Results for 'spheres of exchange'

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  1.  55
    Reconfiguring the centre: The structure of scientific exchanges between colonial India and Europe.Dhruv Raina - 1996 - Minerva 34 (2):161-176.
    The “centre-periphery” relationship historically structured scientific exchanges between metropolis and province, between the fount of empire and its outposts. But the exchange, if regarded merely as a one-way flow of scientific information, ignores both the politics of knowledge and the nature of its appropriation. Arguably, imperial structures do not entirely determine scientific practices and the exchange of knowledge. Several factors neutralise the over-determining influence of politics—and possibly also the normative values of science—on scientific practice.In examining these four examples (...)
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  2. Fragile Foundation: Economic Exchange as a Model for Justice in the History of Political Philosophy.Amit Ron - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Minnesota
    This dissertation offers a historically sensitive, analytical account of the usage of economic reasoning in the emergence of the contemporary concept of justice. Using the works of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, and John Rawls as textual foci, the dissertation examines the way the practice of economic exchange has been understood as the site of asymmetric power relations and the way social inquiry into the economic sphere has been used to expose and criticize forms of domination. The model (...)
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    Towards a Redefinition of the Public Sphere.Lukas Kaelin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:205-209.
    The public sphere plays a crucial role in the functioning of liberal democracy. As a sphere conceived ideally independent of state control and economic influence, it serves as the sounding board of social and political concerns, where communications take place, ideas are exchanged, and arguments are put forward. The liberal notion of the public sphere relies on values such as inclusivity, transparency, equality, and rationality. This paper explores the limits of the liberal notion of the public sphere by looking into (...)
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    Time, ties, transactions: temporality and relational work in economic exchange.Adam S. Hayes - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (3):625-651.
    This paper explores the intersection of time and relational economic sociology. Building on Viviana Zelizer’s relational framework, I argue that analyzing the temporal dimensions of exchange provides insight into how social ties gain meaning through economic practices. The paper shows time’s dual role as both an organizing structure bounding action, and a dynamic element that actors leverage to shape transactional contexts. As structure, time offers culturally-available templates like schedules and rhythms that facilitate coordination and signify predictable social meanings befitting (...)
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    Espace public et sphère économique.Bernard Floris - 2003 - Hermes 36:129.
    L'économie solidaire est dépendante de la sphère publique au sens d'espace de communication. Il est en effet nécessaire d'avoir des échanges démocratiques dans ce type de relation sociale, car la solidarité implique que soient pris en compte tous les points de vue, et en particulier celui des populations démunies avec leur participation. L'économie libérale est le contraire : seul le point de vue de la rentabilité à travers la « main invisible du marché » est pris en compte et pas (...)
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  6. Veils, Crucifixes, and the Public Sphere: What Kind of Secularism? Rethinking Neutrality in a Post-Secular Europe.Pablo Cristóbal Jiménez Lobeira - 2014 - Journal of Intercultural Studies 35 (4):385-402.
    The Lautsi case in Italy attracted widespread attention in Europe and beyond. Though the issue under contention was a Christian symbol, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) judgements showed changes in assessment both about religion (in contrast with former cases regarding Muslim veils) and secularism (which did not have the same meaning for everyone). In light of those rulings, this paper reflects on the concepts of neutrality and secularism and their normative implications for European citizens in terms of belonging, (...)
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    Sacrifice and the Public Sphere.Colin Jager - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):57-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SACRIFICE AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE Colin Jager University ofMichigan The Inscription on the Memorial to Irish Freedom in Parnell Square, Dublin, reads: "O generations of freedom, remember us, the generations of the vision." The irony, of course, is that the generations of freedom to whom the inscription is addressed have yet to be born. Or rather: they/we are partly a generation of freedom, while remaining also and of necessity (...)
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    Legal form: Pashukanis and the Marxist critique of law.Gian-Giacomo Fusco, Przemysław Tacik & Cosmin Sebastian Cercel (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    A century after the publication of Evgeny Pashukanis's pivotal book General Theory of Law and Marxism, this collection presents a comprehensive account and analysis of his key concept of legal form. Evgeny Pashukanis's General Theory, born amidst the fervour of the first socialist revolution, remains still a crucial reference point in Marxist theories of the law and critical legal theory. Its theoretical depth paved the way for new understandings of the relationship between Marxism and the law. Its crucial virtue continues (...)
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    If I were a rich man could I sell a pancreas? A study in the locus of oppression.M. Epstein - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):109-112.
    Dan Brock argues that since the unexploitable rich could sell their kidneys too, exploitation could not be an essential feature of organ vending. This paper takes his claim as the point of departure for a discussion on the locus of organ vending-associated oppression. While it accepts Brock's conclusion, it explores the possibility that such oppression is invariably found rather outside the sphere of exchange. It then analyses the implications of this possibility for the discourse surrounding the ethics of organ (...)
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    FIGURATIONS OF WATER: on pathogens, purity, and contamination.Agnieszka Pantuchowicz - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (1):111-127.
    The paper addresses some rhetorical uses of the figure of water management from the perspective of an affirmative approach to contamination which Derrida saw as constitutive of affirmation itself. Contaminated water and its discontents discussed in the text frequently appears in various kinds of writings as a frightening figure of contamination which simultaneously brings in the figure of water management as a way of controlling the purity of cultural exchanges and transmissions in which, as Caroline Petronius puts it, contagion journeys (...)
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  11.  17
    Fatwā Activity During the Last Years of The Fatwā Office and The Exchange of the Preferred Fatwā by the Will of the Sultan.Emine Arslan - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1443-1463.
    The Fatwā-house, which was within the body of Meshihat in the Ottoman Empire, gave answers to the questions posed to it by focusing on the Hanafi sect and the preferred fatwās of this sect for centuries. These questions and answers were also duly recorded. In this study, based on The Record for the Legal Responses of the Supreme Fatwā Office, which is registered at records numbered 378 in the Meshihat Archive of the Istanbul Mufti, one of the records containing the (...)
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  12. Forgiveness and the Refusal of Injustice.Gaëlle Fiasse - 2008 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 82:125-134.
    This paper focuses on the act of forgiveness understood as an act which involves the recognition of injustice. Its goal is to answer to Arendt, who equates the realm of forgiveness with the possibility of punishment, to Derrida, who limits forgiveness to the unforgivable actions in order to highlight its unconditionality, and to Jankélévitch, who insists that the culprit’s repentance is an indispensable condition to forgiveness. By contrasting forgiveness, retaliation, and resignation, I emphasize that forgiveness implies attributing blame for injustice, (...)
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  13.  46
    The Society of the Spectacle.Donald Nicholson-Smith (ed.) - 1994 - Zone Books.
    For the first time, Guy Debord's pivotal work Society of the Spectacle appears in a definitive and authoritative English translation. Originally published in France in 1967, Society of the Spectacle offered a set of radically new propositions about the nature of contemporary capitalism and modern culture. At the same time it was one of the most influential theoretical works for a wide range of political and revolutionary practice in the 1960s. Today, Debord's work continues to be in the forefront of (...)
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    The Value of Relationships: Affective Scenes and Emotional Performances. [REVIEW]Beverley Skeggs - 2010 - Feminist Legal Studies 18 (1):29-51.
    Many theorists have charted for some time how capital extends its lines of flight into new spaces, creating new markets by harnessing affect and intervening in intimate, emotional and domestic relationships, and into bio-politics more generally. Feminists have known for a long time that women’s ‘domestic’ labour has been central to the reproduction of capital but that it has been made invisible, surplus and naturalised and is rarely taken into account in theories of value. Yet we are now in a (...)
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  15.  23
    (1 other version)Pockets of peasantness: small-scale agricultural producers in the Central Finger Lakes region of upstate New York.Johann Strube - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):837-848.
    Some farmers in the Central Finger Lakes Region of New York balance their production between principles of peasant farming and capitalist farming. They struggle to extend their sphere of autonomy and subsistence production, while extended commodity production is often a response to external forces of the state and capital. This struggle, together with a quantitative increase of small farms, can be described as an instance of repeasantization. Based on inductive, empirical qualitative social research, this case study describes the economy and (...)
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    Models of Critique: Introduction.Yemima Ben-Menahem & Adi Ophir - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (1):3-12.
    Critique involves reflection, specifically self-reflection, and as such it is inherently linked with philosophy. Critique calls for change, awareness, liberation from false conceptions, and reshaping of spheres of action and belief. Consequently it is closely linked with the moral and the political. Critique aspires to enhance truth, beauty, and justice and is thus an integral part of science, art, and social action. The present volume tackles issues of critique through a selection of papers originally presented at the workshop on (...)
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    Philosophical foundations of posthuman communication studies.А. А Деникин - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):52-69.
    The article examines the philosophical foundations of posthuman communication studies – a new branch of the science of communications aimed at studying the nature and structure of technobiomaterial interactions, communications of material and digital actors, their characteristic mechanisms and trends of mutual influence of forces and processes (both human and non–human), leading to the exchange of actions, affects, emotions and meanings, circulation of energy forces and intensities, material formation and discursive diversity, and, thereby, to material changes – multiplication of (...)
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  18.  20
    7 Kant on the Public Sphere and Some Reflections on Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Intercultural Discussion.Andrea Marlen Esser - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):69-83.
    Kant’s famous motto of enlightenment, “Sapere aude!”, is inseparably entwined with the demand for the “public use of reason”. There is no doubt that this also embraces the notion of a free and unrestricted exchange of ideas and indicates the potential beginning of a process in which “subjects” of the state and passive citizens are capable of developing into citizens of the world, and in which nation states are capable of developing into a kind of world community. This conception (...)
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    The interaction of social reality and cultural values in the art of installation.Чжан Ж - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 8:21-33.
    The subject of the study is the cultural definition of the phenomenon of installation as a phenomenon of modern art, in which there is an interaction of social reality and cultural values of society. The author examines in detail the development of installation art, which originated in the 1960s and developed under the influence of Dadaism, surrealism and environmental art. It is shown that the art of installation, which has unique advantages such as conceptuality and openness, has redefined the role (...)
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  20. Burqas in Back Alleys: Street Art, hijab, and the Reterritorialization of Public Space.John A. Sweeney - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):253-278.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 253—278. A Sense of French Politics Politics itself is not the exercise of power or struggle for power. Politics is first of all the configuration of a space as political, the framing of a specific sphere of experience, the setting of objects posed as "common" and of subjects to whom the capacity is recognized to designate these objects and discuss about them.(1) On April 14, 2011, France implemented its controversial ban of the niqab and burqa , commonly (...)
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  21.  13
    The sociological MRI of a fetish. How ‘odd’ is an oddity and how ‘peculiar’ peculiarity?Tudor-Cosmin Ciocan - 2021 - Dialogo 8 (1):144-157.
    We have used the term 'fetish' in a broader sense and especially related to the functions that a 'fetish' has in society. We are talking either about the tags that any 'fetish' receives [as undesirable, unwanted, forbidden, and peculiar], or about the uncertainty of its social approval, about the coagulating role it plays on individuals with the same repulsive vision/orientation that were previously unidentifiable, or many other aspects under which a so-called fetish works socially. The object or action in question (...)
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  22.  91
    Hegelians Axel Honneth and Robert Williams on the Development of Human Morality.Rauno Huttunen - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (4):339-355.
    An individual is in the lowest phase of moral development if he thinks only of his own personal interest and has only his own selfish agenda in his mind as he encounters other humans. This lowest phase corresponds well with sixteenth century British moral egoism which reflects the rise of the new economic order. Adam Smith (1723–1790) wanted to defend this new economic order which is based on economic exchange between egoistic individuals. Nevertheless, he surely did not want to (...)
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  23.  24
    The Notion of Complex Equality and the Beauty of Alcibiades.Marc Hooghe - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (3):211-214.
    One of Prof. Walzer's most fascinating contributions to the field of political theory is his introduction of the concept of `complex equality'.In Spheres of Justice, he defines this concept as follows: “In formal terms, complex equality means that no citizen's standing in one sphere or with regard to one social good can be undercut by his standing in some other sphere, with regard to some other good. Thus, citizen X may be chosen over citizen Y for political office, and (...)
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    The eyes of faith: transformations in the theology of faith.Pierre Gibert (ed.) - 2009 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    Why are we proposing this anthology of articles drawn from Recherches de Science Religieuse in an English translation? On the eve of its centennial celebrations, the Journal, which has numerous subscribers and readers in English-speaking countries, decided to take stock of its rich heritage in the field of theology, as in that of religious science, embodied in its many past issues and their articles. Over these years and decades, the journal has built up a corpus of documents covering information and (...)
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  25. Dichotomies and types of debate.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    Dichotomies are ubiquitous in deliberative thinking, in decision making and in arguing in all spheres of life.[i] Sticking uncompromisingly to a dichotomy may lead to sharp disagreement and paradox, but it can also sharpen the issues at stake and help to find a solution. Dichotomies are particularly in evidence in debates, i.e., in argumentative dialogical exchanges characterized by their agonistic nature. The protagonists in a debate worth its name hold positions that are or that they take to be opposed; (...)
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  26. Тенденції розвитку міжнародного туризму.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, A. Samoilenko, A. Komarova & M. Morozov - 2019 - Економічний Простір 149:29-34.
    The sphere of international tourism for the period 2000–2018 has been explored and analyzed in the article. The dynamics of the world tourist flows development and income from international tourism are considered, the determinants of development are derived, the regional structure of the world market of tourist services is given. The development of the tourism industry in the world is analyzed by indicators: the number of tourist arrivals, tourism revenues at current prices, total contribution of tourism to GDP. The main (...)
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  27.  13
    Law and the Public Sphere in Africa: La Palabre and Other Writings.Jean Godefroy Bidima - 2013 - Indiana University Press.
    Jean Godefroy Bidima's La Palabre examines the traditional African institution of palaver as a way to create dialogue and open exchange in an effort to resolve conflict and promote democracy. In the wake of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the gacaca courts in Rwanda, Bidima offers a compelling model of how to develop an African public space where dialogue can combat misunderstanding. This volume, which includes other essays on legal processes, cultural diversity, memory, and the internet in (...)
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  28.  26
    The Universal Meanings of Common Discourse.Anna M. Nieddu - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).
    A critical and aware return to pragmatism entails a preliminary focus upon the possibility of productive communication and a possible exchange among fields of research often far apart in terms of methods and spheres of application. This difficulty is felt all the more strongly if we refer to the contested intellectual legacy of George H. Mead, one often divided between opposing and conflicting fields of investigation. In this paper, I propose a reinterpretation of his thought that I believe (...)
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    Approving Communitarianism in view of Justice Focusing on Walzer’s Complex Equality or Egalitarianism and Moral Education. 김현수 - 2014 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (95):49-65.
    Theories of Justice would be understand as a subject that dealt with liberalist view, based on methodological abstraction. But Michael Walzer tried to approach Justice in view of equality in accordance with shared cultural background of certain community. Methodological abstraction of John Rawls has internal difficulties such that the concept of value or properties which is separated from social context of community, and that the hardship of reflecting democratic ideas of the society’s actual members. Thus, Michael Walzer’s Complex Equality or (...)
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    The sociology of compassion: A study in the sociology of morals.Natan Sznaider - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (1):117-139.
    This essay analyzes the theoretical foundations of collective interest in the sufferings of strangers. Concern with the suffering of others, accompanied by the urge to help, is compassion. This study develops the social and historical conditions under which public compassion emerges. Two broad interpretations of these developments are suggested. The democratization perspective suggests that with the lessening of profoundly categorical and corporate social distinctions, compassion becomes more extensive. A second perspective is linked to the emergence of market society. By defining (...)
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  31. Ecomindsponge: A Novel Perspective on Human Psychology and Behavior in the Ecosystem.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Tam-Tri Le & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2023 - Urban Science 7 (1):31.
    Modern society faces major environmental problems, but there are many difficulties in studying the nature–human relationship from an integral psychosocial perspective. We propose the ecomind sponge conceptual framework, based on the mindsponge theory of information processing. We present a systematic method to examine the nature–human relationship with conceptual frameworks of system boundaries, selective exchange, and adaptive optimization. The theoretical mechanisms were constructed based on principles and new evidence in natural sciences. The core mechanism of ecomindsponge is the subjective sphere (...)
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  32.  11
    Meaningful life guidelines for college kids of the digital generation.Natalya Dyadyk - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:26-35.
    The article discusses the results of studying the value sphere of the digital generation. The author sets herself the goal of studying the meaningful life guidelines of the digital generation representatives. The author uses the results of students’ surveys of two Chelyabinsk universities for the humanities as a basis for the research. The author uses general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, empirical methods of observation and questioning. As a result of analyzing the survey data and understanding the activity of (...)
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    Reflections on the Economic Crisis. The Transcendental Character of Money: An Exposition of Karl Marx’s Argument in the Grundrisse.J. F. Humphrey - 2010 - Nordicum-Mediterraneum, Vol. 5, No. 1 (March 2010) 5 (1).
    An exposition of Karl Marx’s argument in the Grundrisse for the logical development of money, this essay is divided into three parts. Since Marx is concerned to distinguish himself and his method from that of the seventeenth century political economists, I begin my paper with a brief reflection on “the scientifically correct method” or the “theoretical method” (Grundrisse 101 and 102). The second part of this paper considers how Marx justifies beginning his reflection with the concept of production in general. (...)
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  34. British Geography's Republic of Letters: Mapping an Imagined Community, 1600-1800.Robert Mayhew - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):251-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 65.2 (2004) 251-276 [Access article in PDF] British Geography's Republic of Letters: Mapping an Imagined Community, 1600-1800 Robert Mayhew University of Bristol Introduction: Geographies of the Republic of Letters One of the main ways in which scholars molded their self image in early modern Europe was as citizens of the "republic of letters." At the level of professed ideals the concept of the (...)
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    The Politics of Peter Sloterdijk’s Global Foam.Marie-Eve Morin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 30:47-56.
    This paper takes up Peter Sloterdijk’s proposition for a new thinking of the world as global foam. After quickly reminding the reader of the main characteristics of “bubbles” as “immune spheres of existence”, I retrace the three phases of the history globalization as they have been developed by Sloterdijk in the Spheres trilogy. I then focus on the third phase, also called Global Age, and try to bring together the two seemingly opposed concepts Sloterdijk has used to discuss (...)
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    The Practices of the Enlightenment: Aesthetics, Authorship, and the Public.Dorothea E. von Mücke - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Rethinking the relationship between eighteenth-century Pietist traditions and Enlightenment thought and practice, _The Practices of Enlightenment_ unravels the complex and often neglected religious origins of modern secular discourse. Mapping surprising routes of exchange between the religious and aesthetic writings of the period and recentering concerns of authorship and audience, this book revitalizes scholarship on the Enlightenment. By engaging with three critical categories--aesthetics, authorship, and the public sphere--_The Practices of Enlightenment_ illuminates the relationship between religious and aesthetic modes of reflective (...)
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    African and Western Conceptions of Death and Dying: The Role of Ancestors, the Enduring Past and the Meaning of Life.Vanessa Anne-Cecile Freerks - forthcoming - Philosophia:1-23.
    In his article, Attoe (2023a) claims that the African conception of death presupposes the meaninglessness of life and in the first section of this article, I outline Attoe’s strong pessimistic approach to meaning in light of our mortality. In my second section, I suggest that Frankl’s comments about the permanence of the past offer a different approach to the meaning of life in light of our mortality. In tune with Frankl’s idea that when we die our completed lives endure as (...)
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    Marx’s Doctrine of Use Value Compared with Mill’s Theoretic Utilitarianism.Jeremy Brunger - 2015 - Journal of Human Values 21 (1):48-50.
    This article looks at the similarities and differences between Karl Marx’s theory of value and J.S. Mill’s theory of value, where value is synonymous with ‘utility’. It explores how the authors treated the spheres of use and exchange; possibilities of revolutionary social praxis under each of their philosophies; and their respective ability to endure in relevance for the contemporary social world. This article also analyzes their methodologies for achieving utility, focusing on the humanistic and mechanistic aspects of both (...)
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    Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing by Mogens Lærke. [REVIEW]Julie R. Klein - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (3):523-525.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Mogens Lærke. Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. xviii + 387. Hardback, $115.00. -/- Spinoza's political philosophy, always a subject of attention in Francophone scholarship, has been coming into sharper focus for Anglophone readers in recent years as well. Mogens Lærke—well known for his essays on metaphysics and cognition in Spinoza, for his invaluable book Leibniz lecteur de Spinoza (Paris: Honoré Champion, (...)
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    Silence Outside the Repressive Paradigm: Silence as a Condition for Public Exchanges.Ejvind Hansen - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (3):233-249.
    ABSTRACT Silence is often considered under the sign of repression or oppression, and as such, the result of forces hostile to democracy. In this paper we will try to demystify that unilateral image of silence, reviving the dialectic between silence and democracy in which the former operates as a foundational precondition for exchanges in the democratic public spheres. An increased awareness of the structures of silence will help us reflect upon what remains external to ongoing public discourses. Through a (...)
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    Locating Financialisation.Ben Fine - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (2):97-116.
    The notion of financialisation as the exploitation or expropriation of workers’ wages in the sphere of exchange is taken as a critical point of departure. In this way, financialisation is more deeply rooted in contemporary developments, including the slowdown preceding the current global crisis, and in Marx’s own theory of finance. Financialisation is seen to represent the increasing penetration of interest-bearing capital across economic and social reproduction and to be a key defining moment of neoliberalism.
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    Prudent Forbearance in the Public Sphere.Pia Antolic-Piper & Mark Piper - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):61-76.
    Much of the discussion surrounding freedom of speech relates to the importance of promoting speech. On this approach, the more speech the better, both for individuals and for democratic society. This line of thought, typically associated with the work of J. S. Mill, has obvious merit. Yet unrestrained speech also poses perils to individuals and society. In this paper, we argue for two theses: (1) Examination of On Liberty shows that Mill in fact supported the notion that forbearance in public (...)
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    Conflict of interest: a Japanese perspective.Akira Akabayashi, Brian Slingsby & Yoshiyuki Takimoto - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (3):277-280.
    Until recently, many of Japan's medical and bioethical communities had ignored the issue of conflicts of interest . This is no longer the case. Discussion on the economic and ethical problems defined by CIs is now apparent in academic, political, and even industrial spheres. In June 2004, this debate was sparked by a scandal involving AnGes MG, Inc., a bioventure company set up by a faculty member at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. AnGes MG developed a gene therapy (...)
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    Dr. Douchebag: A Tale of the Emergency Department.Jay M. Baruch - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (1):9-10.
    “I'm not afraid of dying,” he says, despite his plea on arrival. “Listen up, douchebag. Are you calling my cousin or what?” The emergency department might be the only sphere of human exchange where one party—patients (and sometimes family)—are permitted to insult, threaten, and even spit at the very people on whom they depend for help, while the offended parties—physicians, nurses, and other health care providers—must not only tolerate the abuse, but treat their tormentors. Does the ED's collective duty (...)
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    Law and the Public Sphere in Africa: La Palabre and Other Writings.Laura Hengehold (ed.) - 2013 - Indiana University Press.
    Jean Godefroy Bidima’s La Palabre examines the traditional African institution of palaver as a way to create dialogue and open exchange in an effort to resolve conflict and promote democracy. In the wake of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the gacaca courts in Rwanda, Bidima offers a compelling model of how to develop an African public space where dialogue can combat misunderstanding. This volume, which includes other essays on legal processes, cultural diversity, memory, and the internet in (...)
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    Standards of Truth: The Arrested Image and the Moving Eye.E. H. Gombrich - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):237-273.
    I have stressed here and elsewhere that perspective cannot and need not claim to represent the world "as we see it." The perceptual constancies which make us underrate the degree of objective diminutions with distance, it turns out, constitute only one of the factors refuting this claim. The selectivity of vision can now be seen to be another. There are many ways of "seeing the world," but obviously the claim would have to relate to the "snapshot vision" of the stationary (...)
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    Contract and Theft Two Legal Principles Fundamental to the civilitas and res publica in the Political Writings of Francesc Eiximenis, Franciscan friar.Paolo Evangelisti - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:405-426.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beginning in the 20s of the last century, historical research into Eiximenis's life and writings has thrown into relief his contribution to the language and political ideas of the kingdoms and towns of the Catalan-Aragonese Crown. Of fundamental importance has been the work of medievalists from North America, and in particular that of Canadian scholars during the last decades of the twentieth century.More recently, a number of studies have (...)
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    Chapter 4. Informational Lobbying as Marketing Method of Organizing Political Discourse.Віталій КРИВОШЕЇН - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 1 (1):67-91.
    The phenomenon of lobbying is considered as a mechanism for representing group interests, a system and practice of realizing the social interests of various groups, unions and associations of citizens, as well as business groups and corporations, which act through purposeful influence on the legislative power and state administrative structures. The informational and communicative essence of lobbying is revealed, and informational lobbying is singled out as a specific type of lobbying activity in the conditions of a post-industrial society. Information lobbying (...)
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  49. Museum education and the project of interpretation in the twenty-first century.Rika Burnham & Elliott Kai-Kee - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (2):11-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Museum Education and the Project of Interpretation in the Twenty-First CenturyRika Burnham and Elliott Kai-KeeThis is what we shall look for as we move: freedom developed by human beings who have acted to make a space for themselves in the presence of others, human beings become "challengers" ready for alternatives, alternatives that include caring and community. And we shall seek, as we go, implications for emancipatory education conducted by (...)
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  50. Sohn-Rethel and the Origin of 'Real Abstraction': A Critique of Production or a Critique of Circulation?Anselm Jappe - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (1):3-14.
    Alfred Sohn-Rethel did not just elaborate a materialist theory of knowledge, he also introduced the term ‘real abstraction’ into Marxist debate. However, he locates the origin of commodity abstraction solely in the sphere of circulation, conceiving of production itself as a mere metabolism with nature. This conception, in which the critique of capitalism aims exclusively at distribution, and which rejects the Marxian concept of ‘abstract labour’, remains widespread. It is our express intention here to undertake a critique of such a (...)
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