Results for 'xuất bản học thuật'

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  1. Về khả năng ứng dụng của hệ xử lý thông tin 3D và nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị trong tìm kiếm giải pháp cho vấn đề ô nhiễm môi trường và biến đổi khí hậu ở Việt Nam.Quy Khuc - 2022 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 1:1-9.
    Giải quyết biến đổi khí hậu và ô nhiễm môi trường đang và sẽ là thách thức lớn của nhân loại trong thế kỷ 21. Con người không còn nhiều thời gian để sửa chữa, phục hồi đưa hệ sinh thái môi trường (tự nhiên) trở về trạng thái an toàn. Trong khi các nỗ lực trong thời gian qua chưa thực sự hiệu quả thì COP26 mở ra cơ hội lớn để nhân loại tiến gần đến mục tiêu kiềm (...)
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  2. Vài dòng tản mạn về JSTOR, xưa và nay.Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - AISDL 2020:1-5.
    Hiện tại, hệ thống JSTOR đã có một giao diện web rất thân thiện. Họ cũng đã tăng cường các mục thông tin bài vở phổ thông, có tính cách phổ biến cập nhật thông tin khoa học. Nhiều thông tin khai thác từ lịch sử dữ liệu hàn lâm cũng rất lý thú, nhờ vào hệ thống lớn tích lũy lâu ngày của 2600 tạp chí hàn lâm hàng đầu, từ 1200 nhà xuất bản của 57 quốc gia.
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  3. Xuất bản nghiên cứu solo có ích lợi gì?Vương Quân Hoàng - 2020 - AISDL Extract 2020 (4):1-5.
  4. Về vai trò của nghiên cứu trong giáo dục Việt Nam thời đại 4.0.Vương Quân Hoàng - 2019 - Trang Thông Tin Điện Tử Hội Đồng Lý Luận Trung Ương 2019 (8):1-15.
    Cách mạng 4.0 đã và đang mang đến sự thay đổi lớn trong đời sống của người dân Việt Nam. Sự tiện dụng của Grab, khả năng cập nhật 24/24 của Facebook, hay sự đa dạng về nội dung của YouTube thúc đẩy xã hội tiến tới thời đại mới của khởi nghiệp điện toán (Vuong, 2019). Ở đó, mỗi cá nhân đều có cơ hội để khởi nghiệp thông qua sự kết nối đến khắp mọi nơi trên thế giới (...)
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  5. Conspiring with the Enemy: The Ethic of Cooperation in Warfare.Yvonne Chiu - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
    *North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) Book Award 2019.* -/- *International Studies Association (ISA) - International Ethics Section Book Award 2021.* -/- Although military mores have relied primarily on just war theory, the ethic of cooperation in warfare (ECW)—between enemies even as they are trying to kill each other—is as central to the practice of warfare and to conceptualization of its morality. Neither game theory nor unilateral moral duties (God-given or otherwise) can explain the explicit language of cooperation in (...)
  6. Có chính sách đãi ngộ hấp dẫn để thu hút trí thức, nhân tài.V. Trần - 2023 - Báo Lao Động.
    Cải cách tiền lương là một trong những nội dung quan trọng sẽ được thảo luận tại Kỳ họp thứ 6, Quốc hội khóa XV và đây cũng là một trong những chìa khoá để mở ra các chính sách đãi ngộ nhằm góp phần xây dựng, phát triển đội ngũ trí thức nước nhà, đáp ứng yêu cầu phát triển đất nước nhanh và bền vững trong giai đoạn mới như nội dung mà Hội nghị Trung ương 8 khoá (...)
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  7. Ban Nobutomo zenshū.Nobutomo Ban - 1907 - Tōkyō: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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    Między recentywizmem a etyką prostomyślności : księga jubileuszowa z okazji 70. rocznicy urodzin Profesora Józefa Bańki.Józef Bańka, Piotr Skudrzyk & Grzegorz Mitrowski (eds.) - 2000 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  9. Hirata Atsutane, Ban Nobutomo, Ōkuni Takamasa.Atsutane Hirata, Nobutomo Ban, Takamasa Okuni & Tsuguo Tahara - 1973 - Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Nobutomo Ban, Takamasa Ōkuni & Tsuguo Tahara.
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  10. Goed en kwaad.Willem Banning (ed.) - 1965 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    Między krytyką a metafizyką: studium filozofii Josepha Maréchala = Between critique and metaphysics: a study of Joseph Maréchal's philosophy = Entre la critique et la métaphysique: l'etude de la philosophie de Joseph Maréchal.Aleksander R. Bańka - 2013 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    哲学の世界・総論.Hiroshi Ban - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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    Chinese Visions of World Order: Tianxia, Culture, and World Politics.Ban Wang (ed.) - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    The Confucian doctrine of _tianxia_ outlines a unitary worldview that cherishes global justice and transcends social, geographic, and political divides. For contemporary scholars, it has held myriad meanings, from the articulation of a cultural imaginary and political strategy to a moralistic commitment and a cosmological vision. The contributors to _Chinese Visions of World Order_ examine the evolution of tianxia's meaning and practice in the Han dynasty and its mutations in modern times. They attend to its varied interpretations, its relation to (...)
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    Time and method: reflections on a recentiori method.Józef Bańka - 1995 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Tract on time: time in the conceptions of recentivism and presentism.Józef Bańka - 1994 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  16. Ethical healthiness : a key factor in building learning organizations.Alexis Bañón, Manuel Guillén-Parra & Ignacio Gil-Pechuan - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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    Filozofia jako sposób odczuwania i konceptualizowania ludzkiego losu: materiały z sesji naukowej, Katowice-Wisła, 11-14 maja 1998 r.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1999 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  18. Poglądy filozoficzno-społeczne Michała Wiszniewskiego.Józef Bańka - 1967 - Warszawa,: Książka i Wiedza.
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    Réflexions, morales & politiques.Émile Théodore Joseph Hubert Banning - 1899 - Bruxelles,: Spineux & cie.. Edited by Ernest Édouard Gossart & Alexis Henri Brialmont.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Spinoza y la no-dualidad: del cuerpo a la Alegría.Nacho Bañeras - 2023 - Barcelona: Editorial Kairós.
  21. The Christological Foundation for Contemporary Theological Education.Joseph D. Ban - 1988
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    Tetsugaku no sekai sōron.Hiroshi Ban - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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    From modernism to postmodernism: between universal and local.Katarina Bogunović Hočevar, Gregor Pompe & Nejc Sukljan (eds.) - 2016 - New York: PL Academic Research.
    The book explores two radical changes of cultural and social paradigm that determined the World after 1945 - Modernism and Postmodernism. From the cataclysmic atmosphere emerged the second wave of Modernism. In art this attitude was manifested in the form of a radical break with the aesthetic and stylistic characteristics of prior generations. In architecture the International Style was born, meanwhile similar "universality" was also a characteristic of musical serialism. From the beginning of the 1970s the wheels again began to (...)
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    Movement and poetic rhythm: uncovering the musical signification of poetic discourse via the temporal dimension of the sign.Drina Hočevar - 2003 - Imatra: International Semiotics Institute, Semiotic Society of Finland.
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    Aesthetics, Morality, and the Modern Community: Wang Guowei, Cai Yuanpei, and Lu Xun.Ban Wang - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (3):496-514.
    In Mao’s era, China’s policy makers and intellectuals viewed aesthetic experience and thought as handmaidens in the service of the political order. As China opened up and engaged more intensely with modern traditions of the West, aesthetic thinkers such as Li Zehou critiqued the subordinated role of aesthetics and reasserted notions of aesthetic autonomy and liberal humanism, calling for the separation of arts and literature from political, social, and moral concerns. This truncated aesthetic view stems from a modernist version of (...)
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    Concept of human weakness: A brief comparison of Christian and confucian thinking.Lloyd Sci Ban - 2004 - Wisdom in China and the West 22:67.
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    Rozważania o filozofii a recentiori: księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana Profesorowi Józefowi Bańce.Józef Bańka & Adolf Szołtysek (eds.) - 1994 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Virtual metaphysics: a treaty on momentary structures.Józef Bańka - 2004 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śla̜skiego. Edited by Maria Korusiewicz.
  29. Europese geest. Inhouden en vormen van het cultuurleven der Europese Wereld, derde druk.W. Banning & J. D. Bierens De Haan - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (3):572-573.
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  30. Encyclopaedisch Handboek van het Moderne Denken.W. Banning, C. J. van der Klaauw, H. A. Kramers, H. J. Pos, K. F. Proost & J. B. Ubbink - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:127-128.
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  31. La profundidad de las explicaciones causales en las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales.Fernanda Samaniego Bañuelos - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata (eds.), Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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  32. Modern niet-godsdienstig humanisme.Willem Banning, W. Engelen & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1964 - Nijmegen,: Dekker & Van de Vegt.
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    Metafizyka piękna: zarys estetyki recentywistycznej.Józef Bańka - 1991 - Olsztyn: Wydawn. Ethos.
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  34. Supōtsu shisō no tanjō: Ōshima Kenkichi no shūhen.Yoshitaka Ban - 1994 - Tōkyō: Sōbun Kikaku.
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    Traktat o czasie: czas a poczucie dziejowości istnienia w koncepcjach recentywizmu i prezentyzmu.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1991 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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  36. Typen van zedeleer, grepen uit de geschiedenis der (niet in Godsdienst gefundeerde) ethiek.Willem Banning - 1948 - 's Gravenhage,: Boekencentrum.
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  37. History of Bioethics.Josep E. Baños & Elena Guardiola - 2024 - In Irene Cambra-Badii, Ester Busquets, Núria Terribas & Josep-Eladi Baños (eds.), Bioethics: foundations, applications, and future challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business, A Science Publishers Book.
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  38. Il Padro Nostro nell'Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum.J. van Banning - 1990 - Gregorianum 71 (2):293-313.
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    The Clash of Civilization and World Community: The West and China.Ban Wang - 2022 - Télos 2022 (199):48-56.
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    Beyond Social Science Naturalism: The Case for Ecumenical Interpretivism.Cornel Ban - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (3-4):454-461.
    ABSTRACT The epistemological and methodological wars that bedevil social science often pit those who follow in the footsteps of natural science and those who favor a more holistic, interpretive approach. Into this war-torn landscape, Mark Bevir and Jason Blakley have dropped a plea for interpretive social science that will surely serve as a touchstone for years to come. However, their anti-naturalism is of the methodologically ecumenical kind, with the qualitative toolkit cohabiting with mass surveys, large-N statistics, and other quantitative methods (...)
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    Caminos hacia la actitud estoica: prácticas para una vida serena.Nacho Bañeras - 2023 - [Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona]: Editorial Siglantana.
  42. Encyclopaedisch Handboek van het Moderne Denken. Derde geheel herziene druk.W. Banning, C. Van der Klaauw, H. Kramers, H. Pos, K. Proost & J. Ubbink - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (3):563-564.
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  43. Medytacje parmenidiańskie o pierwszej filozofii: recentywizm i pannyngeneza.Józef Bańka - 1992 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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    Myŝl systematyczna i historyczna w badaniach filozoficznych: Katowice-Wisła, 7-11 maja 1995 roku.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1995 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego.
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  45. Ojcze nasz, któryś jest teraz: idee czystej teraźniejszoʹsciowej filozofii.Józef Bańka - 2001 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
    t. 1. Recentywizm kwantowy -- t. 2. Zasada antropiczna w filozofii a recentywizm.
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  46. Typen van zedeleer.Willem Banning - 1972 - Haarlem,: Bohn.
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    La science des moeurs au siècle des Lumières: conception et expérimentations.Laurie Bréban, Séverine Denieul & Elise Sultan-Villet (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La « science des mœurs » entreprend d’étudier l’homme en passant par l’observation et l’expérience. Au xviiie siècle, elle se propose d’appliquer une méthode nouvelle à un objet jusqu’alors réservé aux métaphysiciens ou aux moralistes. Or, une telle proposition ne va pas sans poser problème.-.
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  48. Bauddha śiṣṭacārayē mūla dharma.Candima Vijēbaṇḍāra - 1982 - Koḷamba: Pradīpa Prakāśakayō. Edited by H. M. Moraṭuvagama.
    Study of the fundamentals of Buddhist civilization.
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  49. Ethics and human values in family planning: conference highlights, papers, and discussion: XXII CIOMS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-24 June 1988.Zbigniew Bańkowski, J. Barzelatto & Alexander Morgan Capron (eds.) - 1989 - Geneva: CIOMS.
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  50. Poverty, vulnerability, the value of human life, and the emergence of bioethics: highlights and papers of the XXVIIIth CIOMS Conference, Ixtapa, Guerrero State, Mexico, 17-20 April 1994.Zbigniew Bańkowski & John H. Bryant (eds.) - 1995 - Geneva: CIOMS.
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