Results for 'Ümit Taştan'

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  1.  22
    On Wittgenstein's Conception of Imponderable Reality.Ümit Taştan - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:1):29-50.
    In this study, we try to look at Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy holistically rather than the early and late periods in the literature. For this, we focus on the concept of imponderable evidence, which we think captures Wittgenstein's conception of reality. This concept provides the link between Tractarian ideas, which are ponderable, and post-Tractarian ideas, which are imponderable. In his Tractatus, Wittgenstein analysed reality via the distinction between what can be said and what can be shown. In the same work, he (...)
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  2. Skeptical arguments from underdetermination.Ümit D. Yalçin - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 68 (1):1 - 34.
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  3. Does Physicalism Require a Supervenience Thesis?Umit D. Yalcin - unknown
    Many authors have taken up the challenge of formulating physicalism as a supervenience thesis. These endeavors have met with varying response, but it seems that the general consensus still remains that a supervenience thesis that is both sufficient and necessary for physicalism has yet to be developed. Terence Horgan1 and Jaegwon Kim2 have most famously argued that supervenience theses are not sufficiently strong for physicalism. Nonetheless, several recent articles suggest that there are philosophers who still hold out hope for some (...)
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    Yerel Seçim Kampanyalarının Seçmen Tercihine Etkisi: 30 Mart 2014 Yerel Seçimleri Sivas Araştırması.Ümit Arklan - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 6):121-121.
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    Predicting Job Strain with Psychological Hardiness, Organizational Support, Job Control and Work Overload: An Evaluation of Karasek’s DCS Model.Secil Bal Tastan - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (1):107-130.
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    Yusufeli'nin Ersis Köyü Ağzında /-r/, /-Er/, /-Ür/ Eklerinin Zaman Görevi Bakımınd.Ümit Hunutlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):369-369.
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    İlkokullarda Performans Yönetimi Uygulamaları Ve Öğretmenlerin Örgütsel Adalet Algıları Arasındaki İ.Ümit Kahraman - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):519-519.
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  8. Charter of Medina in the Context of Constitutionalism Doctrine.Cem Ümit Beyoğlu - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (60):121-133.
    Modern dünyada Anayasalcılık düşüncesinin siyasi iktidarın sınırlandırılması ve insan haklarının güvence altına alınması şeklinde iki temel işlevinin bulunduğunda herhangi bir şüphe yoktur. Buna karşın iktidarın sınırlandırılmasının netice bakımından insan haklarına olumlu etkilerinin olacağını da söylemek mümkündür. Medine Vesikası, İslam tarihinin en önemli belgelerinden biri olma özelliğine sahiptir. İslam dininin peygamberi Hz. Muhammed’in Medine’ye hicret ettikten sonra, şehirde yaşayan farklı din, kültür ve ırktan insanlar arasında birlik, barış ve adaletin sağlanması için kabul edilen bir vesikadır. Anayasa, devletin işleyişini ve yetki dağılımını (...)
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  9. Ebû Şekûr es-S'limî’nin Hil'fete İlişkin Görüşleri.Mehmet Ümit - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:327-352.
    Hilâfet/imâmet meselesi, Hz. Peygamberin vefatının akabinde Müslümanlar arasında ortaya çıkan en önemli meselelerden biridir. Bu konu, özellikle Şîa’yla birlikte siyasi alandan itikâdî alana taşınmıştır. Sünnî âlimler de muhtemelen Şiî âlimlerin etkisiyle onu kelâmî konular arasına dâhil etmişler ve kitaplarında ona yer vermişlerdir. Semerkant bölgesi Hanefî-Mâtürîdî âlimlerinden Ebû Şekûr es-Sâlimî de (ö. 460/1068’den sonra) bu âlimlerden biridir. Ebû Şekûr’un hayatı hakkında Hanefî biyografi kitaplarında pek bilgi yoktur. Günümüze ulaşan et-Temhîd fî beyâni’t-tev ḥ îd adlı eserinde verdiği bazı bilgilerden hareketle Ebû Şekûr’un (...)
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    Some Grades On “Hemze” In Turkish Texts Wıth Arabic Alphabet.Ümit Tokatli - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:601-611.
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    The relationship between socially responsible leadership and organisational ethical climate: in search for the role of leader's relational transparency.Seçil Bal Taştan & Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi - 2019 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 13 (3):275.
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  12. Solutions and Dissolutions of the Underdetermination Problem.Ümit D. Yalçin - 2001 - Noûs 35 (3):394 - 418.
  13.  18
    A Merleau-Pontian Critique of Sartrean Philosophy of Negation.Ümit Ege Atakan - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32 (1):110-120.
    The phenomenological ontologies of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty have often been discussed in comparison to one another. Often, a Merleau-Pontian critique of Sartre, based on subjectivity, has been given. In doing so, both Sartre’s and Merleau-Ponty’s views on freedom, facticity, the body, and the Other has been discussed in great detail. Despite all of this, however, not much emphasis has been given to their understanding of negativity in its relation to the construction of Self as the Being-in-the-world of human-reality. Accordingly, this (...)
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    Choral identity in sophocles' oedipus coloneus.Umit Singh Dhuga - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (3):333-362.
    This article argues that the chorus of elders in Sophocles' Oedipus Coloneus is far from ineffectual, as some scholars assume choruses of elders generally are, but exceptionally authoritative in its role as a chorus. The exceptional authority of the Elders of Colonus derives from their old age, wherefrom their sympathy for Oedipus obtains, and from the fact that they are Athenian and thus have the capacity to enact their sympathy for Oedipus by granting him special rights of residency as an (...)
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    The truth and fiction about (Turkey's) human rights politics.Umit Cizre - 2001 - Human Rights Review 3 (1):55-77.
    Despite their strong transnational links and support in the second half of the 1990s, Turkish NGOs have not yet had a “tremendous” impact on domestic political and social change. But new points of contact have been established in the public sphere between governmental agencies and the IHV and IHD, with both sides engaged in an argumentative process, which may, in the long run, lead to the subscriptive phase of “human rights talk” and deed. The general tenor of this essay may (...)
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    Risale-i Ehl-i Derviş.Ümit Eker - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):283-283.
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    The Effect Of Old Anatolian Turkish On The Roundedness Seen In The Affixes Of Chagatai Turkish.Ümit Eker - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:374-389.
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    Organizasyon Terminolojisini Kullanarak Sosyal Değişim Dinamiklerini Anlamak: Türkiye Örneği.Ümit Ercan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):495-495.
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    Context, contrast, and the structure of discourse in Turkish.Umit Deniz Turan & Deniz Zeyrek - 2011 - In Anita Fetzer & Etsuko Oishi, Context and contexts: parts meet whole? Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 147.
    This paper attempts to account for the contrastive discourse connective (tam) tersine (‘on the contrary’) in Turkish discourse. We suggest that this connective evokes a discourse structure which has at least three parts: the material in the prior linguistic context, its refutation, and then rectification in the clause where the connective is hosted. Since negation is obligatory in the discourse context for refutation, we include a discussion of negation and we conclude that the obligatory negative clauses are instances of descriptive (...)
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    Rodosçuk Halkının Beslenme Kültürü Üzerine Bazı Gözlemler (1638-1730).Ümit Ekin - 2017 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 12 (1):37-58.
    Bu makalede Marmara Denizi’nin Kuzeybatısında yer alan Rodosçuk/Tekirdağ kazasında yaşayan halkın beslenme kültürü ele alınmıştır. Hangi ürünlerin yaygın olarak tüketildiğini belirlemek için başvurulan temel kaynak narh defterleridir. Bilindiği üzere narh, mal ve hizmet fiyatlarının esnaf örgütlerinin görüşü alınarak devlet tarafından belirlenen üst sınırını ifade etmektedir. Piyasada bulunan malların listelerini barındırdığı için ayrı bir önem taşıyan narh defterleri ilgili kazaya ait şer’iyye sicillerinde yer almaktadır. 1638-1730 yıllarına ait narh listelerinde bulunan ürünler türlerine göre sınıflandırılarak başlıklar halinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu araştırmada ayrıca narh (...)
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    Towards Enhancing Happiness at Work with the Lenses of Positive Organizational Behavior: the Roles of Psychological Capital, Social Capital and Organizational Trust.Secil Tastan, Burcu Aydin Kucuk & Serin Isiacik - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2):192-225.
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    Toxic Workplace Environment In Search for the Toxic Behaviours in Organizations with a Research in Healthcare Sector.Secil Bal Tastan - 2017 - Postmodern Openings 8 (1):83-109.
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    Rıza Tevfik'in Fuzûlî'nin Leyl' Ve Mecnûn'u Üzerine Notları.Erdoğan Taştan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1517-1517.
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    Sheikh Galib And His Unpublished Poems.Erdoğan Taştan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2825-2855.
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    Anadolu Selçuklu Dönemi Demir Aletlerinin Üretim Yöntemleri.Ümit Güder - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 9):193-193.
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    Nursing and Midwifery Malpractice in Turkey Based on the Higher Health Council Records.Ümit N. Gündoğmuş, Erdem Özkara & Samiye Mete - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (5):489-499.
    Medical malpractice has attracted the attention of people and the media all over the world. In Turkey, malpractice cases are tried according to both criminal and civil law. Nurses and midwives in Turkey fulfill important duties in the distribution of health services. The aim of this study was to reveal the legal procedures followed in malpractice allegations and malpractice lawsuits in which nurses and midwives were named as defendants. We reviewed 59 nursing and midwifery lawsuits reported to the Higher Health (...)
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    Nursing and Midwifery Malpractice in Turkey Based On the Higher Health Council Records.ÜMit N. Gündo, Erdem Özkara & Samiye Mete - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 5:489-499.
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    Skepticism and perceptual content.Ümit D. Yalçin - 1997 - Philosophical Papers 26 (2):179-194.
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    The nature of basic beliefs and the regress of justification.Ümit D. Yalçin - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):519-525.
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    Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretimi Bağlamında Türk Dili Ve Kültürü Merkezlerinin İşlevselliği: Mevcu.Ümit Yildiz - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 4):993-993.
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    The Impact of Perceived Corporate Reputation of Sport Clubs on Social Media Usage: a Study with the Lenses of Social Capital.Emel Esen, Seçil Taştan & Nihan Degercan - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):350-383.
    Technological developments and changes in communication systems in postmodern world have enhanced the organizations to improve their own communication infrastructures and to effectively use their internet sites. Like all other organizations, sport club institutions have considered the vital importance of investing in social media activities and creating their corporate reputation through their connections with their supporters. Thus, social media channels and public relations via social media have been the most essential tools of the organizations to build company image and increase (...)
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    Development administration : Toward an approach mode.Metin Heper & Ümit Berkman - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (4):519-533.
    The institutional model as delineated by classical Public Administration has limited utility for public administration in the developing countries. There are unlikely to be any uniform structural remedies foradministrative defects in those countries. Similar relationships do not have similar consequences in different contexts. An increased awareness along these lines led to the emergence of Development Administration- an effort to relate structures to goals - and Comparative Public Administration - analysis of administrative structures in their own societal contexts. The basic argument (...)
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    A Study of the Ethical Sensitivity of Physicians in Turkey.Nermin Ersoy & Ümit N. Gündoğmuş - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (5):472-484.
    In order to prepare bioethics and clinical ethics courses for clinicians in Turkey, we needed to know the attitudes of physicians when placed in ethically difficult care situations. We presented four cases to 207 physicians who are members of the Physicians’ Association in Kocaeli, Turkey. Depending on the decisions they made in each case, we determined whether they were aware of the ethical aspects of the cases and the principles they chose as a basis for their decisions. We aimed to (...)
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    Exploring the Legality of Consumer Anti-branding Activities in the Digital Age.S. Umit Kucuk - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (1):77-93.
    The importance of “brand dilution” is changing with the rise in internet-mediated consumer power and increasing consumer involvement in the brand identity and message creation processes. In light of recent legal rulings, this study re-conceptualizes brand dilution as a matter of counter-posed brand meanings and associations in digital markets. Anti-branding dilution cases from both a blurring and a tarnishment dilution basis are examined through consumer interviews. The results show that consumer anti-branding has less potential for brand dilution, and more potential (...)
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    Visual rhetoric based on triadic approach: Intellectual knowledge, visual representation and aesthetics as modality.Fatma Nazlı Köksal & Ümit İnatçı - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):35-53.
    The aim of the present study is to evaluate Sonja Foss’s Rhetorical Schema for the Evaluation of Visual Imagery as well as reflect upon several points for further consideration; and finally suggest a renewed triadic approach as a method for analyzing art-relevant visual imagery. The triadic approach to be discussed assumes three correlative layers: the intellectual knowledge, function of the artistic content as the visual representational component, and aesthetics as modality. This study will include the analysis of a print advertisement (...)
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    Sanatçının Yaratımından Açılan Farklı Sahneler: Aristoteles’ten Platon’a "Tragedya" Ekseninde Bir Geri Dönüş.Ayşe Gül Çivgin & Ümit Öztürk - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):17-32.
    Bu çalışma, Aristoteles ve Platon özelinde, “poiēsis” fiilinin iki farklı tarzda kavramsallaştırmasından doğan yapıca uzlaşmaz iki “tragedya” anlayışını irdeleme amacı taşımaktadır. Bunun için, Peri Poiētikēs Tekhnēs ile Politeia metinleri yol gösterici olarak seçilmiştir. Tartışmamızı “mimēsis” bağlamına yerleştirerek, bir yandan “poiēsis” etkinliğine diğer yandan ise “poiēsis” etkinliğinin gerçekleştiricisi olan “poiētēs”e yönelip, bu kavramların bahsedilen iki filozofun “sanat” ve “felsefe” kavrayışlarındaki yerini açmayı deniyoruz. Bu denemeyi ise tragedya bağlamında karşımıza çıkan fâil, fiil, münfâil hâl ve seyirci mefhumları üzerinden derinleştirmeye çalışıyoruz. Böylece, sunduğumuz (...)
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    Kemalism, hyper-nationalism and Islam in Turkey.Ümit Cizre-Sakallioḡlu - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):255-270.
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    State and religion in a secular setting: The Turkish experience.Ümit Cizre-Sakallioǧlu - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):751-757.
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    Ortaokul Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım Dersi Öğretim Programının Öğretmen Görüşleri Doğrultusunda.Ümit Çi̇men Çoşğun - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):461-461.
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    Uygur Metinlerinde Yılan.Ümit Özgür Demi̇rci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):541-541.
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    Analyzing Grade Inflators: Some Metaethical Issues.Ümit D. Yalçın - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):649-668.
    I start with a detailed but partial analysis of a case regarding grade inflation. The case is inspired by the discussion in Crumbley et al. (2010) and its elaboration in Roberts (2016). I supplement the case description by introducing certain facts that are not in the original discussion. The subsequent analysis is based on this enriched case description. I then raise a number of objections against my analysis. An important metaethical, methodological question emerges while responding to these objections. To what (...)
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  42.  18
    Terror of Knowing: Can an Empiricist Avoid Unwanted A Priori Knowledge?Ümit D. Yalçın - 2011 - In Michael J. Shaffer & Michael L. Veber, What Place for the A Priori? Open Court. pp. 241.
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    g'li damak /?/'si ve Bunun Ardahan Yerli Şivesinde Çözülmesi Üzerine.Ümit Özgür Demi̇rci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):275-275.
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    On the sutructure of ıd- verb.Özgür Demi̇rci̇ Ümit - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1421-1431.
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    Runik Harfli Metinlerde, Eski Uygur Yazmalarında -v-, -v Sesine Dönüştüğü Düşünülen Söz İçi ve Söz S.Ümit Özgür Demi̇rci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):437-437.
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    Tarihi Lehçelerde Yılan.Ümit Özgür Demi̇rci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):679-679.
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    Doping and Ethics in Sports.O. Oral, F. Zampeli, R. Varol, Y. Umit, R. Cabuk, George Nomikos, Panayiotis D. Megaloikonomos, Vasilios Igoumenou, Christos Vottis & Andreas F. Mavrogenis - 2014 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 5 (4):271-278.
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    On the Thought of Isaiah Berlin: Papers Presented in Honour of Professor Sir Isaiah Berlin on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday.Isaiah Berlin & Akademyah Ha-le Umit Ha-Yi Sre Elit le-Mada Im - 1990
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    Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber: bi-melot ʻeśrim shanah li-feṭirato.Martin Buber & Akademyah Ha-le Umit Ha-Yi Sre Elit le-Mada Im (eds.) - 1987 - Yerushalayim: ha-Aḳademyah ha-leʼumit ha-Yiśreʼelit le-madaʻim.
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  50. Werkausgabe.Martin Buber, Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, Peter Schäfer, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften & Akademyah Ha-le Umit Ha-Yi Sre Elit le-Mada Im - 2001 - Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. Edited by Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, Peter Schäfer, Martina Urban, Martin Treml, David Groiser, Irene Eber, Emily D. Bilski, Juliane Jacobi, Karl-Josef Kuschel, Bernd Witte, Judith Buber Agassi, Samuel Hayim Brody, Susanne Talabardon, Ran HaCohen, Orr Scharf, Ashraf Noor, Kerstin Schreck, Michael A. Fishbane, Simone Pöpl, Christian Wiese, Heike Breitenbach, Andreas Losch, Stefano Franchini & Massimiliano De Villa.
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