Results for 'size constancy'

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  1.  37
    Size-constancy judgments and perceptual compromise.V. R. Carlson - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1):68.
  2.  33
    Visual size constancy as a function of convergence.T. G. Hermans - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 21 (2):145.
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    Size constancy and the problem of perceptual spaces.Humberto R. Maturana, Samy G. Frenk & Francisco G. Varela - 1972 - Cognition 1 (1):97-104.
    The phenomenon of size constancy is defined as the apparent perceptual invariance of the linear dimensions of a seen object as this approaches the eye or recedes from it. It has been interpreted as resulting from the application by the brain of a size correction, made possible by the subject's apprehension of distance cues present in the image. We present several observations which, by dissociating accommodation from distance of the seen object and by suppressing the optic effects (...)
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    Dynamic size constancy.Leonard Brosgole, Daniel G. McNichol, John Doyle & Ann Neylon - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (1):12-14.
  5.  25
    The role of size constancy for the integration of local elements into a global shape.Johannes Rennig, Hans-Otto Karnath & Elisabeth Huberle - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Importance of object recognition in size constancy.Robert C. Bolles & Daniel E. Bailey - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (3):222.
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    A note on the influence of praise and reproof upon size constancy.R. M. Cruikshank & E. Feigenbaum - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (6):524.
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    Development of two- and three-dimensional size constancy under restricted cue conditions.John J. Winters & David Baldwin - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (1):113.
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    A note on depth perception, size constancy, and related topics.Harold Schlosberg - 1950 - Psychological Review 57 (5):314-317.
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    Personal and environmental determinants of perception in a size constancy experiment.Jerome L. Singer - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (6):420.
  11. Psychological Experiments and Phenomenal Experience in Size and Shape Constancy.Gary Hatfield - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):940-953.
    Some experiments in perceptual psychology measure perceivers’ phenomenal experiences of objects versus their cognitive assessments of object properties. Analyzing such experiments, this article responds to Pizlo’s claim that much work on shape constancy before 1985 confused problems of shape ambiguity with problems of shape constancy. Pizlo fails to grasp the logic of experimental designs directed toward phenomenal aspects of shape constancy. In the domain of size perception, Granrud’s studies of size constancy in children and (...)
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    Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy.Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Seeing happens effortlessly and yet is endlessly complex. Among the most fascinating aspects of visual perception is its stability and constancy. As we shift our gaze or move about the world, the light projected onto the retinas is constantly changing. Yet the surrounding objects appear stable in their properties. Psychologists have long been interested in the constancies. They have asked questions such as: How good is constancy? Is constancy a fact about how things look, or is it (...)
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    Effect of distance and size of standard object on the development of shape constancy.Dale W. Kaess, S. Dziurawiec Haynes, M. J. Craig, S. C. Pearson & J. Greenwell - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (1):17.
  14. On Perceptual Constancy.Gary Hatfield - 2009 - In Gary Carl Hatfield (ed.), Perception and cognition: essays in the philosophy of psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 178-211.
    This chapter reconsiders the notion of perceptual constancy from the ground up. It distinguishes the phenomenology of perceptual constancy and stability from a functional characterization of perception as aiming at full constancy. Drawing on this distinction, we can attend to the phenomenology of constancy itself, and ask to what extent human perceivers attain constancy, as usually defined. Within this phenomenology, I distinguish phenomenal presentations of spatial features and color properties from categorizations, conceptualizations, and judgments that (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Perceptual Constancy.Jonathan Cohen - 2015 - In Mohan Matthen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 621-639.
    Students of perception have long known that perceptual constancy is an important aspect of our perceptual interaction with the world. Here is a simple example of the phenomenon concerning color perception: there is some ordinary sense in which an unpainted ceramic coffee cup made from a uniform material looks a uniform color when it is viewed under uneven illumination, even though the light reflected by the shaded regions to our eyes is quite different from the light reflected by the (...)
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    The combination of target motion and dynamic changes in context greatly enhance visual size illusions.Ryan E. B. Mruczek, Matthew Fanelli, Sean Kelly & Gideon P. Caplovitz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:959367.
    Perceived size is a function of viewing distance, retinal images size, and various contextual cues such as linear perspective and the size and location of neighboring objects. Recently, we demonstrated that illusion magnitudes of classic visual size illusions may be greatly enhanced or reduced by adding dynamic elements. Specifically, a dynamic version of the Ebbinghaus illusion (classically considered a “size contrast” illusion) led to a greatly enhanced illusory effect, whereas a dynamic version of the Corridor (...)
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    Familiar size as a cue to size in the presence of conflicting cues.Charles W. Slack - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (3):194.
  18. A study in deflated acquaintance knowledge: Sense-datum theory and perceptual constancy.Derek Brown - 2016 - In Sorin Costreie (ed.), Early Analytic Philosophy – New Perspectives on the Tradition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 99-125.
    We perceive the objective world through a subjective perceptual veil. Various perceived properties, particularly “secondary qualities” like colours and tastes, are mind-dependent. Although mind-dependent, our knowledge of many facts about the perceptual veil is immediate and secure. These are well-known facets of sense-datum theory. My aim is to carve out a conception of sense-datum theory that does not require the immediate and secure knowledge of a wealth of facts about experienced sense-data (§1). Such a theory is of value on its (...)
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    Neurological models of size scaling.Helen E. Ross - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):425-425.
    Lehar argues that a simple Neuron Doctrine cannot explain perceptual phenomena such as size constancy but he fails to discuss existing, more complex neurological models. Size models that rely purely on scaling for distance are sparse, but several models are also concerned with other aspects of size perception such as geometrical illusions, relative size, adaptation, perceptual learning, and size discrimination.
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  20.  36
    Perception of size.Aage Slomann - 1968 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 11 (1-4):101 – 113.
    In an article in Mind (Vol. 73, No. 291, July 1964) I tried to show that there is a fundamental difference between primary and secondary qualities. The present analysis of perceived size of an object and its relation to the size of the 'objective' and the 'real' object reveals that my thesis 1 regarding visual primary qualities, viz. size and shape, while true so far as shape is concerned, has to be modified in regard to size. (...)
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  21.  68
    Constancy, categories and bayes: A new approach to representational theories of color constancy.Peter Bradley - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (5):601 – 627.
    Philosophers have long sought to explain perceptual constancy—the fact that objects appear to remain the same color, size and shape despite changes in the illumination condition, perspective and the relative distance—in terms of a mechanism that actively categorizes variable stimuli under the same pre-formed conceptual categories. Contemporary representationalists, on the other hand, explain perceptual constancy in terms of a modular mechanism that automatically discounts variation in the visual field to represent the stable properties of objects. In this (...)
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  22.  14
    The size and form of chromosomes are constant in the nucleus, but highly variable in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts.Arnold J. Bendich - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (5):474-483.
    From cytological examination, the size and form of the chromosomes in the eukaryotic nucleus are invariant across generations, leading to the expectation that constancy of inheritance likely depends on constancy of the chromosomal DNA molecule conveying the constant phenotype. Indeed, except for rare mutations, major phenotypic traits appear largely without change from generation to generation. Thus, when it was discovered that the inheritance of traits for bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts was also constant, it was assumed that chromosomes (...)
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  23.  59
    Occlusion shapes and sizes in a theory of depiction.Anthony A. Derksen - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (4):319-341.
    John Hyman has used the objective character of occlusion shapes and of relative occlusion sizes to develop a more objective approach both in the analysis of linear perspective and in the theory of depiction. To this end Hyman develops two Occlusion Principles, plus an Aperture Colour Principle (which I do not discuss), which, together with our knowledge of appearances, are supposed to tell us what a picture depicts. I argue that Hyman underestimates the crucial role of the psychological element in (...)
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  24.  22
    The relationship of convergence and elevation changes to judgments of size.Thomas G. Hermans - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (3):204.
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  25. Representation and constraints: The inverse problem and the structure of visual space.Gary Hatfield - 2003 - Acta Psychologica 114:355-378.
    Visual space can be distinguished from physical space. The first is found in visual experience, while the second is defined independently of perception. Theorists have wondered about the relation between the two. Some investigators have concluded that visual space is non-Euclidean, and that it does not have a single metric structure. Here it is argued that visual space exhibits contraction in all three dimensions with increasing distance from the observer, that experienced features of this contraction are not the same as (...)
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  26.  97
    (1 other version)Perception in Philosophy and Psychology in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries.Gary Htfield - 2015 - In Mohan Matthen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 100–117.
    The chapter begins with a sketch of the empirical, theoretical, and philosophical background to nineteenth-century theories of perception, focusing on visual perception. It then considers German sensory physiology and psychology in the nineteenth century and its reception. This section gives special attention to: assumptions about nerve–sensation relations; spatial perception; the question of whether there is a two-dimensional representation in visual experience; psychophysics; size constancy; and theories of colour perception. The chapter then offers a brief look at the interaction (...)
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  27.  69
    The Role of Spatial Appearances in Achieving Spatial-Geometric Perceptual Constancy.David J. Bennett - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):1-41.
    Long tradition in philosophy and in empirical psychology has it that the perceptual recovery of enduring objective size and shape proceeds through initial spatial appearance experiences—like the sensed changing visual field size of a receding car, or the shifting shape appearance of a coin as it rotates in depth. The present paper carefully frames and then critically examines such proposals. It turns out that these are contingent, empirical matters, requiring close examination of relevant research in perception science in (...)
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  28.  23
    Judging the size of a distant object: Strategy use by children and adults.Carl E. Granrud - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.), Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 13.
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  29.  58
    Objective and subjective sides of perception.Alan Gilchrist - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.), Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 105.
    Every perceptual experience has an objective and a subjective side. We see object size, independent of distance, but we also see that distant objects project smaller images. Early modern conceptions focused on local stimulation and thus on the subjective aspect. Helmholtz and Hering emphasized the objective aspect. Helmholtz split visual experience into two stages, with sensation representing the subjective side and perception, through cognitive processes, the objective side. Gestalt theory denied this dualism, rejecting both sensory and cognitive stages. Despite (...)
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  30.  87
    Phenomenal and Cognitive Factors in Spatial Perception.Gary Hatfield - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.), Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 35.
    This chapter provides an overview of the phenomenology of size perception and the use of instructions to tease apart phenomenal and cognitive aspects. It develops his own recent proposals concerning the geometry of visual space. The chapter proposes that visual space is contracted along the lines of sight. This contraction would explain the apparent convergence of railway tracks, but without invoking a “proximal mode” experience. Parallel railway tracks receding into the distance project converging lines onto the retinas. A true (...)
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  31.  61
    The Geometry Of Vision And The Mind Body Problem.Robert E. French - 1987 - Lang.
    In this thesis, I both analyze the phenomenology of vision from a geometrical point of view, and also develop certain connections between that geometrical analysis and the mind body problem. In order to motivate the need for such an analysis, I first show, by means of a refutation of direct realism, that visual space is never identical with any of the physical objects being indirectly "seen" by constituting color arrangements in it. It thus follows that the geometry of visual space (...)
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  32.  57
    Afterimages: A tool for defining the neural correlate of visual consciousness.Kuno Kirschfeld - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (4):462-483.
    Our visual system not only mediates information about the visual environment but is capable of generating pictures of nonexistent worlds: afterimages, illusions, phosphenes, etc. We are ''aware'' of these pictures just as we are aware of the images of natural, physical objects. This raises the question: is the neural correlate of consciousness (NCC) of such images the same as that of images of physical objects? Images of natural objects have some properties in common with afterimages (e.g., stability of verticality) but (...)
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  33.  51
    When is movement controlled by the dorsal stream?Gordon Binsted & Les G. Carlton - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):97-98.
    Our commentary focuses on the functional link between the ventral and dorsal systems implied by Norman, as they relate to overt movement. While issues relating to space perception and size constancy are the primary justification for this dual-process theory, the philosophical extensions of this approach are less consistent with examination of motor control and, in particular, motor learning.
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  34. Perceiving as Having Subjectively Conditioned Appearances.Gary Hatfield - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):149-178.
    This paper develops an appearance view of perception (focusing on vision). When we see an object, we see it by having it appear some way to us. We see the object, not the appearance; but we see the object via the appearance. The appearance is subjectively conditioned: aspects of it depend on attributes of the subject. We mentally have the appearance and can reflect on it as an appearance. But in the primary instance, of veridical perception, it is the object (...)
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  35.  49
    The visual field and the visual world: a reply to Professor Boring.James J. Gibson - 1952 - Psychological Review 59 (2):149-151.
  36. To Cognize is to Categorize: Cognition is Categorization.Stevan Harnad - 2005 - In C. Lefebvre & H. Cohen (eds.), Handbook of Categorization. Elsevier.
    2. Invariant Sensorimotor Features ("Affordances"). To say this is not to declare oneself a Gibsonian, whatever that means. It is merely to point out that what a sensorimotor system can do is determined by what can be extracted from its motor interactions with its sensory input. If you lack sonar sensors, then your sensorimotor system cannot do what a bat's can do, at least not without the help of instruments. Light stimulation affords color vision for those of us with the (...)
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  37. The Situation-Dependency of Perception.Susanna Schellenberg - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (2):55-84.
    I argue that perception is necessarily situation-dependent. The way an object is must not just be distinguished from the way it appears and the way it is represented, but also from the way it is presented given the situational features. First, I argue that the way an object is presented is best understood in terms of external, mind-independent, but situation-dependent properties of objects. Situation-dependent properties are exclusively sensitive to and ontologically dependent on the intrinsic properties of objects, such as their (...)
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  38.  57
    From “Block-Things” to “Time-Things”: Merleau-Ponty’s temporal ontology in part two of the phenomenology of perception.David Morris - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (1):1-19.
    Scholars such as Renaud Barbara and Bernhard Waldenfels and Regula Giuliani have emphasized time’s central role in Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, and Michael Kelly has shown how the Phenomenology’s “Temporality” chapter already broaches his later ontological concerns. I deepen our understanding of this temporal–ontological nexus by showing how Merleau-Ponty’s temporal ontology in fact erupts even earlier in the Phenomenology, as an underlying theme that unifies part two, on “The Perceived World,” as leading into the “Temporality” chapter. I do this via a close (...)
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  39.  37
    Relativity without Light: A Further Suggestion.Shan Gao - unknown
    The role of the light postulate in special relativity is reexamined. The existing theory of relativity without light shows that one can deduce Lorentz-like transformations with an undetermined invariant speed based on homogeneity of space and time, isotropy of space and the principle of relativity. However, since the transformations can be Lorentzian or Galilean, depending on the finiteness of the invariant speed, a further postulate is needed to determine the speed in order to establish a real connection between the theory (...)
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  40. Color and the problem of perceptual presence.Mark Eli Kalderon - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Very often, objects in the scene before us are somehow perceived to be constant or uniform or unchanging in color, shape, size, or position, even while their appearance with respect to these features somehow changes. This is a familiar and pervasive fact about perception, even if it is notoriously difficult to describe accurately let alone adequately account for. These difficulties are not unrelated—how we are inclined to describ the phenomenology of perceptual constancy will affect how we are inclined (...)
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  41.  34
    Dream Things True: Nonviolent Movements as Applied Consciousness.Jack DuVall - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):106-117.
    Nonviolent movements have become a new form of human agency. Between 1900 and 2006, more than 100 such movements appeared, and more than half were successful in dissolving oppression or achieving people's rights. Movements self-organize to summon mass participation, develop cognitive unity in the midst of dissension, and build resilient force on the content of shared beliefs. Some movements may even be a new venue for consciousness that "grows to something of great constancy" as Shakespeare said about "minds transfigured (...)
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  42. The Sensory Core and the Medieval Foundations of Early Modern Perceptual Theory.Gary Hatfield & William Epstein - 1979 - Isis 70 (3):363-384.
    This article seeks the origin, in the theories of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), Descartes, and Berkeley, of two-stage theories of spatial perception, which hold that visual perception involves both an immediate representation of the proximal stimulus in a two-dimensional ‘‘sensory core’’ and also a subsequent perception of the three dimensional world. The works of Ibn al-Haytham, Descartes, and Berkeley already frame the major theoretical options that guided visual theory into the twentieth century. The field of visual perception was the first area (...)
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  43.  40
    The doctors of agrifood studies.Douglas H. Constance - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):31-43.
    The Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and the journal _Agriculture and Human Values_ provided a crucial intellectual space for the early transdisciplinary critique of the industrial agrifood system. This paper describes that process and presents the concept of “The Doctors of Agrifood Studies” as a metaphor for the key role critical agrifood social scientists played in documenting the unsustainability of conventional agriculture and working to create an alternative, ethical, sustainable agrifood system. After the introduction, the paper details the “Critical (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Hilbert.Constance Reid - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (1):106-108.
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  45.  16
    Density.Constance Carr - 2010 - In Nevin Cohen Paul Robbins (ed.), Green Cities: An A-to-Z Guide.
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    The Sign of Jonah.Constance Woods - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (3):133-147.
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    Executive functioning in preschoolers with specific language impairment.Constance Vissers, Sophieke Koolen, Daan Hermans, Annette Scheper & Harry Knoors - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  48. Plato's Parmenides.Constance C. Meinwald - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Parmenides is notorious for the criticisms it directs against Plato's own Theory of Forms, as presented in the middle period. But the second and major portion of the dialogue has generally been avoided, despite its being offered as Plato's response to the problems; the text seems intractably obscure, appearing to consist of a series of bad arguments leading to contradictory conclusions. Carefully analyzing these arguments and the methodological remarks which precede them, Meinwald shows that to understand Plato's response we (...)
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  49.  19
    People to People Visit.Constance E. Putnam - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (1):47-47.
  50. Restoring the Everglades. Initiatives for the Everglades Water System, Florida, U.S.Constance Price - 2012 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 81:94.
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