Results for 'symbolization'

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  1.  22
    Entre psychanalyse et attachement, le concept de pulsion d'attachement comme moyen de penser la symbolisation en absence et en présence de l'objet.Bernard Golse - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 175 (1):15-29.
    Après avoir montré comment le concept de pulsion d’attachement, proposé par D. Anzieu, peut s’avérer fécond pour dépasser un certain nombre de polémiques qui ont eu lieu autour de la théorie de l’attachement, l’auteur fait ensuite l’hypothèse que ce concept, apparemment hérétique, permet peut-être de mieux articuler les processus de symbolisation en absence et en présence de l’objet.
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    Self and Symbolisation.Dan Fleming - 1994 - Philosophy Now 9:8-10.
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    Systematicity and Symbolisation in Kant's Deduction of Judgements of Taste.Alexander Rueger - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):232-251.
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    Humanisation?: Psychoanalysis, Symbolisation, and the Body of the Unconscious.Colette Soler - 2018 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Benjamin Farrow & Hugues D'Alascio.
    Unquenched desire, the dividing up of the drives, repetition, and symptom are the keywords for the effects that the unconscious, as deciphered by Freud, has on the body. Harmony is not on the agenda, but rather the discordance, unlinking, and arrogance of cynical jouissances. It seems that the discourse of capitalism is today increasing their deleterious consequences - with all of these demonstrative suicides, but also suicides as diverse as those of terrorists, Tibetan monks, those beleaguered by the capitalist enterprise, (...)
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    Les risques de la symbolisation du mal. Essai de confrontation entre La Symbolique du mal et La Littérature et le mal.Cristina Henrique da Costa - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 10 (2):52-69.
    Cet article compare deux livres majeurs : La Symbolique du mal, de Paul Ricœur et La Littérature et le mal, de Georges Bataille. L’articulation de ces deux penseurs que tout semble opposer répond à l’espoir de dégager une forme de compatibilité productive entre eux à travers leur intérêt commun pour le langage du mal. On insistera tout d’abord sur Ricœur : c’est en reconnaissant que le dire de l’expérience du mal passe d’abord nécessairement par un langage symbolique qu’il nous permet (...)
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    Corps et Symbolisation: La philosophie du dernier Merleau-Ponty et la question d’une épistémologie de la chair.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:321-337.
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    Objektives Formgesetz und Symbolisation des Lebendigen: Goethe als Philosoph: eine Annäherung.Vincent Berning - 2018 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Die Universalitat der Gedanken, die Goethe in seinen dichterischen und wissenschaftlichen Werken schopferisch realisierte, beruhrte tiefe Einsichten der Philosophie. ALs deren Denker im eigentlichen Sinne wollte er nie verstanden werden - trotz seines fundamentalen Interesses an metaphysischen Grundfragen. Goethes Aussagen sind stets mit den Augen dichterischer Anschauung aufgefasst worden, weil er sah, dass die analogisch-bildhafte Zusammenschau tiefer in die vom Gottlichen herruhrende Gestaltung der Natur mit ihrer symbolisierenden Bilderwelt eindringen kann. DAs gilt besonders fur die Lehre von der Ewigkeit des (...)
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    Transformer l’héritage du passé traumatique après un génocide : l’étayage sur la photographie dans le processus de symbolisation et d’historicisation.Muriel Katz-Gilbert, Manon Bourguignon & Giuseppe Lo Piccolo - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 226 (4):91-111.
    La déshumanisation à l’œuvre dans le projet génocidaire et l’héritage d’un tel événement traumatique entraîne une catastrophe de la transmission et de la filiation. S’ensuit une impasse des processus d’identification et de différenciation sur plusieurs générations. Dans cette contribution, on interroge la nature des obstacles entravant le processus de deuil, de séparation et l’investissement de la vie après une catastrophe sociale. Il s’agit pour cela de rendre compte du travail de subjectivation nécessaire à l’appropriation de sa propre histoire et de (...)
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  9. L'art de la symbolisation.Jacques Morizot - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (2):161-178.
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  10. Les directives de la symbolisation et les modèles de référence dans la philosophie d'A. N. Whitehead.Jean Marie Breuvart - 1976 - Paris: diffusion, H. Champion.
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    Les équivalences de l'expérience et de la symbolisation dans l'histoire.Eric Voegelin - 2009 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 89 (2):255.
    Interprétant l’histoire de l’humanité comme la suite discontinue dans le temps des différents degrés d’ouverture de l’âme humaine au mystère du fondement de l’être, Eric Voegelin a cherché à rompre avec toutes les visions unilinéaires de l’histoire qui ont caractérisé la pensée occidentale depuis le XVIIIe siècle et ont constitué une forme désastreuse d’impérialisme spirituel. En 1970, le philosophe a voulu rendre explicites les principes de sa démarche dans un article intitulé « Equivalences of experience and symbolisation in history ». (...)
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    Les Directives de la Symbolisation et les Modeles de Référence dans la Philosophie d’A. N. Whitehead. [REVIEW]Gerald E. Twaddell & Charles Hartshorne - 1977 - Process Studies 7 (4):269-274.
  13. Symbolization (Part 2) as the Purity of All Phenomena.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 3.
    This paper focuses on symbolization as purity and translucidity of phenomena.
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    Symbiotic symbolization by hand and mouth in sign language.Wendy Sandler - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (174):241.
    Current conceptions of human language include a gestural component in the communicative event. However, determining how the linguistic and gestural signals are distinguished, how each is structured, and how they interact still poses a challenge for the construction of a comprehensive model of language. This study attempts to advance our understanding of these issues with evidence from sign language. The study adopts McNeill's criteria for distinguishing gestures from the linguistically organized signal, and provides a brief description of the linguistic organization (...)
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  15.  55
    Kant's aesthetic theology: Revelation as symbolisation in the critical philosophy.Alex Englander - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (3):303-317.
    This essay seeks to ascertain the philosophical status of revelation in Kant's critical philosophy so as to come to a better understanding of the use of Scripture in his religious writings, especially Religion within the Boundaries of Reason Alone . In doing so it remains faithful to Kant's hermeneutic strictures according to which the bible must be expounded according to morality, in the sense of the categorical imperative, and its attendant pure practical postulates. Taking as clues Kant's repeated insistence in (...)
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  16. L'ecriture phénoménologique (I). Les étayages de la symbolisation.Carlos Lobo - 1999 - Recherches Husserliennes 11:3-34.
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    (1 other version)La vad, un va-et-vient soutenant le travail de symbolisation.Élodie Buisson & Carole Collier-Bordet - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 192 (2):63.
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    Symbolization in Art as an Aesthetic Principle.Victor V. Bychkov - 2012 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (1):64-79.
    The author analyzes artistic symbolization as the process by which the artist creatively embodies metaphysical reality in the work of art and evokes a spiritual and emotional response in the recipient.
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    Mathematical symbolization: Specificity and implementation.L. B. Sultanova - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (4):237.
    In this article the philosophy of mathematics issues related to the procedure of mathematical symbolization are studied on the basis of phenomenon of implicit knowledge. The specificity of mathematical symbolization and conditions of its implementation, defines the role of mathematical symbolization in the development of mathematics. The author believes that the results can justify the thesis that the basis of mathematical symbolization is a priori epistemological ‘foundation‘. The author believes that the conclusions of the article significantly (...)
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  20.  69
    The Epistemological Functions of Symbolization in Leibniz’s Universal Characteristic.Christian Leduc - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (1):53-68.
    Leibniz’s universal characteristic is a fundamental aspect of his theory of cognition. Without symbols or characters it would be difficult for the human mind to define several concepts and to achieve many demonstrations. In most disciplines, and particularly in mathematics, the mind must then focus on symbols and their combinatorial rules rather than on mental contents. For Leibniz, mental perception is most of the time too confused for attaining distinct notions and valid deductions. In this paper, I argue that the (...)
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  21.  53
    La Discorde antillaise: Contemporary Debates in Caribbean Criticism J. Michael Dash,The Other America: Caribbean Literature in a New World Context, xii + 197 pp. Kathleen M. Balutansky and Marie-Agnès Sourieau ,Caribbean Creolization. Reflections on the Cultural Dynamics of Language, Literature, and Identity, viii + 192 pp. Amaryll Chanady,Entre inclusion et exclusion: La Symbolisation de l'autre dans les Amériques, 385 pp. Chris Bongie,Islands and Exiles. The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature, vi + 543 pp. H. Adlai Murdoch,Creole Identity in the French Caribbean Novel, xi + 290 pp. [REVIEW]Martin Munro - 2001 - Paragraph 24 (3):117-127.
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    Jean Marie Breuvart, Les directives de la symbolisation et les modéles de référence dans la philosophie d'A.N. Whitehead. Thèse présentée devant l’Université de Lille III le 25 juin 1976. Atelier de Reproduction des Thèses Univ. de Lille III. Paris, Honoré Champion. 15,5 × 23,5, 775 p. dact. offset. [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):127-128.
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    Entropy, Free Energy, and Symbolization: Free Association at the Intersection of Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience.Thomas Rabeyron & Claudie Massicotte - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:507186.
    Both a method of therapy and an exploration of psychic reality, free association is a fundamental element of psychoanalytical practices that refers to the way a patient is asked to describe what comes spontaneously to mind in the therapeutic setting. This paper examines the role of free association from the point of view of psychoanalysis and neuroscience in order to improve our understanding of therapeutic effects induced by psychoanalytic therapies and psychoanalysis. In this regard, we first propose a global overview (...)
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    Peano on Symbolization, Design Principles for Notations, and the Dot Notation.Dirk Schlimm - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:95-126.
    Peano was one of the driving forces behind the development of the current mathematical formalism. In this paper, we study his particular approach to notational design and present some original features of his notations. To explain the motivations underlying Peano's approach, we first present his view of logic as a method of analysis and his desire for a rigorous and concise symbolism to represent mathematical ideas. On the basis of both his practice and his explicit reflections on notations, we discuss (...)
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  25.  8
    Symbolization and appresentational orders in lifeworldly meaning constitution.Benjamin Stuck - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):45-81.
    This analysis focuses on the role of appresentational orders in the “building of the lifeworld.” Based in phenomenology and the philosophy of culture, the article contributes to semiotics by further developing some of Göran Sonesson’s ideas on signs. Appresentation means that “absent” data is intended as co-present with a directly perceivable term within the unity of consciousness (Husserl). Alfred Schutz sees “marks,” “indications,” and “signs” as different types of couplings between “present” and “absent” data according to one single cognitive style (...)
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  26. Medicine, symbolization and the 'real' body: Lacan's understanding of medical science.Hub Zwart - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (2):107-117.
    Throughout the 20th century, philosophers have criticized the scientific understanding of the human body. Instead of presenting the body as a meaningful unity or Gestalt, it is regarded as a complex mechanism and described in quasi-mechanistic terms. In a phenomenological approach, a more intimate experience of the body is presented. This approach, however, is questioned by Jacques Lacan. According to Lacan, three basic possibilities of experiencing the body are to be distinguished: the symbolical (or scientific) body, the imaginary (or ideal) (...)
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    Symbolization and Similarity.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1932 - The Monist 42 (4):564-576.
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  28. Artistic symbolization in'dharmaram chapel'.J. Nereparampil - 1982 - Journal of Dharma 7 (2):217.
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    Freudian Symbolization Devices and Their Relevance to Intertextuality.John Pier - 1990 - Semiotics:140-147.
  30. Symbolization and Rationality.Gordana Jovanovic - 1988 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 21 (3-4):357-370.
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  31. Symbolization and fictional reference.Hans Regnéll - 1949 - Lund,: C. W. K. Gleerup.
  32.  11
    Values and symbolization of success in modern cinema.Svetlana Viktorovna Kovaleva, Elena Pavlovna Panova & Roman Vital'evich Reshetov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the figurative and symbolic reflection and transformation of the dynamic reality of life in the cinematic space of modern culture. The purpose of the work is to identify and substantiate trends in the development of cinematographic cultural texts based on the figurative and symbolic representation of the phenomenon of success in the existential space of human existence. The scientific novelty of the work is represented by the evidence base of the study, which determines the (...)
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    Psychoanalysis, Symbolization, and McLuhan: Reading Conrad's "Heart of Darkness".Stuart J. Murray - 2007 - Mediatropes 1 (1):57-70.
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  34. The symbolization of culture: Nietzsche in the footsteps of Goethe, Schiller, Schopenhauer and Wagner.Martine Prange - 2006 - In Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson, The paths of symbolic knowledge: occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. Leeds, UK: Maney.
  35.  49
    From symptom to the symbolization of receptivity: A girl’s psychoanalytic journey.Louise Gyler - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):35-47.
    Psychoanalytic practice and theory do not map together in any seamless ways. Nevertheless, the creative tension between the two is essential in the production of psychoanalytic knowledge. In this paper, I recount Emma’s psychoanalytic journey using a series of five vignettes from her four-year psychotherapy. When I met Emma, she had been unable to walk for six months. The reasons for her affliction were, at this time, mysterious. During her therapy, a transformative process took place reflecting a movement from symptom (...)
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  36.  23
    The Symbolization of Traditional Formal Logic.Joseph J. Sikora - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (3):297-314.
  37.  22
    Constitutive Rules: The Symbolization Account.Marco Brigaglia & Bruno Celano - 2021 - Ratio Juris 34 (3):244-262.
    Our aim is to provide an account of constitutive rules in terms of (1) the acceptance of regulative norms, and (2) a cognitive process we call “symbolization” (in an altogether different sense from what J. R. Searle means by this word). We claim, first, that institutional facts à la Searle boil down to facts concerning the collective acceptance of regulative norms in a given community. This, however, does not exhaust what institutional facts are. There is a residue, symbolization. (...)
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  38. Between Articulation and Symbolization.Robert E. Innis - 2009 - Tradition and Discovery 36 (1):8-20.
    In this article, I sketch the major points of intersection between the work of Michael Polanyi and Susanne Langer. The concepts of articulation and symbolization make up the organizing frame of the article. Langer’s semiotic approach to mind and knowing in all their forms intersects in fruitful and challenging ways with Polanyi’s approach that is based on the analogy of skills and the model of perception. Rather than being alternatives to one another, or incompatible in essential ways, they enrich (...)
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  39. Igbo naming cosmology and name symbolization In Chinua Achebe’s Tetralogy.Ali Salami & Bamshad Hekmatshoar - 2021 - Journal of Language and Literary Studies 39 (2021).
    Things Fall Apart, No Longer at Ease, Arrow of God and A Man of the People, the first four novels by Chinua Achebe, the contemporary Nigerian novelist, are among the most outstanding works of African postcolonial literature. As a matter of fact, each of these four novels focuses on a different colonial or postcolonial phase of history in Nigeria and through them Achebe intends to provide an authentic record of the negative and positive impacts of ‘hybridity’ on different aspects of (...)
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    Conceivability Errors and the Role of Imagination in Symbolization.Lucia Oliveri - 2021 - JOLMA 2 (2):293-310.
    In the years 1675-84, Leibniz sought to disprove Descartes’s account of clear and distinct perception by implementing a three-step argumentative strategy. The first part of the paper reconstructs the argument and highlights what aspects of Descartes’s epistemology it addresses. The reconstruction shows that the argument is based on conceivability errors. These are a kind of symbolic cognition that prove Descartes’s clear and distinct perception as introspectively indistinguishable from Leibniz’s symbolic cognition. The second part of the paper explores the epistemic implication (...)
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  41.  35
    Anomalous Experiences, Trauma, and Symbolization Processes at the Frontiers between Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Neurosciences.Thomas Rabeyron & Tianna Loose - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Re-Symbolization of the Self: Human Development and Tarot Hermeneutic. [REVIEW]Terence Dawson - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (1):112-113.
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    The problematic situation. Its symbolization and meanings.Lewis E. Akeley - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (25):673-681.
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    (1 other version)Sublimation and Symbolization.Rudolf Bernet - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (3):210-217.
    While sublimation is not the first word in psychoanalysis, it nevertheless constitutes the final aim of psychoanalytic thought in both its clinical and theoretical orientations. Indeed, if psychoanalysis is primarily a practice whose aim is to alleviate a patient’s sufferings, and if these sufferings are largely the result of a conflict between the exigencies of an individual’s drives and the necessities of a civilized social life, then effective therapeutic action presupposes some knowledge of the way in which such a conflict (...)
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  45. Computers and the Symbolization of Knowledge.Zenon W. Pylyshyn - unknown
    I’m one of those who is awed and impressed by the potential of this field and have devoted some part of my energy to persuading people that it is a positive force. I have done so largely on the grounds of its economic benefits and it potential for making the fruits of computer technology more generally available to the public — for example, to help the overworked physician; to search for oil and minerals and help manage our valuable resources; to (...)
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  46. Equivalences of Experience and Symbolization in History.Eric Voegelin - 1981 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 28:88-103.
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    Tropes and figures: Symbolization and figuration.Donald Rice & Peter Schofer - 1981 - Semiotica 35 (1-2).
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    Adolescence between biology and culture a perspective on the crisis of symbolization.Stefano Carta & Stefania Cataudella - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    One way to conceptualize human life is to describe it as a process through which the biological body is progressively transformed into a psychological one through its mentalization and symbolization. This process occurs through the relational field, which begins with caregiver-infant proto-conversations and develops through adolescence into the ongoing complex interpersonal relational network we call society and culture. The essence and the problems of adolescents are intricately tied to the social and cultural contexts in which they experience life. Therefore, (...)
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    Sublimation and Symbolization: An Aristotelian Psychoanalysis.Rudolf Bernet—Ku Leuven - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (2):210.
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  50. Sovereignty and Symbolization.H. K. Lindahl - 1997 - Rechtstheorie 28 (3):347-371.
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