Results for 'universal value'

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  1.  59
    Universal values, behavioral ethics and entrepreneurship.Ruth Clarke & John Aram - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (5):561-572.
    This is a comparison of graduate students attitudes in Spain and the United States on the issue of universal versus relativist ethics. The findings show agreement on fundamental universal values across cultures but differences in responses to behavioral ethics within the context of entrepreneurial dilemmas.
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    Constructing Universal Values? A Practical Approach.Anthony F. Lang - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (3):267-277.
    This essay explores the possibility of universal values. Universal values do not exist as Platonic ideals nor do they exist in clearly defined lists of rules or laws. Rather, universal ethical claims are constructed through the actions of individual political leaders, scholars, and activists. This essay explores how such normative constructions take place. It uses an initiative undertaken by the UN Office of Drugs and Crime to further education around corruption as an example of how such (...) values come into existence. The initiative focused on developing teaching materials for higher education. The essay focuses on two particular modules, both their content and the process by which they were written. (shrink)
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    "The universal values of religions are the fundamental foundation of a human, just and spiritually meaningful world" - a leading thought of the International Scientific Forum.Olga Volodymyrivna Nedavnya - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 89:84-87.
    The article informs about the international scientific conference "Universal values of religions of the world: history and modernity", which took place on October 24-25, 2019 in Kyiv.
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  4. Islam & universal values: Islam's contribution to the construction of a pluralistic world.Ahmad Syafii Maarif (ed.) - 2008 - Jakarta, Indonesia: International Center for Islam and Pluralism.
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    Global Universal Values and the Dialog among Civilizations.Natalia Smakotina, Ivan Aleshkovski & Alexander Gasparishvili - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (1):71-79.
    The article explores the extent to which experts from different countries share the same axiological approaches with regard to the dialogue among civilizations and international cooperation at governmental and grass-roots levels. The article shows how subject matter experts provide collaborative input into the features and limits that shape global universal values. Interactions among civilizations promoting their equality and partnership as opposed to clashes should be at the heart of the transformations of values. Such transformations are expected to foster mutual (...)
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    University values and university organisation.Bruce R. Williams - 1972 - Minerva 10 (2):259-279.
  7.  89
    Universal Values and Virtues in Management Versus Cross-Cultural Moral Relativism: An Educational Strategy to Clear the Ground for Business Ethics.Geert Demuijnck - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):817-835.
    Despite the fact that business people and business students often cast doubt on the relevance of universal moral principles in business, the rejection of relativism is a precondition for business ethics to get off the ground. This paper proposes an educational strategy to overcome the philosophical confusions about relativism in which business people and students are often trapped. First, the paper provides some conceptual distinctions and clarifications related to moral relativism, particularism, and virtue ethics. More particularly, it revisits arguments (...)
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  8. Impersonal Value, Universal Value, and the Scope of Cultural Heritage.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):999-1027.
    Philosophers have used the terms 'impersonal' and 'personal value' to refer to, among others things, whether something's value is universal or particular to an individual. In this paper, I propose an account of impersonal value that, I argue, better captures the intuitive distinction than potential alternatives, while providing conceptual resources for moving beyond the traditional stark dichotomy. I illustrate the practical importance of my theoretical account with reference to debate over the evaluative scope of cultural heritage.
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    In Search of a Universal Value Base of Education in a Pluralistic School: From Human Rights to Global Ethic and Responsibility.Karmen Mlinar - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (65):1-17.
    The present paper argues that as basic schools become more pluralistic, it is important to (re)discuss the value base on which education should be built. Many see human rights as a universal principle of Western democratic societies and thus a universal value base of education. However, human rights seem to be insufficient – first, because many question their universality, and second, because they are understood mainly as legal rather than ethical principles. The concept that is known (...)
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    Democracy as a “Universal Value” and an Intercultural Ethics.Monica Riccio - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):73-84.
    This article questions the universal value attributed to the idea of democracy within a global intercultural context. The point is: do “mature” Western democracies,with their history, their nature and their limits, meet the needs of intercultural ethics? A first factual finding shows that outside, at the frontiers of “mature” democracies, all possible openings to the exercise of democratic freedoms, to the protection of human rights, and to any hybrid form of relationship and dialogue are near to nothing. Not (...)
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    Universal values.F. Mayor - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (9):167.
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    The Value of (Universal) Values in the Work of Clifford Christians.Linda Steiner - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (2):110-120.
    The compelling ethical legacy of Clifford Christians's and his profound commitment to moral action is enriched by his engagement with universal proto-norms, values that order all human relationships and institutions and so bypass the divisiveness of appeals to individual rights, cultural practices, or national prerogatives. According to Christians, the primal sacredness of life establishes mutual respect as a basis for ethics and thus constitutes the premier proto-norm; our obligation to sustain one another defines human existence. Entailed by the sacredness (...)
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  13. Aliens,traitors, and elitists: University values and the faculty.Jack Weinstein - manuscript
    My intent in this discussion is to offer a glimpse into our popular and political culture and to unpack some of the values inherent in our university system. Educational institutions evolve because of changes in our cultural relationship to knowledge. Only by understanding this relationship can we respond coherently to criticism aimed at the university and its population.
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    (1 other version)Profundity: A Universal Value.Jean Gabbert Harrell - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Harrell contends, to the contrary, that there exists one major value that is universal to humans, regardless of context. That value is profundity, or depth.
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    Students’ Perceptions about University Values.Krista Jaakson - 2008 - Journal of Human Values 14 (2):169-180.
    This article analyses the core values of the biggest and oldest university in Estonia, University of Tartu (UT), as 237 undergraduate students perceive them. The reporting of values is combined with critical incident technique, based on which the values in–action are obtained. It appeared that UT is best characterized by values such as ‘traditions and continuity’, ‘academic atmosphere’ and ‘quality of education’. It was also found that male students are more critical about specifically one value–set: ‘innovation and development’ and (...)
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  16. The common good and universal values.C. Christians - 1997 - In Jay Black (ed.), Mixed news: the public/civic/communitarian journalism debate. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. pp. 18--33.
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    Iqbal: poet-philosopher of universal values.Anwar S. Dil - 2013 - San Diego: Intercultural Forum.
    History and criticism on the work of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1877-1938.
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  18. Universals: an opinionated introduction.D. M. Armstrong - 1989 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    In this short text, a distinguished philosopher turns his attention to one of the oldest and most fundamental philosophical problems of all: How it is that we are able to sort and classify different things as being of the same natural class? Professor Armstrong carefully sets out six major theories—ancient, modern, and contemporary—and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each. Recognizing that there are no final victories or defeats in metaphysics, Armstrong nonetheless defends a traditional account of universals as the (...)
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  19. Ramon Llull on universal values: a bridge between Christianity and Islam.Hans Daiber - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel (eds.), Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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  20. The future of europe: Universal values and postmodernism.S. Konopacki - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (12):71-80.
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    Seniors extend understanding of what constitutes universal values.Oliver K. Burmeister, John Weckert & Kirsty Williamson - 2011 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 9 (4):238-252.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to add one further value to the previously articulated “universal values” and to describe the constituent components of three universal values.Design/methodology/approachThis interpretive/constructivist study of Australia's largest online community of seniors involved a 30‐month ethnographic investigation. After an initial period of 11 months of observing social interaction on the entire site, in‐depth, semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 30 participants, selected according to criterion sampling, a form of purposive sampling.FindingsFour key moral values were (...)
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  22.  32
    China's Particular Values and the Issue of Universal Significance: Contemporary Confucians Amidst the Politics of Universal Values.Hoyt Cleveland Tillman - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 68 (4):1265-1291.
    Referring to James Legge's translation of the Liji 禮記, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's justification for legalizing same-sex marriage was based on the statement, "Confucius taught that marriage lies at the foundation of government."1 Justice Kennedy universalized and applied Confucius' comment in a way that Confucius would never have imagined it would be. Yet, Justice Kennedy's universalization fits into a legacy of Western utilizations of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese sage. Although in recent history many Europeans and North Americans (...)
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    Chapter Eight. Universal Values or Cultural Relativity: A Pointless Question.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2014 - In Ming Xie (ed.), The Agon of Interpretations: Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 156-164.
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    In Search of Common Values Amongst Competing Universals: An Argument for the Return to Value’s Original Meaning.Andra le Roux-Kemp - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (4):877-903.
    This article presents an argument for the return to the original meaning of the concept value. This is achieved by revisiting the genealogy of the concept and by placing in perspective and questioning the common parlance thereof in contemporary legal discourse. The approach is decidedly against the often casual way in which courts and commentators treat the concept, seemingly as concretisation, validation, exegesis or reinforcement of fundamental norms, but without paying attention to its original meaning and use. It is (...)
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  25.  12
    The views of school leaders regarding gaining universal values in socio-cultural trips.Semattin Öztürk & Umut Akcil - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the globalizing world, it is seen that life is more intertwined with different cultures. Therefore, intercultural sensitivity has vital importance for a peaceful harmonious common life. In order to ensure this sensitivity, societies must unite with common accepted values. In this regard, the adoption of universal values expressed by the UNESCO-UNICEF has particular importance. Therefore, schools have important responsibilities. Schools may prefer out-of-class activities in the development of positive sensitivity behaviors. In this study, the sensitivities developed by secondary-school (...)
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  26.  18
    Profundity: A Universal Value.Jean Gabbert Harrell - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (1):94-94.
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  27. Is Democracy a Universal Value?: Whose Democracy?Karsten J. Struhl - 2007 - Radical Philosophy Today 5:3-24.
    I consider several related challenges to the idea of democracy as a universal value, among them the “Asian values” argument and the claim that Islam can recognize only God as sovereign. I argue specifically against each of these challenges and attempt to demonstrate that it is possible to find strands within the Confucian tradition and Islam which can be woven into a democratic fabric. I also explore several attempts to argue in favor of democracy as a universal (...)
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    Cultural Essentials versus Universal Values?Marietta Stepanyants - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (3):13-23.
    This paper adopts a comparative approach to analyze the crucial issue of the dynamics between universally shared values and the essentials of different cultures. It presents the ways in which universal values are conceptualized in Western, Indian and Muslim philosophy, presenting not only a historical overview but referring to modern authors such as Daya Krishna, D.P. Chattopadhyaya, Richard Rorty, Muhammad Iqbal, S.H. Nasr and Abdolkarim Soroush to show how these authors implicitly use, or do not use, cultural essential and (...)
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  29. Democracy as a universal value.Amartya Sen - unknown
    In the summer of 1997, I was asked by a leading Japanese newspaper what I thought was the most important thing that had happened in the twentieth century. I found this to be an unusually thought-provoking question, since so many things of gravity have happened over the last hundred years. The European empires, especially the British and French ones that had so dominated the nineteenth century, came to an end. We witnessed two world wars. We saw the rise and fall (...)
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    Feeling at home: Bildung and the clash between nostalgic and universal values: singing together in a plural world.Merete Wiberg - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (5):606-620.
    The article explores the tensions of belonging by focusing on the clash between nostalgic and universal values. Because of the inherent tension that they share, the concepts of Bildung and nostalgia provide an opening for understanding human belonging as ranging between nostalgic rootedness and the search for universality. Johann Gottfried Herder’s and Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig’s theories of Bildung, exemplify this clash between nostalgic and universal values. Wilhelm von Humboldt’s thinking offers a theory of Bildung that transcends nostalgic (...)
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    Moral progress in dark times: universal values for the twenty-first century.Markus Gabriel - 2022 - Hoboken, NJ: Polity Press. Edited by Wieland Hoban.
    The threats we face today are unprecedented, from the existential crisis of climate change to the prospect of self-annihilation brought about by the uncontrolled expansion of AI. Add to this the crisis of liberal democracy and we seem to be swirling in a state of moral disarray, unsure whether there are any principles to which we can appeal today that would be anything other than particularistic. In contrast to this view, Markus Gabriel puts forward the bold argument that there are (...)
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  32. Artificial Intelligence and Universal Values.Jay Friedenberg - 2024 - UK: Ethics Press.
    The field of value alignment, or more broadly machine ethics, is becoming increasingly important as artificial intelligence developments accelerate. By ‘alignment’ we mean giving a generally intelligent software system the capability to act in ways that are beneficial, or at least minimally harmful, to humans. There are a large number of techniques that are being experimented with, but this work often fails to specify what values exactly we should be aligning. When making a decision, an agent is supposed to (...)
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  33. Universals in color naming and memory.Eleanor R. Heider - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1):10.
  34. The realism of universals in Plato and nyāya.Will Rasmussen - 2009 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 37 (3):231-252.
    It has become commonplace in introductions to Indian philosophy to construe Plato’s discussion of forms (εἶδος/ἰδέα) and the treatment in Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika of universals ( sāmānya/jāti ) as addressing the same philosophical issue, albeit in somewhat different ways. While such a comparison of the similarities and differences has interest and value as an initial reconnaissance of what each says about common properties, an examination of the roles that universals play in the rest of their philosophical enquiries vitiates this (...)
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    Western, Chinese, and Universal Values.S. C. Angle - 2015 - Télos 2015 (171):112-117.
  36. (1 other version)Constructing a cosmopolitan public sphere: hermeneutic capabilities and universal values.H. H. Kogler - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52 (5):783-815.
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    Spinoza on Universals.Karolina Hübner - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 204–213.
    The problem of universals is one of the oldest problems in philosophy. One of the oddities of Spinoza's view of universals is that he endorses both Realism and Nominalism. An analogous Realist account can be given for all thinking things: all ideas, really do have something in common, intrinsically, constitutively, and mind‐independently: namely, thought as a determinable, qualitative, essential substantial nature. Spinoza's accounts of the nature of the human mind and of human emotions both can be read as accounts of (...)
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    Common Value Education from the Perspective of Universal Value Criticism.冰莹 汪 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (4):549-554.
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    Universals. [REVIEW]Allan B. Wolter - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (4):831-833.
    This work is typical of the cautious approach to metaphysical problems by the new breed of Oxonian analysts. Unlike Wittgenstein and his early followers, they do not believe metaphysics deals solely with pseudo-problems that will evaporate with a clearer understanding of how ordinary language functions. Rather they believe, as is the case with scientists evaluating various theoretical models, a cost/benefit analysis of the more meaningful solutions philosophers have given to important metaphysical problems will lead to a clarification of the merits (...)
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    The human odyssey: East, West and the search for universal values.Stephen Green - 2019 - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
    The long human odyssey of self-discovery has reached a crucial stage: everything we do affects everyone and everything else - and we know it. The next hundred years will bring more change than we can easily imagine: more opportunities for more people to achieve the fulfilment of a good life, and more risks that could result in catastrophic harm to the entire planet.Viewed geopolitically, the main question is whether the world-views of the world's most important and influential powers - China (...)
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    DM72. Fact and Existence. By Joseph Margolis. University of Toronto Press. 1969. Pp. v, 144, $4.50. Principles of Logic. By Alex C. Michalos. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. 1969. Pp. xiii, 433. [REVIEW]Many-Valued Logic - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    Neitzche on Selfishness, Justice, and the Duties of Higher Men.Mathias Risse & Harvard University - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This study explores Nietzsche's views on selfishness and its role within his envisaged “revaluation of values”. Nietzsche advocates selfishness only for the “higher men” those characters who embody human excellence and whom he hopes will replace the person of guilt and ressentiment. Important parts of Nietzsche's mature work can be read as offering approaches to traditional philosophical problems in the spirit of the emerging biological sciences of his day, in particular physiology and evolutionary biology. Particularly striking in this context is (...)
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  43. Awakening the cartesian dreamer universal values in solidarity with an evolutionary universe.Orla O'Reilly Hazra - 2012 - Journal of Dharma 37 (2).
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    Reinventing the Universal Structure of Human Values: Development of a New Holistic Values Scale to Measure Indian Values.Rajat Sharma - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (2):175-196.
    This article investigates the universal values scale, Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) for its applicability to measure cultural context-specific values. The study establishes a need to construct a new scale by identifying and incorporating Indian culture-specific values in SVS. Deriving data using self-assessment questionnaires from 709 respondents in 2 studies and analysing them using principal component analysis and structural equation modelling, the article reconceptualizes Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) and the 10 motivational value factors and develops a new (...)
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    Some dissatisfaction with satisfaction: Universities, values, and quality. [REVIEW]Vincent Luizzi - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (4):359 - 364.
    This article moves beyond the narrow discussion of the applicability of Total Quality Management to the university which has amounted to a debate over whether business has something to teach the university about customers and satisfaction. The article goes at the matter from a different direction as it investigates what business can learn from the university about quality.
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    7. The Crisis of Civilization, Relativism, and the Death of Universal Values at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.Spencer R. Weart - 2017 - In The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition. Yale University Press. pp. 315-371.
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    Shame and Guilt: Self Interest and Morality.Michael Stocker & Syracuse University - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Confucius, Plato, and Aristotle would agree on three propositions: genuine virtue represents a kind of second nature, a result of education such that patterns of choice become natural and predictable that would not be natural and predictable for the average person; there are patterns of gratification attendant on genuine virtue, that involve deeper values than most of the things that people pursue in life; and because of these, genuine virtue is always in a person's self-interest. The word “gratification” here is (...)
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    Universal Classes of MV-Chains with Applications to Many-valued Logics.Joan Gispert - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (4):582-601.
    In this paper we characterize, classify and axiomatize all universal classes of MV-chains. Moreover, we accomplish analogous characterization, classification and axiomatization for congruence distributive quasivarieties of MV-algebras. Finally, we apply those results to study some finitary extensions of the Łukasiewicz infinite valued propositional calculus.
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    Topic Specificity and Antecedents for Preservice Biology Teachers’ Anticipated Enjoyment for Teaching About Socioscientific Issues: Investigating Universal Values and Psychological Distance.Alexander Georg Büssing, Jacqueline Dupont & Susanne Menzel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  50. The argument from agreement: How universal values undermine moral realism.Hanno Sauer - 2019 - Ratio 32 (4):339-352.
    The most popular argument against moral realism is the argument from disagreement: if there are mind‐independent moral facts, then we would not expect to find as much moral disagreement as we in fact do; therefore, moral realism is false. In this paper, I develop the flipside of this argument. According to this argument from agreement, we would expect to find lots of moral disagreement if there were mind‐independent moral facts. But we do not, in fact, find much moral disagreement; therefore, (...)
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