Results for 'vote buying and selling'

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  1.  62
    Autonomy, Vote Buying, and Constraining Options.James Stacey Taylor - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (5):711-723.
    A common argument used to defend markets in ‘contested commodities’ is based on the value of personal autonomy. Autonomy is of great moral value; removing options from a person's choice set would compromise her ability to exercise her autonomy; hence, there should be a prima facie presumption against removing options from persons’ choice sets; thus, the burden of proof lies with those who wish to prohibit markets in certain goods. Christopher Freiman has developed a version of this argument to defend (...)
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    Logrolling, Earmarking, and Vote Buying.James Stacy Taylor - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (3):905-913.
    In an important and provocative paper Christopher Freiman recently has defended the view that vote-buying should be legal in democratic societies. Freiman offers four arguments in support of this claim: that vote buying would be ex ante beneficial to both the buyers and sellers of votes; that voters enjoy wide discretion in how they use their votes, and so this should extend to selling them; that vote markets would lead to electoral outcomes that better (...)
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    Effective Vote Markets and the Tyranny of Wealth.Alfred Archer, Bart Engelen & Viktor Ivanković - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (1):39-54.
    What limits should there be on the areas of life that are governed by market forces? For many years, no one seriously defended the buying and selling votes for political elections. In recent years, however, this situation has changed, with a number of authors defending the permissibility of vote markets. One popular objection to such markets is that they would lead to a tyranny of wealth, where the poor are politically dominated by the rich. In a recent (...)
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  4. The Ethics of Voting.Jason Brennan - 2011 - Princeton Univ Pr.
    In this provocative book, Jason Brennan challenges our fundamental assumptions about voting, revealing why it is not a duty for most citizens--in fact, he ...
  5.  40
    Vote Buying and Tax-cut Promises.Thom Brooks - 2016 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 63 (146):20-35.
    Both vote buying and tax-cut promises are attempts to manipulate voters through cash incentives in order to win elections, but only vote buying is illegal. Should we extend the ban on vote buying to tax-cut promises? This article will argue for three conclusions. The first is that tax-cut promises should be understood as a form of vote buying. The second is that campaign promises are a form of vote buying. The (...)
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    The Buying and Selling of Idols.Gilda Cordero-Fernando - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (1).
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    A Knowledge Module: Buying and Selling.Joohyung Lee & Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    This note shows how to formalize a small set of general facts about buying and selling. We begin with summarizing properties of buying/selling informally in English, and give examples of consequences of these assumptions. Then we formalize our assumptions in action language C+ with additive fluents and actions and test the adequacy of the proposed formalization using the Causal Calculator.
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    Vote Buying and Voter Preferences.James Stacey Taylor - 2017 - Social Theory and Practice 43 (1):107-124.
    A common criticism of plurality voting is that it fails to reflect the degree of intensity with which voters prefer the candidate or policy that they vote for. To rectify this, many critics of plurality voting have argued that vote buying should be allowed. Persons with more intense preferences for a candidate could buy votes from persons with less intense preferences for the opposing candidate and then cast them for the candidate that they intensely support. This paper (...)
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  9. Vote Buying and Election Promises: Should Democrats Care About the Difference?Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 19 (2):125-144.
  10.  28
    Buying and selling human eggs: infertility providers’ ethical and other concerns regarding egg donor agencies.Robert Klitzman - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):71.
    BackgroundEgg donor agencies are increasingly being used as part of IVF in the US, but are essentially unregulated, posing critical ethical and policy questions concerning how providers view and use them, and what the implications might be.MethodsThirty-seven in-depth interviews of approximately 1 h were conducted – with 27 IVF providers and 10 patients.ResultsClinicians vary in their views and interactions concerning egg donor agencies, ranging widely in whether and how often they use agencies. Agencies may offer egg recipients increased choices, but (...)
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  11.  68
    Buying and Selling Friendship.James Stacey Taylor - 2019 - American Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2):187-202.
    It is widely believed that the nature of love and friendship precludes them from being bought or sold. It will be argued in this paper that this view is false: There is no conceptual bar to the commodification of love and friendship. The arguments offered for this view will lead to another surprising conclusion: That these goods are asymmetrically alienable goods, goods whose nature is such that separate arguments must be provided for the views that they can be bought and (...)
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  12.  62
    Markets Without Limits: Moral Virtues and Commercial Interests.Jason Brennan & Peter Jaworski - 2015 - London: Routledge.
    May you sell your vote? May you sell your kidney? May gay men pay surrogates to bear them children? May spouses pay each other to watch the kids, do the dishes, or have sex? Should we allow the rich to genetically engineer gifted, beautiful children? Should we allow betting markets on terrorist attacks and natural disasters? Most people shudder at the thought. To put some goods and services for sale offends human dignity. If everything is commodified , then nothing (...)
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  13.  13
    If vegetables could talk …: A structural and sequential analysis of buying and selling interactions in a Mexican fruit and vegetable shop.Ariel Vázquez Carranza - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (6):711-731.
    The present investigation studies buying and selling encounters in a Mexican fruit and vegetable shop. It is a conversation-analytic study that shows aspects of the institutional character of these interactions, their overall organisation and sequential structure. It suggests that the core sequential structure of these encounters consists of two base adjacency pairs, buying and selling. In particular, the analysis describes the preparatory characteristics of the pre-expansions that precede the product request formulations, the linguistic composition and sequential (...)
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  14. Commonsense aspects of buying and selling.Varol Akman & Murat Ersan - 1996 - Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal 27 (4):327-352.
    We describe an experimental approach toward implementing a commonsense "microtheory" for buying and selling. Our prototype system characterizes how intelligent agents hold items and money, how they buy and sell items, and the way money and items are transferred. The ontology of the system includes money (cash, check, credit card), agents (people, organizations), items (movable, real estate, service), barter, and the notions of transfer, loan, buying by installments, profit, and loss.
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  15. Against Constitutive Incommensurability or Buying and Selling Friends.Ruth Chang - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s1):33 - 60.
    Recently, some of the leading proponents of the view that there is widespread incommensurability among goods have suggested that the incommensurability of some goods is a constitutive feature of the goods themselves. So, for example, a friendship and a million dollars are incommensurable because it is part of what it is to be a friendship that it be incommensurable with money. According to these ‘constitutive incommensurabilists’ incommensurability follows from the very nature of certain goods. In this paper, I examine this (...)
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  16. Contested commodities at both ends of life: Buying and selling gametes, embryos, and body tissues.Suzanne Holland - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):263-284.
    : This essay examines the increasing commodification of the body with respect to tissues, gametes, and embryos. Such commodification contributes to a diminishing sense of human personhood on an individual level, even as it erodes commitments to human flourishing at the societal level. After the case for social harm resulting from the increasing commodification of the body is made, the question becomes whether that harm is best remedied by following any of three approaches by which government traditionally seeks to promote (...)
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    Would you like a bag for that? : Environmental awareness and changing practices for closing buying and selling encounters in retail shopping.Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen & Gitte Rasmussen - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (1):143-169.
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    It Is Morally Acceptable to Buy and Sell Organs for Human Transplantation.Moral Puzzles - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25--47.
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  19. The Stem Cell Debate Continues: The Buying and Selling of Eggs for Research.Françoise Baylis & Carolyn McLeod - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (12):726-731.
    Now that stem cell scientists are clamouring for human eggs for cloning-based stem cell research, there is vigorous debate about the ethics of paying women for their eggs. Generally speaking, some claim that women should be paid a fair wage for their reproductive labour or tissues, while others argue against the further commodification of reproductive labour or tissues and worry about voluntariness among potential egg providers. Siding mainly with those who believe that women should be financially compensated for providing eggs (...)
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    It Is Not Morally Acceptable to Buy and Sell Organs for Human Transplantation.Arthur L. Caplan - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25--59.
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    What’s wrong with vote buying.Lachlan Montgomery Umbers - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (2):1-21.
    Almost everyone would agree that vote buying is morally wrong, and that prohibitions on vote buying are morally justified. Yet, recently, several philosophers have argued that vote buying is morally permissible, and that it should be legally permitted. This paper begins by examining and criticising arguments that have been offered in defence of vote buying. I then go on to consider existing attempts to explain the wrongness of vote buying, arguing (...)
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  22.  39
    Impartiality and democracy: an objection to political exchange.Matthew T. Jeffers - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (1):166-189.
    The philosophical debate concerning political exchange has largely been confined to debating the desirability of vote trading; where individuals can sell their votes or buy votes from others. However, I show that the vote credit systems prevalent in public choice theory entirely avoid the common objections to political exchange that afflict vote trading proposals. Namely, vote credit systems avoid equality concerns and inalienability concerns. I offer an alternative critique to formal mechanisms that encourage political exchange by (...)
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  23.  18
    Vote Selling and Self-Interested Voting.Steven Rieber - 2001 - Public Affairs Quarterly 15 (1):35-49.
  24.  57
    To give or sell human gametes - the interplay between pragmatics, policy and ethics.K. R. Daniels - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):206-211.
    The ever-growing acceptance and use of assisted human reproduction techniques has caused demand for “donated” sperm and eggs to outstrip supply. Medical professionals and others argue that monetary reward is the only way to recruit sufficient numbers of “donors”. Is this a clash between pragmatics and policy/ethics? Where monetary payments are the norm, alternative recruitment strategies used successfully elsewhere may not have been considered, nor the negative consequences of commercialism on all participants thought through. Considerations leading some countries to ban (...)
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  25.  76
    To Buy or Not to Buy? Vulnerability and the Criminalisation of Commercial BDSM.Sharon Cowan - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):263-279.
    This paper examines the interaction of law and policy-making on prostitution, with that of BDSM (bondage and discipline, sadism and masochism). Recent policy and legal shifts in the UK mark out prostitutes as vulnerable and in need of ‘rescue’. BDSM that amounts to actual bodily harm is unlawful in the UK, and calls to decriminalise it are often met with fears that participants will be left vulnerable to abuse. Where women sell BDSM sex, even more complex questions of choice, exploitation, (...)
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  26.  45
    Vote markets, democracy and relational egalitarianism.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):373-394.
    This paper expounds and defends a relational egalitarian account of the moral wrongfulness of vote markets according to which such markets are incompatible with our relating to one another as equals qua people with views on what we should collectively decide. Two features of this account are especially interesting. First, it shows why vote markets are objectionable even in cases where standard objections to them, such as the complaint that they result in inequality in opportunity for political influence (...)
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  27.  50
    Agency and Autonomy in Food Choice: Can We Really Vote with Our Forks?J. M. Dieterle - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (1):1-15.
    Ethical consumerism is the thesis that we should let our values determine our consumer purchases. We should purchase items that accord with our values and refrain from buying those that do not. The end goal, for ethical consumerism, is to transform the market through consumer demand. The arm of this movement associated with food choice embraces the slogan “Vote with Your Fork!” As in the more general movement, the idea is that we should let our values dictate our (...)
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  28.  79
    Voting and vagueness.James Kennedy Chase - 2016 - Synthese 193 (8):2453–2468.
    How to handle vagueness? One way is to introduce the machinery of acceptable sharpenings, and reinterpret truth as truth-in-all-sharpenings or truth-in-some-sharpenings. A major selling point has been the conservativism of the resulting systems with respect to classical theoremhood and inference. Supervaluationism and subvaluationism possess interesting formal symmetries, a fact that has been used to argue for the subvaluationist approach. However, the philosophical motivation behind each is a different matter. Subvaluationism comes with a standard story that is difficult to sign (...)
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  29. Can’t Buy Me Love.Jacob Sparks - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Research 42:341-352.
    Critics of commodification often claim that the buying and selling of some good communicates disrespect or some other inappropriate attitude. Such semiotic critiques have been leveled against markets in sex, pornography, kidneys, surrogacy, blood, and many other things. Brennan and Jaworski (2015a) have recently argued that all such objections fail. They claim that the meaning of a market transaction is a highly contingent, socially constructed fact. If allowing a market for one of these goods can improve the supply, (...)
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  30. Big Data Analytics and How to Buy an Election.Jakob Mainz, Rasmus Uhrenfeldt & Jorn Sonderholm - 2021 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (2):119-139.
    In this article, we show how it is possible to lawfully buy an election. The method we describe for buying an election is novel. The key things that make it possible to buy an election are the existence of public voter registration lists where one can see whether a given elector has voted in a particular election, and the existence of Big Data Analytics that with a high degree of accuracy can predict what a given elector will vote (...)
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  31.  81
    What Money Could Buy: A Reply to Michael Sandel.Mats Volberg - 2015 - Problemos 88:166.
    According to Michael Sandel in recent decades we have witnessed a change in our thinking and acting. Namely we have become to think more in terms of economics and we have also started to buy and sell a lot more things. Sandel finds this troubling and presents two arguments: (1) the inequality and fairness argument, which states that such practises help to transfer inequalities, and (2) the corruption argument, which states that such practises corrupt the nature of the thing being (...)
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  32.  37
    Markets in Votes, Voter Liberty, and the Burden of Justification.James Stacey Taylor - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Research 42:325-340.
    Christopher Freiman, Jason Brennan, and Peter M. Jaworski have recently defended markets in votes. While their views differ in several respects they all believe that the primary justificatory burden lies not with those who defend markets in votes but with those who oppose them. Yet while the burden of proof should typically rest with those who wish to prohibit markets in certain goods this does not hold for the debate over markets in votes. Votes are crucially different from other goods (...)
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  33.  54
    Universal Shylockery: Money and Morality in The Merchant of Venice.Simon Critchley & Tom McCarthy - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (1):3-17.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 34.1 (2004) 3-17 [Access article in PDF] Universal Shylockery Money and Morality in The Merchant of Venice Simon Critchley Tom McCarthy What if Nietzsche were a Jew, and a mean-minded Venetian Jew at that? We'd like to begin with the thought experiment of imagining The Merchant of Venice as a genealogy of morality and imagining Shylock as Nietzsche. What is The Merchant of Venice about? What is at (...)
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  34.  39
    Destiny and Options of Contemporary Chinese Scholars of the Humanities.Chen Pingyuan - 1997 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):5-28.
    "Scholar of the humanities" is not a title of honor; it is only a choice of profession. Hence, those "erstwhile scholars" who have already gone into politics or business are not discussed in the present article. Instead of touching on such hot topics as professors selling meat pies, buying and selling automobiles, entering people's political consultative conferences, or taking government posts, this article considers the destiny and possible options of scholars who are willing to engage in humanity (...)
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  35. The Business Ethics of Short Selling and Naked Short Selling.James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (1):239 - 249.
    The controversy over short selling has continued unabated from the introduction of modern equity trading in Amsterdam in 1610 to the present day. Nevertheless, the business ethics literature has not really addressed short selling. Short sellers not only profit from the misery of others, they also create it through their selling activities. However, they also provide a socially useful service by making prices better reflect true values, protecting other investors from purchasing overpriced securities. Short sellers can also (...)
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  36.  19
    Virtue Ethics Theory in the Market Place.Anthony Chiwuba Ibe - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):95-112.
    Buying and selling are the most natural activities common to human beings. In a society where profit overrides personal dignity and human rights, many people see market as a virtue-free zone. They do not believe that one can buy and sell without dishonest gains. Consequently, they are ready to do anything in the name of business: manufacturing and selling fake and substandard goods and services for originals. Today, markets are flooded with fake medical drugs, fake foods, fake (...)
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  37.  25
    Ethical Considerations on Quadratic Voting.Ben Laurence & Itai Sher - 2017 - Public Choice 1 (172):175-192.
    This paper explores ethical issues raised by quadratic voting. We compare quadratic voting to majority voting from two ethical perspectives: the perspective of utilitarianism and that of democratic theory. From a utilitarian standpoint, the comparison is ambiguous: if voter preferences are independent of wealth, then quadratic voting out- performs majority voting, but if voter preferences are polarized by wealth, then majority voting may be superior. From the standpoint of democratic theory, we argue that assess- ments in terms of efficiency are (...)
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    Clientelism and conceptual stretching: differentiating among concepts and among analytical levels. [REVIEW]Tina Hilgers - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (5):567-588.
    The concept of clientelism has lost descriptive power. It has become indistinguishable from neighboring concepts and is applied across analytical levels. Using Gerring’s (Polity 31:357–393, 1999) characterization of a “good” concept, I establish the core attributes of clientelism, which, in addition to being an interest-maximizing exchange, involves longevity, diffuseness, face-to-face contact, and inequality. Using secondary sources and fieldwork data, I differentiate clientelism from concepts such as vote-buying and corruption and determine its analytical position at the microsociological level. I (...)
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  39. Vote Markets.Christopher Freiman - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (4):759-774.
    This paper argues for the legalization of vote markets. I contend that the state should not prohibit the sale of votes under certain institutional conditions. Jason Brennan has recently argued for the moral permissibility of vote selling; yet, thus far, no philosopher has argued for the legal permissibility of vote selling. I begin by giving four prima facie reasons in favour of legalizing vote markets. First, vote markets benefit both buyers and sellers. Second, (...)
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  40.  6
    Psychology and Industrial Efficiency (Annotated).Hugo Münsterberg - 1913 - Books Explorer.
    The book Psychology industrial Efficiency by Hugo Munsterberg, which was published in 1913, is considered a classic in the field of Industrial Psychology. The book is organized into 3 main sections which concentrate on different areas of industrial productivity, particularly in environments where people work for others to create. The key areas covered include: Detecting Workers Suited to the Task: This section concentrates on locating individuals psychologically and mentally prepared for particular jobs. It reviews scientific vocational guidance and experimental psychology (...)
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    Autonomy, Moral Constraints, and Markets in Kidneys.S. J. Kerstein - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (6):573-585.
    This article concerns the morality of establishing regulated kidney markets in an effort to reduce the chronic shortage of kidneys for transplant. The article tries to rebut the view, recently defended by James Taylor, that if we hold autonomy to be intrinsically valuable, then we should be in favor of such markets. The article then argues that, under current conditions, the buying and selling of organs in regulated markets would sometimes violate two Kantian principles that are seen as (...)
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  42.  63
    A Study on Ethically Problematic Selling Methods in China with a Broaden Concept of Gray-marketing.Guijun Zhuang & Alex S. L. Tsang - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):85 - 101.
    This paper expands the definition of gray-marketing to include some ethically problematic marketing activities and techniques used in personal selling in China. Based on this, a conceptual model of gray-marketing for a particular type of selling in which both the sellers and the buyers exhibit problematic ethics in an exchange and the associated hypotheses are developed and tested. The findings show that, first, the respondents have different ethical evaluations of different marketing practices used in personal selling such (...)
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    Buying consensus in "free" markets: The end of democracy?Gianfranco Minati - 2004 - World Futures 60 (1 & 2):29 – 37.
    Repeatedly, in Western democracies, sophisticated marketing techniques are used to manipulate consensus. In this context, "free" markets are interesting only because they contain potential buyers and it is possible to buy consensus. In many European countries (e.g., Italy), in Italy, for example, political scientists apply marketing techniques (advertising, psychological effects) to get (i.e., to buy) political consensus. They work on the premise that the decision to buy a product and the decision to vote for a candidate are equivalent. Their (...)
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  44.  23
    Exploitation, Criminalization, and Pecuniary Trade in the Organs of Living People.Hugh V. McLachlan - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):229-241.
    It is often maintained that, since the buying and selling of organs—particularly the kidneys—of living people supposedly constitutes exploitation of the living vendors while the so-called “altruistic” donation of them does not, the former, unlike the latter, should be a crime. This paper challenges and rejects this view. A novel account of exploitation, influenced by but different from those of Zwolinski and Wertheimer and of Wilkinson, is developed. Exploitation is seen as a sort of injustice. A distinction is (...)
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    Democracy and Class Dictatorship: RICHARD W. MILLER.Richard W. Miller - 1986 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (2):59-76.
    Clearly, Marx thought he was promoting democratic values. In the Manifesto, the immediate goal of socialism is summed up as “to win the battle of democracy.” Marx sees the reduction of individuality as one of the greatest injuries done by a system in which most people buy and sell their labor power on terms over which they have little control. As they supervised translations and re-issues of the Manifesto, Marx and Engels singled out just one point as a major topic (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Insider Trading.Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Yan Li - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (4):869-887.
    This study examines the impact of corporate social responsibility activities on insider trading. While opponents of insider trading claim that the buying or selling of a security by insiders who have access to non-public information is illegal, proponents argue that insider trading improves economic efficiency and fairness when corporate insiders buy and sell stock in their own companies. Based on extensive U.S. data of insider trading and CSR engagement, we find that both the number of insider transactions and (...)
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    Commodification and Human Interests.Julian J. Koplin - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):429-440.
    In Markets Without Limits and a series of related papers, Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski argue that it is morally permissible to buy and sell anything that it is morally permissible to possess and exchange outside of the market. Accordingly, we should open markets in “contested commodities” including blood, gametes, surrogacy services, and transplantable organs. This paper clarifies some important aspects of the case for market boundaries and in so doing shows why there are in fact moral limits to the (...)
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  48. Selling Citizenship: A Defence.Javier Hidalgo - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (3):223-239.
    Many people think that citizenship should not be for sale. On their view, it is morally wrong for states to sell citizenship to foreigners. In this article, I challenge this view. I argue that it is in principle permissible for states to sell citizenship. I contend that, if states can permissibly deny foreigners access to citizenship in some cases, then states can permissibly give foreigners the option of buying citizenship in these cases. Furthermore, I defend the permissibility of (...) citizenship against the objections that selling citizenship values citizenship in the wrong way, corrupts civic norms, and unfairly discriminates against poor foreigners. I conclude by noting that, although selling citizenship is not intrinsically wrong, it could still be wrong for states to sell citizenship in practice. If existent immigration restrictions are unjust, then it may be impermissible for states to sell citizenship in the real world. (shrink)
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    Two (Weak) Cheers for Markets in Votes.James Stacey Taylor - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (1):223-239.
    This paper offers the first moral defense of markets in votes in a democratic electoral system based on majority rule where there are no moral restrictions on how votes can be cast. In Part 1 I outline the type of vote buying that I defend in this paper, and defend my methodological assumption. In Part 2 I criticize Freiman’s arguments for legalizing vote buying. In Part 3 I outline and reply to some responses that could be (...)
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    Therapy, Enhancement, and Medicine: Challenges for the Doctor–Patient Relationship and Patient Safety.James J. Delaney & David Martin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):831-844.
    There are ethical guidelines that form the foundation of the traditional doctor–patient relationship in medicine. Health care providers are under special obligations to their patients. These include obligations to disclose information, to propose alternative treatments that allow patients to make decisions based on their own values, and to have special concern for patients’ best interests. Furthermore, patients know that these obligations exist and so come to their physicians with a significant level of trust. In this sense, therapeutic medicine significantly differs (...)
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