Results for 'tableau combined with branches'

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  1.  70
    Construction of tableaux for classical logic: Tableaux as combinations of branches, branches as chains of sets.Tomasz Jarmużek - 2007 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 16 (1):85-101.
    The paper is devoted to an approach to analytic tableaux for propositional logic, but can be successfully extended to other logics. The distinguishing features of the presented approach are:(i) a precise set-theoretical description of tableau method; (ii) a notion of tableau consequence relation is defined without help of a notion of tableau, in our universe of discourse the basic notion is a branch;(iii) we define a tableau as a finite set of some chosen branches which (...)
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  2. A general tableau method for propositional interval temporal logics: Theory and implementation.V. Goranko, A. Montanari, P. Sala & G. Sciavicco - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (3):305-330.
    In this paper we focus our attention on tableau methods for propositional interval temporal logics. These logics provide a natural framework for representing and reasoning about temporal properties in several areas of computer science. However, while various tableau methods have been developed for linear and branching time point-based temporal logics, not much work has been done on tableau methods for interval-based ones. We develop a general tableau method for Venema's \cdt\ logic interpreted over partial orders (\nsbcdt\ (...)
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    A combination of explicit and deductive knowledge with branching time: completeness and decidability results.Alessio Lomuscio & Bożena Woźna - 2006 - In P. Torroni, U. Endriss, M. Baldoni & A. Omicini, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies III. Springer. pp. 188--204.
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  4. Boulesic-Doxastic Logic.Daniel Rönnedal - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Logic 16 (3):83-132.
    In this paper, I will develop a set of boulesic-doxastic tableau systems and prove that they are sound and complete. Boulesic-doxastic logic consists of two main parts: a boulesic part and a doxastic part. By ‘boulesic logic’ I mean ‘the logic of the will’, and by ‘doxastic logic’ I mean ‘the logic of belief’. The first part deals with ‘boulesic’ concepts, expressions, sentences, arguments and theorems. I will concentrate on two types of boulesic expression: ‘individual x wants it (...)
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  5. On the Mosaic Method for Many-Dimensional Modal Logics: A Case Study Combining Tense and Modal Operators. [REVIEW]Carlos Caleiro, Luca Viganò & Marco Volpe - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (1):33-69.
    We present an extension of the mosaic method aimed at capturing many-dimensional modal logics. As a proof-of-concept, we define the method for logics arising from the combination of linear tense operators with an “orthogonal” S5-like modality. We show that the existence of a model for a given set of formulas is equivalent to the existence of a suitable set of partial models, called mosaics, and apply the technique not only in obtaining a proof of decidability and a proof of (...)
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    Branching Time Axiomatized With the Use of Change Operators.Marcin Łyczak - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (5):894-906.
    We present a temporal logic of branching time with four primitive operators: |$\exists {\mathcal {C}}$| – it may change whether; |$\forall {\mathcal {C}} $| – it must change whether; |$\exists \Box $| – it may be endlessly unchangeable that; and |$\forall \Box $| – it must be endlessly unchangeable that. Semantically, operator |$\forall {\mathcal {C}}$| expresses a change in the logical value of the given formula in every state that may be an immediate successor of the one considered, while (...)
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  7.  45
    Four-Branch Model of Ability Emotional Intelligence With Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence: A Meta-Analysis of Relations.Sally Olderbak, Martin Semmler & Philipp Doebler - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (2):166-183.
    We meta-analytically investigated relations between the four-branch model of ability emotional intelligence (EI) with fluid (Gf) and crystallized intelligence (Gc; 352 effect sizes; ntotal = 15,333). We found that for each branch, the strength of relations with Gf and Gc were equivalent. Understanding emotions has the strongest relation with Gf/Gc combined (ρ =.43, k = 81, n = 11,524), relative to facilitating thought using emotion (ρ =.19, k = 51, n = 7,254), managing emotions (ρ =.20, (...)
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  8. Quantified Temporal Alethic Boulesic Doxastic Logic.Daniel Rönnedal - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (1):1-65.
    The paper develops a set of quantified temporal alethic boulesic doxastic systems. Every system in this set consists of five parts: a ‘quantified’ part, a temporal part, a modal (alethic) part, a boulesic part and a doxastic part. There are no systems in the literature that combine all of these branches of logic. Hence, all systems in this paper are new. Every system is defined both semantically and proof-theoretically. The semantic apparatus consists of a kind of$$T \times W$$T×Wmodels, and (...)
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  9. Everettian quantum mechanics without branching time.Alastair Wilson - 2012 - Synthese 188 (1):67-84.
    In this paper I assess the prospects for combining contemporary Everettian quantum mechanics (EQM) with branching-time semantics in the tradition of Kripke, Prior, Thomason and Belnap. I begin by outlining the salient features of ‘decoherence-based’ EQM, and of the ‘consistent histories’ formalism that is particularly apt for conceptual discussions in EQM. This formalism permits of both ‘branching worlds’ and ‘parallel worlds’ interpretations; the metaphysics of EQM is in this sense underdetermined by the physics. A prominent argument due to Lewis (...)
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  10.  33
    Tableau Systems for Deontic Action Logics Based on Finite Boolean Algebras, and Their Complexity.Pablo F. Castro - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):229-251.
    We introduce a family of tableau calculi for deontic action logics based on finite boolean algebras, these logics provide deontic operators which are applied to a finite number of actions ; furthermore, in these formalisms, actions can be combined by means of boolean operators, this provides an expressive algebra of actions. We define a tableau calculus for the basic logic and then we extend this calculus to cope with extant variations of this formalism; we prove the (...)
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  11. A tableau calculus for partial functions.Manfred Kerber Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    Even though it is not very often admitted, partial functions do play a significant role in many practical applications of deduction systems. Kleene has already given a semantic account of partial functions using a three-valued logic decades ago, but there has not been a satisfactory mechanization. Recent years have seen a thorough investigation of the framework of many-valued truth-functional logics. However, strong Kleene logic, where quantification is restricted and therefore not truthfunctional, does not fit the framework directly. We solve this (...)
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  12.  89
    A sound and complete tableau calculus for reasoning about only knowing and knowing at most.Riccardo Rosati - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (1):171-191.
    We define a tableau calculus for the logic of only knowing and knowing at most ON, which is an extension of Levesque's logic of only knowing O. The method is based on the possible-world semantics of the logic ON, and can be considered as an extension of known tableau calculi for modal logic K45. From the technical viewpoint, the main features of such an extension are the explicit representation of "unreachable" worlds in the tableau, and an additional (...)
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  13.  13
    Remote possibilities in branching time structures.Sylvia Wenmackers - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-28.
    To analyse contingent propositions, this paper investigates how branching time structures can be combined with probability theory. In particular, it considers assigning infinitesimal probabilities—available in non-Archimedean probability theory—to individual histories. This allows us to introduce the concept of ‘remote possibility’ as a new modal notion between ‘impossibility’ and ‘appreciable possibility’. The proposal is illustrated by applying it to a future contingent and a historical counterfactual concerning an infinite sequence of coin tosses. The latter is a toy model that (...)
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  14. From Linear to Branching-Time Temporal Logics: Transfer of Semantics and Definability.Valentin Goranko & Alberto Zanardo - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (1):53-76.
    This paper investigates logical aspects of combining linear orders as semantics for modal and temporal logics, with modalities for possible paths, resulting in a variety of branching time logics over classes of trees. Here we adopt a unified approach to the Priorean, Peircean and Ockhamist semantics for branching time logics, by considering them all as fragments of the latter, obtained as combinations, in various degrees, of languages and semantics for linear time with a modality for possible paths. We (...)
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  15. Branching Quantification v. Two-way Quantification.Nina Gierasimczuk & Jakub Szymanik - 2009 - Journal of Semantics 26 (4):329-366.
    Next SectionWe discuss the thesis formulated by Hintikka (1973) that certain natural language sentences require non-linear quantification to express their meaning. We investigate sentences with combinations of quantifiers similar to Hintikka's examples and propose a novel alternative reading expressible by linear formulae. This interpretation is based on linguistic and logical observations. We report on our experiments showing that people tend to interpret sentences similar to Hintikka sentence in a way consistent with our interpretation.
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  16. QM and STR: The combining of quantum mechanics and relativity theory.Storrs McCall - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):548.
    Combining quantum mechanics with special relativity requires (i) that a spacetime representation of quantum states be found; (ii) that such states, represented as extended along equal-time hyperplanes, be invariant when transformed from one frame to another; and (iii) that collapses of states be instantaneous in every frame. These requirements are met using branching spacetime, in which probabilities of outcomes are represented by the numerical proportions of branches on which the outcomes occur. Quantum states of systems are then identified (...)
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  17.  23
    Branching Quantification v. Two-way Quantification: Articles.Nina Gierasimczuk & Jakub Szymanik - 2009 - Journal of Semantics 26 (4):367-392.
    We discuss the thesis formulated by Hintikka that certain natural language sentences require non-linear quantification to express their meaning. We investigate sentences with combinations of quantifiers similar to Hintikka's examples and propose a novel alternative reading expressible by linear formulae. This interpretation is based on linguistic and logical observations. We report on our experiments showing that people tend to interpret sentences similar to Hintikka sentence in a way consistent with our interpretation.
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  18.  97
    Deontic Tense Logic With Historical Necessity, Frame Constants, and a Solution to the Epistemic Obligation Paradox.Lennart Åqvist - 2014 - Theoria 80 (4):319-349.
    In an earlier paper by the author, Åqvist , I presented an approach to the logic of historical necessity, or inevitability, in the sense of a “two-dimensional” combination of tense and modal logic for worlds, or histories, with the same time order, known as T × W logic. Distinctive features of that approach were, apart from its two-dimensionality, its being based on discrete and finite time, and its use of so-called systematic frame constants in order to enable us to (...)
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  19.  39
    Tree Trimming: Four Non-Branching Rules for Priest’s Introduction to Non-Classical Logic.Marilynn Johnson - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (2):97-120.
    In An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is Graham Priest presents branching rules in Free Logic, Variable Domain Modal Logic, and Intuitionist Logic. I propose a simpler, non-branching rule to replace Priest's rule for universal instantiation in Free Logic, a second, slightly modified version of this rule to replace Priest's rule for universal instantiation in Variable Domain Modal Logic, and third and fourth rules, further modifying the second rule, to replace Priest's branching universal and particular instantiation rules in (...)
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  20. Combinations of Stit and Actions.Ming Xu - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (4):485-503.
    We present a simple theory of actions against the background of branching time, based on which we propose two versions of an extended stit theory, one equipped with particular actions and the other with sets of such actions. After reporting some basic results of a formal development of such a theory, we briefly explore its connection to a version of branching ETL.
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  21. (1 other version)Alternatives to Histories? Employing a Local Notion of Modal Consistency in Branching Theories.Thomas Müller - 2011 - Erkenntnis 79 (S3):1-22.
    Branching theories are popular frameworks for modeling objective indeterminism in the form of a future of open possibilities. In such theories, the notion of a history plays a crucial role: it is both a basic ingredient in the axiomatic definition of the framework, and it is used as a parameter of truth in semantics for languages with a future tense. Furthermore, histories—complete possible courses of events—ground the notion of modal consistency: a set of events is modally consistent iff there (...)
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  22.  32
    Phylogeny of γ‐proteobacteria: resolution of one branch of the universal tree?James R. Brown & Craig Volker - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (5):463-468.
    The reconstruction of bacterial evolutionary relationships has proven to be a daunting task because variable mutation rates and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among species can cause grave incongruities between phylogenetic trees based on single genes. Recently, a highly robust phylogenetic tree was constructed for 13 γ‐proteobacteria using the combined alignments of 205 conserved orthologous proteins.1 Only two proteins had incongruent tree topologies, which were attributed to HGT between Pseudomonas species and Vibrio cholerae or enterics. While the evolutionary relationships among (...)
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  23.  29
    A comprehensive model for acrotonic, mesotonic and basitonic branchings in plants.Jacqueline Lück, Hermann B. Lück & Mohammed Bakkali - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (3-4):257-288.
    Topological developmental models with local (position of internodes) and global (branch lengths) characteristics are proposed to investigate the relationships between fundamental branching patterns of plants such as acrotony, mesotony, and basitony, including the coincidence of different patterns on the same plant. Modification of the basic acrotony during the development by means of, (1) the final expected main axis length results in either basitony or an extension of acrotony over a shortened main axis, (2) the final expected lateral branch length (...)
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  24.  48
    Reasoning with Qualitative Velocity: Towards a Hybrid Approach.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek & Emilio Munoz Velasco - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 635--646.
    Qualitative description of the movement of objects can be very important when there are large quantity of data or incomplete information, such as in positioning technologies and movement of robots. We present a first step in the combination of fuzzy qualitative reasoning and quantitative data obtained by human interaction and external devices as GPS, in order to update and correct the qualitative information. We consider a Propositional Dynamic Logic which deals with qualitative velocity and enables us to represent some (...)
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  25.  42
    On the Decidability Status of Fuzzy A ℒ C with General Concept Inclusions.Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt & Rafael Peñaloza - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (2):117-146.
    The combination of Fuzzy Logics and Description Logics has been investigated for at least two decades because such fuzzy DLs can be used to formalize imprecise concepts. In particular, tableau algorithms for crisp Description Logics have been extended to reason also with their fuzzy counterparts. It has turned out, however, that in the presence of general concept inclusion axioms this extension is less straightforward than thought. In fact, a number of tableau algorithms claimed to deal correctly (...) fuzzy DLs with GCIs have recently been shown to be incorrect. In this paper, we concentrate on fuzzy \, the fuzzy extension of the well-known DL \. We present a terminating, sound, and complete tableau algorithm for fuzzy \ with arbitrary continuous t-norms. Unfortunately, in the presence of GCIs, this algorithm does not yield a decision procedure for consistency of fuzzy \ ontologies since it uses as a sub-procedure a solvability test for a finitely represented, but possibly infinite, system of inequations over the real interval [0,1], which are built using the t-norm. In general, it is not clear whether this solvability problem is decidable for such infinite systems of inequations. This may depend on the specific t-norm used. In fact, we also show in this paper that consistency of fuzzy \ ontologies with GCIs is undecidable for the product t-norm. This implies, of course, that for the infinite systems of inequations produced by the tableau algorithm for fuzzy \ with product t-norm, solvability is in general undecidable. We also give a brief overview of recently obtained decidability results for fuzzy \ w.r.t. other t-norms. (shrink)
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    The regional component of university courses of ‘Russian language and culture of speech‘ at the national branch.A. S. Makhmutova & G. G. Khisamova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (2):152-159.
    The article is devoted to the formation of linguistic, communicative and cultural competence among students bilinguals in teaching Russian language and speech culture. The authors put forward the thesis that the training of specialists in the conditions of bilingualism re quires not only a higher level of learning a second language, but also a qualitatively different level of comprehension. It is proved that the discipline ‘Russian and the culture of speech‘ assumes formation of communicative and culturological competence of the higher (...)
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  27.  68
    The problems with forbidding science.Gary E. Marchant & Lynda L. Pope - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):375-394.
    Scientific research is subject to a number of regulations which impose incidental (time, place), rather than substantive (type of research), restrictions on scientific research and the knowledge created through such research. In recent years, however, the premise that scientific research and knowledge should be free from substantive regulation has increasingly been called into question. Some have suggested that the law should be used as a tool to substantively restrict research which is dual-use in nature or which raises moral objections. There (...)
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    Adaptive Panoramic Video Multicast Streaming with Limited FoV Feedback.Jie Li, Ling Han, Cong Zhang, Qiyue Li & Weitao Li - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-14.
    Virtual reality provides an immersive 360-degree viewing experience and has been widely used in many areas. However, the transmission of panoramic video usually places a large demand on bandwidth; thus, it is difficult to ensure a reliable quality of experience under a limited bandwidth. In this paper, we propose a field-of-view prediction methodology based on limited FoV feedback that can fuse the heat map and FoV information to generate a user view. The former is obtained through saliency detection, while the (...)
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  29. Quantified Counterfactual Temporal Alethic-Deontic Logic.Daniel Rönnedal - 2017 - South American Journal of Logic 3 (1):145–172.
    This paper will introduce and explore a set of quantified counterfactual temporal alethic-deontic systems, that is, systems that combine counterfactual temporal alethic-deontic logic with predicate logic. I will consider three types of systems: constant, variable and constant and variable domain systems. Every system can be combined with either necessary or contingent identity. All logics are described both semantically and proof theoretically. I use a kind of possible world semantics, inspired by the so-called T x W semantics, to (...)
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  30. In What Sense is Kantian Principle of Contradiction Non-classical?Srećko Kovač - 2008 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 17 (3):251-274.
    On the ground of Kant’s reformulation of the principle of con- tradiction, a non-classical logic KC and its extension KC+ are constructed. In KC and KC+, \neg(\phi \wedge \neg\phi),  \phi \rightarrow (\neg\phi \rightarrow \phi), and  \phi \vee \neg\phi are not valid due to specific changes in the meaning of connectives and quantifiers, although there is the explosion of derivable consequences from {\phi, ¬\phi} (the deduc- tion theorem lacking). KC and KC+ are interpreted as fragments of an S5-based first-order (...)
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  31.  41
    On wide Aronszajn trees in the presence of ma.Mirna Džamonja & Saharon Shelah - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):210-223.
    A wide Aronszajn tree is a tree of size and height $\omega _{1}$ with no uncountable branches. We prove that under $MA$ there is no wide Aronszajn tree which is universal under weak embeddings. This solves an open question of Mekler and Väänänen from 1994. We also prove that under $MA$, every wide Aronszajn tree weakly embeds in an Aronszajn tree, which combined with a result of Todorčević from 2007, gives that under $MA$ every wide Aronszajn (...)
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  32.  14
    Od Grobu Pańskiego po groby Gułagu.Andrzej Wadas - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 27 (2):275-292.
    This article focuses on the trajectory of life of the three generations of the Jankowski family in Siberia, Primorski Krai and Korea in the years 1863– 1945 in terms of their economic, cultural and scientific achievements. The founder of the Far Eastern branch of the family was Michał Jankowski. Exiled to Siberia for participation in the January Uprising of 1863, as a man of indefatigable energy and collaborator of Benedykt Dybowski, he undertook many initiatives, including hunting, wild ginseng collecting and (...)
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    A dynamic developmental theory of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and combined subtypes.Terje Sagvolden, Espen Borgå Johansen, Heidi Aase & Vivienne Ann Russell - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):397-419.
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is currently defined as a cognitive/behavioral developmental disorder where all clinical criteria are behavioral. Inattentiveness, overactivity, and impulsiveness are presently regarded as the main clinical symptoms. The dynamic developmental behavioral theory is based on the hypothesis that altered dopaminergic function plays a pivotal role by failing to modulate nondopaminergic (primarily glutamate and GABA) signal transmission appropriately. A hypofunctioning mesolimbic dopamine branch produces altered reinforcement of behavior and deficient extinction of previously reinforced behavior. This gives rise to delay (...)
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  34.  47
    Converse-PDL with regular inclusion axioms: a framework for MAS logics.Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz, Linh Anh Nguyen & Andrzej Szalas - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (1):61-91.
    In this paper we study automated reasoning in the modal logic CPDLreg which is a combination of CPDL (Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse) and REGc (Regular Grammar Logic with Converse). The logic CPDL is widely used in many areas, including program verification, theory of action and change, and knowledge representation. On the other hand, the logic REGc is applicable in reasoning about epistemic states and ontologies (via Description Logics). The modal logic CPDLreg can serve as a technical foundation (...)
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  35.  14
    St. Thomas on Angelic Time and Motion.J. J. MacIntosh - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (4):547-575.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ST. THOMAS ON ANGELIC TIME AND MOTION J. J. MACINTOSH University ofCalgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada A. THOMAS'S STANDARD DOCTRINE: THE NEED FOR ASINGLE TIME. T HERE IS an under-discussed problem about time for St. Thomas. Most discussions of his views on time center around either the question of God's foreknowledge or around the notions of eternity and aeviternity. Even those discussions which deal directly with Thomas's views on (...)
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    Styles of Discourse.Ioannis Vandoulakis & Tatiana Denisova (eds.) - 2021 - Kraków: Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
    The volume starts with the paper of Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold, former Premier of South Australia and former Minister of Education of Australia, concerning the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life) that was held from 25 May to 25 November 1937 in Paris, France. The organization of the world exhibition had placed the Nazi German and the Soviet pavilions directly across from each other. Many papers are (...)
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    Crowning, rotating, and emanating hierophanies with elevatio aspect in wayside shrines.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):81-114.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate the variants of directionality implied in visual hieratic texts as religious markers in the sacrosphere, which are substantially expressed in the form of a wayside shrine/cross. The methodological underpinnings for this project rely on the proposed semiotactics : the investigative perspective modeled after phonotactics – a branch of phonology investigating the restrictions on and the possibilities of phoneme combinations in languages. The study draws on digital documentation of wayside shrines, crosses, and sacrality (...)
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    The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance.Eric R. Scerri - 2007 - New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The periodic table of the elements is one of the most powerful icons in science: a single document that captures the essence of chemistry in an elegant pattern. Indeed, nothing quite like it exists in biology or physics, or any other branch of science, for that matter. One sees periodic tables everywhere: in industrial labs, workshops, academic labs, and of course, lecture halls. It is sometimes said that chemistry has no deep ideas, unlike physics, which can boast quantum mechanics and (...)
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    Killing a Constitution with a Thousand Cuts: Executive Aggrandizement and Party-state Fusion in India.Tarunabh Khaitan - 2020 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 14 (1):49-95.
    Many concerned citizens, including judges, bureaucrats, politicians, activists, journalists, and academics, have been claiming that Indian democracy has been imperilled under the premiership of Narendra Modi, which began in 2014. To examine this claim, the Article sets up an analytic framework for accountability mechanisms liberal democratic constitutions put in place to provide a check on the political executive. The assumption is that only if this framework is dismantled in a systemic manner can we claim that democracy itself is in peril. (...)
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    Mind Ecologies: Body, Brain, and World.Matthew Crippen & Jay Schulkin - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press. Edited by Jay Schulkin.
    Mind Ecologies: Body, Brain, and World: Book Abstract from Columbian University Press -/- Matthew Crippen and Jay Schulkin -/- Pragmatism, a pluralistic philosophy with kinships to phenomenology, Gestalt psychology and embodied cognitive science, is resurging across disciplines. It has growing relevance to literary studies, the arts, and religious scholarship, along with branches of political theory, not to mention our understanding of science. But philosophies and sciences of mind have lagged behind this pragmatic turn, for the most part (...)
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  41. Cut-free single-pass tableaux for the logic of common knowledge.Rajeev Gore - unknown
    We present a cut-free tableau calculus with histories and variables for the EXPTIME-complete multi-modal logic of common knowledge. Our calculus constructs the tableau using only one pass, so proof-search for testing theoremhood of ϕ does not exhibit the worst-case EXPTIME-behaviour for all ϕ as in two-pass methods. Our calculus also does not contain a “finitized ω-rule” so that it detects cyclic branches as soon as they arise rather than by worst-case exponential branching with respect to (...)
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  42. Model Generation from Constrained Free Variable.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    The tableau substitution rule in free variable tableau reasoning is destructive, for in general, T has consequences that T0 lacks. We show how this destructive feature can be eliminated in favour of a set-up that replaces tableau substitution with the generation and incremental merge of variable constraints on tableau branches. The approach diifers from other constraint based techniques in tableau reasoning in that we constrain tableau branches rather than clauses, and use (...)
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  43.  14
    The integration of knowledge.Carlos Blanco - 2020 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book explores a theory of human knowledge through a model of rationality combined with some fundamental logical, mathematical, physical and neuroscientific considerations. Its ultimate goal is to present a philosophical system of integrated knowledge, in which the different domains of human understanding are unified by common conceptual structures, such that traditional metaphysical and epistemological questions may be addressed in light of these categories. Philosophy thus becomes a that may reproduce and even expand the conceptual chain followed by (...)
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  44. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Second volume.Takaaki Fujita & Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    The second volume of “Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond” presents a deep exploration of the progress in uncertain combinatorics through innovative methodologies like graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization. This volume integrates foundational concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theory, among others, to further advance the field. Combinatorics and set theory, two central pillars of mathematics, focus on counting, arrangement, and the study of collections under defined rules. Combinatorics excels in handling (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Life is real only then, when "I am".Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff - 1975 - New York: Dutton for Triangle Editions.
    While I, as may be said, “groaned” and “puffed” over the last chapter of the third book of the second series of my writings, in the process of my “subconscious mentation,” that is to say, in my automatically flowing thoughts, the center of gravity of interest was concentrated by itself on the question: how should I begin the third series of books predetermined by me for writing, namely, that series of books which according to my conviction was destined to become (...)
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    Mind Maps: Processed as Intuitively as Thought? Investigating Late Elementary Students’ Eye-Tracked Visual Behavior Patterns In-Depth.Emmelien Merchie, Sofie Heirweg & Hilde Van Keer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study, 44 late elementary students’ visual behavior patterns when reading mind maps were investigated, more particularly, the intuitive processing nature of their visual characteristics, reading sequence and presentation mode. Eye-tracked data were investigated by means of static early attention and dynamic educational process mining analysis and combined with learning performance and retrospective interview data. All students seem to struggle with the map’s radial structure during initial reading. Also, the picture’s position in the map diverts students (...)
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  47. Doxastic logic: a new approach.Daniel Rönnedal - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (4):313-347.
    In this paper, I develop a new set of doxastic logical systems and I show how they can be used to solve several well-known problems in doxastic logic, for example the so-called problem of logical omniscience. According to this puzzle, the notions of knowledge and belief that are used in ordinary epistemic and doxastic symbolic systems are too idealised. Hence, those systems cannot be used to model ordinary human or human-like agents' beliefs. At best, they can describe idealised individuals. The (...)
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    Sortition, Rotation, and Mandate: Conditions for Political Equality and Deliberative Reasoning.Graham Smith & David Owen - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (3):419-434.
    The proposal to create a chamber selected by sortition would extend this democratic procedure into the legislative branch of government. However, there are good reasons to believe that, as currently conceived by John Gastil and Erik Olin Wright, the proposal will fail to realize sufficiently two fundamental democratic goods, namely, political equality and deliberative reasoning. It is argued through analysis of its historic and contemporary application that sortition must be combined with other institutional devices, in particular, rotation of (...)
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    Natural Deduction, Hybrid Systems and Modal Logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book provides a detailed exposition of one of the most practical and popular methods of proving theorems in logic, called Natural Deduction. It is presented both historically and systematically. Also some combinations with other known proof methods are explored. The initial part of the book deals with Classical Logic, whereas the rest is concerned with systems for several forms of Modal Logics, one of the most important branches of modern logic, which has wide applicability.
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    On propensity-frequentist models for stochastic phenomena; with applications to bell's theorem.Tomasz Placek - unknown
    The paper develops models of statistical experiments that combine propensities with frequencies, the underlying theory being the branching space-times (BST) of Belnap (1992). The models are then applied to analyze Bell's theorem. We prove the so-called Bell-CH inequality via the assumptions of a BST version of Outcome Independence and of (non-probabilistic) No Conspiracy. Notably, neither the condition of probabilistic No Conspiracy nor the condition of Parameter Independence is needed in the proof. As the Bell-CH inequality is most likely experimentally (...)
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