Results for 'status function'

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  1.  83
    An Abstract Status Function Account of Corporations.Julian C. Cole - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1):0048393112455106.
    In this article, I articulate and defend an account of corporations motivated by John Searle’s discussion of them in his Making the Social World. According to this account, corporations are abstract entities that are the products of status function Declarations. They are also connected with, though not reducible to, various people and certain of the power relations among them. Moreover, these connections are responsible for corporations having features that stereotypical abstract entities lack (e.g., the abilities to take actions (...)
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  2. Conventions and Status Functions.Marija Jankovic & Kirk Ludwig - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (2):89-111.
    We argue that there is a variety of convention, effective coordinating agreement, that has not been adequately identified in the literature. Its distinctive feature is that it is a structure of conditional we-intentions of parties, unlike more familiar varieties of convention, which are structures of expectations and preferences or obligations. We argue that status functions constitutively involve this variety of convention, and that what is special about it explains, and gives precise content to the central feature of status (...)
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  3. Human Rights and Status Functions, before and after the Enlightenment.Gregory J. Lobo - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (1):31-41.
    This article discusses John Searle’s status function account of human rights and Åsa Burman’s “A Critique of the Status Function Account of Human Rights.” While recognizing the validity of part of the critique, based on the distinction between types and tokens, the author argues that, nonetheless, one is not compelled to accept Burman’s conclusion, that “one must give up the status function account of human rights to explain how a human right can exist without (...)
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    A Critique of the Status Function Account of Human Rights.Åsa Burman - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (5):463-473.
    This contradiction ”1. The universal right to free speech did not exist before the European Enlightenment, at which time it came into existence. 2. The universal right to free speech has always existed, but this right was recognized only at the time of the European Enlightenment.” draws on two common and conflicting intuitions: The human right to free speech exists because institutions, or the law, says so. In contrast, the human right to free speech can exist independently of institutions—these institutions (...)
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    An Abstract Status Function Account of Corporations.Julian C. Cole - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (1):23-44.
    In this article, I articulate and defend an account of corporations motivated by John Searle’s discussion of them in his Making the Social World. According to this account, corporations are abstract entities that are the products of status function Declarations. They are also connected with, though not reducible to, various people and certain of the power relations among them. Moreover, these connections are responsible for corporations having features that stereotypical abstract entities lack (e.g., the abilities to take actions (...)
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  6. The Logical Form of Status-Function Declarations.Richard Evans - 2009 - Etica E Politica 11 (1):203-259.
    We are able to participate in countless different sorts of social practice. This indefinite set of capacities must be explainable in terms of a finite stock of capacities. This paper compares and contrasts two different explanations. A standard decomposition of the capacity to participate in social practices goes something like this: the interpreter arrives on the scene with a stock of generic practice-types. He looks at the current scene to fill-in the current tokens of these types. He looks at the (...)
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  7.  14
    Borders and status-functions: An institutional approach to the study of borders. [REVIEW]Chris Perkins & Anthony Cooper - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (1):55-71.
    This article develops an institutional understanding of borders. Drawing on constitutive constructivism and theories of practical communication we argue that bordering as a process is a form of sorting through the imposition of status-functions on people and things, which alters the perception of that thing by setting it within a web of normative claims, teleologies and assumptions. Studying any border, therefore, extends to include the rule structure that constitutes it as well as the sources of that structure’s legitimacy. Furthermore, (...)
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  8.  37
    Status of the Wave Function of Quantum Mechanics, or, What is Quantum Mechanics Trying to Tell Us?D.-M. Cabaret, T. Grandou & E. Perrier - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-29.
    The most debated status of the wave function of Quantum Mechanics is discussed in the light of the epistemological vs ontological opposition.
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    The Legal and Functional Status of the Medical Proxy: Suggestions for Statutory Reform.Charles P. Sabatino - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (1):52-68.
    Medical technology, specialization, and the corporatization of health delivery systems in the late twentieth century have all helped give birth to an unwelcome but unavoidable responsibility for individuals with family or friends—serving as a health care proxy. The responsibility comes without monetary compensation, is often involuntary, and lacks any real guidelines beyond the duty to make life-and-death decisions in circumstances over which the proxy has little control.The parameters of the proxy's job have evolved somewhat awkwardly in statutes and case law, (...)
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  10.  26
    The Status of Pro-social Tendency of Left-Behind Adolescents in China: How Family Function and Self-Esteem Affect Pro-social Tendencies.Feifei Gao, Yuan Yao, Chengwen Yao, Yan Xiong, Honglin Ma & Hongbo Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Status and Function of Languages and Language Varieties.Ulrich Ammon (ed.) - 1989 - De Gruyter.
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  12. The function of the semiotic principle in establishing the claims of a pseudo or proto-science (graphology) to the status of empirical science1 Margaret Gullan-whur.O. Walter de Gruyter - 1994 - Semiotica 102:251.
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  13.  30
    Socioeconomic status and oppositional defiant disorder in preschoolers: parenting practices and executive functioning as mediating variables.Roser Granero, Leonie Louwaars & Lourdes Ezpeleta - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The function of the semiotic principle in establishing the claims of a pseudo or proto-science (graphology) to the status of empirical science.Margaret Gullan-Whur - 1994 - Semiotica 102 (3-4):251-278.
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  15.  13
    The Status and Function of Divine Simpleness in Summa Theologiae Ia, qq. 2–13.Peter Burns - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):1-26.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE STATUS AND FUNCTION OF DIVINE SIMPLENESS IN SUMMA THEOLOGIAE Ia, qq. 2-13 PETER BURNS, S.J. l esuit School of Theology Berkeley, California Introduction I N THE FIRST PART of what follows I hope to do four things: a) to give a brief summary of Aquinas's remarks contained in the third question of the first part of the Summa Theologiae, entitled de Dei simplicitate; b) to outline (...)
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  16.  21
    Functional status of Russian regions in the system of economic federative relations.Natalya Korotina - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:47-61.
    Introduction. The article deals with the problem of the functional status of regions in the system of economic federalism, which is associated with the high spatial heterogeneity of Russia, and explains the need to move from the model of economic fed- eralism, which combines the presence of universal institutions and institutional exceptions, to a model that takes into account the spatial diversity of ter- ritories. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the decrease in the heterogeneity of the (...)
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    Structural and Functional Changes Are Related to Cognitive Status in Wilson’s Disease.Sheng Hu, Chunsheng Xu, Ting Dong, Hongli Wu, Yi Wang, Anqin Wang, Hongxing Kan & Chuanfu Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Patients with Wilson’s disease suffer from prospective memory impairment, and some of patients develop cognitive impairment. However, very little is known about how brain structure and function changes effect PM in WD. Here, we employed multimodal neuroimaging data acquired from 22 WD patients and 26 healthy controls who underwent three-dimensional T1-weighted, diffusion tensor imaging, and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. We investigated gray matter volumes with voxel-based morphometry, DTI metrics using the fiber tractography method, and RS-fMRI using the (...)
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  18.  29
    Depression and self‐reported functional status: impact on mortality following acute myocardial infarction.Paul A. Kurdyak, Alice Chong, William H. Gnam, Paula Goering & David A. Alter - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (3):444-451.
  19.  55
    The status of linguistic facts: Rethinking the relation between cognition, social institution and utterance from a functional point of view.Peter Harder - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (1):52–76.
    In spite of contemporary theoretical disagreement on the nature of language, there is a widespread informal agreement about what linguistic facts are. This article argues that a functional approach to language can provide the foundation for an explicit account of what the informal consensus implies. The account bridges the ‘internalist’ and the ‘externalist’ views of language by understanding mental constructs such as those involved in human languages as aspects of a dynamic social equilibrium. As in evolutionary biology, processes of selection (...)
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  20. The Moral Status of AGI-enabled Robots: A Functionality-Based Analysis.Mubarak Hussain - 2023 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 10 (1):105-127.
    For a long time, researchers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and futurists have hypothesized that the developed Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) systems can execute intellectual and behavioral tasks similar to human beings. However, there are two possible concerns regarding the emergence of AGI systems and their moral status, namely: 1) is it possible to grant moral status to the AGI-enabled robots similar to humans? 2) if it is (im)possible, then under what conditions do such robots (fail to) achieve moral (...)
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  21.  34
    Measuring Health Status? A Review of the Sickness Impact and Functional Limitations Profiles.Simon J. Williams - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (4):273-283.
    Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the measurement of health status. One of the most well-known health status instruments is the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP). This paper examines the nature, development and testing of the SIP (and its UK equivalent the FLP). The practical merits of these instruments are explained, and some cautionary remarks are offered about their limitations.
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  22.  8
    A Normtheoretical Approach to Functional and Status Types of Language.Renate Bartsch - 1989 - In Ulrich Ammon, Status and Function of Languages and Language Varieties. De Gruyter. pp. 197-215.
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    Parental rearing as a function of parent's own, partner's, and child's anxiety status: fathers make the difference.Susan M. Bögels, Lotte Bamelis & Corine van der Bruggen - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (3):522-538.
  24.  20
    Activity level as a function of status and social isolation in the bluegill sunfish.Alcine Potts Lukenbach & David Chiszar - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):10-12.
  25.  32
    Definitional rules: Their nature, status, and normative function.John R. Reid - 1943 - Journal of Philosophy 40 (7):188-192.
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    The pragmatic function and textual status of euripidean Οὔ Που and Ἦ Που.Christiaan L. Caspers - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60 (2):327-344.
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    The logical status of "God" and the function of theological sentences.Michael Durrant - 1973 - [New York]: St. Martins Press.
  28.  14
    The Palliative Function of Hostile Sexism among High and Low-Status Chilean Students.Salvador Vargas-Salfate - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29. Positive epistemic status and proper function.Alvin Plantinga - 1988 - Philosophical Perspectives 2:1-50.
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  30. The Functions of Law.Kenneth M. Ehrenberg - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What is the nature of law and what is the best way to discover it? This book argues that law is best understood in terms of the social functions it performs wherever it is found in human society. In order to support this claim, law is explained as a kind of institution and as a kind of artefact. To say that it is an institution is to say that it is designed for creating and conferring special statuses to people so (...)
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  31. The current status of essential fatty acid requirement and function.Hardy M. Edwards Jr - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    Function by Agreement.Pablo Schyfter - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (2):185-206.
    Philosophers of biology have developed an extensive literature on biological functions. Here I propose a treatment of the topic based in social studies of science. I posit that the chief philosophical accounts of biological functions all rest upon a realist ontology of biological functions, one that conceives functions as human-independent qualities of things. Rather than being conceptualised as a property of traits or structures, function should be understood as a status granted by communities acting in accordance with specific (...)
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  33. The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.Alyssa Ney & David Albert (eds.) - 2013 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This is a new volume of original essays on the metaphysics of quantum mechanics. The essays address questions such as: What fundamental metaphysics is best motivated by quantum mechanics? What is the ontological status of the wave function? Does quantum mechanics support the existence of any other fundamental entities, e.g. particles? What is the nature of the fundamental space of quantum mechanics? What is the relationship between the fundamental ontology of quantum mechanics and ordinary, macroscopic objects like tables, (...)
  34. Physical Activity, Sports Practice, and Cognitive Functioning: The Current Research Status.Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Rafael E. Reigal, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Sidonio Serpa, Oddrun Samdal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José L. Tristán-Rodríguez, António F. Rosado & Coral Falco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The pragmatic function and textual status of euripidean οὔ που and ἦ που.So G. Zuntz - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:327-344.
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  36. Biological function, selection, and reduction.Richard N. Manning - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (1):69-82.
    It is widely assumed that selection history accounts of function can support a fully reductive naturalization of functional properties. I argue that this assumption is false. A problem with the alternative causal role account of function in this context is that it invokes the teleological notion of a goal in analysing real function. The selection history account, if it is to have reductive status, must not do the same. But attention to certain cases of selection history (...)
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  37.  27
    Machine learning classification of resting state functional connectivity predicts smoking status.Vani Pariyadath, Elliot A. Stein & Thomas J. Ross - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  38.  33
    Male reproductive success as a function of social status: Some unanswered evolutionary questions.Jeffry A. Simpson - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):305-307.
  39.  28
    Current Status of Research Ethics Capacity in Myanmar.Zaw-Zaw Oo, Yin-Thet-Nu Oo, Mo-Mo Than, Khine Zaw Oo, Min Wun, Kyaw-Soe Htun & Henry Silverman - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (2):123-132.
    Myanmar has recently surfaced from total military rule and efforts at conducting research to enhance the health of the population has increased during the recent democratization process, both from the military and civil sectors as well as support from international agencies. International guidelines mandate that such research requires prior ethics review in accordance with international standards. Previous commentators have expressed concerns, however, regarding the degree of adequate training in research ethics for investigators, the optimal functioning of Research Ethics Committees, and (...)
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  40.  23
    Doing data: The status of transcripts in Conversation Analysis.Ruth Ayaß - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (5):505-528.
    This article discusses the status of transcripts in Conversation Analysis. Repeatedly, the function and the epistemic state of transcripts have been the subject of discussions and reflections in Conversation Analysis. Drawing on a range of empirical examples taken from various authors, this article discusses the question of how present forms of visuality and multi-modality in the data material or the handling of artifacts can be captured in transcripts and how the problem of ‘representation’ of complex and interactive situations (...)
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  41.  34
    Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Cognitive Function: The Role of Plasma B vitamin Status.Simpson Tamara, Suo Chao, Macpherson Helen, Pipingas Andrew & Stough Con - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  42. Materialism and the Moral Status of Animals.Jonathan Birch - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4):795-815.
    Consciousness has an important role in ethics: when a being consciously experiences the frustration or satisfaction of its interests, those interests deserve higher moral priority than those of a behaviourally similar but non-conscious being. I consider the relationship between this ethical role and an a posteriori (or “type-B”) materialist solution to the mind-body problem. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that, if type-B materialism is correct, then the reference of the concept of phenomenal consciousness is radically indeterminate between a (...)
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  43.  59
    Independent effects of bilingualism and socioeconomic status on language ability and executive functioning.Alejandra Calvo & Ellen Bialystok - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):278-288.
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    Against the status quo: the social as a resource of critique in realist political theory.Manon Westphal - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (3):418-436.
    The forms of status quo critique that current approaches to realist political theory enable are unsatisfactory. They either formulate standards of constructive critique, but remain uncritical of a great range of political situations, or they offer means for criticising basically all political situations, but neglect constructive critique. As part of the endeavour to develop a status quo critique that is potentially radical and constructive, realists might consider possibilities to use non-standard social practices – social practices that function (...)
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  45. Machine Intentionality, the Moral Status of Machines, and the Composition Problem.David Leech Anderson - 2012 - In Vincent C. Müller, The Philosophy & Theory of Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 312-333.
    According to the most popular theories of intentionality, a family of theories we will refer to as “functional intentionality,” a machine can have genuine intentional states so long as it has functionally characterizable mental states that are causally hooked up to the world in the right way. This paper considers a detailed description of a robot that seems to meet the conditions of functional intentionality, but which falls victim to what I call “the composition problem.” One obvious way to escape (...)
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  46.  42
    Status of the Asymptotic Safety Paradigm for Quantum Gravity and Matter.Astrid Eichhorn - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1407-1429.
    In the asymptotic safety paradigm, a quantum field theory reaches a regime with quantum scale invariance in the ultraviolet, which is described by an interacting fixed point of the Renormalization Group. Compelling hints for the viability of asymptotic safety in quantum gravity exist, mainly obtained from applications of the functional Renormalization Group. The impact of asymptotically safe quantum fluctuations of gravity at and beyond the Planck scale could at the same time induce an ultraviolet completion for the Standard Model of (...)
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  47.  45
    Functional characterization of three single-nucleotide polymorphisms present in the human APOE promoter sequence: Differential effects in neuronal cells and on DNA-protein interactions.B. Maloney, Y. W. Ge, R. C. Petersen, J. Hardy, J. T. Rogers, J. Perez-Tur & D. K. Lahiri - 2010 - Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 153:185-201.
    Variations in levels of apolipoprotein E have been tied to the risk and progression of Alzheimer's disease . Our group has previously compared and contrasted the promoters of the mouse and human ApoE gene promoter sequences and found notable similarities and significant differences that suggest the importance of the APOE promoter's role in the human disease. We examine here three specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the human APOE promoter region, specifically at -491 , -427 , and at -219 upstream from the (...)
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  48.  74
    How to validate clinically important change in health‐related functional status. Is the magnitude of the effect size consistently related to magnitude of change as indicated by a global question rating?Berrie Middel, Roy Stewart, Jelte Bouma, Eric van Sonderen & Wim J. A. Van den Heuvel - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4):399-410.
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    Pluralism, Disagreement, and the Status of Argument in the Public Sphere.Robert Asen - 2005 - Informal Logic 25 (2):117-137.
    Argument teachers and scholars have frequently invoked external justification-impressing one's viewpoint upon another-as the primary social function of argument. Pluralism and fundamental disagreement in contemporary democratic societies raise questions regarding the status of argument, including the functions argument should serve. In this essay, I suggest alternatives of agenda expansion, responsibility attribution, and identity formation as important functions of argument in diverse societies. Thesealternative functions are especially important under conditions of social inequality, since they allow less powerful individuals and (...)
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    The Changing Status of Rationality in the Field of the New Rhetoric.Neli Stefanova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (1):106-122.
    The study aims to analyze the changes in the status of rationality in the field of the New Rhetoric – the most influential direction in the modern theory of argumentation, which appeared in the 1960s with the scientific works of C. Perelman – L. Olbrechts – Titeka and S. Toulmin. The thesis presented is that the practices of contemporary public discourse find their most logical and comprehensive theoretical explanation in the teachings of the New Rhetoric, which change the traditional (...)
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