Results for 'superaddition'

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  1. Lockean superaddition and Lockean humility.Patrick J. Connolly - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 51:53-61.
    This paper offers a new approach to an old debate about superaddition in Locke. Did Locke claim that some objects have powers that are unrelated to their natures or real essences? The question has split commentators. Some (Wilson, Stuart, Langton) claim the answer is yes and others (Ayers, Downing, Ott) claim the answer is no. This paper argues that both of these positions may be mistaken. I show that Locke embraced a robust epistemic humility. This epistemic humility includes ignorance (...)
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  2. Mechanism, Superaddition, and the Proof of God's Existence in Locke's Essay.Michael Ayers - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (2):210-251.
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    Superadditive memory strength for item and source recognition: The role of hierarchical relational binding in the medial temporal lobe.Arthur P. Shimamura & Thomas D. Wickens - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (1):1-19.
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    Superadditive effects of multiple lesions in a connectionist architecture: Implications for the neuropsychology of optic aphasia.Mark Sitton, Michael C. Mozer & Martha J. Farah - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (4):709-734.
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    Demonstration of "superadditive" convergent association with the communicative association method.Richard Kammann - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (2):229.
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    Locke on superaddition and mechanism.Matthew Stuart - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (3):351 – 379.
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    A short history of Locke's "superaddition": from Father Mersenne to Voltaire.Antony Mckenna & Gianluca Mori - unknown
    Far from being a product of Locke’s philosophical genius, the theory of the divine superaddition of thought to matter is rooted in the discussions about Descartes’ conception of the soul as res cogitans which took place in France and in the Netherlands in the years 1640-1680, from Mersenne to Regius and Bayle. Locke’s historical and theoretical relationship with these sources can be clearly documented, as well as the influence of the superaddition theory in the eighteenth century, mostly in (...)
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    A note on superadditive probability judgment.Laura Macchi, Daniel Osherson & David H. Krantz - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (1):210-214.
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    Subadditivity and superadditivity of heterochromatic lights.Gerald S. Wasserman & Clifford B. Gillman - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (4):338-342.
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  10. Bayle’s Critique of Lockean Superaddition.Todd Ryan - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36 (4):511-534.
    Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06511, USA.
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  11. Peach trees, gravity and God: Mechanism in Locke.Marleen Rozemond & Gideon Yaffe - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (3):387 – 412.
    Locke claimed that God superadded various powers to matter, including motion, the perfections of peach trees and elephants, gravity, and that he could superadd thought. Various interpreters have discussed the question whether Locke's claims about superaddition are in tension with his commitment to mechanistic explanation. This literature assumes that for Locke mechanistic explanation involves deducibility. We argue that this is an inaccurate interpretation and that mechanistic explanation involves a different type of intelligibility for Locke.
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    Locke on Thinking Matter.Martha Brandt Bolton - 2015 - In Matthew Stuart, A Companion to Locke. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 334–353.
    This chapter discusses reasons why we have no prospect of knowing whether or not matter thinks. It focuses on the mechanist hypothesis, its purported explanatory scope, and John Locke's commitment to it. The chapter then demonstrates God's immateriality and its implications for the possibility that God has given perception and thought to some material things. It addresses the notion of divine superaddition elaborated in letters to Stillingfleet and considers how thinking, extension, solidity, and motion are connected in case they (...)
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    Clarke's Rejection of Superadded Gravity in the Clarke-Collins Correspondence.Lukas Wolf - 2019 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 36 (3):237-255.
    In the past, experts have disagreed about whether Samuel Clarke accepted the idea that gravity is a power superadded to matter by God. Most scholars now agree that Clarke did not support superaddition. But the argumentation employed by Clarke to reject superaddition has not been studied before in detail. In this paper, I explicate Clarke's argumentation by relating it to an important discussion about the possibility of superadded gravity in the Clarke-Collins correspondence. I examine Clarke's responses to Collins (...)
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    Differential marginality, van den Brink fairness, and the Shapley value.André Casajus - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (2):163-174.
    We revisit the characterization of the Shapley value by van den Brink (Int J Game Theory, 2001, 30:309–319) via efficiency, the Null player axiom, and some fairness axiom. In particular, we show that this characterization also works within certain classes of TU games, including the classes of superadditive and of convex games. Further, we advocate some differential version of the marginality axiom (Young, Int J Game Theory, 1985, 14: 65–72), which turns out to be equivalent to the van den Brink (...)
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  15. Locke's Exclusion Argument.Walter Ott - 2010 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2):181-196.
    In this paper, I argue that Locke is not in fact agnostic about the ultimate nature of the mind. In particular, he produces an argument, much like Jaegwon Kim's exclusion argument, to show that any materialist view that takes mental states to supervene on physical states is committed to epiphenomenalism. This result helps illuminate Locke's otherwise puzzling notion of 'superaddition.'.
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  16. Locke, God, and Materialism.Stewart Duncan - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 10:101-31.
    This paper investigates Locke’s views about materialism, by looking at the discussion in Essay IV.x. There Locke---after giving a cosmological argument for the existence of God---argues that God could not be material, and that matter alone could never produce thought. In discussing the chapter, I pay particular attention to some comparisons between Locke’s position and those of two other seventeenth-century philosophers, René Descartes and Ralph Cudworth. -/- Making use of those comparisons, I argue for two main claims. The first is (...)
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    The Relation Between Probability and Evidence Judgment: An Extension of Support Theory*†.David H. Krantz, Daniel Osherson & Nicolao Bonini - unknown
    We propose a theory that relates perceived evidence to numerical probability judgment. The most successful prior account of this relation is Support Theory, advanced in Tversky and Koehler. Support Theory, however, implies additive probability estimates for binary partitions. In contrast, superadditivity has been documented in Macchi, Osherson, and Krantz, and both sub- and superadditivity appear in the experiments reported here. Nonadditivity suggests asymmetry in the processing of focal and nonfocal hypotheses, even within binary partitions. We extend Support Theory by revising (...)
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  18. Explanation constrains learning, and prior knowledge constrains explanation.Joseph Jay Williams & Tania Lombrozo - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
    A great deal of research has demonstrated that learning is influenced by the learner’s prior background knowledge (e.g. Murphy, 2002; Keil, 1990), but little is known about the processes by which prior knowledge is deployed. We explore the role of explanation in deploying prior knowledge by examining the joint effects of eliciting explanations and providing prior knowledge in a task where each should aid learning. Three hypotheses are considered: that explanation and prior knowledge have independent and additive effects on learning, (...)
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    Randomness and Semimeasures.Laurent Bienvenu, Rupert Hölzl, Christopher P. Porter & Paul Shafer - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (3):301-328.
    A semimeasure is a generalization of a probability measure obtained by relaxing the additivity requirement to superadditivity. We introduce and study several randomness notions for left-c.e. semimeasures, a natural class of effectively approximable semimeasures induced by Turing functionals. Among the randomness notions we consider, the generalization of weak 2-randomness to left-c.e. semimeasures is the most compelling, as it best reflects Martin-Löf randomness with respect to a computable measure. Additionally, we analyze a question of Shen, a positive answer to which would (...)
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    Semantic Search in the Remote Associates Test.Eddy J. Davelaar - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):494-512.
    Searching through semantic memory may involve the use of several retrieval cues. In a verbal fluency task, the set of available cues is limited and every candidate word is a target. Individuals exhibit clustering behavior as predicted by optimal foraging theory. In another semantic search task, the remote associates task, three cues are presented and a single target word has to be found. Whereas the task has been widely studied as a task of creativity or insight problem solving, in this (...)
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    Some Reflections on the Relation Between Whitehead's Process Philosophy and Gestalt Psychology.Franz Riffert, Sandra Bröderbauer & Michael Huemer - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (2):164-189.
    Although it is beyond doubt that there were historical connections between Whitehead and some of the proponents of Gestalt psychology, it is difficult to determine on the available body of historical evidence whether they were substantive or just marginal. A detailed comparison of Whitehead's process metaphysics and the theories of Gestalt psychology is a task yet to be undertaken. Whitehead's process philosophy and Gestalt psychology share basic similarities in their major principles. This is substantiated by two of Ehrenfels'well-known gestalt qualities: (...)
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    A System of Matter Fitly Disposed: Locke's Thinking Matter Revisited.Han-Kyul Kim - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (1):125-145.
    In this paper, I address the controversial issue around Locke’s account of a “superadded” power of thought. I first show that Locke uses the term “super­addition” in discussing the nominal distinction of natural kinds. This general observation applies to Locke’s account of thinking matter. Specifically, I attribute to him the following three theses: (1) the mind-body distinction is nominal; (2) there is no metaphysical repugnancy between them; and (3) their common ground—namely, substratum—can only be characterized in terms of its functional (...)
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    Timescale standard to discriminate between hyperbolic and exponential discounting and construction of a nonadditive discounting model.Yutaka Matsushita - 2022 - Theory and Decision 95 (1):33-54.
    Under the presupposition that human time perception is distorted in intertemporal choice, this study constructs a time scale in the framework of axiomatic measurement. First, the conditions (homogeneity of degree one or two) to identify the form of a time scale are proposed so that one can determine whether the hyperbolic or exponential is a more suitable function for modeling people’s discounting. Homogeneity of degree one implies that subjective time delay is measured by a power scale and its discount function (...)
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  24. Locke's Philosophy of Natural Science.Matthew F. Stuart - 1994 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    I examine two strands in Locke's thought which seem to conflict with his corpuscularian sympathies: his repeated suggestion that natural philosophy is incapable of being made a science, and his claim that some of the properties of bodies--secondary qualities, powers of gravitation, cohesion and maybe even thought--are arbitrarily "superadded" by God. ;Locke often says that a body's properties flow from its real essence as the properties of a triangle flow from its definition. He is widely read as having thought that (...)
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    Metaphysics in Richard Bentley's Boyle Lectures.Patrick J. Connolly - 2017 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 34 (2):155-74.
    This paper explores the metaphysical system developed in Richard Bentley’s 1692 Boyle Lectures. The lectures are notable for their attempt to argue that developments in natural philosophy, including Newton’s Principia, could bolster natural theology. The paper explores Bentley’s matter theory focusing on his commitment to a particular form of mechanism and his rejection of occult qualities. It then examines his views on the nature of divine omnipotence. Finally, it turns to his understanding of gravitational attraction. While some recent commentators have (...)
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  26. Bayle and Panpsychism.Jean-Luc Solère - 2017 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 99 (1):64-101.
    Pierre Bayle shows that, in order to avoid devastating objections, materialism should postulate that the property of thinking does not emerge from certain material combinations but is present in matter from the start and everywhere—a hypothesis recently revived and labelled “panpsychism”. There are reasons for entertaining the idea that Bayle actually considers this enhanced materialism to be tenable, as it might use the same line of defence that Bayle outlined for Stratonism. However, this would lead to a view similar to (...)
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    What groups do, can do, and know they can do: an analysis in normal modal logics.Jan Broersen, Andreas Herzig & Nicolas Troquard - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (3):261-289.
    We investigate a series of logics that allow to reason about agents' actions, abilities, and their knowledge about actions and abilities. These logics include Pauly's Coalition Logic CL, Alternating-time Temporal Logic ATL, the logic of ‘seeing-to-it-that' (STIT), and epistemic extensions thereof. While complete axiomatizations of CL and ATL exist, only the fragment of the STIT language without temporal operators and without groups has been axiomatized by Xu (called Ldm). We start by recalling a simplification of the Ldm that has been (...)
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    Equitable Distribution in a Three Players Problem.Marek Szopa - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):239-252.
    Jazz band is a 3 player superadditive game in characteristic function form. Three players have to divide the payoff they can get, while being in a grand coalition, provided their individual and duo coalitions payoffs are known. Assumptions of individual and collective rationality lead to the notion of the core of the game. We discuss offers that cannot readily be refused [OCRR] as the solutions of the game in case of an empty core, when duo coalitions are the best options (...)
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    Analysis of Sadr al-Sharīʿah’s Critisim of Wahdat al-Wujūd.Güvenç Şensoy - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):104-115.
    Sadr al-Sharīʿah (d. 747/1346) is one of the theologians representing the later period of the Māturīdī kalām. He based his system of thought on his criticisms of Avicenna, al-Rāzī, and Ṭūsī. His criticism of these names stems from his own understanding of being. He thinks differently from the theologians of the later period on issues such as the essence-existence division, the superaddition of existence to essence, and the acceptance of mental being, which are accepted by the majority of theologians (...)
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  30. Thinking Matter in Locke's Proof of God's Existence.Patrick J. Connolly - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 9:105-130.
    Commentators almost universally agree that Locke denies the possibility of thinking matter in Book IV Chapter 10 of the Essay. Further, they argue that Locke must do this in order for his proof of God’s existence in the chapter to be successful. This paper disputes these claims and develops an interpretation according to which Locke allows for the possibility that a system of matter could think (even prior to any act of superaddition on God’s part). In addition, the paper (...)
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    Latent and Emergent Models in Affective Computing.Rafael A. Calvo - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (3):288-289.
    New research on affective computing aiming to develop computer systems that recognize and respond to affective states can also contribute to the issues raised by Coan. Research on how humans interact with computers, and computer models that automatically recognize affective states from features in our physiology, behaviour, and language, may provide insights on how emotions that are experienced and expressed come to be. For example, there is empirical evidence that affect recognition techniques using several modalities are more accurate than those (...)
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    Marginality, differential marginality, and the Banzhaf value.André Casajus - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):365-372.
    We revisit the Nowak (Int J Game Theory 26:137–141, 1997) characterization of the Banzhaf value via 2-efficiency, the Dummy player axiom, symmetry, and marginality. In particular, we provide a brief proof that also works within the classes of superadditive games and of simple games. Within the intersection of these classes, one even can drop marginality. Further, we show that marginality and symmetry can be replaced by van den Brink fairness/differential marginality. For this axiomatization, 2-efficiency can be relaxed into superadditivity on (...)
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    On temperance and risk spreading.Christophe Courbage & Béatrice Rey - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (4):527-539.
    This paper shows that temperance is the highest order risk preference condition for which spreading N independent and unfair risks provides the highest level of welfare than any other possible allocations of risks. These results are also interpreted through the concept of N-superadditivity of the utility premium. This paper provides a novel application of temperance, not in terms of two risks as it is common, but in terms of N risks.
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    Causation and gravitation in George Cheyne's Newtonian natural philosophy.Patrick J. Connolly - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 85 (C):145-154.
    This paper analyzes the metaphysical system developed in Cheyne’s Philosophical Principles of Religion. Cheyne was an early proponent of Newtonianism and tackled several philosophical questions raised by Newton’s work. The most pressing of these concerned the causal origin of gravitational attraction. Cheyne rejected the occasionalist explanations offered by several of his contemporaries in favor of a model on which God delegated special causal powers to bodies. Additionally, he developed an innovative approach to divine conservation. This allowed him to argue that (...)
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  35. Coalitional Interval Games for Strategic Games in Which Players Cooperate.Luisa Carpente, Balbina Casas-Méndez, Ignacio García-Jurado & Anne van den Nouweland - 2008 - Theory and Decision 65 (3):253-269.
    We propose a method to associate a coalitional interval game with each strategic game. The method is based on the lower and upper values of finite two-person zero-sum games. Associating with a strategic game a coalitional interval game we avoid having to take either a pessimistic or an optimistic approach to the problem. The paper makes two contributions to the literature: It provides a theoretical foundation for the study of coalitional interval games and it also provides, studies, and characterizes a (...)
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