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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "UC Research Repository"
This set has the following status: partial.
- Engineering decisions: Framework, process and concerns.C. B. Brown & David Elms - forthcoming - .details
- Love and sex in Epicurean philosophy.Anthony George Hunter - unknowndetails
- The role of the press in maintaining social ideology.Timothy Charles Aitken - unknowndetails
- The great refusal : reason and revolution revisited.Martin James Morris - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- Justice and Maori : reflections on contemporary justice theory and justice for Maori.Lindsey Te Ata O. Tu MacDonald - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- Politics and philosophy in environmentalism : the implications of political theory for environmental policy-making in liberal democratic states.Andrew Maxwell Robertson - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- Applying Rawls globally : extending the Rawlsian framework.Shanon P. Daly - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- Cosmic Xerox Machines, Tattoo Removal, and Defining 'Physicalism'.Douglas Campbell - unknowndetails
- Chaotic psychology : nonlinear dynamics as a metatheory for psychology.David Bruce Hann - unknowndetails
- Old conflicts in a new era : the reality of intractable conflicts in the twenty-first century.Leah Margaret Simpson - unknowndetails
- Understanding Taylor : Charles Taylor and the shaping of a philosophical therapy for the crisis of modernity.Adam Gabriel Colin Heinz - unknowndetails
- An Analogy between Linguistics and Science: A comparative study.Dr Sadeeshvara Silva Thotabaddadurage - unknowndetails
- Beyond atomism and holism : the metaphysics of psychology.Anthony Brian Patrick Ward - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- The philosophical roots of psychology as a science.John Ross Gourley - unknowndetails
- Reductionism in psychology.Shayne Andreasend - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- The theorisation of suicide : an exploratory study.Jane Elizabeth Campbell - unknowndetails
- The relationship between psychology and society.Matthew Keith Marshall Thompson - unknowndetails
- The epistemology of live blogging.D. Matheson & K. Wahl-Jorgensen - forthcoming - New Media and Society.details
- Explanations of male abuse of female partners : an explication, evaluation and integration.Sonja F. Bakker - unknowndetails
- Book Review: Media and Moral Education. A Philosophy of Critical Engagement. [REVIEW]Cheryl Brown - 2020 - Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning 13 (1):80-82.details
- Juxtaposing thematic regions derived from spatial and platial user-generated content.Grant McKenzie & Ben Adams - unknowndetails
- The observational roots of reference of the semantic web.Simon Scheider, Krzysztof Janowicz & Ben Adams - unknowndetails
- An Exception To The Rule: Journalism And Research Ethics.D. Matheson - 2018 - In Ron Iphofen & Martin Tolich (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics. Los Angeles: Sage.details
- A computer tool for structured analysis.P. Yee - unknowndetails
- Four principles for groupware design : a foundation for participative development.A. Cockburn & S. Jones - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Canterburydetails
- Ngā Whakaaro a Puhiwahine: A Political Philosophy and Theory from the Mōteatea of Puhiwahine.Hemopereki Simon - 2020 - Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 4 (1).details
- Education for a Vocation or Society? The Dialectic of Modern and Customary Epistemologies in Solomon Islands.Peter Walters, Adrian Benavides & Kristen Lyons - 2020 - Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 4 (1).details
- Pre-service teachers’ conclusive principles for teaching technology education.P. M. Snape - 2016 - Design and Technology Education: An International Journal 21 (2).details
- The role of the art of living in early childhood education.Christoph Teschers - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 3 (2):40-50.details
- Daniel D. Hutto and Erik Myin, Radicalizing Enactivism: Basic Minds Without Content. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013; 206pp. [REVIEW]D. Campbell - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):174-176.details
- New Realisms, Materialisms, (Post-)Philosophy and the Possibility for a Feminist Internationalism.Kolozova Katerina - 2017 - Continental Thought and Theory: A Journal of Intellectual Freedom ISSN: 2463-333X 1 (3):673-679.details
- Nasty Feminism, Nasty Feminists.Nicol Thomas - 2017 - Continental Thought and Theory 1 (3).details
- Changing pedagogies: including indigenous epistemologies and inclusive practices.Sione Areli - 2015 - .details
- The Natural Ontological Attitude from a Physicist's Perspective: Towards Quantum Realism.Daniel James Robertson - unknowndetails
- Science Fiction and the Contest of Ideology.D. Bedggood - unknowndetails
- A Critical Project.Timothy Samuel Rowe - unknowndetails
- Philosophical accounts of mind in clinical psychology: reconciling the subjective mind and the objective brain.Kris Anthony Wilson - unknowndetails
- Evolutionary Explanations In Psychology: A Paradigm For Integrating Psychology With Science.Hui-yu Ho - unknowndetails
- The Human Right to Health Care: A Distributive cliché.Andrew James Cooper - unknowndetails
- Individual autonomy in the multicultural debate.Callum Dowie Fletcher - unknowndetails
- Kant's Departure from Hume's Moral Naturalism.Josiah Paul Saunders - unknowndetails
- Improving teachers' professional learning: The quality learning circle approach.S. Lovett & P. Verstappen - 2007 - .details
- Philosophy of the City, City of philosophy.X. Wu - unknowndetails
- Democratic Vanguardism: Modernity, Intervention and the making of the Bush Doctrine.Michael Ian Harland - unknowndetails
- Life, Death and Transformation: Education and Incompleteness in Hermann Hesse's The Glass Bead Game.P. Roberts - 2014 - .details
- John Greco, Achieving Knowledge, 2010. [REVIEW]Michael-John Turp - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (4):270-272.details
- Attention, asceticism, and grace.Peter Roberts - 2011 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 10 (3):315-328.details
- On the Origins of the Modern Concept of Syphilis: Eighteenth Century Debate, Ludwik Fleck, and the Enlightenment.Teneille Patricia Humphris - unknowndetails
- Against Instrumental Reason: Spirituality, Neo-Marxism, and Heideggerian Thought in J.L. Aranguren, M. Zambrano, and J. Aguirre. [REVIEW]B. Caballero Rodriguez - unknowndetails
- By parallel reasoning with bioethics: toward unity and effectiveness in the theory and practice of environmental ethics.John Edward Eggleston - unknowndetails
- Invisible Episteme - The Mirrors and String of Modernity.Amba Jessida Morton - unknowndetails
- Cultivating Identities: Re-thinking Education in Palau.Kiblas Soaladaob - unknowndetails
- Philosophy, Matauranga Maori, and the Meaning of NZ Biculturalism.P. Catton - unknowndetails
- Responsibility, spontaneity and liberty.Erik van Zwol - unknowndetails
- Immanence and Transcendence in the Idealisms of Leibniz and Berkeley.Eli Benjamin Davenport - unknowndetails
- Changes of Setting and the History of Mathematics: A New Study of Frege.James Edgar Davies - unknowndetails
- “We’re making a difference to the lives of our students”Learning Communities in Physical Education.Suzanne Cynthia McBain - unknowndetails
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