursory study of Science Fiction texts reveals it to be a field ripe with ideological contest. With its speculative nature, Science Fiction is particularly suited to discussion of different social, political and cultural models, within which particular ideologies are examined, argued for, or contended against. In this paper, I’ll be defining ideology against some trends of subjects and representation in Science Fiction. In particular, texts from three writers are considered: Ayn Rand’s Anthem, Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed and (...)
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  36. A Critical Project.Timothy Samuel Rowe - unknown
    This thesis examines what are for us two great sources or causes of error. The first arises from the influence of various cognitive biases upon our thinking, while the second emerges as a result of our wide-ranging dependence upon others for a vast amount of our beliefs about the world. Through both we can come to adopt false and harmful beliefs, a fact that naturally has both veridical and moral significance. One response is to suggest that we should increase our (...)
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  37. Philosophical accounts of mind in clinical psychology: reconciling the subjective mind and the objective brain.Kris Anthony Wilson - unknown
    The problem of reconciling the subjectively known mind with the objectively known brain has puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries. When attempting to solve this problem in recent times, the focus has been on explaining how the mind is born from the brain, how the two are related, and how we can best understand them. This problem is of particular relevance to clinical psychology because it attempts to both understand and explain pathological presentations by appealing to both subjective personal experience (...)
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  38. Evolutionary Explanations In Psychology: A Paradigm For Integrating Psychology With Science.Hui-yu Ho - unknown
    Evolutionary psychology has recently developed out of dissatisfaction with the Standard Social Science Model utilised by mainstream psychology. This model focuses on culture and reason as the underlying cause of human behaviour and proposes that the mind is a 'general purpose learning device'. Here the mind is seen as a blank slate at birth, which is subsequently influenced by experience, environment and culture. Biological variables are minimised or ignored. However it seems that all human behaviour cannot fully be explained by (...)
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  39. The Human Right to Health Care: A Distributive cliché.Andrew James Cooper - unknown
    The universal human right to health care is a cliché that is frequently invoked by politicians and various activist groups to express the idea that inequalities in the distribution of medical resources are unjust. These disgruntled social reformers are largely uninformed about the true nature of human rights, claiming that any society in which some citizens go without comprehensive medical services is institutionalising immorality by violating Article 25 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Such uninformed and exaggerated claims (...)
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  40. Individual autonomy in the multicultural debate.Callum Dowie Fletcher - unknown
    In this thesis, I claim that the Liberal Multiculturalist arguments for group rights, which would enable group autonomy, are problematic. Such claims are instrumentally justified by the value that groups have for their individual members. I claim that group autonomy and individual autonomy are incompatible. Concern for the freedom of individuals requires that there is a common Liberal legal framework covering all of the cultural groups that may exist within a state. I will argue for such a system, claiming that (...)
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  41. Kant's Departure from Hume's Moral Naturalism.Josiah Paul Saunders - unknown
    This thesis considers Kant's departure from moral naturalism. In doing so, it explores the relationship between ethics, naturalism, normativity and freedom. Throughout this exploration, I build the case that Kant's ethics of autonomy allows us to make better sense of ethics than Hume's moral naturalism. Hume believes that morality is ultimately grounded in human nature. Kant finds this understanding of ethics limiting. He insists that we are free - we can critically reflect upon our nature and alter it accordingly. This (...)
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  42. Improving teachers' professional learning: The quality learning circle approach.S. Lovett & P. Verstappen - 2007 - .
    Gives an account of the learning journey taken by a group of teachers at an urban primary school who, wanting more from their appraisal experiences, explored and trialled an approach known as the quality learning circle. The teachers adopted a reflective practice approach to enable them to describe their practice, investigate meanings, consider how these had developed, and explore alternatives. Uses data drawn from the minutes of meetings and interviews with the teachers to provide details of the processes and decisions (...)
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  43. Philosophy of the City, City of philosophy.X. Wu - unknown
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  44. Democratic Vanguardism: Modernity, Intervention and the making of the Bush Doctrine.Michael Ian Harland - unknown
    The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 transformed the way in which Americans and their leaders viewed the world. The tragic events of that day helped give rise to a foreign policy strategy commonly referred to as the “Bush Doctrine.” At the heart of this doctrine lay a series of propositions about the need to foster liberal democracy as the antidote to terrorism. President George W. Bush proclaimed in a variety of addresses that democracy now represented the “single surviving model” (...)
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  45. Life, Death and Transformation: Education and Incompleteness in Hermann Hesse's The Glass Bead Game.P. Roberts - 2014 - .
    Reproduced with permission from the Canadian Journal of Education.
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  46. John Greco, Achieving Knowledge, 2010. [REVIEW]Michael-John Turp - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (4):270-272.
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  47. Attention, asceticism, and grace.Peter Roberts - 2011 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 10 (3):315-328.
    The work of the French thinker Simone Weil has exerted an important influence on scholars in a wide range of fields. To date, however, her writings have attracted comparatively little interest from educationists. This article discusses some of the key concepts in Weil’s philosophy — gravity, grace, decreation, and attention — and assesses their significance for the arts and humanities in higher education.
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  48. On the Origins of the Modern Concept of Syphilis: Eighteenth Century Debate, Ludwik Fleck, and the Enlightenment.Teneille Patricia Humphris - unknown
    The enlightenment period is often considered a dark age within the history of medicine. Contrary to this sentiment, I argue that the enlightenment spirit of inquiry regarding venereal disease was vibrant, dynamic, and profoundly influenced how syphilis was understood in the subsequent century. Historiography frequently minimises advances of medical knowledge made in the eighteenth century by focusing on the inefficacy of treatments, rather than on developments in medical theories and concepts. This thesis attends to this gap by examining a case (...)
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  49. Against Instrumental Reason: Spirituality, Neo-Marxism, and Heideggerian Thought in J.L. Aranguren, M. Zambrano, and J. Aguirre. [REVIEW]B. Caballero Rodriguez - unknown
    The central argument of this thesis is that, contrary to what is generally believed, Critical Theory – as understood by the Frankfurt School – did exist and was developed in Spain influenced by and parallel to the FS’s own research during the second half of the twentieth century. Thus, the aim of this research is to provide evidence of and explore the CT developed by three leading Spanish thinkers: José Luis López Aranguren, Jesús Aguirre, and María Zambrano. This will be (...)
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  50. By parallel reasoning with bioethics: toward unity and effectiveness in the theory and practice of environmental ethics.John Edward Eggleston - unknown
    Whether philosophy can contribute decisively towards alleviating humanity’s pressing environmental predicament I here argue in the affirmative. There are many considerations that challenge my case. Specifically, I show that environmental ethics, the subdiscipline of moral philosophy which was founded on the presumption of this possibility, has faltered. The field threatens to divide between “impractical theoretical” discourses within the academy, and “pragmatic” and largely atheoretical “practical” engagements with environmental science, policy and management. To help environmental ethics advance beyond this dysfunctional division, (...)
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  51. Invisible Episteme - The Mirrors and String of Modernity.Amba Jessida Morton - unknown
    This thesis is an interrogation into the epistemological structures which underpin modernity, the project and claim which has come to significantly shape the contemporary world. Following a line of inquiry which analyses the intersections between knowledge, power, and history, this paper examines how signifiers such as religion and culture have come to designate ‘otherness’ in the context of modernity. The assignment of such terms to beliefs, values, worldviews, and ideologies that are not readily assimilated by the epistemological framework of modernity (...)
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  52. Cultivating Identities: Re-thinking Education in Palau.Kiblas Soaladaob - unknown
    A plethora of cross-cultural research studies has been conducted and published on the conflict or collision between western models of education and indigenous knowledge and learning. Following on the visions of these studies, the research reported in this thesis explores how these tensions between differing bodies of knowledge impact youth identity in non-western societies. More specifically, the study examines the case of how western models of education impacts the Palauan traditional educational models and whether or not the privileging of western (...)
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  53. Philosophy, Matauranga Maori, and the Meaning of NZ Biculturalism.P. Catton - unknown
    New Zealand has scarcely taken the first step towards genuinely bicultural dialogue, because no-one has indicated clearly what that first step must be. Four general questions for NZ are introduced which broaden out into a search for definition of the needed first step. (1) Does philosophy’s ‘Enlightenment ideal’ demarcate fairly, accurately and exhaustively what is genuine intellectual accomplishment by humans? (2) Was NZ’s most famous philosopher, Karl Popper, correct to compare ‘tribal’ consciousness so invidiously with his vaunted ‘open society’? (3) (...)
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  54. Responsibility, spontaneity and liberty.Erik van Zwol - unknown
    Isaiah Berlin maintains that there are two distinct forms of freedom or liberty: negative and positive. Berlin’s principal claim is that negative liberty does not require that the self be somehow separate from the empirical world. My principal claim is that to be an agent is to be committed to a separation of self in this sense, thus that the self for its very being requires to possess a species of positive liberty. This conception proceeds in part from Immanuel Kant’s (...)
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  55. Immanence and Transcendence in the Idealisms of Leibniz and Berkeley.Eli Benjamin Davenport - unknown
    Recent philosophers assess differently the extent to which affinity is to be found between the idealist metaphysics of G. W. Leibniz and George Berkeley. I argue that these figures’ idealisms are indeed strongly aligned. They espouse related accounts of the nature of mental substance and state. They similarly restrict the domain of causality. They each reject the Lockean primary/secondary quality dichotomy. Over against the criticism that idealisms cannot allow for a distinction to be made out between real and illusory perceptual (...)
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  56. Changes of Setting and the History of Mathematics: A New Study of Frege.James Edgar Davies - unknown
    This thesis addresses an issue in the philosophy of Mathematics which is little discussed, and indeed little recognised. This issue is the phenomenon of a ‘change of setting’. Changes of setting are events which involve a change in a scientific framework which is fruitful for answering questions which were, under an old framework, intractable. The formulation of the new setting usually involves a conceptual re-orientation to the subject matter. In the natural sciences, such re-orientations are arguably unremarkable, inasmuch as it (...)
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  57. “We’re making a difference to the lives of our students”Learning Communities in Physical Education.Suzanne Cynthia McBain - unknown
    This qualitative case study combined teacher and student interviews with observations of one physical education class to facilitate understandings of physical education learning communities. Watkins’ definition of a learning community was used as a framework to conceptualise the study. I found that physical education teachers in this study do actively develop their classes as learning communities. Five key findings are discussed. Physical education learning communities exist in a number of different forms that can be related to a learning community continuum. (...)
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