Results for 'signifier'

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  1.  28
    Signifying woman: culture and chaos in Rousseau, Burke, and Mill.Linda Marie-Gelsomina Zerilli - 1994 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    CHAPTER ONE Political Theory as a Signifying Practice Political theory has been a heroic business, snatching us from the abyss a vocation worthy of giants. ...
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    Signifiance du monde: analytique grammaticale et pensée de l'être.Jean-Louis Tristani - 2019 - Paris: Geuthner.
    Signifiance du monde propose une "harmonisation intégrale" entre la linguistique saussuro-guillaumienne des langues naturelles et la pensée phénoménologique heideggérienne de la vérité de l'être en tant qu'alètheia, dans son sens grec de "ce qui sort de la latence" et que Jean-Louis Tristani nomme illatence. En d'autres termes, cet essai donne accès à une compréhension des "relations grammaticales évidentes qui articulent l'être, dans sa vérité, et la pensée, telles qu'elles sont a priori données dans le système linguistique de n'importe quelle langue (...)
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    Picturing, signifying, and attending.Bryce Huebner - 2018 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 1 (31):7-40.
    In this paper, I develop an empirically-driven approach to the relationship between conceptual and non-conceptual representations. I begin by clarifying Wilfrid Sellars's distinction between a non-conceptual capacity to picture significant aspects of our world, and a capacity to stabilize semantic content in the form of conceptual representations that signify those aspects of the world that are relevant to our shared practices. I argue that this distinction helps to clarify the reason why cognition must be understood as embodied and situated. Drawing (...)
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    Valeur d’usage et signifiant : notes pour une théorie unifiée.Ricardo Abduca - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):146-161.
    Cet article explore un parallèle entre deux innovations fondatrices des épistémès contemporaines, celles de Marx et de Saussure, en constatant l’isomorphisme entre les concepts de valeur d’usage et de signifiant. Après un rapide repérage de l’emploi du terme « valeur d’usage » dans la tradition marxiste, on examine la valeur d’usage comme corps, plutôt que comme besoin ou fonction utile. En considérant le concept de valeur d’usage au prisme de celui de signifiant, on met à preuve les questions de l’arbitraire, (...)
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    Empty signifiers, education and politics.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (3):237-252.
    The paper assumes that education is part of the process of discursive construction of society. The theoretical framework on which this argument is based includes Ernesto Laclau’s theory of the “ontological impossibility and political necessity of society”, and the role discourse and empty signifiers play in the establishment of political identities. Laclau’s theory is supplemented here by ideas of Derrida, Lacan, Žižek and Marx, and by other traits in contemporary semiotics that relate to the notion of “the void” in semantic (...)
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    Signifiers of Bildung, the Curriculum and the Democratisation of Public Education.Pedro Vincent Dias Bergheim - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (1):91-106.
    This article argues that curriculum work can benefit from signifiers of Bildung to promote democracy in public education. The argument is built on the premise that cultural and intellectual traditions that value Bildung presume a link between the inner cultivation of the individual and the development of better societies (Horlacher 2017). I start by presenting Mouffe’s (2000) democratic paradox and how pluralism is the defining feature of liberal democracies. Based on how curriculum work is a standard of public education (Hopmann (...)
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    Signifying Acts: Structure and Meaning in Everyday Life.R. S. Perinbanayagam - 1985 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    The theme of _Signifying Acts _is that social acts are created by human agents engaging in signifying gestures and elic­iting determined responses—from which flow a number of consequences. This theme is developed by a critical synthesis of various strands of early and contemporary thought in symbolism, meaning, language, and grammar. These strands have been classified as pragma­tism and interactionism, structuralism and grammatical theory Perinbanayagam brings together for the first time the writings of G. H. Mead and his followers, who label (...)
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  8. "Acte signifié" / "acte exercé", combien de distinctions?Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2021 - In Laurent Cesalli, Frédéric Goubier, Aurélien Robert, Luisa Valente & Anne Grondeux (eds.), Ad Placitum pour Irène Rosier-Catach. pp. 539-544.
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    (1 other version)The Signifying Body: Toward an Ethics of Sexual and Racial Difference.Penelope Ingram - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
  10. Que signifie 'humanisme'.Paul Ricoeur - 1956 - Comprendre 15:84-92.
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    Le Signifiable Par Complexe: La Proposition Et Son Objet Gregoire De Rimini, Meinong, Russell.Hubert Elie - 1937 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    En 1936, Hubert Elie publiait une these remarquable: Le complexe significabile, accompagnee de l'edition et de la traduction du Traitee de l'infini de Jean Mair. Sous le terme technique de complexe significabile se trouve abordee la question du signifiable par complexe, c'est-a-dire du signifie de la proposition et de son statut objectif. L'ouvrage propose ainsi une double approche de la notion de signification et de ses rapports a la reference ontologique: l'analyse classique depuis Gregoire de Rimini a Leibniz, les points (...)
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  12. Que signifie le « primat de la raison pratique » en théorie de la connaissance?Arnaud Dewalque - 2008 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 4:124-168.
    Partant du constat que la majeure partie des débats concernant un éventuel « primat de la raison pratique » se jouent pour ainsi dire en amont de la phénoménologie husserlienne, j’entreprends d’abord de retracer les deux sources de la thèse du « primat de la raison pratique », telle qu’elle est défendue dans l’école néokantienne de Bade, à savoir la source kantienne-fichtéenne, qui concerne le caractère « normatif » du critère de validité de la connaissance, et la source brentanienne-bergmannienne, qui (...)
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  13. Signifying Self: Re-presentations of the Double-consciousness in the Work of Maxine Greene.Denise M. Taliaferro - 1998 - In William Pinar (ed.), The passionate mind of Maxine Greene: "I am-- not yet". Bristol, PA: Falmer Press, Taylor & Francis. pp. 89.
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  14. Que signifie la vie pour la connaissance? Pour une réflexion à partir de la Science de la logique de Hegel.Jens Rometsch - 2013 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 111 (2):335-359.
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  15. Signifying God. By Sarah Beckwith.J. E. Weakland - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (2):273-273.
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    Signifier ce qui n’est pas selon Aristote1.Cláudio William Veloso - 2006 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 43:49-84.
    À Wilma, ma mère, qui n’est plus et à mon fils, qui n’est pas encore. Aristote affirme dans les Seconds Analytiques : « il est possible de signifier aussi les choses qui ne sont pas (σημαίνειν… τὰ μὴ ὄντα). » Même sans contextualiser cette phrase, on s’aperçoit d’emblée qu’à proprement parler il n’est pas question ici du néant, mais de ce qui n’est pas. Aristote le dit même au pluriel. En effet, chez Aristote nombreuses sont les choses...
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    Signifying nothing? Myth and science of cruelty.Boris Kotchoubey - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):232-233.
    Nell proposes another myth about human aggression, following thousands of old myths from Homer to Lorenz. Like all myths, this one might be partially true and partially false. However, the use of emotional and propagandistic effects, rather than evaluation of empirical results, obscures any attempt to describe the truth about cruelty. It is … full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5.
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    Prisoners signify: a political discourse analysis of mental illness in a prison control unit.Kristin Gates Cloyes - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (3):202-211.
    Prisoners signify: a political discourse analysis of mental illness in a prison control unitIncreasingly, US prisoners diagnosed with mental illness are housed in control units, the most restrictive form of confinement in the US prison system. This situation has led to intense debate over the legal, ethical and clinical status of mental illness. This is a semiotic struggle with profound effects, yet most related work treats mental illness as a neutral, individual variable. Few analyses locate mental illness within a larger (...)
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    Signifiance éthique et corporéité dans Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence.Jan Bierhanzl - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:85-107.
    The paper here presented deals with ethical signifying as happening in corporeity. The starting point is a provisional definition of ethical signifying as a process and a relation to the other. In the first part I attempt to describe precisely this process and distinguish two aspects: concretization and hyperbole. In the second and main part I try to outline concretization and hyperbole in the corporeal relation to the other. The modalities of ethical signifying are caress, vulnerability, maternity and last but (...)
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  20. Que signifient ces réponses de notre citadin et de notre paysan? Tout.Guy Saez - 1981 - Paideia 9:64.
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  21. Que signifie l'idee d'une teleologie universelle chez le dernier Husserl?Jacques English - 1998 - Recherches Husserliennes 9:3-36.
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  22. Signifying-a cultural dinosaur.Ce Butler - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (1):17-27.
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  23. Le signifié propositionnel selon Jean Duns Scot et Gauthier Burley.Laurent Cesalli - 2009 - In Stephen F. Brown, Thomas Dewender & Theo Kobusch (eds.), Philosophical Debates at Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century. Brill. pp. 465--482.
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    Spir signifie-t-il pour la philosophie un nouveau départ?J. -L. Claparède - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 11:25-33.
    La doctrine d’Afriean Spir. Les objets d’expérience ne coïncident pas avec la norme logique. La méthode de réflexion. L’évident de fait et la certitude rationnelle. La nature et l’origine du concept a priori. Son unité. Jugement identique et jugement synthétique. Le principe d’identité comme principe de toute connaissance. Les applications de la pensée fondamentale de Spir dans le domaine de la morale et de la religion. L’importance historique de cette pensée.
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  25. Que signifie penser?Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - 2014 - In Leo Bersani (ed.), Foucault contre lui-même. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  26. Can a Signifier Float? Or, Implications: Lévi-Strauss and the Aporia of the Symbolic.Ian K. Jensen - 2020 - Acta Structuralica 5.
    This essay centers on the notion of the symbolic and its impact as developed by Claude Lévi-Strauss in his Introduction to the Work of Marcel Mauss. I examine Lévi-Strauss’ formulation of the “floating signifier” and its influence in French thought, particularly in the work of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida. In doing so, I argue that Lévi-Strauss’ notion may be a misreading of the structural linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure that has important implications for contemporary political issues on the (...)
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    Film as specific signifying practice: A rational reconstruction of Stephen Heath's “On screen, in frame: Film and ideology”.Warren Buckland - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (187):49-81.
    This essay presents a commentary on and rational reconstruction of Stephen Heath's influential and groundbreaking essay from 1976: “On screen, in frame: Film and ideology.” As a commentary, it attempts to make explicit the implicit assumptions behind Heath's dense and challenging essay; rewrite and clarify his inexact formulations; and develop a microanalysis of the essay's language. As a rational reconstruction, this essay follows Rudolf Botha's philosophical study into the conduct of inquiry to analyze Heath's formulation of conceptual and empirical problems (...)
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    What does ‘signify’ signify?: A response to Gillett.Rupert Read - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (4):499-514.
    Gillett argues that there are unexpected confluences between the tradition of Frege and Wittgenstein and that of Freud and Lacan. I counter that that the substance of the exegeses of Frege and Wittgenstein in Gillett's paper are flawed, and that these mistakes in turn tellingly point to unclarities in the Lacanian picture of language, unclarities left unresolved by Gillett. Lacan on language is simply a kind of enlarged/distorted mirror image of the Anglo-American psychosemanticists: where they emphasize information and representation, he (...)
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    Se servir du signifiant argent en thérapie psychanalytique en couple Introduction à un débat.Jean-Georges Lemaire - 2008 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 181 (3):25-33.
    L’analyse des relations d’argent dans les cures psychanalytiques en couple reste souvent trop superficielle. La double fonction à la fois réelle et symbolique de l’argent suscite de faciles résistances coalisées entre les deux partenaires avec parfois une complicité du thérapeute. L’usage nécessaire de l’argent dans la réalité sert à masquer son rôle prépondérant dans les jeux de relation et notamment de pouvoir. Dépasser ces résistances implique d’analyser l’argent dans sa fonction de signifiant fondamental du lien de couple et en particulier (...)
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    Que signifie la sixième demande du Notre-Père?Raymond J. Tournay - 1995 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 26 (3):299-306.
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    How Can We Signify Being? Semiotics and Topological Self-Signification.Steven M. Rosen - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):250-277.
    The premise of this paper is that the goal of signifying Being central to ontological phenomenology has been tacitly subverted by the semiotic structure of conventional phenomenological writing. First it is demonstrated that the three components of the sign—sign-vehicle, object, and interpretant (C. S. Peirce)—bear an external relationship to each other when treated conventionally. This is linked to the abstractness of alphabetic language, which objectifies nature and splits subject and object. It is the subject-object divide that phenomenology must surmount if (...)
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    Signifying Voices: Reading the “Adam Smith Problem”.Vivienne Brown - 1991 - Economics and Philosophy 7 (2):187-220.
    The “Adam Smith problem” has traditionally been concerned with the issue of authorial integrity: the issue of how a single author, Adam Smith, could have written two such apparently dissimilar, even contradictory, works as The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations. As the problem to be resolved was the single authorial origin of two such works, the perceived incompatibilities between them were explained in terms of Smith's intellectual biography – for example, Smith's travels to France, Smith's meetings (...)
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    Signifying the Sound: Criteria for Black Art Movements.Corey Reed - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (4):36-59.
    Abstract:“Black art” is often understood as being inherently political. In examining two major Black arts movements, the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts movement, many of the works attributed to those periods fit the description of “political art” but not all of them. Black art movements are not defined exclusively by similar styles or methodologies, like Expressionism or Surrealism, either. Instead, Black art movements are complex movements that blend social, political, and aesthetic criteria. In this article, I list seven conditions (...)
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    (1 other version)Signifiers and Acts: Freedom in Lacan's Theory of the Subject.Ed Pluth - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Situates Lacan’s theory of the subject within contemporary philosophical debates over freedom and agency.
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    Children’s informed signified and voluntary consent to heart surgery: Professionals’ practical perspectives.Priscilla Alderson, Hannah Bellsham-Revell, Joe Brierley, Nathalie Dedieu, Joanna Heath, Mae Johnson, Samantha Johnson, Alexia Katsatis, Romana Kazmi, Liz King, Rosa Mendizabal, Katy Sutcliffe, Judith Trowell, Trisha Vigneswaren, Hugo Wellesley & Jo Wray - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):1078-1090.
    Background: The law and literature about children’s consent generally assume that patients aged under-18 cannot consent until around 12 years, and cannot refuse recommended surgery. Children deemed pre-competent do not have automatic rights to information or to protection from unwanted interventions. However, the observed practitioners tend to inform young children s, respect their consent or refusal, and help them to “want” to have the surgery. Refusal of heart transplantation by 6-year-olds is accepted. Research question: What are possible reasons to explain (...)
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    Que signifient nos perceptions? Locke, l'anamorphose et le miroir.Lucien Vinciguerra - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    La théorie lockienne de la perception a été lue tantôt comme une forme de représentationnalisme, tantôt comme relevant d'un réalisme direct n'impliquant pas d'entité intermédiaire entre l'esprit et les choses. Cet article entreprend de clarifier cette question à partir des analyses de l'Essai sur la distinction et la confusion des idées. Celles-ci interrogent à la fois la nature de l'idée comme image et le fait qu'elle n'est déterminée que lorsque l'esprit lui donne un nom. Pour faire comprendre ce dernier point, (...)
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    Signifying Nothing?: The Paradoxical Passage from Tragedy to Eudaimonia.Ormund Smythe - 2014 - Semiotics:213-226.
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    Signifiants de l’identité ortho-gonale: vers une nouvelle sémiotique de la subjectivité.Jan Marta - 1997 - Semiotica 115 (1-2):101-120.
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    Signifying Europe.Arno Tausch - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (8):871-872.
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    (1 other version)Signification and Modes of Signifying in Thirteenth-Century Logic: A Preface to Aquinas on Analogy.E. J. Ashwort - 1991 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 1:39-67.
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    Dialogic signifiers: Reiteration and recapitulation in the Odyssey.David K. Danow - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (147).
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    Signifier and Signified. Linguistico-Philosophical Enquiries into the Problem of Reference.Marian A. David - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (1):31-34.
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    The Signifier as Siren—Kafka, Brecht, Joyce and the Seduction of the Text.Nicole Bracker - 2000 - Intertexts 4 (2):166-203.
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    The Signifying Dish: Autobiography and History in Two Black Women's Cookbooks.Rafia Zafar - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (2):449.
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    Referential Relation and Beyond: Signifying Functions in Chinese Madhyamaka.Hans-Rudolf Kantor - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (4):851-915.
    The Chinese Mādhyamikas Seng Zhao 374–414, Jizang 549–623, and Zhiyi 538–597 try to demonstrate that the linguistic strategies in the textual transmission of the Buddha’s teaching give us access to a sense of “liberation” which reaches beyond language. For them, this ineffable sense is what constitutes the dharma in the shape of sūtra and śāstra. Liberation is considered the constitutive but hidden “root” of all the teachings transmitted via the canonical word, those again account for the Buddha’s “traces” guiding back (...)
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    Signifying Nothing: Nihilism, Information, and Signs.Ashley Woodward - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):147-57.
    This article explores the theme of nihilism from the perspective of post-continental philosophy by focusing on semiotics and information theory and the question of “meaning” at stake between them. Nihilism is characterised here as an avatar of the counter-Enlightenment tradition. Post-continental philosophy is defined by a positive revaluation of reason, science, and technology, which were critiqued for their nihilistic effects by key continental philosophers. Rather than critiquing nihilism, then, post-continental philosophers have tended to affirm it. This article argues that, despite (...)
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    De la signifiance.Francis Jacques - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (2):179 - 218.
    Différence, référence, communicabilité : trois mots-clés pour dessiner la structure originaire et élémentaire de la signifiance. Or, l'interrogation change de nature quand on la déplace du signifié vers le sens, puis vers la signifiance. Il ne s'agit ni d'une action, ni d'un événement, mais d'un processus. Trois conditions nécessaires : présence d'un matériel signifiant (sonore, graphique, électronique) ; aptitude à se référer à une réalité extérieure ; énonciateurs en relation binaire entre lesquels et pour lesquels les énoncés signifient. L'auteur examine (...)
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  48. "Do words signify ideas or things?" The scholastic sources of Locke's theory of language.E. J. Ashworth - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (3):299-326.
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    Que signifie philosopher en Haïti?: un autre concept du vodou.Glodel Mézilas - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet essai élabore une nouvelle interprétation philosophique du vodou haïtien par la création d'un concept – cosmogonie de la libération –, pour analyser le problème lié à la crise de l'universalité et de la modernité occidentale dans un contexte marqué par le choc des imaginaires, des identités et des religions. Après avoir abordé la question de la méthode en contexte haïtien, ce concept défend une vision transversale et dialogique de l'identité et de la pluralité et dialogue avec la philosophie de (...)
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    Signifying the Digital Queer.Adam Ferguson - 2011 - Semiotics:122-128.
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