Results for 'teleosts'

15 found
  1.  14
    Search for enhancers: teleost models in comparative genomic and transgenic analysis of cis regulatory elements.Ferenc Müller, Patrick Blader & Uwe Strähle - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):564-572.
    Homology searches between DNA sequences of evolutionary distant species (phylogenetic footprinting) offer a fast detection method for regulatory sequences. Because of the small size of their genomes, tetraodontid species such as the Japanese pufferfish and green spotted pufferfish have become attractive models for comparative genomics. A disadvantage of the tetraodontid species is, however, that they cannot be bred and manipulated routinely under laboratory conditions, so these species are less attractive for developmental and genetic analysis. In contrast, an increasing arsenal of (...)
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  2.  11
    Evolutionary context can clarify gene names: Teleosts as a case study.Eugene V. Gasanov, Justyna Jędrychowska, Jacek Kuźnicki & Vladimir Korzh - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2000258.
    We developed an ex silico evolutionary‐based systematic synteny approach to define and name the duplicated genes in vertebrates. The first convention for the naming of genes relied on historical precedent, the order in the human genome, and mutant phenotypes in model systems. However, total‐genome duplication that resulted in teleost genomes required the naming of duplicated orthologous genes (ohnologs) in a specific manner. Unfortunately, as we review here, such naming has no defined criteria, and some ohnologs and their orthologs have suffered (...)
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  3.  18
    Embryonic origin of the eyes in teleost fish.Jui Chang Chuang & Pamela A. Raymond - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):519-529.
    The developmental history of the vertebrate eye begins at an early embryonic stage, with the formation of the body axes and induction of neural tissue. Several recent experimental embryological and genetic studies in teleost fish have produced new insights into the morphogenetic and molecular regulation of eye formation. Molecular signaling pathways and patterned expression of transcription factors implicated in eye determination are discussed, and the importance of morphogenetic cell movements is emphasized. BioEssays 24:519–529, 2002. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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  4.  48
    Jaw protrusion, an optimization of the feeding apparatus of teleosts?J. W. M. Osse - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):219-232.
    A comparison of nineteen taxa of teleost fishes suggests the gradual acquisition of systems of upper jaw protrusion in the course of fish evolution. However, in view of the loss of protrusion in several groups of advanced teleosts the biomechanicsof protrusile jaws are analysed based on the hydrodynamics of suction feeding. Calculations show that protrusion may reduce the energy otherwise spent in a feeding act to get the predator's mouth as near to the prey in the same time with (...)
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  5.  67
    From 2R to 3R: evidence for a fish‐specific genome duplication (FSGD).Axel Meyer & Yves Van de Peer - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (9):937-945.
    An important mechanism for the evolution of phenotypic complexity, diversity and innovation, and the origin of novel gene functions is the duplication of genes and entire genomes. Recent phylogenomic studies suggest that, during the evolution of vertebrates, the entire genome was duplicated in two rounds (2R) of duplication. Later, ∼350 mya, in the stem lineage of ray‐finned (actinopterygian) fishes, but not in that of the land vertebrates, a third genome duplication occurred—the fish‐specific genome duplication (FSGD or 3R), leading, at least (...)
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  6.  34
    Why are There No Eusocial Fishes?Klaus M. Stiefel - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (3):204-210.
    Eusociality is the form of animal social organization with a reproductive division of labor, most prominently known from ants and bees. Here I ask the question why this enormously successful form of social organization is missing in the largest and most diverse group of vertebrates, the teleost fishes. I first briefly review the phylogenetic distribution and likely evolutionary origins of eusociality. Then, after an equally very brief review of the diverse life history strategies of teleosts, I conclude that it (...)
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  7.  31
    The cerebellum and timing: Lessons from mormyrids.J. Meek - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):258-258.
    Mormyrid teleosts have Purkinje cells with palisade dendrites, which probably represent coincidence detectors of parallel fiber activity. Their existence strongly supports the ideas of Braitenberg et al. on cerebellar function. However, the organization of mormyrid granule cells and parallel fibers suggests that a key to cerebellar function is not in interactions within one wave, but between twoopposite tidal waves.
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  8.  34
    Paleogenomics in vertebrates, or the recovery of lost genomes from the mist of time.Matthieu Muffato & Hugues Roest Crollius - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (2):122-134.
    Knowledge of the structure of ancestral genomes provides the basis of a new framework to better represent and interpret results from genomic and evolutionary studies. Because these ancestors lived tens of hundreds of million years ago, this knowledge will inevitably take the form of abstract representations, reconstructed on the basis both of experimental evidence collected on extant genomes and of our understanding of evolutionary processes. This is the field of Paleogenomics, a young discipline that is providing an increasingly precise picture (...)
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  9.  42
    Evolutionary history of vertebrate appendicular muscle.Frietson Galis - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (5):383-387.
    The evolutionary history of muscle development in the paired fins of teleost fish and the limbs of tetrapod vertebrates is still, to a large extent, uncertain. There has been a consensus, however, that in the vertebrate clade the ancestral mechanism of fin and limb muscle development involves the extension of epithelial tissues from the somite into the fin/limb bud. This mechanism has been documented in chondrichthyan, dipnoan, chondrostean and teleost fishes. It has also been assumed that in amniotes, in contrast, (...)
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  10. DETERMINATION OF MEDIAN TOLERANCE LIMIT (LC50 ) OF CHANNA PUNCTATA (BLOCH) FOR CADMIUM CHLORIDE.A. Kumar & Ashok Verma - 2021 - International Journal on Biological Sciences 12 (2):106-109.
    The present investigation was undertaken to investigate the acute toxicity of cadmium, a heavy metal widely detected in the aquatic environment due to natural effects and anthropogenic activities, in freshwater teleost, Channa punctata (Bloch). The experiments for the bioassay were performed in semi-static test condition according to the standard guidelines. The behavioural changes in the fish were observed for all tested concentrations of the metal. The data obtained for bioassay were analyzed for median lethal concentrations (LC ) of the metal (...)
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  11.  55
    Adult neurogenesis in non‐mammalian vertebrates.Prisca Chapouton, Ravi Jagasia & Laure Bally-Cuif - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):745-757.
    Adult neurogenesis is an exciting and rapidly advancing field of research. It addresses basic biological questions, such as the how and why of de novo neuronal production during adulthood, as well as medically relevant issues, including the potential link between adult neural stem cells and psychiatric disorders, or how stem cell manipulation might be used as a strategy for neuronal replacement. Current research mainly focuses on rodents, but we review here recent examination of non‐mammalian vertebrates, which demonstrates that bona fide (...)
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  12.  57
    Origin and evolution of the vertebrate vomeronasal system viewed through system‐specific genes.Wendy E. Grus & Jianzhi Zhang - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (7):709-718.
    Tetrapods have two distinct nasal chemosensory systems, the main olfactory system and the vomeronasal system (VNS). Defined by certain morphological components, the main olfactory system is present in all groups of vertebrates, while the VNS is found only in tetrapods. Previous attempts to identify a VNS precursor in teleost fish were limited by functional and morphological characters that could not clearly distinguish between homologous and analogous systems. In the past decade, several genes that specifically function in the VNS have been (...)
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  13.  43
    Of fish and men: A comparative approach to androgens and social dominance.Rui F. Oliveira - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):383-384.
    Four aspects of Mazur & Booth's target article are discussed from a comparative perspective using teleost fish as a reference: (a) the relationship between aggression, dominance, and androgens; (b) the interpretation of the data in light of the challenge hypothesis; (c) the potential role of testosterone as a physiological mediator between social status and the expression of male characters; and (d) the fact that metabolic conversions of testosterone may be important in its effect on aggression/ dominance.
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  14.  27
    Transparent things: Cell fates and cell movements during early embryogenesis of zebrafish.Lilianna Solnica-Krezel, Derek L. Stemple & Wolfgang Driever - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (11):931-939.
    Development of an animal embryo involves the coordination of cell divisions, a variety of inductive interactions and extensive cellular rearrangements. One of the biggest challenges in developmental biology is to explain the relationships between these processes and the mechanisms that regulate them. Teleost embryos provide an ideal subject for the study of these issues. Their optical lucidity combined with modern techniques for the marking and observation of individual living cells allow high resolution investigations of specific morphogenetic movements and the construction (...)
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  15.  39
    Germline stem cells are critical for sexual fate decision of germ cells.Minoru Tanaka - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1227-1233.
    Egg or sperm? The mechanism of sexual fate decision in germ cells has been a long‐standing issue in biology. A recent analysis identified foxl3 as a gene that determines the sexual fate decision of germ cells in the teleost fish, medaka. foxl3/Foxl3 acts in female germline stem cells to repress commitment into male fate (spermatogenesis), indicating that the presence of mitotic germ cells in the female is critical for continuous sexual fate decision of germ cells in medaka gonads. Interestingly, foxl3 (...)
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