Results for 'selective abortion'

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  1.  84
    Selective abortion in Brazil: The anencephaly case.Debora Diniz - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):64–67.
    ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the Brazilian Supreme Court ruling on the case of anencephaly. In Brazil, abortion is a crime against the life of a fetus, and selective abortion of non‐viable fetuses is prohibited. Following a paradigmatic case discussed by the Brazilian Supreme Court in 2004, the use of abortion was authorized in the case of a fetus with anencephaly. The objective of this paper is to analyze the ethical arguments of the case, in particular the strategy (...)
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  2. Disability-selective abortion and the americans with disabilities act.Christopher L. Griffin Jr & Dov Fox - unknown
    This Article examines the influence of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on affective attitudes toward children with disabilities and on the incidence of disability-selective abortion. Applying regression analysis to U.S. natality data, we find that the birthrate of children with Down syndrome declined significantly in the years following the ADA's passage. Controlling for technological, demographic, and cultural variables suggests that the ADA may have encouraged prospective parents to prevent the existence of the very class of people the (...)
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    Sex selection abortion in kazakhstan: Understanding a cultural justification.Dennis Cooley & Irina Chesnokova - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (3):154-160.
    The topic of abortion has been extensively researched, and the research has produced a large number of arguments and discussions. Missing in the literature, however, are discussions of practices in some areas of the Developing or Third World. In this paper, we examine the morality of sex selection abortions in Kazakhstan's Kazakh culture, and argue that such abortions can be ethically justified based, in part, on the unique perspectives of Kazakh culture.
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  4. Genetic Selective Abortion: Still a Matter of Choice.Bruce P. Blackshaw - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2):445-455.
    Jeremy Williams has argued that if we are committed to a liberal pro-choice stance with regard to selective abortion for disability, we will be unable to justify the prohibition of sex selective abortion. Here, I apply his reasoning to selective abortion based on other traits pregnant women may decide are undesirable. These include susceptibility to disease, level of intelligence, physical appearance, sexual orientation, religious belief and criminality—in fact any traits attributable to some degree to (...)
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    Sex-Selective Abortion: A Relational Approach.Gail Weiss - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (1):202-217.
    A critical application of Ruddick's model of maternal thinking is the best way to grapple with the ethical dilemmas posed by sex- selective abortion which I view as a "moral mistake." Chief among these is the need to be sensitive to local cultural practices in countries where sex- selective abortion is prevalent, while simultaneously developing consistent international standards to deal with the dangers posed by the use of sex- selective abortion to eliminate female fetuses.
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  6. Sex-Selective Abortion: A Matter of Choice.Jeremy Williams - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (2):125-159.
    This paper argues that, if we are committed to a Pro-choice stance with regard to selective abortion for disability, we will be unable to justify the prohibition of sex-selective abortion (SSA), for two reasons. First, familiar Pro-choice arguments in favour of a woman’s right to select against fetal impairment also support, by parity of reasoning, a right to choose SSA. Second, rejection of the criticisms of selective abortion for disability levelled by disability theorists also (...)
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  7. Is sex-selective abortion morally justified and should it be prohibited?Wendy Rogers, Angela Ballantyne & Heather Draper - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):520–524.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we argue that sex‐selective abortion (SSA) cannot be morally justified and that it should be prohibited. We present two main arguments against SSA. First, we present reasons why the decision for a woman to seek SSA in cultures with strong son‐preference cannot be regarded as autonomous on either a narrow or a broad account of autonomy. Second, we identify serious harms associated with SSA including perpetuation of discrimination against women, disruption to social and familial (...)
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  8. Congenital abnormalities and selective abortion.Mary J. Seller - 1976 - Journal of Medical Ethics 2 (3):138.
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  9. Parental responsibility and the morality of selective abortion.Simo Vehmas - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):463-484.
    It is now a common opinion in Western countries that a child's impairment would probably place an unexpected burden on her parents, a burden that the parents have not committed themselves to dealing with. Therefore, selective abortion is in general a morally justified option for the parents. I argue that this view is based on biased information about the quality of life of individuals with impairments and their families. Also, a conscious decision to procreate should bring about conscious (...)
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  10.  79
    Feminist discourse on sex screening and selective abortion of female foetuses.Farhat Moazam - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (3):205–220.
    ABSTRACT Although a preference for sons is reportedly a universal phenomenon, in some Asian societies daughters are considered financial and cultural liabilities. Increasing availability of ultrasonography and amniocentesis has led to widespread gender screening and selective abortion of normal female foetuses in many countries, including India. Feminists have taken widely divergent positions on the morality of this practice. Feminists from India have strongly opposed it, considering it as a further disenfranchisement of females in their patriarchal society, and have (...)
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  11. Which Moral Theologians Should Care About Intersex-Selective Abortion?Rashad Rehman - 2022 - Theological Puzzles 10 (10):(Online Only)..
    Many people, communities and countries are in favour of abortion as a healthcare right, arguing that women have a right to receive an abortion upon request. Some contexts place ethical constraints on this right, typically based on the age of the preborn child, the mother’s safety, or the circumstances of the mother (and her conceiving of her child) more generally. At the same time, intersex pediatric surgery (IPS) is being increasingly ethically challenged with many countries banning healthcare facilities (...)
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  12.  34
    Culpable Ignorance, Professional Counselling, and Selective Abortion of Intellectual Disability.James B. Gould - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (3):369-381.
    In this paper I argue that selective abortion for disability often involves inadequate counselling on the part of reproductive medicine professionals who advise prospective parents. I claim that prenatal disability clinicians often fail in intellectual duty—they are culpably ignorant about intellectual disability. First, I explain why a standard motivation for selective abortion is flawed. Second, I summarize recent research on parent experience with prenatal professionals. Third, I outline the notions of epistemic excellence and deficiency. Fourth, I (...)
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  13. Why a Criminal Prohibition on Sex Selective Abortions Amounts to a Thought Crime.Sonu Bedi - 2011 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 5 (3):349-360.
    In a sex selective abortion, a woman aborts a fetus simply on account of the fetus’ sex. Her motivation or underlying reason for doing so may very well be sexist. She could be disposed to thinking that a female child is inferior to a male one. In a hate crime, an individual commits a crime on account of a victim’s sex, race, sexual orientation or the like. The individual may be sexist or racist in picking his victim. He (...)
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    When is the Promotion of Prenatal Testing for Selective Abortion Wrong?Javiera Perez Gomez - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (1):71-109.
    Medical professionals routinely offer prenatal genetic testing services to their expecting patients. In theory, this testing helps expecting parents better prepare for the birth of their child: e.g., if the child will have a disability. In practice, however, such testing often leads to the termination of pregnancies that would produce a child who has a disability. Some bioethicists believe that in light of our society’s history of poor treatment of people who have disabilities, when expecting parents use prenatal testing for (...)
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  15. Disability rights and selective abortion.Marsha Saxton - 1997 - In Lennard J. Davis (ed.), The Disability Studies Reader. Psychology Press. pp. 105--116.
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    A Critique of Selective Abortion in Lesotho.Seeiso J. Koali - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (7):391-396.
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  17. Clinical ethical reflections on prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion / Carlo loots. Responsibility in genetic testing: Shared or divided between professionals and clients?Angus Clarke - 2002 - In Chris Gastmans (ed.), Between technology and humanity: the impact of technology on health care ethics. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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  18.  12
    Making Politics Visible: Discourses on Gender and Race in the Problematisation of Sex-Selective Abortion.Aisha K. Gill & Sundari Anitha - 2018 - Feminist Review 120 (1):1-19.
    This paper examines the problematisation of sex-selective abortion (SSA) in UK parliamentary debates on Fiona Bruce's Abortion (Sex-Selection) Bill 2014–15 and on the subsequent proposed amendment to the Serious Crime Bill 2014–15. On the basis of close textual analysis, we argue that a discursive framing of SSA as a form of cultural oppression of minority women in need of protection underpinned Bruce's Bill; in contrast, by highlighting issues more commonly articulated in defence of women's reproductive rights, the (...)
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  19. Designer Babes, Selective Abortion, and Human Perfection'.Stephen G. Post - forthcoming - Inquiries in Bioethics.
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  20.  25
    Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion. By Harry Harris. Pp. 101. (Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, London, 1974.) Price £1.75. [REVIEW]Alan E. H. Emery - 1975 - Journal of Biosocial Science 7 (3):353-355.
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  21.  52
    Furthering social responsibility and professional ethics: a response to Eva Cignacco on midwives and selective abortion on the grounds of disability.Christopher Newell - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):191-193.
  22. Sex Selection and Restricting Abortion and Sex Determination.Julie Zilberberg - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):517-519.
    Sex selection in India and China is fostered by a limiting social structure that disallows women from performing the roles that men perform, and relegates women to a lower status level. Individual parents and individual families benefit concretely from having a son born into the family, while society, and girls and women as a group, are harmed by the widespread practice of sex selection. Sex selection reinforces oppression of women and girls. Sex selection is best addressed by ameliorating the situations (...)
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  23.  52
    Selective Reduction: “A Soft Cover for Hard Choices” or Another Name for Abortion?Radhika Rao - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):196-205.
    Selective reduction and abortion both involve the termination of fetal life, but they are classified by different designations to underscore the notion that they are regarded as fundamentally different medical procedures: the two are performed using distinct techniques by different types of physicians, upon women under very different circumstances, in order to further dramatically different objectives. Hence, the two procedures appear to call for a distinct moral calculus, and they have traditionally evoked contradictory reactions from society. This essay (...)
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  24.  29
    The ethical case against sex-selective abortion isn’t simple.Jeremy Williams - 2018 - The Conversation.
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  25.  59
    Selection against Disability: Abortion, ART, and Access.Alicia Ouellette - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):211-223.
    This essay re-examines the disability critique of prenatal and pre-implantation screening in light of evidence about the larger context in which fertility and reproductive healthcare is rendered in the U.S. It argues that efforts to identify acceptable criteria for trait-based selection or otherwise impose reasons-based limitations on reproductive choice should be avoided because such limitations tend to perpetuate the discrimination encountered by adults with disabilities seeking fertility and reproductive health services.
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  26.  66
    Does Prenatal Diagnosis Morally Require Provision of Selective Abortion?Diana Buccafurni & Pepe Lee Chang - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):65-67.
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  27.  99
    Response to “Abortion and Assent” by Rosamond Rhodes (CQ Vol 8, No 4) and “Abortion, Disability, Assent, and Consent” by Matti Häyry (CQ Vol 10, No 1) Assent and Selective Abortion: A Response to Rhodes and Häyry. [REVIEW]Simo Vehmas - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (4):433-440.
    It is now a widely shared opinion in the Western countries that a child's disability would probably place an unexpected burden on her parents, a burden that the parents have not committed themselves to dealing with. A child with a physical or mental disability is not, so to speak, a part of the package the parents ordered. This line of reasoning has recently been supported by Rosamond Rhodes in her article.
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  28.  31
    Who has a meaningful life? A care ethics analysis of selective trait abortion.Riley Clare Valentine - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):205-216.
    Trait Selective Abortions (TSA) have come under critique as a medical practice that presents potential disabled infants as burdens and lacking the potential for meaningful lives. This paper, using the author’s background as a disabled person, contends that the philosophy underpinning TSAs reflects liberal society’s lack of a theory of needs. The author argues for a care ethics based approach informed by disability analyses to engage with TSAs.
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  29. pt. IV. Prenatal diagnosis and abortion. One principle and three fallacies of disability studies / John Harris ; Prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion: a challenge to practice and policy / Adrienne Asch ; The disability rights critique of prenatal genetic testing: reflections and recommendations / Erik Parens and Adrienne Asch ; Abortion, autonomy and prenatal diagnosis / Emily Jackson ; Abortion and the law: questions for feminism. [REVIEW]Nivedita Menon - 2004 - In Belinda Bennett (ed.), Abortion. Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Dartmouth.
  30. Pure Selection: The Ethics Of Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis And Choosing Children Without Abortion: Christian Munthe, Goteborg, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1999, 310 pages, 180 Kroner. [REVIEW]Lynn Gillam - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):415-2.
    This book investigates the issue of “pure selection”–that is, choosing the genetic characteristics of one's children, without using abortion as the method to achieve this. Pure selection is made possible by the relatively new technology of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), in conjunction with now-routine IVF procedures for creating embryos. In PGD, a cell or cells can be extracted from an early embryo, and be subjected to genetic diagnosis of whatever kind, without damaging the embryo. So embryos with the genetic (...)
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  31.  22
    Abortion services and ethico‐legal considerations in India: The case for transitioning from provider‐centered to women‐centered care.Saurav Basu - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (2):74-77.
    Nearly a million Indian women lack access to safe and dignified abortion services from public healthcare facilities and instead opt to induce abortions by themselves or with the help from unskilled and unauthorized practitioners. Unsafe abortions account for an estimated 9% of all maternal deaths in India despite the legalization of abortion on all grounds since 1971 via the MTP Act. However, the Act technically does not make any provision for abortion based on a woman’s request alone, (...)
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  32.  50
    Abortion, society, and the law.David F. Walbert - 1973 - Cleveland [Ohio]: Press of Case Western Reserve University. Edited by J. Douglas Butler.
    George, B. J. Jr. The evolving law of abortion.--Guttmacher, A. F. The genesis of liberalized abortion in New York: a personal insight.--Callahan, D. Abortion: some ethical issues.--Jakobovits, I. Jewish views on abortion.--Drinan, R. F. The inviolability of the right to be born.--Schwartz, R. A. Abortion on request: the psychiatric implications.--Fleck, S. A psychiatrist's views on abortion.--Niswander, K. R. Abortion practices in the United States: a medical viewpoint.--Macintyre, M. N. Genetic risk, prenatal diagnosis, and (...)
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  33.  22
    False Framings: The Co‐opting of Sex‐Selection by the Anti‐Abortion Movement.Seema Mohapatra - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):270-274.
    Jesudason and Weitz's article examines two public policy debates in California, where both sides of the debate used similar language that had the potential to be detrimental to women. Specifically, they show how anti-abortion crusaders in California used similar language to describe why women's rights should be curtailed as pro-choice advocates use when fighting for more choice and privacy for women's reproductive decisions. This commentary builds upon their article by demonstrating the harm that such co-opting causes to women's rights (...)
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  34. The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice.Christopher Kaczor - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Appealing to reason rather than religious belief, this book is the most comprehensive case against the choice of abortion yet published. _The Ethics of Abortion_ critically evaluates all the major grounds for denying fetal personhood, including the views of those who defend not only abortion but also infanticide. It also provides several justifications for the conclusion that all human beings, including those in utero, should be respected as persons. This book also critiques the view that abortion is (...)
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  35.  31
    Abortion Laws in Muslim Countries: Modern Reconfiguration of Pre-modern Logic.Amr Osman - 2022 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 19 (1):19-52.
    In most countries where Islam is acknowledged as a, or the, source of legislation, abortion is permitted under certain conditions and at certain stages of pregnancy. This article examines some of these laws and argue that they represent a continuation of the logic that governed the views of pre-modern Muslim jurists on abortion, that is, harm aversion. However, these laws also add a ‘modernist’ twist to that logic – rather than repealing that logic altogether, modernist views on ‘rights’ (...)
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  36. Arguments About Abortion: Personhood, Morality, and Law.Kate Greasley - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Does the morality of abortion depend on the moral status of the human fetus? Must the law of abortion presume an answer to the question of when personhood begins? Can a law which permits late abortion but not infanticide be morally justified? These are just some of the questions this book sets out to address. With an extended analysis of the moral and legal status of abortion, Kate Greasley offers an alternative account to the reputable arguments (...)
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  37. Post‐Abortion Syndrome: Creating an Affliction.E. M. Dadlez & William L. Andrews - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (9):445 - 452.
    The contention that abortion harms women constitutes a new strategy employed by the pro-life movement to supplement arguments about fetal rights. David C. Reardon is a prominent promoter of this strategy. Post-abortion syndrome purports to establish that abortion psychologically harms women and, indeed, can harm persons associated with women who have abortions. Thus, harms that abortion is alleged to produce are multiplied. Claims of repression are employed to complicate efforts to disprove the existence of psychological harm (...)
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  38.  81
    Abortion and neonaticide: Ethics, practice and policy in four nations.Michael L. Gross - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (3):202–230.
    Abortion, particularly late‐term abortion, and neonaticide, selective non‐treatment of newborns, are feasible management strategies for fetuses or newborns diagnosed with severe abnormalities. However, policy varies considerably among developed nations. This article examines abortion and neonatal policy in four nations: Israel, the US, the UK and Denmark. In Israel, late‐term abortion is permitted while non‐treatment of newborns is prohibited. In the US, on the other hand, late‐term abortion is severely restricted, while treatment to newborns may (...)
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  39. Selecting potential children and unconditional parental love.John Davis - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):258–268.
    For now, the best way to select a child's genes is to select a potential child who has those genes, using genetic testing and either selective abortion, sperm and egg donors, or selecting embryos for implantation. Some people even wish to select against genes that are only mildly undesirable, or to select for superior genes. I call this selection drift– the standard for acceptable children is creeping upwards. The President's Council on Bioethics and others have raised the parental (...)
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  40.  8
    The ethics of abortion: women's rights, human life, and the question of justice.Christopher Kaczor - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Appealing to reason rather than religious belief, this book is the most comprehensive case against the choice of abortion yet published. This updated edition of The Ethics of Abortion critically evaluates all the major grounds for denying fetal personhood, including the views of those who defend not only abortion but also post-birth abortion. It also provides several (non-theological) justifications for the conclusion that all human beings, including those in utero, should be respected as persons. This book (...)
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    Christian Munthe, pure selection: The ethics of preimplantation genetic diagnosis and choosing children without abortion.Mary B. Mahowald - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (4):393-397.
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  42.  20
    Is using abortion to select the sex of children ever permissible?Jeremy Williams - 2012 - LSE Politics and Policy Blog.
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  43.  23
    Abortion restrictions and medical residency applications.Kellen Mermin-Bunnell, Ariana M. Traub, Kelly Wang, Bryan Aaron, Louise Perkins King & Jennifer Kawwass - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):79-86.
    Residency selection is a challenging process for medical students, one further complicated in the USA by the recentDobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization(Dobbs) decision over-ruling the federal right to abortion. We surveyed medical students to examine howDobbsis influencing the ideological, personal and professional factors they must reconcile when choosing where and how to complete residency.Between 6 August and 22 October 2022, third-year and fourth-year US medical students applying to US residency programmes were surveyed through social media and direct outreach (...)
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  44.  39
    The Israeli abortion committees' process of decision making: an ethical analysis.Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty & Alan Jotkowitz - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):26-30.
    The Israeli law of abortions (1977) legally authorises hospital committees to decide upon women's requests for selective abortion. One of the law's clauses determines that abortions can be approved in cases of an embryopathy. However, the law does not provide any clear definitions of those fetal ‘physical or mental defects’ in terms of severity and/or likelihood, which remain open to interpretation by the committee members. This paper aimed to determine which ethical methodologies are used by committee members and (...)
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  45. Sex selection in India: Why a ban is not justified.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (3):150-156.
    When widespread use of sex‐selective abortion and sex selection through assisted reproduction lead to severe harms to third parties and perpetuate discrimination, should these practices be banned? In this paper I focus on India and show why a common argument for a ban on sex selection fails even in these circumstances. I set aside a common objection to the argument, namely that women have a right to procreative autonomy that trumps the state's interest in protecting other parties from (...)
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    Abortion and multifetal pregnancy reduction: An ethical comparison.Silje Langseth Dahl, Rebekka Hylland Vaksdal, Mathias Barra, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:51-73.
    In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction has increasingly been a subject of debate in Norway. The intensity of this debate reached a tentative maximum when the Legislation Department delivered their interpretative statement, Section 2 - Interpretation of the Abortion Act, in 2016 in response to a request from the Ministry of Health that the Legislation Department consider whether the Abortion Act allows for MFPR of healthy fetuses in multiple pregnancies. The Legislation Department concluded that the current abortion (...)
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  47.  54
    Is Abortion a Pseudo-Problem?Alister Browne - 1986 - Philosophy Research Archives 12:101-124.
    I argue that whether abortions are morally permissible depends on whether the fetus has a right to life, the only point of disagreement between the possible theories on this question--the Extreme Conservative, the Middle, and the Extreme Liberal--concerns the relevant temporal proximity to, or degree of probability of actualizing, some selected potential, there is in principle no non-arbitrary way of resolving this disagreement, and hence the problem of abortion is a pseudo-problem inasmuch as it is not theoretically capable of (...)
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  48.  15
    Ethical Issues concerning Legislation in Late-Term Abortions in India.Aiswarya Sasi - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (4):367-376.
    Late-term abortions are an issue of immense debate in India, where the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 permits abortions only up to 20 weeks of gestation. In special situations, such as pregnancy arising out of rape especially in the case of minors and the late diagnosis of congenital anomalies, there are no clear guidelines on the legal protocol that is to be followed, often resulting in a lack of consistency in terms of legal decision-making, as well as undue prolongation (...)
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    Post‐abortion syndrome: Creating an affliction.William L. Andrews E. Dadlez - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (9):445-452.
    ABSTRACTThe contention that abortion harms women constitutes a new strategy employed by the pro‐life movement to supplement arguments about fetal rights. David C. Reardon is a prominent promoter of this strategy. Post‐abortion syndrome purports to establish that abortion psychologically harms women and, indeed, can harm persons associated with women who have abortions. Thus, harms that abortion is alleged to produce are multiplied. Claims of repression are employed to complicate efforts to disprove the existence of psychological harm (...)
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  50. A short argument against abortion rights.Jack Mulder - 2013 - Think 12 (34):57-68.
    ExtractIn this paper I will put forward a brief argument against abortion rights. The argument concerns itself with the two main ways in which defenders of abortion rights develop their position. The first strategy through which they tend to do this is by arguing against the personhood of the fetus. The second strategy, made famous by Judith Jarvis Thomson, is to argue that, even if the fetus were a person, its right to life would not entail the right (...)
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