Results for 'unity of the virtues'

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  1.  71
    The Unity of the Virtues Reconsidered. Competing Accounts in Philosophy and Positive Psychology.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3):637-651.
    In this paper, I show that the conception of a virtue in positive psychology is a mishmash of two competing accounts of what virtues are: a Common Sense View and an Aristotelian View. Distinguishing the strengths and weaknesses of these two frameworks leads also to a reconsideration of an old debate, namely, that concerning the Unity of the Virtues thesis. Such thesis is rejected by positive psychologist, as well as by some philosophers among the virtue-ethical field, on (...)
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    Unity of the intellectual virtues.Alan T. Wilson - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9835-9854.
    The idea that moral virtues form some sort of “unity” has received considerable attention from virtue theorists. In this paper, I argue that the possibility of unity among intellectual virtues has been wrongly overlooked. My approach has two main components. First, I work to distinguish the variety of different views that are available under the description of a unity thesis. I suggest that these views can be categorised depending on whether they are versions of standard (...)
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  3. The Unity of the Virtues in the "Protagoras".Gregory Vlastos - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):415 - 458.
    A careful reading of the initial posing of the issue to be debated with Protagoras and of its subsequent restatement when the debate resumes after a break will show that Socrates employs three distinct formulae, only the first of which answers at all closely to the term "Unity of the Virtues" which has been commonly used in the scholarly literature as a label for the position which Socrates upholds in the debate. The other two formulae, perfectly distinguishable from (...)
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  4. The unity of the virtues in Aristotle, in Alexander of Aphrodisias, and in the Byzantine commentators.R. Sharples - 2000 - Etica E Politica 2 (2).
    Aristotle’s argument in Nicomachean Ethics 6 for the mutual implication of the virtues by one another is developed, and others added to it, in a repertory of arguments for this thesis in section 18 of the De anima libri mantissa attributed to Alexander of Aphrodisias. The last part of this is echoed in no.22 of the Ethical Problems attributed to Alexander; nos. 8 and 28 of the same collection are also relevant. A distinction can be drawn between the mutual (...)
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  5. The Unity of the Virtues and the Degeneration of Kallipolis.Mark J. Boone - 2011 - Apeiron 44 (2):131-146.
    Each of the degenerating constitutions in Book VIII of Plato's Republic is the result of the disappearance of one of the four cardinal virtues. The failure of wisdom creates a timocracy; the failure of courage, an oligarchy; the failure of moderation, a democracy; the failure of justice, a tyranny. The degeneration shows that the disunited virtues are imperfect, though they have some power to stave off vice. Thus Book VIII implies a unity of the virtues thesis (...)
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    The Unity of the Virtues in the Protagoras.Gregory Vlastos - 1972 - [Catholic University of America. Philosophy Education Society].
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    Aristotle’s Unity of the Virtues Examined through Phronēsis. 박정은 - 2023 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 155:29-58.
    아리스토텔레스는『니코마코스 윤리학』에서 “실천적 지혜 하나만 갖추면, 모든 덕 또한 가지게 된다”는 이른바 덕의 통일성 주장을 제시한다. 이 주장만 따르자면 우리는 ‘하나’의 실천적 지혜를 갖게 됨으로써 여러 덕을 ‘모두’ 한 번에 가지는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 덕의 통일성 주장을 덕에 대한 그의 다른 주장들과 비교해보면 일관성을 갖기 어려운 것처럼 보이며, 어윈(Irwin)은 이를 다음과 같은 주장들로 요약한다. 아리스토텔레스에 따르면 통이 큼과 포부의 큼은 참되고 구별되는 덕이다. 그리고 이 두 덕 없이도 다른 덕을 가질 수 있다고 한다. 그런데도 어떻게 덕의 통일성 주장이 성립할 수 (...)
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  8. The unity of the virtues in Plato's protagoras and laches.Daniel T. Devereux - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (4):765-789.
    Plato's "laches" is an investigation into the nature of courage with the intention of demonstrating the difficulty of singling out one virtue, namely courage, and defining it separately from the other cardinal virtues such as bravery, wisdom, justice, temperance, and piety. As the dialogue proceeds it becomes evident that socrates not only relates courage with the battlefield, but also with other spheres of life. Of special interest is his reference of being courageous regarding desires and pleasures where an overlap (...)
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  9. The Full Unity of the Virtues.Christopher Toner - 2014 - The Journal of Ethics 18 (3):207-227.
    The classical doctrine that the moral virtues are unified is widely rejected. Some argue that the virtues are disunified, or even mutually incompatible. And though others have argued that the virtues form some sort of unity, these recent defenses of unity are always qualified, advocating only a partial unity: the unity of the virtues is limited to certain practical domains, or weak in that one virtue implies only moral decency in the fields (...)
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  10. The Unity of the Virtues and Its Defenses.John Lemos - 1994 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):85-106.
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    Kalokagathia and the Unity of the Virtues in the Eudemian Ethics.Giulia Bonasio - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (1):27-57.
    In this paper, I argue that in the Eudemian Ethics, Aristotle proposes a strong version of the unity of the virtues. Evidence in favor of this strong version of the unity of the virtues results from reading the common books within the EE rather than as part of the Nicomachean Ethics. The unity of the virtues as defended in the EE includes not only practical wisdom and the character virtues, but also all the (...)
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  12.  30
    The Unity of the Virtues Revisited.Christopher Toner - 2021 - In Christoph Halbig & Felix Timmermann, Handbuch Tugend Und Tugendethik. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 65-79.
    The classical doctrine of the unity of the virtues is generally rejected today. After arguing that the doctrine is more tenable than is commonly allowed, I consider a new and possibly cogent objection based on the idea that some virtues, in some cultural settings, are of diminished importance, and thus are not necessary for the possession of other virtues. I develop a revised version of the doctrine which maintains that certain central virtues are unified, and (...)
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    The Unity of the Virtues.Daniel Devereux - 2006 - In Hugh H. Benson, A Companion to Plato. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 323–340.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Unity as Identity Problems with the Identity View Unity as Inseparability Problems with the Inseparability View Unity through Wisdom in the Laches Unity in the Protagoras and Laches Unity in the Republic and Later Dialogues.
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    The Unity of the Virtues and the Ambiguity of Goodness: A Reappraisal of Aquinas's Theory of the Virtues.Jean Porter - 1993 - Journal of Religious Ethics 21 (1):137 - 163.
    This paper examines Aquinas's contention that the virtues are necessarily connected, in such a way that anyone who fully possesses one of them, necessarily possesses them all. It is argued that this claim, as Aquinas develops it in the "Summa Theologiae", is more complex, interesting, and plausible than it is often taken to be. On his view, the cardinal virtues can be said to be connected in two senses, corresponding to the two senses in which certain virtues (...)
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  15. The unity of the virtues in Aristotle.Edward Halper - 1999 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 17:115-43.
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    The unity of the virtues in Aristotle and confucius.Sang-Im Lee - 1999 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 26 (2):203-223.
    Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1995.
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  17. Moral psychology and the unity of the virtues.Susan Wolf - 2007 - Ratio 20 (2):145–167.
    The ancient Greeks subscribed to the thesis of the Unity of Virtue, according to which the possession of one virtue is closely related to the possession of all the others. Yet empirical observation seems to contradict this thesis at every turn. What could the Greeks have been thinking of? The paper offers an interpretation and a tentative defence of a qualified version of the thesis. It argues that, as the Greeks recognized, virtue essentially involves knowledge ? specifically, evaluative knowledge (...)
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  18. Socrates and the Unity of the Virtues.Thomas C. Brickhouse & Nicholas D. Smith - 1997 - The Journal of Ethics 1 (4):311-324.
    In the Protagoras, Socrates argues that each of the virtue-terms refers to one thing (: 333b4). But in the Laches (190c8–d5, 199e6–7), Socrates claims that courage is a proper part of virtue as a whole, and at Euthyphro 11e7–12e2, Socrates says that piety is a proper part of justice. But A cannot be both identical to B and also a proper part of B – piety cannot be both identical to justice and also a proper part of justice. In this (...)
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    The Unity of the Ideal Virtues.Robert Weston Siscoe - 2025 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 106 (1):67-79.
    Even though the virtues may be interconnected, it seems obviously possible to have one of the virtues without having them all. Some have defended the unity thesis against this concern by arguing that the virtues are still unified in their ideal forms. The problem with this defense is that it simply admits that the unity thesis, as traditionally conceived, is mistaken, taking the unity of the virtues to be limited to the ideal case. (...)
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    Plato on the Unity of the Virtues: A Dialectic Reading.Rod Jenks - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Plato on the Unity of the Virtues, Rod Jenks argues that while Plato makes several attempts to show how virtue is one, he deliberately fails to secure this because he thinks the way in which the virtues are both one and many is finally ineffable.
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  21. A Feminist Defense of the Unity of the Virtues.Ben Bryan - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):693-702.
    In The Impossibility of Perfection, Michael Slote tries to show that the traditional Aristotelian doctrine of the unity of the virtues is mistaken. His argumentative strategy is to provide counterexamples to this doctrine, by showing that there are what he calls “partial virtues”—pairs of virtues that conflict with one another but both of which are ethically indispensible. Slote offers two lines of argument for the existence of partial virtues. The first is an argument for the (...)
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  22. Descartes on the Unity of the Virtues.Saja Parvizian - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Research 47:43-60.
    Commentators have neglected a tension in Descartes’s virtue theory. In some texts, Descartes seems to argue that there are distinct virtues. In other texts, Descartes seems to argue that there is only a single virtue—the firm and constant resolution to use the will well. In this paper, I reconcile this tension. I argue that Descartes endorses a specific version of the unity of the virtues thesis, namely, the identity of the virtues. Nonetheless, Descartes has the resources (...)
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  23. Moral growth and the unity of the virtues.Bonnie Kent - 1999 - In David Carr & Jan Willem Steutel, Virtue ethics and moral education. New York: Routledge. pp. 109--124.
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  24. The Unity of the Epistemic Virtues.Alvin I. Goldman - 2002 - In Pathways to knowledge: private and public. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 51-72.
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  25. The Unity of the Moral Virtues in Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics".Elizabeth Telfer - 1990 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 90:35 - 48.
    Elizabeth Telfer; III*—The Unity of the Moral Virtues in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 90, Issue 1, 1 June 19.
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  26. Duns Scotus and the Unity of the Virtues.Alexander Broadie - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (1):70-83.
  27. PART 4 107 Weakness and integrity 8 Moral growth and the unity of the virtues 109.Bonnie Kent, Jan Steutel, David Carr, John Haldane, Paul Crittenden, Eamonn Callan, Joel J. Kupperman, Ben Spiecker & Kenneth A. Strike - 1999 - In David Carr & Jan Willem Steutel, Virtue ethics and moral education. New York: Routledge.
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  28. The Unity of Virtue.John M. Cooper - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (1):233-274.
    Philosophers have recently revived the study of the ancient Greek topics of virtue and the virtues—justice, honesty, temperance, friendship, courage, and so on as qualities of mind and character belonging to individual people. But one issue at the center of Greek moral theory seems to have dropped out of consideration. This is the question of the unity of virtue, the unity of the virtues. Must anyone who has one of these qualities have others of them as (...)
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  29. Empathy as the Only Hope for the Virtue of Compassion and as Support for a Limited Unity of the Virtues.Christian Miller - 2015 - Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences 2 (1):89-113.
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    The Unity of Knowledge and Love in Socrates’ Conception of Virtue.Emile de Strycker - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):428-444.
  31. Moral virtue and contemplation: A note on the unity of the moral life.Dm Gallagher - 1996 - Sapientia 51 (200):385-392.
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    The unity of virtue and the limitations of magnesia: an essay in memory of Arthur Adkins.M. Kochin - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (2):125-141.
    In the Republic Plato describes the best city; in the Laws, he describes what he calls the ’second-best city’. I argue that Magnesia, the city of the Laws, is second-best because she fails to promulgate a single concept of human virtue that transcends the allegedly separate virtues of men and women. Magnesia institutionalizes philosophy in the Nocturnal Council to mitigate the consequent ethical flaws, but excludes women from the Council and thus from philosophic inquiry. I show that this exclusion (...)
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    How the inadequate models for virtue in the Protagoras illuminate Socrates' view of the Unity of the Virtues.Margaret Hartman - 1984 - Apeiron 18 (2):110.
  34. Kant on the unity and plurality of the virtues.Katja Maria Vogt - 2025 - In Melissa Merritt, Kant and Stoic ethics. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Unity of the Highest Good: Kant on Systemic Justice.Shterna S. Friedman - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (3):345-367.
    Kant’s concept of the highest good proportionately unites virtue and happiness—the supreme goods of, respectively, the systems of freedom and of nature. A middle path between theological and secular interpretations of Kant’s highest good is possible if we disentangle two distinct roles played by God: a causal role in promoting the real unity of the highest good, i.e., its actualization; and a conceptual role in modeling its conceptual unity. The highest good is theological in the first case, but (...)
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    The Unity of the Vices.Jonathan Jacobs & John Zeis - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):641-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE UNITY OF THE VICES JONATHAN JACOBS Oolgate University, Hamilton, New York JOHN ZEIS Oanisius Ooilege, Buffalo, New York W:E SOMETIMES describe someone 1rus "just plain,, ' ' • • 0 " ' ' • • mean, or Just plam d1shonesit, orr JUSt pJam unw." Or we say" thaJt wrus ·a just plain ·stupid thing rto do.," G~a:liizing from tlhese and lik!e descriiptions, we can ask, are there (...)
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  37. The Unity of Virtue, Ambiguity, and Socrates’ Higher Purpose.George Rudebusch - 2017 - Ancient Philosophy 37 (2):333-346.
    In the Protagoras, Socrates argues that all the virtues are the very same knowledge of human wellbeing so that virtue is all one. But elsewhere Socrates appears to endorse that the virtues-such as courage, temperance, and reverence-are different parts of a single whole. Ambiguity interpretations harmonize the conflicting texts by taking the virtue words to be equivocal, such as between theoretical and applied expertise, or between a power and its deeds. I argue that such interpretations have failed in (...)
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    The unity of wisdom and temperance.David P. Gauthier - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions THE UNITY OF WISDOM AND TEMPERANCE The attempt of Socrates to establish the unity of the virtues has long been an object of philosophic suspicion. Particular attention has been directed to the argument at Protagoras 332a-333b, in which Socrates seeks to demonstrate the unity of wisdom and temperance, by showing that they must be identified as the contrary of folly. The argument (...)
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    The unity of virtue and the objects of socratic inquiry.Michael T. Ferejohn - 1982 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 20 (1):1-21.
  40. Piety, justice, and the unity of virtue.Mark L. McPherran - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):299-328.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Piety, Justice, and the Unity of VirtueMark L. McPherranNo doubt the Socrates of the Euthyphro would be delighted to encounter many of its readers, offering as they do an audience of piety-seeking interlocutors, eager to mend the dialogical breach created by Euthyphro’s sudden departure. Socrates’ enthusiasm for this pursuit is at least as intense and comprehensible as theirs. We are told, after all, that he will never abandon (...)
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  41. (1 other version)The unity of virtue.Terry Penner - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (1):35-68.
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    The unity of rule and virtue: a critique of a supposed parallel between Confucian ethics and virtue ethics.Yuli Liu - 2004 - Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.
    Some philosophers argue that throughout its long history, Confucian ethics have stressed character formation or personal cultivation of virtues. Thus, it seems appropriate to characterise Confucian ethics as ethics of virtue. in this book, the author attempts to critique the apparent similarity and show, on the contrary, that Confucian ethics are better conceived of as a unique kind of ethics, in which rule-based morality and virtues are united. Through a unique analysis of Confucian ethics and comparison between Confucian (...)
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  43. (1 other version)The Unity of Virtue in Plato's Protagoras'.Bernd Manuwald - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 29:115-35.
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    The Unity of Reason: Rereading Kant.Günter Zöller - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):306-308.
    306 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 34:2 APRIL ~996 exposition of Siris but also in the way he is able to tie it thematically to the earlier periods of Berkeley's life. Much of the content of this book has already appeared in articles published by Berman within the past twenty-odd years. Yet, since some this material resides in journals difficult of access without an excellent library, the volume is a welcome addi- tion to the Berkeley literature. In the enormous (...)
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  45.  66
    The Unity of Virtue: Plato’s Models of Philosophy.Mary Margaret McCabe - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):1-25.
    Plato gives us two model philosophical figures, apparently in contrast with each other—one is the otherworldly philosopher who sees truth and reality outside the cave and has the knowledge to rule authoritatively within it; the other is the demotic figure of Socrates, who insists that he does not know but only asks questions. I consider Plato’s contrasting idioms of seeing and asking or talking, and argue that the rich account of perception that is represented in the Republic requires both idioms, (...)
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    Wisdom, Political Expertise and the Unity of Virtues in Aristotle.I. Xuan Chong - 2024 - Phronesis 70 (1):48-82.
    Unity of virtues’ (UV) in Aristotle is the claim that the ethical virtues are mutually entailing. But commentators typically focus on the fact that wisdom implies all the ethical virtues, without explaining how the ethical virtues themselves are mutually entailing. I argue that the so-called ‘Grand End’ view, understood as applying to both wisdom (φρόνησις) and political expertise (πολιτική), allows us to give an account of UV at the level of the ethical virtues. By (...)
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    The Unity of Virtue and Goodness.Amichai Amit - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (2):339-354.
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    Spiritedness Incarnate and the Unity of the Soul in Plato’S Republic.Scott John Hammond - 2005 - Polis 22 (1):60-84.
    Readers of Plato’s Republic are familiar with Glaucon and his role in prodding Socrates to strengthen his argument throughout the dialogue. It has been asserted on more than one occasion that Glaucon epitomizes the quality of spiritedness, and thus throughout the dialogue he is patiently guided by the taming hand of Socrates to a fuller awareness of justice and virtue. This paper will argue that Glaucon, as ‘Spiritedness Incarnate’, provides needed insight and important encouragement that strengthens Socrates’ positions in a (...)
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    Socrates, the primary question, and the unity of virtue.Justin C. Clark - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):445-470.
    For Socrates, the virtues are a kind of knowledge, and the virtues form a unity. Sometimes, Socrates suggests that the virtues are all ‘one and the same’ thing. Other times, he suggests they are ‘parts of a single whole.’ I argue that the ‘what is x?’ question is sophisticated, it gives rise to two distinct kinds of investigations into virtue, a conceptual investigation into the ousia and a psychological investigation into the dunamis, Plato recognized the difference (...)
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  50. The Synthetic Unity of Virtue and Epistemic Goods in Maximus the Confessor.Frederick D. Aquino - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (3):378-390.
    In this essay, I show how the virtues, for Maximus the Confessor, contribute to the formation of a positive orientation toward (a deep and abiding desire for) the relevant epistemic goods (e.g., contemplation of God in and through nature, illumination of divine truths, wisdom, and experiential knowledge of God). The first section offers a brief overview of how three character-based virtue epistemologies envision the role of the intellectual virtues in the cognitive life. The second section draws attention to (...)
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