Results for 'the Symbolic'

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  1.  19
    The Symbolic Language of the Unconscious: Erich Fromm’s Studies on the Human Being.Arian Kowalski & Michał Sawicki - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (2):87-103.
    This text aims at a multi-dimensional reflection on Erich Fromm’s conception of the human being. Starting from Marxist-Freudian sources of the philosopher’s thought, the authors show the fundamental ideas underlying his version of psychoanalysis. Next, Fromm’s view of the human being as a social being is discussed, referring to the concepts of unproductive and productive orientations. Another important dimension of Fromm’s thought that is discussed is the reflection on the nature and functions of the symbolic language of the unconscious, (...)
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    The symbolic work of political discourse. Populist reason and its foundational myth.Javier Toscano - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):280-295.
    This article locates Ernesto Laclau’s populist reason as a point of departure to understand the contemporary democratic logic and its so-called ‘excesses’. It argues that, even if resourceful, Laclau’s findings can be supplemented with a theory of the imaginary as developed by Cornelius Castoriadis, as well as with key remarks from a discussion of the theologico-political as this was characterized by Claude Lefort. The aim is to construct an understanding on the political as it is structured by language and the (...)
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    The Symbol of the Mask.Julio Martín Alcántara Carrera - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (5):e21088.
    The Zapatista Indigenous Movement from Chiapas, Mexico is an example of the anthropological dynamics between the visible and the invisible in Western culture and the possible revolution of perceiving reality as such since they had to cover their faces with masks in their rebel anti-system movement in order to be considered as having the same dignity as other human beings: they performed a revolutionary act that changed the symbolic order of the visible by the public exhibition of their colonial (...)
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    The symbolic usage of stone beyond its function as a construction material: Example of residential architecture in Iraqi Kurdistan.Rafooneh M. Sani & Sardar S. Shareef - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):37-59.
    This study examines the symbolic use of stone beyond its basic function as a construction material in architecture. It investigates the meaning of stone using Iraqi Kurdistan residential architecture as a case study. The theoretical framework of the study is developed through the content analysis method, by applying Hershberger’s basic model of meaning, and by exploring Krampen’s writings on semiotics in architecture. The relevant theoretical framework was tested through systematic physical observation of selected houses in Iraqi Kurdistan and by (...)
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    The Symbolic Order of the Mother.Luisa Muraro, Francesca Novello & Alison Stone - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Argues that affirming the irreducible differences between men and women can lead to more transformative politics than the struggle for abstract equality between the sexes. In The Symbolic Order of the Mother Luisa Muraro identifies the bond between mother and child as ontologically fundamental to the development of culture and politics, and therefore as key to achieving truly emancipatory political change. Both corporeal development and language acquisition, which are the sources of all thinking, begin in this relationship. However, Western (...)
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  6. The Symbolic-Consequences Argument in the Sex Robot Debate.John Danaher - 2017 - In John Danaher & Neil McArthur (eds.), Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications. MIT Press.
    This chapter examines a common objection to sex robots: the symbolic-consequences argument. According to this argument sex robots are problematic because they symbolise something disturbing about our attitude to sex-related norms such as consent and the status of our sex partners, and because of the potential consequences of this symbolism. After formalising this objection and considering several real-world uses of it, the chapter subjects it to critical scrutiny. It argues that while there are grounds for thinking that sex robots (...)
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  7. The required correction to Copi's statement of ug.Symbolic Logic - 1966 - Logique Et Analyse 33:267.
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  8. (1 other version)The symbol grounding problem.Stevan Harnad - 1990 - Physica D 42:335-346.
    There has been much discussion recently about the scope and limits of purely symbolic models of the mind and about the proper role of connectionism in cognitive modeling. This paper describes the symbol grounding problem : How can the semantic interpretation of a formal symbol system be made intrinsic to the system, rather than just parasitic on the meanings in our heads? How can the meanings of the meaningless symbol tokens, manipulated solely on the basis of their shapes, be (...)
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    The Genesis of the Symbolic: On the Beginnings of Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Culture.Arno Schubbach - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Dale J. Hobbs.
    Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of culture has been much discussed in recent years. However, it remains unclear how it evolved from his older theory of knowledge. This study deals with this question on the basis of Cassirer's 'disposition' of a 'philosophy of the symbolic', reconstructed here for the first time. This text shows that the 'symbolic' refers to culture as a whole and to its inherent diversity. Therefore, 'the symbolic' includes the relationship between the general transcendental conditions of (...)
  10. The symbol grounding problem has been solved. so what's next.Luc Steels - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.), Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 223--244.
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    On the Symbolic Order of Modern Democracy.Jacob Taubes - 2019 - In Willem Styfhals & Stéphane Symons (eds.), Genealogies of the Secular: The Making of Modern German Thought. SUNY Press. pp. 179-191.
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    The Symbols of Freedom in Kant’s Aesthetics.Paul Guyer - 1998 - In Herman Parret (ed.), Kants Ästhetik · Kant's Aesthetics · L'esthétique de Kant. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 338-355.
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    Philosophy of the Symbolic: Edited by Arno Schubbach.Ernst Cassirer - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (1):167-211.
    The historical beginnings of Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of culture remain unclear. For it is not apparent how his major philosophy of culture and the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, published in the 1920s, emerged from his earlier epistemological work and Substance and Function from 1910. However, this gap can be filled to a certain extent by the “Disposition” of a “Philosophy of the Symbolic” from 1917 that could be reconstructed from Cassirer’s literary estate and is documented in this contribution. (...)
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    The Symbolic Challenge of Contemporary Social Movements.A. Meucci - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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  15. Solving the symbol grounding problem: a critical review of fifteen years of research.Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - unknown
    This article reviews eight proposed strategies for solving the Symbol Grounding Problem (SGP), which was given its classic formulation in Harnad (1990). After a concise introduction, we provide an analysis of the requirement that must be satisfied by any hypothesis seeking to solve the SGP, the zero semantical commitment condition. We then use it to assess the eight strategies, which are organised into three main approaches: representationalism, semi-representationalism and non-representationalism. The conclusion is that all the strategies are semantically committed and (...)
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  16. The symbol level and the knowledge level.Allen Newell - 1986 - In Zenon W. Pylyshyn (ed.), Meaning And Cognitive Structure: Issues In The Computational Theory Of Mind. Norwood: Ablex.
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    The Symbolic Emergence and Habitus - Beyond the Epistemological Fallacy -.Hyeyoung Kim - 2023 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 88 (88):43-75.
    이 글의 목적은 부르디외의 ‘하비투스’ 개념에 제기되는 결정론의 의혹을 ‘기호적 창발’의 구조로 완화함으로써, 상징권력의 구조에 관한 자연주의적 탐구의 가능성을 제안하는 데 있다. 부르디외의 상징권력에는 하비투스의 이중성 즉, ‘구조화하는 구조’와 ‘구조화된 구조’의 논리가 내재되어 있는데, 그 이중성은 증여와 언어교환의 경험을 통해 확인될 수 있다. 그러나 하비투스의 이중적인 실천 논리가 함축하는 구조적 제약성과 그 작용 과정의 불투명성으로 인해, 아처나 킹과 같은 사회학자들은 부르디외의 사회학이 여전히 결정론 또는 유물론의 시각을 보여 준다고 분석한다. 이 문제에 필자는 하비투스의 제약성은 ‘몸’을 가진 유기체가 세계와 상호작용함으로써 반복적으로 (...)
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  18. The symbolic utility and heuristic value of scientific realism. A pragmatic defense.Armando Cíntora - 2004 - Ludus Vitalis 12 (22):83-90.
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    (1 other version)The Symbolic independence from power.Luisa Muraro - 2009 - Cosmos and History 5 (1):57-67.
    Muraro’s article begins from the philosophical question of the ‘unthought’, and asks how our very image of thought is transformed when the thinking subject is a woman, and her thought is specifically linked to the experience of a body. On the basis of a feminist interrogation of sexual difference which reveals the forms of violence inherent in certain claims to universality, Muraro tries to develop a thinking of politics which would rest on its symbolic distance or independence from power. (...)
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  20. The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap.John Dinsmore (ed.) - 1992 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    This book records the thoughts of researchers -- from both computer science and philosophy -- on resolving the debate between the symbolic and connectionist...
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  21. Exploring the symbolic/subsymbolic continuum: A case study of RAAM.Douglas S. Blank, Lisa A. Meeden & James B. Marshall - 1992 - In John Dinsmore (ed.), The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 113--148.
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    The symbolic universe of the Temple.Johanna Bokedal - 2022 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 33 (2):3-18.
    For Jews, the Jerusalem Temple is the historical focus of ritual practice and pilgrimage. After its destruction in 70 ce, synagogues gradually became important centres for community and ritual, yet the Temple remained a symbolic site of hope and longing in diasporic Judaism in manifold ways. By means of a case-study of a fifth-century synagogue in the town of Sepphoris, this article examines the synagogue and its mosaic floor to consider the hypoth­esis that the Jews that commissioned and used (...)
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    Levinas and the Symbol of the Temple of Jerusalem for the Whole of Humanity.Juan J. Padial - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    Levinas does not speak quite often about the Temple, but in his Talmudic commentaries, he says quite impressive things about the Temple and its image. Commenting the Tractate Yoma 10a of Talmud, he says that «The Temple of Jerusalem in Jewish thought is a symbol, which signifies for the whole of humanity». This paper focuses on clarify this sentence and the universality of one Temple, which «is an exact replica of the heavenly Temple, the order of absolute holiness» according with (...)
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    The Symbolic Image of Ancestors in the Church of World Messianity.Yutaka Tisdall-Yamada - 1991 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 18 (2/3):151-164.
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    Closing the symbolic reference gap to support flexible reasoning about the passage of time.Danielle DeNigris & Patricia J. Brooks - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e249.
    This commentary relates Hoerl & McCormack's dual systems perspective to models of cognitive development emphasizing representational redescription and the role of culturally constructed tools, including language, in providing flexible formats for thinking. We describe developmental processes that enable children to construct a mental time line, situate themselves in time, and overcome the primacy of the here and now.
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    The Symbolic Function, Particularly in Language.Edmund S. Glenn - 1973 - Semiotica 8 (2).
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  27. The symbol and the theory of the life-world: “The transcendences of the life-world and their overcoming by signs and symbols”.Jochen Dreher - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (2):141-163.
    This essay presents a phenomenological analysis of the functioning of symbols as elements of the life-world with the purpose of demonstrating the interrelationship of individual and society. On the basis of Alfred Schutz''s theory of the life-world, signs and symbols are viewed as mechanisms by means of which the individual can overcome the transcendences posed by time, space, the world of the Other, and multiple realities which confront him or her. Accordingly, the individual''s life-world divides itself into the dimensions of (...)
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    Symbolic logic.John Venn - 1894 - New York,: B. Franklin.
    SYMBOLIC LOGIC. CHAPTER I. ON THE FORMS OF LOGICAL PROPOSITION. IT has been mentioned in the Introduction that the System of Logic which this work is ...
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  29. The symbolic theology of Roger Haight.Thomas Weinandy - 2001 - The Thomist 65 (1):121-136.
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    The Symbolic Imagination: Plato and Contemporary Business Ethics.Paul T. Harper - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1):5-21.
    The business ethics field contains a number of explanations for the imagination’s influence on decision-making. This has benefited moral theorizing because approaches that utilize the imagination tend to acknowledge important biological and psychological forces that influence the way we understand situations, develop strategies for problem-solving, and choose courses of action. But, I argue, the broad range of approaches has also served as an obstacle to theory development in the field. Given the variety of theoretical and disciplinary approaches, coupled with the (...)
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    The Symbolic Role of Art in Hegel versus the Absolute Function of Beauty.Mario FarinaVia Iglesias Milano Italia: - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
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  32. The Symbolic Life of Man.R. MUKERJEE - 1959
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    The symbolic interactionist perspective and identity theory.Richard T. Serpe & Sheldon Stryker - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles (eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 225--248.
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  34. The Symbol of the Faith: A Study of the Apostles' Creed.George Hedley - 1948
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    Plato and the symbolic philosophy of the life of Pavel Florensky.Д. В Бугай - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):84-101.
    The article analyzes the interpretation of Plato and the Platonic tradition by the famous Russian philosopher and theologian of the Silver Age, priest P.A. Florensky. Based on the material of his two works (“The Universal Human Roots of Idealism”, “The Mean­ing of Idealism”), devoted to the interpretation of the Platonic teaching and its roots in the universal worldview, the originality of Florensky’s approach to a wide range of philosophical, historical and cultural problems related to the interpretation of the Pla­tonic teaching (...)
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    Symbolic Logic.Lewis Carroll - 2018 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    The two works reprinted in this volume are a unique fusion of logical thought and inimitable whimsy. Written by the 19th-century mathematician who also gave us "Alive in Wonderland", they are among the most entertaining logical works ever written, and contain some of the most thought-provoking puzzles ever devised.
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    The Symbolic Relationship and Christian Truth.Richard C. Hall - 1966 - Religious Studies 2 (1):129 - 136.
    The philosophical problem of the relation of symbol to truth is far from solved, but there have been significant advances toward its solution. It is the common Christian understanding that God is Truth , and that all truths must ultimately find union in him. This is to say that all genuine truths must be compatible. The true conclusions of genuine science must be compatible with the true conclusions of genuine theology. Or, to bring this general statement to a more particular (...)
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    The Symbol Gives Rise to Thought: Writings on Art by Marina Warner.Vivian Rehberg - 2012 - Violette Editions. Edited by Marina Warner.
    This collection brings together a selection of writings on art by the internationally acclaimed novelist, historian and critic Marina Warner. For 30 years Warner has published widely on a range of art-world subjects and objects, from contemporary installation and film works to paintings by Flemish and Italian Renaissance masters, through Victorian photography and twentieth-century political drawings and prints. Warner's extraordinary curiosity in art and culture is conveyed in writing that is at once poetic and playful, elegant and rigorous, training our (...)
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    The Symbolic Environment of Modern Economies.Talcott Parsons - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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    The Symbolic Life of Man. [REVIEW]C. B. D. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (4):726-726.
    The author laudably attempts to integrate Cassirer's approach to symbolism with current work being done by sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists. The thesis that symbols are the creative link between personality and culture is defended in a variety of ways. The discussion is repetitious and disorganized. Still, the rich array of content deserves attention.--D. C. B.
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  41. The Symbols of Religious Faith.Ben Kimpel - 1954 - Philosophy 30 (115):363-363.
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    The Symbols of Religious Faith.Richard M. Millard - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (1):129-130.
  43. The symbolic construction of reality in advertising.Sofia Bratu & Ioana Voloacă - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:299-304.
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    The drama and the symbols.Gustaf Aulén - 1970 - Philadelphia,: Fortress Press.
    Gustav Aulen's starting point in this book is that God can only reveal himself in the form of symbols; in himself he remains beyond our comprehension. The symbols we use will determine our image of God. A bewildering variety of such images is to be found in modern literature, but the Christian image of God is inseparably linked with the drama of Christ.
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    The Symbolic Worldview: Reply to Vera and Simon.Philip E. Agre - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (1):61-69.
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  46. Narrativity and the Symbolic Vacuum.Stefan Lukits - 2011 - Philosophy and Theology 23 (1):167-183.
    “Narrativity and the Symbolic Vacuum” examines the descriptive and the prescriptive narrativity claim in the context of a claim that there are narratives in the biblical literature that resist both. The descriptive narrativity claim maintains that it is not an option for a person to conceive of their life without narrative coherence. The prescriptive claim holds that narrativity is a necessary condition for a good and successful human life. Phenomenological thought and Aristotelian virtue ethics, expressing a critical stance towards (...)
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    The Symbols of Religious Faith. A Preface to an Understanding of the Nature of Religion.William E. Kennick - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (4):674.
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  48. The symbolic order and the noosphere: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Jacques Lacan on technoscience and the future of the planet.Hub Zwart - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 1 (1):117-145.
    This paper presents a mutual confrontation of the oeuvres of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) and Jacques Lacan (1901–1980), highlighting their relevance for the planetary challenges we are facing today. I will present their views on technoscience, environmental pollution and religious faith, focussing on human genomics as a case study. Both authors claim that technoscience reflects a tendency towards symbolisation: incorporating the biosphere (liv- ing nature) into the “symbolic order’ (Lacan) or ‘noosphere’ (Teilhard). On various occasions, Lacan refers to (...)
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    The Symbols of Religious Faith. By Ben Kimpel (New York Philosophical Library. 1954. Price 3 dollars 75 cents.).E. S. Waterhouse - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):363-.
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    (1 other version)The Symbol of a Wandering.E. Morin - 1980 - Télos 1980 (44):196-197.
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