Results for 'statistical‐relevance method'

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  1. Statistical explanation & statistical relevance.Wesley C. Salmon - 1971 - [Pittsburgh]: University of Pittsburgh Press. Edited by Richard C. Jeffrey & James G. Greeno.
    Through his S–R model of statistical relevance, Wesley Salmon offers a solution to the scientific explanation of objectively improbable events.
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    Understanding Deep Learning with Statistical Relevance.Tim Räz - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (1):20-41.
    This paper argues that a notion of statistical explanation, based on Salmon’s statistical relevance model, can help us better understand deep neural networks. It is proved that homogeneous partitions, the core notion of Salmon’s model, are equivalent to minimal sufficient statistics, an important notion from statistical inference. This establishes a link to deep neural networks via the so-called Information Bottleneck method, an information-theoretic framework, according to which deep neural networks implicitly solve an optimization problem that generalizes minimal sufficient statistics. (...)
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    Statistical methods and scientific inference.Ronald Aylmer Fisher - 1955 - Edinburgh,: Oliver & Boyd.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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    Statistical Reporting with Philip's Sextuple and Extended Sextuple: A Simple Method for Easy Communication of Findings.Philip Tromovitch - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (1):Article - P2.
    The advance of science and human knowledge is impeded by misunderstandings of various statistics, insufficient reporting of findings, and the use of numerous standardized and non-standardized presentations of essentially identical information. Communication with journalists and the public is hindered by the failure to present statistics that are easy for non-scientists to interpret as well as by use of the word significant, which in scientific English does not carry the meaning of "important" or "large." This article promotes a new standard (...) for reporting two-group and two-variable statistics that can enhance the presentation of relevant information, increase understanding of findings, and replace the current presentations of two-group ANOVA, t-tests, correlations, chi-squares, and z-tests of proportions. A brief call to highly restrict the publication of risk ratios, odds ratios, and relative increase in risk percentages is also made, since these statistics appear to provide no useful scientific information regarding the magnitude of findings. (shrink)
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    Statistics and Probability Have Always Been Value-Laden: An Historical Ontology of Quantitative Research Methods.Michael J. Zyphur & Dean C. Pierides - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (1):1-18.
    Quantitative researchers often discuss research ethics as if specific ethical problems can be reduced to abstract normative logics (e.g., virtue ethics, utilitarianism, deontology). Such approaches overlook how values are embedded in every aspect of quantitative methods, including ‘observations,’ ‘facts,’ and notions of ‘objectivity.’ We describe how quantitative research practices, concepts, discourses, and their objects/subjects of study have always been value-laden, from the invention of statistics and probability in the 1600s to their subsequent adoption as a logic made to appear as (...)
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    Statistical Practice: Putting Society on Display.Michael Mair, Christian Greiffenhagen & W. W. Sharrock - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (3):51-77.
    As a contribution to current debates on the ‘social life of methods’, in this article we present an ethnomethodological study of the role of understanding within statistical practice. After reviewing the empirical turn in the methods literature and the challenges to the qualitative-quantitative divide it has given rise to, we argue such case studies are relevant because they enable us to see different ways in which ‘methods’, here quantitative methods, come to have a social life – by embodying and exhibiting (...)
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    (1 other version)Belief Revision and Relevance.Peter Gardenfors - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:349 - 365.
    A general criterion for the theory of belief revision is that when we revise a state of belief by a sentence A, as much of the old information as possible should be retained in the revised state of belief. The motivating idea in this paper is that if a belief B is irrelevant to A, then B should still be believed in the revised state. The problem is that the traditional definition of statistical relevance suffers from some serious shortcomings and (...)
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    A statistical approach for segregating cognitive task stages from multivariate fMRI BOLD time series.Charmaine Demanuele, Florian Bähner, Michael M. Plichta, Peter Kirsch, Heike Tost, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg & Daniel Durstewitz - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:156792.
    Multivariate pattern analysis can reveal new information from neuroimaging data to illuminate human cognition and its disturbances. Here, we develop a methodological approach, based on multivariate statistical/machine learning and time series analysis, to discern cognitive processing stages from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) time series. We apply this method to data recorded from a group of healthy adults whilst performing a virtual reality version of the delayed win-shift radial arm maze (RAM) task. This task (...)
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    The Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Walks, Polygons, Animals and Vesicles.E. J. Janse van Rensburg - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The self-avoiding walk is a classical model in statistical mechanics, probability theory and mathematical physics. It is also a simple model of polymer entropy which is useful in modelling phase behaviour in polymers. This monograph provides an authoritative examination of interacting self-avoiding walks, presenting aspects of the thermodynamic limit, phase behaviour, scaling and critical exponents for lattice polygons, lattice animals and surfaces. It also includes a comprehensive account of constructive methods in models of adsorbing, collapsing, and pulled walks, animals and (...)
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  10. The Statistical Riddle of Induction.Eric Johannesson - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (2):313-326.
    With his new riddle of induction, Goodman raised a problem for enumerative induction which many have taken to show that only some ‘natural’ properties can be used for making inductive inferences. Arguably, however, (i) enumerative induction is not a method that scientists use for making inductive inferences in the first place. Moreover, it seems at first sight that (ii) Goodman’s problem does not affect the method that scientists actually use for making such inferences—namely, classical statistics. Taken together, this (...)
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    Innovative Analytical and Statistical Technologies as a Tool for Monitoring and Counteracting Corruption.Юлія Олександрівна ЯЦИНА - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (1):145-156.
    The article focuses on exploring the directions for implementing innovative analytical-statistical technologies as a tool for monitoring and detecting corruption in the state. To achieve this goal, the author clarifies the content of key concepts, defines the essence of innovative analytical-statistical technologies, and analyzes the applications of these technologies as elements of the state’s anti-corruption policy. It is determined that modern analytical-statistical technologies are integral to information technologies, which have emerged as a separate branch of production known as the information (...)
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    Relevant Factors in Research Activity of Ukrainian Social Workers: Postmodern Studies.Oksana Povidaichyk, Oleg Lisovets, Olena Bilyk, Oksana Onypchenko, Ihor Hrynyk & Kateryna Kulava - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):561-578.
    The article deals with theoretical, practical, partly - historical aspects of scientific research of modern Ukrainian and foreign sociologists and social workers. The aim of the research is to analyze and summarize the following three key aspects: a) historical destructive moments in the development of Ukrainian/Soviet sociology; b) the orientation of the vector of postmodernist research of foreign scholars who had no censorship restrictions on their works; c) the main problematics of current Ukrainian sociological research. The latter, despite their deep (...)
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    Statistics, Desire, and Interdisciplinarity.Michael Lacewing - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (3):221-225.
    I am very grateful to both Edward Erwin and Peter Fonagy for their thoughtful and engaging comments. I do not have space to deal fully with all the issues they raise, but I will try to clarify some key points at which perhaps I implied more than I intended, or failed to be clear. Erwin states that I claim the following principle is a method for inferring causes: “if X is causally relevant to the occurrence of Y, then the (...)
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    Bayeswatch: an overview of Bayesian statistics.Peter C. Austin, Lawrence J. Brunner & S. M. Janet E. Hux Md - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):277-286.
    Increasingly, clinical research is evaluated on the quality of its statistical analysis. Traditionally, statistical analyses in clinical research have been carried out from a ‘frequentist’ perspective. The presence of an alternative paradigm – the Bayesian paradigm – has been relatively unknown in clinical research until recently. There is currently a growing interest in the use of Bayesian statistics in health care research. This is due both to a growing realization of the limitations of frequentist methods and to the ability of (...)
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  15. Evaluating Methods of Correcting for Multiple Comparisons Implemented in SPM12 in Social Neuroscience fMRI Studies: An Example from Moral Psychology.Hyemin Han & Andrea L. Glenn - 2018 - Social Neuroscience 13 (3):257-267.
    In fMRI research, the goal of correcting for multiple comparisons is to identify areas of activity that reflect true effects, and thus would be expected to replicate in future studies. Finding an appropriate balance between trying to minimize false positives (Type I error) while not being too stringent and omitting true effects (Type II error) can be challenging. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of these types of errors may differ for different areas of study. In many areas of social neuroscience (...)
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  16. Causal modeling: New directions for statistical explanation.Gurol Irzik & Eric Meyer - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (4):495-514.
    Causal modeling methods such as path analysis, used in the social and natural sciences, are also highly relevant to philosophical problems of probabilistic causation and statistical explanation. We show how these methods can be effectively used (1) to improve and extend Salmon's S-R basis for statistical explanation, and (2) to repair Cartwright's resolution of Simpson's paradox, clarifying the relationship between statistical and causal claims.
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    Conflicting Results and Statistical Malleability: Embracing Pluralism of Empirical Results.Mariusz Maziarz - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (6):701-728.
    Conflicting results undermine making inferences from the empirical literature. So far, the replication crisis is mainly seen as resulting from honest errors and questionable research practices such as p-hacking or the base-rate fallacy. I discuss the malleability (researcher degrees of freedom) of quantitative research and argue that conflicting results can emerge from two studies using different but plausible designs (e.g., eligibility criteria, operationalization of concepts, outcome measures) and statistical methods. I also explore how the choices regarding study design and statistical (...)
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  18. Overview of the structure of a scientific worldview.John J. Carvalho - 2006 - Zygon 41 (1):113-124.
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    How relevant are?Irrelevant? Alternatives?Jean-Marie Blin - 1976 - Theory and Decision 7 (1):95-105.
    Arrow's Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives Condition is examined. It is shown why the standard rationale for (or against) the condition tends to be inconclusive as it fails to consider the basic ‘game’ issue in social choice. Specifically it is explained how some recent results (Gibbard-Satterthwaite) on the general non-existence of strategy-proof voting procedures provide the strongest rationale for the independence condition. Also, it is shown that this rationale was exactly the one used by Condorcet in his work on decision rules (...)
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  20. Constructing a Reward-Related Quality of Life Statistic in Daily Life—a Proof of Concept Study Using Positive Affect.Simone J. W. Verhagen, Claudia J. P. Simons, Catherine van Zelst & Philippe A. E. G. Delespaul - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:294592.
    Background: Mental healthcare needs person-tailored interventions. Experience Sampling Method (ESM) can provide daily life monitoring of personal experiences. This study aims to operationalize and test a measure of momentary reward-related Quality of Life (rQoL). Intuitively, quality of life improves by spending more time on rewarding experiences. ESM clinical interventions can use this information to coach patients to find a realistic, optimal balance of positive experiences (maximize reward) in daily life. rQoL combines the frequency of engaging in a relevant context (...)
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    Remarks on the Configuration Space Approach to Spin-Statistics.Andrés F. Reyes-Lega & Carlos Benavides - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):1004-1029.
    The angular momentum operators for a system of two spin-zero indistinguishable particles are constructed, using Isham’s Canonical Group Quantization method. This mathematically rigorous method provides a hint at the correct definition of (total) angular momentum operators, for arbitrary spin, in a system of indistinguishable particles. The connection with other configuration space approaches to spin-statistics is discussed, as well as the relevance of the obtained results in view of a possible alternative proof of the spin-statistics theorem.
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  22. Mind changes and testability: How formal and statistical learning theory converge in the new Riddle of induction.Daniel Steel - manuscript
    This essay demonstrates a previously unnoticed connection between formal and statistical learning theory with regard to Nelson Goodman’s new riddle of induction. Discussions of Goodman’s riddle in formal learning theory explain how conjecturing “all green” before “all grue” can enhance efficient convergence to the truth, where efficiency is understood in terms of minimizing the maximum number of retractions or “mind changes.” Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension is a central concept in statistical learning theory and is similar to Popper’s notion of degrees of (...)
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    Psychological Emotion and Behavior Analysis in Music Teaching Based on the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction Motivation Model.Dong Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The abbreviation ARCS in the ARCS motivational model comprises the first letters of four English words: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. The ARCS motivation model is based on a systematic and easy-to-operate motivation theory. Many research studies have verified the applicability and effectiveness of the ARCS model in education worldwide. The proposed optimized ARCS motivation model takes the traditional ARCS motivation model and systematically optimizes it to make it suitable for the coding of data from videos of music classes. The (...)
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    Which features of patients are morally relevant in ventilator triage? A survey of the UK public.Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Hazem Zohny, Julian Savulescu, Dominic Wilkinson, Vincent Conitzer, Jana Schaich Borg & Lok Chan - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    Background In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, many health systems, including those in the UK, developed triage guidelines to manage severe shortages of ventilators. At present, there is an insufficient understanding of how the public views these guidelines, and little evidence on which features of a patient the public believe should and should not be considered in ventilator triage. Methods Two surveys were conducted with representative UK samples. In the first survey, 525 participants were asked in an open-ended (...)
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    When Arne met J. L.: attitudes to scientific method in empirical semantics, ordinary language philosophy and linguistics.Siobhan Chapman - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-20.
    In the autumn of 1959, Arne Naess and J. L. Austin, both pioneers of empirical study in the philosophy of language, discussed their points of agreement and disagreement at a meeting in Oslo. This article considers the fragmentary record that has survived of that meeting, and investigates what light it can shed on the question of why the two philosophers apparently found so little common ground, given their shared commitment to the importance of data in the study of language. Naess (...)
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    Limits to evidential pluralism: multi-method large-N qualitative analysis and the primacy of mechanistic studies.Rosa W. Runhardt - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-23.
    Evidential pluralists, like Federica Russo and Jon Williamson, argue that causal claims should be corroborated by establishing both the existence of a suitable correlation and a suitable mechanism complex. At first glance, this fits well with mixed method research in the social sciences, which often involves a pluralist combination of statistical and mechanistic evidence. However, statistical evidence concerns a population of cases, while mechanistic evidence is found in individual case studies. How should researchers combine such general statistical evidence and (...)
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  27. Feature selection methods for solving the reference class problem.James Franklin - 2010 - Columbia Law Review Sidebar 110:12-23.
    Probabilistic inference from frequencies, such as "Most Quakers are pacifists; Nixon is a Quaker, so probably Nixon is a pacifist" suffer from the problem that an individual is typically a member of many "reference classes" (such as Quakers, Republicans, Californians, etc) in which the frequency of the target attribute varies. How to choose the best class or combine the information? The article argues that the problem can be solved by the feature selection methods used in contemporary Big Data science: the (...)
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    Optimal loading method of multi type railway flatcars based on improved genetic algorithm.Zhongliang Yang - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):915-926.
    On the basis of analyzing the complexity of railway flatcar loading optimization problem, according to the characteristics of railway flatcar loading, based on the situation of railway transport loading unit of multiple railway flatcars, this study puts forward the optimal loading optimization method of multimodel railway flatcars based on improved genetic algorithm, constructs the linear programming model of railway flatcar loading optimization problem, and combines with the improved genetic algorithm to solve the problem. The study also analyzes the structural (...)
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    Prediction, Regressions and Critical Realism.Petter Næss - 2004 - Journal of Critical Realism 3 (1):133-164.
    This paper considers the possibility of prediction in land use planning, and the use of statistical research methods in analyses of relationships between urban form and travel behaviour. Influential writers within the tradition of critical realism reject the possibility of predicting social phenomena. This position is fundamentally problematic to public planning. Without at least some ability to predict the likely consequences of different proposals, the justification for public sector intervention into market mechanisms will be frail. Statistical methods like regression analyses (...)
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  30. Statistical Normalization Methods in Interpersonal and Intertheoretic Comparisons.William MacAskill, Owen Cotton-Barratt & Toby Ord - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (2):61-95.
    A major problem for interpersonal aggregation is how to compare utility across individuals; a major problem for decision-making under normative uncertainty is the formally analogous problem of how to compare choice-worthiness across theories. We introduce and study a class of methods, which we call statistical normalization methods, for making interpersonal comparisons of utility and intertheoretic comparisons of choice-worthiness. We argue against the statistical normalization methods that have been proposed in the literature. We argue, instead, in favor of normalization of variance: (...)
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    On learning context-aware rules to link RDF datasets.Andrea Cimmino & Rafael Corchuelo - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):151-166.
    Integrating RDF datasets has become a relevant problem for both researchers and practitioners. In the literature, there are many genetic proposals that learn rules that allow to link the resources that refer to the same real-world entities, which is paramount to integrating the datasets. Unfortunately, they are context-unaware because they focus on the resources and their attributes but forget about their neighbours. This implies that they fall short in cases in which different resources have similar attributes but refer to different (...)
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    Statistical relevance and explanatory classification.John L. King - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (5):313 - 321.
    Numerous philosophers, among them Carl G. Hempel and Wesley C. Salmon, have attempted to explicate the notion of explanatory relevance in terms of the statistical relevance of various properties of an individual to the explanandum property itself (or what is here called narrow statistical relevance). This approach seems plausible if one assumes that to explain an occurrence is to show that it was to be expected or to exhibit its degree of expectability and the factors which influence its expectability. But (...)
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  33. Conflict Contagion.Marie Oldfield - 2015 - Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1.
    With an increased emphasis on upstream activity and Defence Engagement, it has become increasingly more important for the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) and government to understand the relationship between conflict and regional instability. As part of this process, the Historical and Operational Data Analysis Team (HODA) in Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) was tasked to look at factors that influenced the regional spread of internal conflicts to help aid the decision making of government. Conflict contagion is the process (...)
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    Explanation in Science.James A. Overton - unknown
    Scientific explanation is an important goal of scientific practise. Philosophers have proposed a striking diversity of seemingly incompatible accounts of explanation, from deductive-nomological to statistical relevance, unification, pragmatic, causal-mechanical, mechanistic, causal intervention, asymptotic, and model-based accounts. In this dissertation I apply two novel methods to reexamine our evidence about scientific explanation in practise and thereby address the fragmentation of philosophical accounts. I start by collecting a data set of 781 articles from one year of the journal Science. Using automated text (...)
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    On the relevance of statistical relevance theory.Stephen Turner - 1982 - Theory and Decision 14 (2):195-205.
    In Salmon's discussion of his account of statistical relevance and statistical explanation there is a peculiarity in the selection of examples. Where he wishes to show that statistical accounts are reasonably treated as explanatory, he draws examples from the social sciences, such as juvenile delinquency. But when he explains the concept of 'causal' relevance, the examples are selected from the natural sciences. This conceals difficulties with salmon's account of causality in the face of multiple causes such as are characteristic of (...)
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  36. Two Impossibility Results for Measures of Corroboration.Jan Sprenger - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (1):139--159.
    According to influential accounts of scientific method, such as critical rationalism, scientific knowledge grows by repeatedly testing our best hypotheses. But despite the popularity of hypothesis tests in statistical inference and science in general, their philosophical foundations remain shaky. In particular, the interpretation of non-significant results—those that do not reject the tested hypothesis—poses a major philosophical challenge. To what extent do they corroborate the tested hypothesis, or provide a reason to accept it? Popper sought for measures of corroboration that (...)
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    Analysis of Influencing Factors of Teaching Effect Based on Structural Equation Model.Xin Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Structural equation model is a multivariate statistical analysis method. It can not only test some unpredictable abstract ideas, but also design parameters for the causal connection model between independent variables and dependent variables. Among them, the analysis of various latent variables is based on the verification factor analysis technology. The research first collects various relevant data, derives the latent variables and measurement variables, then composes the measurement model, and then verifies the adaptability of the measurement model structure mode through (...)
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    Statistical bioinformatic methods in microbial genome analysis.Pietro Liò - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (3):266-273.
    It is probable that, increasingly, genome investigations are going to be based on statistical formalization. This review summarizes the state of art and potentiality of using statistics in microbial genome analysis. First, I focus on recent advances in functional genomics, such as finding genes and operons, identifying gene conversion events, detecting DNA replication origins and analysing regulatory sites. Then I describe how to use phylogenetic methods in genome analysis and methods for genome‐wide scanning for positively selected amino acids. I conclude (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Least Radix Economy.Vladimir Garcia-Morales - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (3):295-332.
    A new variational method, the principle of least radix economy, is formulated. The mathematical and physical relevance of the radix economy, also called digit capacity, is established, showing how physical laws can be derived from this concept in a unified way. The principle reinterprets and generalizes the principle of least action yielding two classes of physical solutions: least action paths and quantum wavefunctions. A new physical foundation of the Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is then accomplished and it is (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a changing digital environment: an epistemological scope of the problem.Raigul Salimova, Jamilya Nurmanbetova, Maira Kozhamzharova, Mira Manassova & Saltanat Aubakirova - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    The relevance of this study's topic is supported by the argument that a philosophical understanding of the fundamental concepts of epistemology as they pertain to the educational process is crucial as the educational setting becomes increasingly digitalised. This paper aims to explore the epistemological component of the philosophy of learning in light of the educational process digitalisation. The research comprised a sample of 462 university students from Kazakhstan, with 227 participants assigned to the experimental and 235 to the control groups. (...)
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    Переваги співпраці між університетом і бізнесом з метою покращення змісту навчальних програм.K. Mejerytė-narkevičienė - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:132-142.
    The relevance of the research In the face of increasing global competition, business was challenged to seek new methods for creating their competitive advantage and at the same time the decreasing budgets of higher education institutions were pressured to find new streams of financing. In both cases, collaboration is seen as an important method for achieving their objectives but universities of today have as well to find the appropriate balance between teaching, basic and applied research, and entrepreneurship. Ten types (...)
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  42. The Generality Problem, Statistical Relevance and the Tri-Level Hypothesis.James R. Beebe - 2004 - Noûs 38 (1):177 - 195.
    In this paper I critically examine the Generality Problem and argue that it does not succeed as an objection to reliabilism. Although those who urge the Generality Problem are correct in claiming that any process token can be given indefinitely many descriptions that pick out indefinitely many process types, they are mistaken in thinking that reliabilists have no principled way to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant process types.
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    Determinants of judgments of explanatory power: Credibility, Generality, and Statistical Relevance.Matteo Colombo, Leandra Bucher & Jan Sprenger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology:doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01430.
    Explanation is a central concept in human psychology. Drawing upon philosophical theories of explanation, psychologists have recently begun to examine the relationship between explanation, probability and causality. Our study advances this growing literature in the intersection of psychology and philosophy of science by systematically investigating how judgments of explanatory power are affected by the prior credibility of a potential explanation, the causal framing used to describe the explanation, the generalizability of the explanation, and its statistical relevance for the evidence. Collectively, (...)
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    Співробітництво університету зі студією бізнесу і розвитку.Kristina Mejerytė-narkevičienė - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:199-210.
    The relevance of the research is that university and business collaboration is the main implementation tool of the third university mission. University-business collaboration has risen to one of the top priorities for many higher education institutions, with its importance mirroring attention from scholars and policy makers worldwide. In the face of increasing global competition, business was challenged to seek new methods for creating their competitive advantage and at the same time, the decreasing budgets of higher education institutions were pressured to (...)
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    Causation, Explanation, and Statistical Relevance.Douglas W. Shrader - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (1):136-145.
  46. Neural Networks and Statistical Learning Methods (III)-The Application of Modified Hierarchy Genetic Algorithm Based on Adaptive Niches.Wei-Min Qi, Qiao-Ling Ji & Wei-You Cai - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3930--842.
  47. Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology, Second Edition: Volume I: Introductory, Statistics, Research Methods, and History.Mark E. Ware & David E. Johnson (eds.) - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    For those who teach students in psychology, education, and the social sciences, the _Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology, Second Edition_ provides practical applications and rich sources of ideas. Revised to include a wealth of new material, these invaluable reference books contain the collective experience of teachers who have successfully dealt with students' difficulty in mastering important concepts about human behavior. Each volume features a table that lists the articles and identifies the primary and secondary courses (...)
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  48.  26
    Causal History, Statistical Relevance, and Explanatory Power.David Kinney - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-23.
    In discussions of the power of causal explanations, one often finds a commitment to two premises. The first is that, all else being equal, a causal explanation is powerful to the extent that it cites the full causal history of why the effect occurred. The second is that, all else being equal, causal explanations are powerful to the extent that the occurrence of a cause allows us to predict the occurrence of its effect. This article proves a representation theorem showing (...)
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    Homogeneity conditions on the statistical relevance model of explanation.J./P. Thomas - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (1):101 - 105.
  50. Machine Learning and the Cognitive Basis of Natural Language.Shalom Lappin - unknown
    Machine learning and statistical methods have yielded impressive results in a wide variety of natural language processing tasks. These advances have generally been regarded as engineering achievements. In fact it is possible to argue that the success of machine learning methods is significant for our understanding of the cognitive basis of language acquisition and processing. Recent work in unsupervised grammar induction is particularly relevant to this issue. It suggests that knowledge of language can be achieved through general learning procedures, and (...)
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