Results for 'thermodynamics'

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  1.  98
    Thermodynamics of averaged motion.B. H. Lavenda - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (4):573-589.
    The thermodynamics of averaged motion treats the asymptotic spatiotemporal evolution of nonlinear irreversible processes. Dissipative and conservative actions are associated with short and long spatiotemporal scales, respectively. The motion of asymptotically stable systems is slow, monotonic, and continuous, so that the microscopic state variable description of rapid motion can be supplanted by an analysis of the macroscopic variable equations of motion of amplitude and phase. Rapid motion is associated with instability, and the direction of system motion is determined by (...)
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    Time, thermodynamics, and theology.George L. Murphy - 1991 - Zygon 26 (3):359-372.
    Keywords: A theological approach to understanding time and change in a modern way must consider the relationships between thermal physics and time as elucidated during the past century and a half. The fact of temporal change, including death and decay, has been a religious problem since antiquity, so that some traditions have simply attempted to transcend the world of change. However, a major current of the Christian tradition has seen change as a fundamental aspect of God's creation, and one with (...)
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  3. Thermodynamic Irreversibility: Does the Big Bang Explain What It Purports to Explain.Daniel Parker - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):751-763.
    In this paper I examine Albert’s (2000) claim that the low entropy state of the early universe is sufficient to explain irreversible thermodynamic phenomena. In particular, I argue that conditionalising on the initial state of the universe does not have the explanatory power it is presumed to have. I present several arguments to the effect that Albert’s ‘past hypothesis’ alone cannot justify the belief in past non-equilibrium conditions or ground the veracity of records of the past.
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  4. Reducing thermodynamics to statistical mechanics: The case of entropy.Craig Callender - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy 96 (7):348-373.
    This article argues that most of the approaches to the foundations of statistical mechanics have severed their link with the original foundational project, the project of demonstrating how real mechanical systems can behave thermodynamically.
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  5. Relativity, thermodynamics and cosmology.Richard Chace Tolman - 1934 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    A distinguished American physicist and teacher delivers a landmark study thatdevelops three essential scientific themes on each subject.
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  6. Explaining Thermodynamic-Like Behavior in Terms of Epsilon-Ergodicity.Roman Frigg & Charlotte Werndl - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (4):628-652.
    Gases reach equilibrium when left to themselves. Why do they behave in this way? The canonical answer to this question, originally proffered by Boltzmann, is that the systems have to be ergodic. This answer has been criticised on different grounds and is now widely regarded as flawed. In this paper we argue that some of the main arguments against Boltzmann's answer, in particular, arguments based on the KAM-theorem and the Markus-Meyer theorem, are beside the point. We then argue that something (...)
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  7.  14
    Thermodynamics and point defects in the B2 intermetallic phase PdIn.M. Huang, W. Oates & Y. Chang - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (5):589-601.
    The X-ray and bulk densities of PdIn alloys have been determined at ambient temperature on samples annealed at 1273 and 1373 K and quenched in water-ice mixtures. From these measurements the vacancy concentrations in this intermetallic phase have been obtained as a function of In concentration at these two temperatures. In addition, a generalized thermodynamic model is presented which considers the existence of antisite and vacancy defects on both sublattices without any dilute solution approximations. This model uses three energy parameters, (...)
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  8.  72
    Thermodynamics and cold light.Marjorie Malley - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (3):203-224.
    During the late nineteenth century, interest in thermodynamics led to several attempts to apply it to the puzzling phenomena of phosphorescence and fluorescence. These efforts reveal the pervasiveness of heat concepts for both experimental and theoretical physics of the period. The hegemony of heat concepts and theories provided a matrix for the development of quantum theory. Simultaneously, it prevented scientists from understanding cold light. Since fluorescence and phosphorescence defied basic expectations of thermodynamics and radiation theory, they contributed in (...)
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  9. Thermodynamic aspects of Schrödinger's probability relations.James L. Park - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (2):225-244.
    Using Schrödinger's generalized probability relations of quantum mechanics, it is possible to generate a canonical ensemble, the ensemble normally associated with thermodynamic equilibrium, by at least two methods, statistical mixing and subensemble selection, that do not involve thermodynamic equilibration. Thus the question arises as to whether an observer making measurements upon systems from a canonical ensemble can determine whether the systems were prepared by mixing, equilibration, or selection. Investigation of this issue exposes antinomies in quantum statistical thermodynamics. It is (...)
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  10.  64
    Thermodynamics and meteorology (1850–1900).Elizabeth Garber - 1976 - Annals of Science 33 (1):51-65.
    We trace the use of thermodynamics in meteorology from 1850 to 1900 and show the extent to which physicists initiated important lines of research in the use of thermodynamics in meterology. However, it was not until meteorologists adapted physical arguments to the unique requirements of their data that the full power of thermodynamics was achieved. In tracing these developments we remark upon the boundaries between the sciences in the 19th century and tentatively define the criteria for intellectual (...)
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  11. Understanding thermodynamic singularities: Phase transitions, data, and phenomena.Sorin Bangu - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (4):488-505.
    According to standard (quantum) statistical mechanics, the phenomenon of a phase transition, as described in classical thermodynamics, cannot be derived unless one assumes that the system under study is infinite. This is naturally puzzling since real systems are composed of a finite number of particles; consequently, a well‐known reaction to this problem was to urge that the thermodynamic definition of phase transitions (in terms of singularities) should not be “taken seriously.” This article takes singularities seriously and analyzes their role (...)
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  12.  85
    Thermodynamics of Self-Gravitating Systems.Joseph Katz - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (2):223-269.
    This work assembles some basic theoretical elements on thermal equilibrium, stability conditions, and fluctuation theory in self-gravitating systems illustrated with a few examples. Thermodynamics deals with states that have settled down after sufficient time has gone by. Time dependent phenomena are beyond the scope of this paper. While thermodynamics is firmly rooted in statistical physics, equilibrium configurations, stability criteria and the destabilizing effect of fluctuations are all expressed in terms of thermodynamic functions. The work is not a review (...)
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  13.  15
    XLVIII. Thermodynamic relations applicable near a lambda-transition.A. B. Pippard - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (5):473-476.
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  14.  59
    Is thermodynamics subjective?Katie Robertson & Carina Prunkl - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-16.
    Thermodynamics is an unusual theory. Prominent figures, including J.C. Maxwell and E.T. Jaynes, have suggested that thermodynamics is anthropocentric. Additionally, contemporary approaches to quantum thermodynamics label thermodynamics a ‘subjective theory’. Here, we evaluate some of the strongest arguments for anthropocentrism based on the heat/work distinction, the second law, and the nature of entropy. We show that these arguments do not commit us to an anthropocentric view but instead point towards a resource-relative understanding of thermodynamics which (...)
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  15. Quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium. Onsager reciprocity and dispersion-dissipation relations.Gian Paolo Beretta - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (4):365-381.
    A generalized Onsager reciprocity theorem emerges as an exact consequence of the structure of the nonlinear equation of motion of quantum thermodynamics and is valid for all the dissipative nonequilibrium states, close and far from stable thermodynamic equilibrium, of an isolated system composed of a single constituent of matter with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. In addition, a dispersion-dissipation theorem results in a precise relation between the generalized dissipative conductivity that describes the mutual interrelation between dissipative rates of a pair (...)
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  16.  29
    Thermodynamic Theory for Simple and Complex Dissipative Structures.Pallavi Rastogi & Shripad P. Mahulikar - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-19.
    Dissipative structures exist at all scales, systems, and at different levels of complexity. A thermodynamic theory integrating simple and complex DS is introduced, which addresses existence of growing/decaying DS based on their entropy analysis. Two entropy-based dimensionless ratios are introduced, which explain negentropy-debt payment and existence of DS with growth or decay. It is shown that excess negentropy debt payment is needed and beneficial for growing DS; but for decaying DS, it hastens its approach to perish and is counter-productive. Growing (...)
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  17. The thermodynamic arrow: Puzzles and pseudo-puzzles.Huw Price - unknown
    For more than a century, physics has known of a puzzling conflict between the T- asymmetry of thermodynamic phenomena and the T-symmetry of the underlying microphysics on which these phenomena depend. This paper provides a guide to the current status of this puzzle, distinguishing the central issue from various issues with which it may be confused. It is shown that there are two competing conceptions of what is needed to resolve the puzzle of the thermodynamic asymmetry, which differ with respect (...)
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  18.  34
    A thermodynamic perspective on natural selection.Julio A. Camargo - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (1):65-75.
    A novel thermodynamic perspective on natural selection is presented. In the case that life continuity is optimized in an ideal system, where relatively constant and homogeneous selective pressures favour a given competing species, natural selection leads that system to a stationary state of maximum genotypic uniformity of life and maximum sustainable consumption of available energy by life (competitive equilibrium). Structurally and functionally, this optimizing tendency towards competitive equilibrium looks similar to the optimizing tendency towards thermodynamic equilibrium of classical thermodynamics (...)
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  19. Thermodynamic asymmetry in time.Craig Callender - 2006 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Thermodynamics is the science that describes much of the time asymmetric behavior found in the world. This entry's first task, consequently, is to show how thermodynamics treats temporally ‘directed’ behavior. It then concentrates on the following two questions. (1) What is the origin of the thermodynamic asymmetry in time? In a world possibly governed by time symmetric laws, how should we understand the time asymmetric laws of thermodynamics? (2) Does the thermodynamic time asymmetry explain the other temporal (...)
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  20. Thermodynamics of Blackbody Radiation Via Classical Physics for Arbitrarily Shaped Cavities with Perfectly Conducting Walls.Daniel C. Cole - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (11):1849-1867.
    An analysis is carried out involving reversible thermodynamic operations on arbitrarily shaped small cavities in perfectly conducting material. These operations consist of quasistatic deformations and displacements of cavity walls and objects within the cavity. This analysis necessarily involves the consideration of Casimir-like forces. Typically, even for the simplest of geometrical structures, such calculations become quite complex, as they need to take into account changes in singular quantities. Much of this complexity is reduced significantly here by working directly with the change (...)
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  21.  88
    Thermodynamic Entropy and Its Relation to Probability in Classical Mechanics.Kevin Davey - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):955-975.
    A gas relaxing into equilibrium is often taken to be a process in which a system moves from an “improbable” to a “probable” state. Given that the thermodynamic entropy increases during such a process, it is natural to conjecture that the thermodynamic entropy is a measure of the probability of a macrostate. For nonideal classical gases, however, I claim that there is no clear sense in which the thermodynamic entropy of a macrostate measures its probability. We must therefore reject the (...)
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  22.  62
    Thermodynamic study of motor behaviour optimization.Patrick Cordier, Michel Mendès France, Philippe Bolon & Jean Pailhous - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):187-201.
    Our work is aimed at studying the optimization of a complex motor behaviour from a global perspective. First, free climbing as a sport will be briefly introduced while emphasizing in particular its psychomotor aspect called route finding. The basic question raised here is how does the optimization of a sensorimotoricity-environment system take place. The material under study is the free climber's trajectory, viewed as the signature of climbing behaviour (i.e., the spatial dimension). The concepts of learning, optimization, constraint, and degrees (...)
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  23. Taking Thermodynamics Too Seriously.Craig Callender - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (4):539-553.
    This paper discusses the mistake of understanding the laws and concepts of thermodynamics too literally in the foundations of statistical mechanics. Arguing that this error is still made in subtle ways, the article explores its occurrence in three examples: the Second Law, the concept of equilibrium and the definition of phase transitions.
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  24.  54
    Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and different axioms of evolution.Daniel R. Brooks & Richard T. O'Grady - 1986 - Acta Biotheoretica 35 (1-2):77-106.
    Proponents of two axioms of biological evolutionary theory have attempted to find justification by reference to nonequilibrium thermodynamics. One states that biological systems and their evolutionary diversification are physically improbable states and transitions, resulting from a selective process; the other asserts that there is an historically constrained inherent directionality in evolutionary dynamics, independent of natural selection, which exerts a self-organizing influence. The first, the Axiom of Improbability, is shown to be nonhistorical and thus, for a theory of change through (...)
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  25.  58
    Thermodynamics: What One Needs to Know.Carl S. Helrich - 1999 - Zygon 34 (3):501-514.
    Thermodynamics is the foundation of many of the topics of interest in the religion‐science dialogue. Here a nonmathematical outline of the principles of thermodynamics is presented, providing a historical and conceptually understandable development that can serve teachers from disciplines other than physics. The contributions of Gibbs to both classical and rational thermodynamics, emphasizing the importance of the ensemble in statistical mechanics, are discussed. The seminal ideas of Boltzmann on statistical mechanics are contrasted to those of Gibbs in (...)
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  26.  54
    A thermodynamic approach to grain growth and coarsening.J. Svoboda & P. Fratzl - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (9):1075-1093.
    The evolution equations for grain growth and coarsening have been derived in the open literature mainly based on phenomenological considerations. Applying a thermodynamic extremal principle, the evolution equations are derived in a rigorous way. All kinetic parameters are provided directly. Existing relations are proved and generalized.
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  27.  25
    The Thermodynamic Cost of Choosing.Carlo Rovelli - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-9.
    Choice can be defined in thermodynamical terms, and shown to have a thermodynamic cost: choosing between a binary alternative at temperature T dissipates an energy EkTln2E\ge kT\ln 2.
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  28.  86
    Making Sense of Gravitational Thermodynamics.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - forthcoming - Philosophy of Physics.
    The use of statistical methods to model gravitational systems is crucial to physics practice, but the extent to which thermodynamics and statistical mechanics genuinely apply to these systems is a contentious issue. This paper provides new conceptual foundations for gravitational thermodynamics by reconsidering the nature of key concepts like equilibrium and advancing a novel way of understanding thermodynamics. The challenges arise from the peculiar characteristics of the gravitational potential, leading to non-extensive energy and entropy, negative heat capacity, (...)
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  29. Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics: A Maxwellian view.Wayne C. Myrvold - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):237-243.
    One finds, in Maxwell's writings on thermodynamics and statistical physics, a conception of the nature of these subjects that differs in interesting ways from the way that they are usually conceived. In particular, though—in agreement with the currently accepted view—Maxwell maintains that the second law of thermodynamics, as originally conceived, cannot be strictly true, the replacement he proposes is different from the version accepted by most physicists today. The modification of the second law accepted by most physicists is (...)
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  30.  22
    New Thermodynamics: Pictet, Epistemology and Philosophy.Kent William Mayhew - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (1):70-88.
    Pictet’s experiment was front and center in the 18th/19th century debate concerning whether heat is a wave, or a particle. Pictet’s experiment is best understood by realizing that thermal radiation energy plays a significant role in heat transfer. It is argued that this readily ignored experiment should have long ago alerted us to issues concerning our understanding of thermodynamics. This questions the rationale behind modern statistical thermodynamics, which describes all of a gaseous system’s energy purely in terms of (...)
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  31.  78
    Evolution in thermodynamic perspective: A historical and philosophical angle.Iris Fry - 1995 - Zygon 30 (2):227-248.
    The recently suggested reformulation of Darwinian evolutionary theory, based on the thermodynamics of self‐organizing processes, has strong philosophical implications. My claim is that the main philosophical merit of the thermodynamic approach, made especially clear in J.S. Wicken's work, is its insistence on the law‐governed, continuous nature of evolution. I attempt to substantiate this claim following a historical analysis of beginning‐of‐the‐century ideas on evolution and matter‐life relationship, in particular, the fitness‐of‐the‐environment‐for‐life theory of the Harvard physiologist L.J. Henderson. In addition, I (...)
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  32. Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations.Jos Uffink & Janneke van Lith - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (5):655-692.
    Bohr and Heisenberg suggested that the thermodynamical quantities of temperature and energy are complementary in the same way as position and momentum in quantum mechanics. Roughly speaking their idea was that a definite temperature can be attributed to a system only if it is submerged in a heat bath, in which case energy fluctuations are unavoidable. On the other hand, a definite energy can be assigned only to systems in thermal isolation, thus excluding the simultaneous determination of its temperature. Rosenfeld (...)
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  33.  24
    Relativistic Thermodynamics and the Passage of Time.Friedel Weinert - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (13):175-191.
    The debate about the passage of time is usually confined to Minkowski‟s geometric interpretation of space-time. It infers the block universe from the notion of relative simultaneity. But there are alternative interpretations of space-time – so-called axiomatic approaches –, based on the existence of „optical facts‟, which have thermodynamic properties. It may therefore be interesting to approach the afore-mentioned debate from the point of view of relativistic thermodynamics, in which invariant parameters exist, which may serve to indicate the passage (...)
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  34. Thermodynamics of an Empty Box.G. J. Schmitz, M. te Vrugt, T. Haug-Warberg, L. Ellingsen & P. Needham - 2023 - Entropy 25 (315):1-30.
    A gas in a box is perhaps the most important model system studied in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Usually, studies focus on the gas, whereas the box merely serves as an idealized confinement. The present article focuses on the box as the central object and develops a thermodynamic theory by treating the geometric degrees of freedom of the box as the degrees of freedom of a thermodynamic system. Applying standard mathematical methods to the thermody- namics of an empty box (...)
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  35.  49
    Thermodynamically Reversible Processes in Statistical Physics.John D. Norton - unknown
    Equilibrium states are used as limit states to define thermodynamically reversible processes. When these processes are implemented in statistical physics, these limit states become unstable and can change with time, due to thermal fluctuations. For macroscopic systems, the changes are insignificant on ordinary time scales and what little there is can be suppressed by macroscopically negligible, entropy-creating dissipation. For systems of molecular sizes, the changes are large on short time scales and can only sometimes be suppressed with significant entropy-creating dissipation. (...)
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  36.  45
    Making Sense of Gravitational Thermodynamics.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - forthcoming - Philosophy of Physics.
    The use of statistical methods to model gravitational systems is crucial to physics practice, but the extent to which thermodynamics and statistical mechanics genuinely apply to these systems is a contentious issue. This paper provides new conceptual foundations for gravitational thermodynamics by reconsidering the nature of key concepts like equilibrium and advancing a novel way of understanding thermodynamics. The challenges arise from the peculiar characteristics of the gravitational potential, leading to non-extensive energy and entropy, negative heat capacity, (...)
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  37. Explaining Thermodynamics: What remains to be done?Wayne Myrvold - 2020 - In Valia Allori, Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature. Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 113-143.
    In this chapter, I urge a fresh look at the problem of explaining equilibration. The process of equilibration, I argue, is best seen not as part of the subject matter of thermodynamics, but as a presupposition of thermodynamics. Further, the relevant tension between the macroscopic phenomena of equilibration and the underlying microdynamics lies not in a tension between time-reversal invariance of the microdynamics and the temporal asymmetry of equilibration, but in a tension between preservation of distinguishability of states (...)
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  38.  13
    Thermodynamics of ‘glide’ and ‘shuffle’ dislocations in the diamond lattice.Joseph Blanc - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (5):1023-1032.
  39.  7
    Thermodynamics of phonon-stabilized Fermi distributions with application to uranium.M. E. Manley - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (21):2467-2473.
  40.  36
    Reducing thermodynamics to Boltzmannian statistical mechanics: the case of macro values.Alexander Ehmann - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-35.
    Thermodynamic macro variables, such as the temperature or volume macro variable, can take on a continuum of allowable values, called thermodynamic macro values. Although referring to the same macro phenomena, the macro variables of Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics (BSM) differ from thermodynamic macro variables in an important respect: within the framework of BSM the evolution of macro values of systems with finite available phase space is invariably modelled as discontinuous, due to the method of partitioning phase space into macro regions with (...)
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    Thermodynamic deduction versus quantum revolution: The failure of Richardson's theory of the photoelectric effect.Shaul Katzir - 2006 - Annals of Science 63 (4):447-469.
    Summary Between 1911 and 1914, Owen Richardson formulated a theory of photoelectricity based on thermodynamics and statistical reasoning. Although this theory succeeded in accounting for most of the relevant phenomena and despite the lack of competing causal or descriptive accounts of the phenomena, it failed to attract other physicists. This paper seeks the reasons for the neglect of this theory in contemporary cultures of photoelectric research. Four main causes of neglect are identified: the relatively high number and the nature (...)
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  42.  49
    Thermodynamics and life.Arthur Peacocke - 1984 - Zygon 19 (4):395-432.
    The basic features of thermodynamics as the “science of the possible” are outlined with a special emphasis on the role of the concept of entropy as a measure of irreversibility in natural processes and its relation to “order,” precisely defined. Natural processes may lead to an increase in complexity, and this concept has a subtle relationship to those of order, organization, and information. These concepts are analyzed with respect to their relation to biological evolution, together with other ways of (...)
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  43.  51
    A thermodynamic theory of the origin and hierarchical evolution of living systems.H. J. Hamilton - 1977 - Zygon 12 (4):289-335.
    Abstract.Growing interest in the origin of life, the physical foundations of biological theory, and the evolution of animal social systems has led to increasing efforts to understand the processes by which elements or living systems at one level of organizational complexity combine to form stable systems of higher order. J. Bronowski saw the need to extend or reformulate evolutionary theory to deal with the hierarchy problem and to account for the evolution of systems of “stratified stability.” The hierarchy problem has (...)
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  44.  24
    The Thermodynamical Death of the Universe.Irena Lachman-Szumilewicz - 1983 - Dialectics and Humanism 10 (4):71-88.
  45.  14
    The thermodynamic calculation of the debye-waller factors of potassium bromide and magnesium oxide.B. Yates - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (127):179-184.
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    Essentials of kinetics and thermodynamics for understanding chemical oscillations.Daniel Barragán - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (2):93-106.
    This paper presents a numerical study of the reaction A ↔ B in the presence of an intermediate and destabilizing step in its dynamics. After introducing a direct autocatalytic destabilizing process, namely quadratic autocatalysis ) and cubic autocatalysis ), a thermodynamic analysis of the evolution of the reaction in closed and open systems was performed. In addition, the Gibbs free energy, the thermodynamic affinity, and the entropy generation of the overall reaction were evaluated for each of the autocatalytic steps, in (...)
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  47. Thermodynamics as Control Theory.David Wallace - unknown
    I explore the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics by treating the former as a control theory: a theory of which transitions between states can be induced on a system by means of operations from a fixed list. I recover the results of standard thermodynamics in this framework on the assumption that the available operations do not include measurements which affect subsequent choices of operations. I then relax this assumption and use the framework to consider the vexed questions (...)
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    Rational Thermodynamics.C. Truesdell - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (2):305-306.
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    Thermodynamic foundations of physical chemistry: reversible processes and thermal equilibrium into the history.Raffaele Pisano, Abdelkader Anakkar, Emilio Marco Pellegrino & Maxime Nagels - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (3):297-323.
    In the history of science, the birth of classical chemistry and thermodynamics produced an anomaly within Newtonian mechanical paradigm: force and acceleration were no longer citizens of new cited sciences. Scholars tried to reintroduce them within mechanistic approaches, as the case of the kinetic gas theory. Nevertheless, Thermodynamics, in general, and its Second Law, in particular, gradually affirmed their role of dominant not-reducible cognitive paradigms for various scientific disciplines: more than twenty formulations of Second Law—a sort of indisputable (...)
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  50. The Thermodynamic Cost of Fast Thought.Alexandre de Castro - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (4):473-487.
    After more than 60 years, Shannon’s research continues to raise fundamental questions, such as the one formulated by R. Luce, which is still unanswered: “Why is information theory not very applicable to psychological problems, despite apparent similarities of concepts?” On this topic, S. Pinker, one of the foremost defenders of the widespread computational theory of mind, has argued that thought is simply a type of computation, and that the gap between human cognition and computational models may be illusory. In this (...)
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