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  1.  28
    Must Right-Libertarians Embrace Easements by Necessity?Łukasz Dominiak - 2019 - Diametros 60:34-51.
    The present paper investigates the question of whether right-libertarians must accept easements by necessity. Since easements by necessity limit the property rights of the owner of the servient tenement, they apparently conflict with the libertarian homestead principle, according to which the person who first mixes his labor with the unowned land acquires absolute ownership thereof. As we demonstrate in the paper, however, the homestead principle understood in such an absolutist way generates contradictions within the set of rights distributed on its (...)
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  2.  21
    Evictionism, Libertarianism, and Duties of the Fetus.Łukasz Dominiak & Igor Wysocki - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (6):527-540.
    In “Evictionism and Libertarianism,” published in this journal, Walter Block defends the view that, although the fetus is a human being with all the rights to its body, it may nonetheless be evicted from the woman’s body as a trespasser, provided the pregnancy is unwanted. We argue that this view is untenable: the statement that the unwanted fetus is a trespasser does not follow from the premises that the fetus uninvitedly resides in the woman’s body and that the woman is (...)
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  3.  26
    Libertarianism, Defense of Property, and Absolute Rights.Łukasz Dominiak & Igor Wysocki - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 61:5-26.
    Autorzy artykułu argumentują, że libertarianie (tacy jak Murray Rothbard, Stephan Kinsella), którzy jednocześnie podpisują się pod zasadą proporcjonalności w obronie własności prywatnej oraz pod poglądem, iż posiadanie prawa własności prywatnej oznacza posiadanie prawa do jej obrony, popadają tym samym w dylemat polegający na tym, iż jeżeli jedynym sposobem obrony prawa własności prywatnej jest jego nieproporcjonalna obrona, to to własności tej - wbrew temu, co ów pogląd głosi - nie towarzyszy prawo do jej obrony. Najlepiej uzasadnionym sposobem wyjścia z tego dylematu (...)
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  4.  17
    Is the Rothbardian Theory of Punishment Retributive?Łukasz Dominiak - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (3).
    Murray Rothbard claims that it is “evident that our theory of proportional punishment—that people may be punished by losing their rights to the extent that they have invaded the rights of others—is frankly a retributive theory of punishment, a ‘tooth (or two teeth) for a tooth’ theory.” The present paper argues that it is not. The role that Rothbard assigns for victims in determining punishment justifies classifying his theory of punishment as corrective rather than retributive, for vesting victims with rights (...)
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  5.  41
    Austrian Economics and Compatibilist Freedom.Igor Wysocki & Łukasz Dominiak - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (1):113-136.
    The present paper probes the relation between the metaphysics of human freedom and the Rothbardian branch of Austrian economics. It transpires that Rothbard and his followers embrace metaphysical libertarianism, which holds that free will is incompatible with determinism and that the thesis of determinism is false as pertaining to human action. However, as we demonstrate, their economics with its reliance on value scales requires for its tenability compatibilist freedom. Moreover, we attempt to show that the notion of value scales (or (...)
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  6.  23
    Accession, Property Acquisition, and Libertarianism.Łukasz Dominiak - forthcoming - Diametros:1-25.
    In the present paper we argue that besides four traditional methods of property acquisition – that is, homesteading, production, voluntary transfer and rectification of injustice – libertarianism also recognizes a fifth method, namely the method of accession. We contend that not only have some libertarian scholars implicitly embraced the accession principle, but also that if libertarianism wants to distribute exclusive ownership to indivisible things produced from inputs supplied by two or more parties without running into conflict with its own principles (...)
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  7.  12
    A Duty to Rescue and Its Costs.Stanisław Wójtowicz, Łukasz Dominiak & Igor Wysocki - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 65:91-124.
    Artykuł analizuje problem kosztów powstałych w wyniku realizacji obowiązku udzielenia pomocy osobie znajdującej się w niebezpieczeństwie. Autorzy prezentują trzy odmienne stanowiska dotyczące tego problemu, rozważając scenariusz, w którym osoba decyduje się, z własnej woli lub przymuszona za pomocą prawa, uratować inną osobę, w sytuacji, w której taka pomoc wiąże się z naruszeniem praw trzeciej strony. Przykładowo, A ratuje tonącego B, ale w trakcie ratowania narusza prawa C. Pytanie, które stawiają autorzy brzmi: zakładając, że istnieje obowiązek udzielenia pomocy osobie znajdującej się (...)
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  8.  53
    The Anarcho-Capitalist Case Against the State as a Challenge to the Minarchist Libertarians.Łukasz Dominiak & Igor Wysocki - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (2):53-69.
    The present paper formulates the principled anarcho-capitalist case against the state and investigates the possible minarchist replies thereto. It identifies three and only three logically available ways of undermining the anarcho-capitalist case and argues that none of them works for minarchism due to the premises from which this theory starts. The sketch of the analysis presented in the paper suggests that minarchist research program falls short of theoretical soundness or even of logical validity.
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  9.  24
    How Does Justice Relate to Economic Welfare?Igor Wysocki & Łukasz Dominiak - 2023 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 23 (67):51-67.
    This paper argues—contra some Austro-libertarians—that whether a given exchange is welfare-enhancing or welfare-diminishing does not depend on whether that exchange is just or unjust, respectively. Rather, we suggest that in light of our two thought experiments, Austro-libertarianism has at least a pro tanto reason to conceive of justice and welfare as two logically distinct ideals. This would in turn, most interestingly, predict the possibility of (a) just but welfare-diminishing exchanges and (b) unjust but welfare-enhancing ones. Upon considering possible rejoinders to (...)
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  10.  30
    Contract Theory, Title Transfer, and Libertarianism.Łukasz Dominiak & Tate Fegley - 2020 - Diametros 19 (72):1-25.
    In the present paper we argue that the theory of contracts embraced by many libertarian scholars and relied upon by them in sundry important debates (e.g. over morality of the fractional reserve banking or loan maturity mismatching etc.), that is, the title transfer theory of contracts (TTT) should be rejected as not being able to account for the binding force of future-oriented contracts, including contracts deemed enforceable by those scholars themselves. The TTT claims that the only contracts that should be (...)
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  11. Free market, blackmail, and Austro-libertarianism.Łukasz Dominiak - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:85-106.
    In the present paper we examine the standard Austro-libertarian account of blackmail according to which blackmail should be legal as it does not coerce the blackmailee to part with his property and so cannot be subsumed under extortion. Against this account we put forth a preliminary argument or a hypothesis, if you will, that even if blackmail cannot be subsumed under extortion, it still does not follow that it should be legal, for it might be subsumed under fraud. Indeed, the (...)
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  12.  19
    Problem migracji w filozofii politycznej libertarianizmu.Łukasz Dominiak - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 19:75-96.
    This paper examines the problem of migration from the point of view of libertarian political philosophy. The author presents a theory of natural rights to private property and uses it to infer that the right to migration does not exist in the libertarian order. He points out that according to the the libertarian theory of justice, the decision-making process concerned with the reception of immigrants in a given location is governed by a communitarian-syndicalist rule, which recognises the local community’s right (...)
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  13.  2
    Social welfare, interventionism, and indeterminacy: In defense of Rothbard.Igor Wysocki & Łukasz Dominiak - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:297-315.
    The present paper argues that Rothbard’s economic case against the state is more robust than suggested by his critics. The charge that it might be anemic is based on the suggestion that we can say literally nothing about the way governmental acts bear on social utility. Contra this supposition we submit that Rothbard’s critics missed the fact that the effects of governmental interventions might be actually indeterminate in two ways: weakly or strongly. If the indeterminacy involved in his welfare theory (...)
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