Results for 'slippery slope argument'

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  1. Slippery Slope Arguments.Anneli Jefferson - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):672-680.
    Slippery slope arguments are frequently dismissed as fallacious or weak arguments but are nevertheless commonly used in political and bioethical debates. This paper gives an overview of different variants of the argument commonly found in the literature and addresses their argumentative strength and the interrelations between them. The most common variant, the empirical slippery slope argument, predicts that if we do A, at some point the highly undesirable B will follow. I discuss both the (...)
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    Slippery Slope Arguments as Precautionary Arguments: A New Way of Understanding the Concern about Geoengineering Research.James Andow - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (6):701-717.
    It has been argued that geoengineering research should not be pursued because of a slippery slope from research to problematic deployment. These arguments have been thought weak or defective on the basis of interpretations that treat the arguments as relying on dubious premises. The paper urges a new interpretation of these arguments as precautionary arguments, i.e. as relying on a precautionary principle. This interpretation helps us better appreciate the potential normative force of the worries, their potential policy relevance, (...)
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  3. Slippery slope arguments.Douglas N. Walton - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A "slippery slope argument" is a type of argument in which a first step is taken and a series of inextricable consequences follow, ultimately leading to a disastrous outcome. Many textbooks on informal logic and critical thinking treat the slippery slope argument as a fallacy. Walton argues that used correctly in some cases, they can be a reasonable type of argument to shift a burden of proof in a critical discussion, while in (...)
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  4. The Slippery Slope Argument in the Ethical Debate on Genetic Engineering of Humans.Douglas Walton - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1507-1528.
    This article applies tools from argumentation theory to slippery slope arguments used in current ethical debates on genetic engineering. Among the tools used are argumentation schemes, value-based argumentation, critical questions, and burden of proof. It is argued that so-called drivers such as social acceptance and rapid technological development are also important factors that need to be taken into account alongside the argumentation scheme. It is shown that the slippery slope argument is basically a reasonable form (...)
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    The Slippery Slope Argument against Geoengineering Research.Daniel Edward Callies - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (4):675-687.
    With the lack of progress there has been so far on climate change, some have begun researching the potential of geoengineering to allay future climatic harms. However, others contend that such research should be abandoned. One of the most‐cited reasons as to why research into geoengineering should be abandoned is the idea that such research sits at the top of slippery slope. The Slippery Slope Argument warns that even mere research into geoengineering will create institutional (...)
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    Slipping on slippery slope arguments.Roberto Fumagalli - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):412-419.
    Slippery slope arguments (SSAs) are used in a wide range of philosophical debates, but are often dismissed as empirically ill-founded and logically fallacious. In particular, leading authors put forward a meta-SSA which points to instances of empirically ill-founded and logically fallacious SSAs and to the alleged existence of a slippery slope leading to such SSAs to demonstrate that people should avoid using SSAs altogether. In this paper, I examine these prominent calls against using SSAs and argue (...)
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  7. Slippery slope arguments.David D. White - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (2):206.
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    Slippery Slope Arguments By Douglas Walton University of Virginia.James Cargile - 1993 - Philosophy 68 (266):566-.
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    The Slippery-Slope Argument Reconstructed: Response to van der Burg.Benjamin Freedman - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (4):293-297.
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  10. (2 other versions)The slippery slope argument.Wibren van der Burg - 1991 - Ethics 102 (1):42-65.
    I analyze three forms of the slippery slope argument (two logical and one empirical) using two questions: 1) in the context of what kind of norms are we considering a first step on a possible slope: statute law, precedent law, positive morality, or critical morality? 2) What is meant by "If we allow this first step"? The conclusion is that the argument's greatest force is in a context of institutionalized norms, like law, whereas its importance (...)
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    A Logical Analysis of Slippery Slope Arguments.Georg Spielthenner - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):148-163.
    This article offers a logical analysis of Slippery Slope Arguments. Such arguments claim that adopting a certain act or policy would take us down a slippery slope to an undesirable bottom and infer from this that we should refrain from this act or policy. Even though a logical assessment of such arguments has not received much careful attention, it is of vital importance to their overall assessment because if the premises fail to support the conclusion an (...)
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    When slippery slope arguments miss the mark: a lesson from one against physician-assisted death.Eric Blackstone & Stuart J. Youngner - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):657-660.
    In 1989, Susan Wolf convincingly warned of a troublesome consequence that should discourage any movement in American society towards physician-assisted death—a legal backlash against the gains made for limiting life-sustaining treatment. The authors demonstrate that this dire consequence did not come to pass. As physician-assisted suicide gains a foothold in USA and elsewhere, many other slippery slope arguments are being put forward. Although many of these speculations should be taken seriously, they do not justify halting the new practice. (...)
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    The Slippery Slope Argument.Govert den Hartogh - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer, A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 321–332.
    This chapter contains sections titled: An Example The Paradigmatic Form of the Argument The Appeal to a Pernicious Precedent Slopes of Reason Slopes of Unreason Factual and Moral Plausibility Appearance and Reality References.
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    Slippery Slope Arguments in Legal Contexts: Towards Argumentative Patterns.Bin Wang & Frank Zenker - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (4):581-601.
    Addressing the slippery slope argument (SSA) in legal contexts from the perspective of pragma-dialectics, this paper elaborates the conditions under which an SSA-scheme instance is used reasonably (rather than fallaciously). We review SSA-instances in past legal decisions and analyze the basic legal SSA-scheme. By illustrating the institutional preconditions influencing the reasoning by which an SSA moves forward, we identify three sub-schemes (causal SSA, analogical SSA, and Sorites SSA). For each sub-scheme we propose critical questions, as well as (...)
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  15. Slippery Slope Arguments.Douglas Walton - 1993 - Philosophy 68 (266):566-568.
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  16. Intertemporal disagreement and empirical slippery slope arguments.Thomas Douglas - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (2):184-197.
    One prevalent type of slippery slope argument has the following form: (1) by doing some initial act now, we will bring it about that we subsequently do some more extreme version of this act, and (2) we should not bring it about that we do this further act, therefore (3) we should not do the initial act. Such arguments are frequently regarded as mistaken, often on the grounds that they rely on speculative or insufficiently strong empirical premises. (...)
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  17. The great slippery-slope argument.J. A. Burgess - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (3):169-174.
    Whenever some form of beneficent killing--for example, voluntary euthanasia--is advocated, the proposal is greeted with a flood of slippery-slope arguments warning of the dangers of a Nazi-style slide into genocide. This paper is an attempt systematically to evaluate arguments of this kind. Although there are slippery-slope arguments that are sound and convincing, typical formulations of the Nazi-invoking argument are found to be seriously deficient both in logical rigour and in the social history and psychology required (...)
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  18. Consequentialism, complacency, and slippery slope arguments.Justin Oakley & Dean Cocking - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (3):227-239.
    The standard problem with many slippery slope arguments is that they fail to provide us with the necessary evidence to warrant our believing that the significantly morally worse circumstances they predict will in fact come about. As such these arguments have widely been criticised as ‘scare-mongering’. Consequentialists have traditionally been at the forefront of such criticisms, demanding that we get serious about guiding our prescriptions for right action by a comprehensive appreciation of the empirical facts. This is not (...)
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  19. What's Wrong with Slippery Slope Arguments?Trudy Govier - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):303 - 316.
    Slippery slope arguments are commonly thought to be fallacious. But is there a single fallacy which they all commit? A study of applied logic texts reveals competing diagnoses of the supposed error, and several recent authors take slippery slope arguments seriously. Clearly, there is room for comment. I shall give evidence of divergence on the question of what sort of argument constitutes a slippery slope, distinguish four different types of argument which have (...)
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  20. A Confucian Slippery Slope Argument.Michael Harrington - 2017 - Confucian Academy: Chinese Thought and Culture Review 4 (1):89-101.
    The Song and Ming dynasty Confucians make frequent use of what would today be identified as a slippery slope argument. The Book of Changes and its early commentaries provide both the language and the rationale for this argument, inasmuch as the Confucians regard these texts as a method for identifying tiny problems that will one day threaten the state. While today the slippery slope argument is often criticized for promoting an unreasoned resistance to (...)
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    The Basic Slippery Slope Argument.Douglas Walton - 2015 - Informal Logic 35 (3):273-311.
    Although studies have yielded a detailed taxonomy of types of slippery slope arguments, they have failed to identify a basic argumentation scheme that applies to all. Therefore, there is no way of telling whether a given argument is a slippery slope argument or not. This paper solves the problem by providing a basic argumentation scheme. The scheme is shown to fit a clear and easily comprehensible example of a slippery slope argument (...)
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    Slippery slope arguments.David E. White - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (2‐3):206-213.
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    The ‘Slippery Slopeargument: Uses and misuses: Miller Slippery slopes.Arthur Miller - 2007 - Think 5 (14):43-50.
    We are often warned against stepping onto ‘slippery slopes’ — dangerously slick slides leading down to where the really bad stuff lies. But, as Arthur Miller here explains, these warnings often exaggerate the risk of a slip.
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  24. Once You Start Using Slippery Slope Arguments, You 're on a Very Slippery Slope'.David Enoch - 2001 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (4):629-647.
    Slippery slope arguments (SSAs) are, so I argue, arguments from consequences which have the following peculiar characteristic: They take advantage of our being less than perfect in making—and acting according to—distinctions. But then, once SSAs are seen for what they are, they can be turned against themselves. Being less than perfect at making the second‐order distinction between distinctions we're good at abiding by and those we're bad at abiding by, we're bound to fail to make the distinction between (...)
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    Slippery Slope Arguments.Maria Baghramian - 1993 - Philosophical Books 34 (2):104-106.
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    Walton`s Slippery Slope Arguments.Wibren Van Der Burg - 1993 - Informal Logic 15 (3).
  27. Slippery Slope Arguments.Eugene Volokh - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    The ethically significant difference between dual use and slippery slope arguments, in relation to CRISPR-Cas9: philosophical considerations and ethical challenges.Mario Kropf - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    Biomedical research, on the one hand, contributes to important goals from generation of knowledge about the human body to the development and testing of therapeutics of all kinds. On the other hand, it can produce serious and sometimes unforeseeable consequences. In the ethical analysis of these two aspects of biomedical research, two important argumentative strategies play a major role. First, slippery slope arguments are used to warn of potential risks and to highlight knowledge-based limitations. Second, a dual-use problem (...)
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  29. The Uses of Slippery Slope Argument.José Moreso - 2015 - In Christian Dahlman & Thomas Bustamante, Argument Types and Fallacies in Legal Argumentation. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  30. Reductio ad absurdum and slippery slope arguments:: Two sides of the same Coin?Candice Shelby - 2010 - Annales Philosophici 1:77-82.
    Despite the fact that the reductio ad absurdum argument is a valid deductive form, while the slippery slope argument is most often presented as a fallacious form of inductive argument, the two argument types bear some striking similarities. Investigation of these similarities reveals some more universal difficulties in the teaching of informal logic, and, in particular the difference between strong informal arguments and fallacious ones.
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    The Slippery Slope Argument and Assisted Death: Which Approach to MAiD Does It Really Support?Perrine Galmiche, Valerie Mesnage & Marta Spranzi - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):110-112.
    Daryl Pullman’s (2023) article purports to show that the increase and relatively high number of assisted deaths in Canada argues against the Canadian approach to medical aid in dying (MAiD)—similar...
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  32. Debunking the slippery slope argument against human germ-line Gene therapy.David Resnik - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (1):23-40.
    This paper attempts to debunk the slippery-slope argument against human germ-line gene therapy by showing that the downside of the slope – genetic enhancement – need not be as unethical or unjust as some people have supposed. It argues that if genetic enhancement is governed by proper regulations and is accompanied by adequate education, then it need not violate recognized principles of morality or social justice. Keywords: germ-line therapy, slippery slope argument, future generations, (...)
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    Value-impregnated factual claims and slippery-slope arguments.Gert Helgesson, Niels Lynøe & Niklas Juth - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):147-150.
    Slippery-slope arguments typically question a course of action by estimating that it will end in misery once the first unfortunate step is taken. Previous studies indicate that estimations of the long-term consequences of certain debated actions, such as legalizing physician-assisted suicide, may be strongly influenced by tacit personal values. In this paper, we suggest that to the extent that slippery-slope arguments rest on estimations of future events, they may be mere rationalizations of personal values. This might (...)
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    The Hidden Logic of Slippery Slope Arguments.Dale Jacquette - 1989 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 22 (1):59 - 70.
    The argument from incremental differences among objects with indefinite property-Complement demarcations arranged along a continuum is known classically as the sorites or slippery slope fallacy. The inferences are typically unsound, And may contain structural logical defects, Though the precise source of error is the subject of wide-Ranging philosophical dispute. In this treatment, Slippery slopes are reduced to a single category of logically valid (but sometimes unsound) conditional chains of hypothetical syllogism. The analysis provides a framework for (...)
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    Human gene therapy and the slippery slope argument.Veikko Launis - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):169-179.
    The article investigates the validity of two different versions of the slippery slope argument construed in relation to human gene therapy: the empirical and the conceptual argument. The empirical version holds that our accepting somatic cell therapy will eventually cause our accepting eugenic medical goals. The conceptual version holds that we are logically committed to accepting such goals once we have accepted somatic cell therapy. It is argued that neither the empirical nor the conceptual version of (...)
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    The slippery slope argument against the legalization of voluntary euthanasia.W. H. Nielsen - 1987 - Journal of Social Philosophy 18 (1):12-27.
    In all great moral issues the moralist must choose and choosing has a price.
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  37. Palliation and Medically Assisted Dying: A Case Study in the Use of Slippery Slope Arguments in Public Policy.Michael Cholbi - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 691-702.
    Opponents of medically assisted dying have long appealed to ‘slippery slope’ arguments. One such slippery slope concerns palliative care: that the introduction of medically assisted dying will lead to a diminution in the quality or availability or palliative care for patients near the end of their lives. Empirical evidence from jurisdictions where assisted dying has been practiced for decades, such as Oregon and the Netherlands, indicate that such worries are largely unfounded. The failure of the palliation (...)
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    Human gene therapy and slippery slope arguments.T. McGleenan - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (6):350-355.
    Any suggestion of altering the genetic makeup of human beings through gene therapy is quite likely to provoke a response involving some reference to a 'slippery slope'. In this article the author examines the topography of two different types of slippery slope argument, the logical slippery slope and the rhetorical slippery slope argument. The logical form of the argument suggests that if we permit somatic cell gene therapy then we (...)
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    Evaluating the Meta-Slope: Is there a Slippery Slope Argument against Slippery Slope Arguments? [REVIEW]Adam Corner & Ulrike Hahn - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (4):349-359.
    Slippery slope arguments (SSAs) have often been viewed as inherently weak arguments, to be classified together with traditional fallacies of reasoning and argumentation such as circular arguments and arguments from ignorance. Over the last two decades several philosophers have taken a kinder view, often providing historical examples of the kind of gradual change on which slippery slope arguments rely. Against this background, Enoch (2001, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21(4), 629–647) presented a novel argument against (...)
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    How to identify and evaluate the Slippery Slope Argument.Martina Juříková - 2015 - Pro-Fil 16 (1):44.
    Článek se věnuje argumentu kluzkého svahu a otázce, jak jej identifikovat a hodnotit. Argument kluzkého svahu je využíván v rámci praktického uvažování a v dialogu, svou strukturou odpovídá negativnímu argumentu z důsledku, má v zásadě defeasibilní povahu a je často účinný při snaze přenést důkazní břemeno na stranu oponenta. Hodnocení argumentu kluzkého svahu je založeno na kontextu dialogu spíše než na hodnocení jeho deduktivní či induktivní správnosti.V příspěvku jsou představeny čtyři typy argumentu. Zaprvé argument kluzkého svahu typu sorites, (...)
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    The Fallacy of the Slippery Slope Argument on Abortion.Chenyang Li - 1992 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 9 (2):233-237.
    ABSTRACT This paper attempts to show that the acorn–oak tree argument against the slippery slope on the personhood of the fetus is valid and William Cooney's attack on this argument fails. I also argue that the slippery slope argument leads to on undesirable conclusion and should not be used as a valid tool in the debate on the personhood of the fetus.
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  42. Palliation and Medically Assisted Dying: A Case Study in the Use of Slippery Slope Arguments in Public Policy.Michael Cholbi - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 691-702.
    Opponents of medically assisted dying have long appealed to ‘slippery slope’ arguments. One such slippery slope concerns palliative care: That the introduction of medically assisted dying will lead to a diminution in the quality or availability or palliative care for patients near the end of their lives. Empirical evidence from jurisdictions where assisted dying has been practiced for decades, such as Oregon and the Netherlands, indicate that such worries are largely unfounded. The failure of the palliation (...)
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  43. Everyday Attitudes About Euthanasia and the Slippery Slope Argument.Adam Feltz - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi, New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 145-165.
    This chapter provides empirical evidence about everyday attitudes concerning euthanasia. These attitudes have important implications for some ethical arguments about euthanasia. Two experiments suggested that some different descriptions of euthanasia have modest effects on people’s moral permissibility judgments regarding euthanasia. Experiment 1 (N = 422) used two different types of materials (scenarios and scales) and found that describing euthanasia differently (‘euthanasia’, ‘aid in dying’, and ‘physician assisted suicide’) had modest effects (≈3 % of the total variance) on permissibility judgments. These (...)
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    Abortion, some slippery slope arguments and identity over time.Clement Dore - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 55 (3):279 - 291.
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    Ethical implications of pharmacogenetics – do slippery slope arguments matter?Lilian Schubert - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (4):361–378.
    ABSTRACT Pharmacogenetics is a rapidly expanding area of research exploring the relationship between inter‐individual genetic variation and drug response, with the goal of developing genetically optimised therapies. Slippery slope arguments claim that a particular action should be rejected (or supported) because it might be the first step onto a slippery slope leading to undesirable (or desirable) consequences. In this article, several slippery slope arguments relevant to the context of pharmacogenetics are evaluated under consideration of (...)
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    Slippery Slopes, Moral Slides and Human Nature.Gary Colwell - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (1).
    Causal slippery slope arguments with moral conclusions are sometimes stronger than we think. Their strength may be missed either by overlooking the problems of human nature which support the arguments or, upon seeing the problems, by underestimating their influence upon human behaviour. This article aims to correct the oversight and the misjudgement by looking in some detail at four interrelated problems of human nature which have a direct bearing upon moral causal slope arguments.
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    The Many Guises of the Slippery Slope Argument.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1994 - Social Theory and Practice 20 (1):85-97.
    This paper examines how slippery slope arguments are used, and misused, in many public policy debates -- especially in the area of bioethics. I divide the various kinds of slippery slope arguments into the following categories: 1) the logical form vs the conceptual form, and 2) the theoretical context vs the practical context. While all these various types of slippery slope arguments are found wanting, I nonetheless find a valuable role for slippery (...) arguments in public debate. In that they give expression to certain of our moral emotions, slippery slope arguments should not be dismissed out of hand by philosophers. (shrink)
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    Douglas Walton: Slippery Slope Arguments.Lorenzo Pena - 1993 - Pragmatics and Cognition 1 (2):401-410.
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    Gene Editing and the Slippery Slope Argument: Should We Fix the Enhancement/Therapy Distinction as the Definitive Boundary?Iñigo de Miguel Beriain - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1257-1258.
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    Gene Editing and the Slippery Slope Argument: Should We Fix the Enhancement/therapy Distinction as the Definitive Boundary?Iñigo Miguel Beriain - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1257-1258.
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