Results for 'scholasticism of contemporary analytic philosophy'

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  1. Blight of Contemporary Analytic Philosophy: Ahistoricity as Analytic Philosophy.Jack Robert June Edmunds-Coopey - forthcoming - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy.
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    The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100-1600.Alfred J. Freddoso - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):150-156.
    This 1982 book is a history of the great age of scholastism from Abelard to the rejection of Aristotelianism in the Renaissance, combining the highest standards of medieval scholarship with a respect for the interests and insights of contemporary philosophers, particularly those working in the analytic tradition. The volume follows on chronologically from The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, though it does not continue the histories of Greek and Islamic philosophy but concentrates (...)
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    Psychology and philosophy : inquiries into the soul from late scholasticism to contemporary thought.Sara Heinämaa & Martina Reuter (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Psychology and Philosophy provides a history of the relations between philosophy and the science of psychology from late scholasticism to contemporary discussions. The book covers the development from 16th-century interpretations of Aristotle’s De Anima, through Kantianism and the 19th-century revival of Aristotelianism, up to 20th-century phenomenological and analytic studies of consciousness and the mind. In this volume historically divergent conceptions of psychology as a science receive special emphasis. The volume illuminates the particular nature of studies (...)
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    Method and Madness in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion.Klaas J. Kraay - 2013 - Toronto Journal of Theology 29:245-264.
    I’d like to thank the Canadian Theological Society for this invitation to speak. It is a double honour to be this year’s Newman Lecturer. It is an honour to be associated with the name of Jay Newman, who made impressive and wide-ranging contributions to philosophy. Jay, as you perhaps know, was especially interested in the philosophy of culture, and I’m delighted that his legacy will ensure continued interaction between the cultures of academic philosophy and theology. It is (...)
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    The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100-1600. [REVIEW]Claude Panaccio - 1984 - Philosophical Review 93 (1):155.
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    Deconstruction in Philosophy: Has Rorty Made It the Denouement of Contemporary Analytical Philosophy?Henry Veatch - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (2):303 - 320.
    WHAT IS DECONSTRUCTION? So far as the mere term goes, most of us would doubtless associate it with various current assaults upon the Humanities that would appear to be taking place in several quarters these days. It is particularly from English Departments, as it would seem--notably perhaps those of Johns Hopkins and of Yale--that one hears the noise of "wars and rumors of wars" that are presumably being fought between those, on the one hand, whom one might call the traditionalists (...)
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  7. Quantifier vs. Poetry: Stylistic Impoverishment and Socio-Cultural Estrangement of Anglo-American Philosophy in the Last Hundred Years.István Aranyosi - 2012 - The Pluralist 7 (1):94-103.
    Recent discussion, both in the academia-related popular media and in some professional academic venues, about the current state and role of mainstream Anglo-American analytic philosophy among the humanities, has revealed a certain uneasiness expressed by both champions of this approach and traditional adversaries of it regarding its perceived isolation from the other fields of humanities. The fiercer critics go as far as to claim that the image of this type of philosophizing in the contemporary world is one (...)
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    Wittgenstein's Gift to Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion.J. Kellenberger - 1990 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 28 (3):147 - 172.
  9. Private language questions in contemporary analytical philosophy analytical study of Wittgenstein's treatments of private language and its implications.M. Shabbir Ahsen - unknown
    Wittgenstein's treatment of private language is the dissolution of some of the major problems in traditional philosophy. Philosophical problems, for Wittgenstein, are the conceptual confusion arising due to the abuse of language. They can be fully dispensed with by commanding a clear view of language. Language, for Wittgenstein, is on the one hand, the source of philosophical problems while, on the other hand, it is a means to dispense with them. Private language is one such issue which is ultimately (...)
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  10. Causation in contemporary analytical philosophy.Max Kistler - 2002 - Quaestio 2 (1):635-668.
    Contemporary analytic philosophy is in the midst of a vigorous debate on the nature of causation. Each of the main proposals discussed in this chapter faces important problems: the deductive-nomological model, the counterfactual theory, the manipulability theory, the probabilistic theory and the transference theory. After having explored possible solutions to these problems, I conclude that one version of the transference approach is most promising. However, as I show in the last section, it is necessary to supplement this (...)
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    Panpsychism in the Contemporary Analytical Philosophy of Mind.Александр Гусев - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (2):85-103.
    The article deals with panpsychic conceptions in contemporary analytical philosophy of mind. According to some influential philosophers, panpsychism has theoretical resources for solving both the old riddle of R. Descartes about the causal relationship between the realms of the mental and the physical, and the hard problem of consciousness by D. Chalmers — "Why do some physical systems generate conscious experience?". In the second half of the twentieth century, there were heated discussions in analytical philosophy about whether (...)
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    The study of Aristotle in the Aristotelian Society in the 1970s as an indicator of the special historico-philosophical style of British Philosophy.Р. А Юрьев - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):133-143.
    The article aims to present the study of Aristotle’s teaching on consciousness and soul conducted by the well-known contemporary scholar of ancient philosophy, Jonathan Barnes, as an example of a certain historical-philosophical style that emerged within British analytic philosophy as a whole and within the Aristotelian Society in particular during 1970-1980s. It is shown that the development of the historical-philosophical style within the Aristotelian Society at this time continues the tradition of slow reception of ideas from (...)
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    Some Hegelian Ideas of Note for Contemporary Analytic Philosophy.Robert Brandom - 2014 - Hegel Bulletin 35 (1):1-15.
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    The unholy alliance of science and analytic epistemology: on the turn to virtue in contemporary analytic philosophy.Daniel P. Haggerty - 2011 - New York: Novika, Nova Science Publishers.
    Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that studies the origin, nature and limits of human knowledge. Contemporary epistemology is a theory of knowledge in terms of reasons, evidence, justification and explanation. This book shows how Anglo-American philosophers captivated by the power of modern science and concomitant advances in logic and mathematics mistook knowledge itself to be reducible to the propositions of science and logic. Ethics, along with metaphysics and religion, were cast off as mere expressions of sentiment at (...)
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    Contemporary analytic philosophy.James Baillie - 2003 - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
    This self-contained anthology collects some of the most influential primary source contributions to contemporary analytic philosophy, together with introductions and commentaries for each selection. It traces the development of a few central themes in analytic philosophy, in sufficient detail—from philosophy of mind and language, metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophical logic. Frege, Russell, Moore. Wittgenstein. Logical Empiricism. Ordinary Language Philosophy. Quine. Truth, Meaning, and Interpretation. Reference and Essence. For anyone interested in Analytic Philosophy.
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    Contemporary Analytic Philosophy on Mus ical Expressiveness. 정혜윤 - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 132:173-198.
    이 글은 음악의 정서표현성에 대한 현대분석철학의 쟁점들과 가정들을 소개하고, 음악의 정서표현성에 대한 분석철학의 논의를 환기론과 상상이론, 그리고 인지론으로 대별하여 각각의 이론이 음악의 정서표현성에 관련된 쟁점들에 대해 제시한 견해들을 살펴본 후 음악의 정서표현성에 대한 분석철학의 가정들이 각각의 이론에서 만족된다고 주장되는 방식들을 비판적으로 고찰한다. 그럼으로써 이 글은 음악의 정서표현성에 대한 분석철학의 논의에 숨어 있는 직관과 문제점, 남겨진 과제를 미시적인 차원과 더불어 거시적인 차원에서 제시한다. 특히 이 글은 음악의 정서표현성에 대한 분석철학의 논의가 생산적인 방향으로 나아가기 위해서는 음악의 정서표현성의 본성이 갖는 이중성, 즉 음악이 (...)
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  17. The Molinist theory of the relation of Divine foreknowledge and human freedom in late Scholasticism and current analytical philosophy.P. Dvorak - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52 (4):545-557.
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  18. “Contemporary Analytic Philosophy and Bayesian Subjectivism: Why Both are Incoherent”, Philosophy Study, Vol. 6, No. 10 (Oct. 2016): 578-85. [REVIEW]Tom Vinci - 2016 - Philosophy Study:578-85.
    My purpose in this paper is to argue for two separate, but related theses. The first is that contemporary analytic philosophy is incoherent. This is so, I argue, because its methods contain as an essential constituent a conception of intuition that cannot be rendered consistent with a key tenet of analytic philosophy unless we allow a Bayesian-subjectivist epistemology. I argue for this within a discussion of two theories of intuition: a classical account as proposed by (...)
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    Perspectives and Positions in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion.Klaas J. Kraay - 2014 - Toronto Journal of Theology 30:132-140.
    This essay discusses two issues. The first concerns whether the “insider’s” or “outsider’s” perspective is more truth-conducive in the study of religion. I do not attempt to settle this very thorny question: I merely attempt to identify some aspects of what it might mean to be an insider with respect to one kind of investigation – the investigation into whether God exists. The second issue concerns how best to characterize certain philosophical positions on the axiology of ultimate reality. Here I (...)
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    Languages of ineffability: the rediscovery of apophaticism in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion.Sebastian Hüsch, Isabelle Koch & Philipp Thomas - unknown
    I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God? What is the point of talking about an ineffable God?
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    A personal impression of contemporary German philosophy.Sidney Hook - 1930 - Journal of Philosophy 27 (6):141-160.
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    The significance of scholasticism.Horace Craig Longwell - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (3):210-225.
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    The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy.Avner Baz - 2017 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Avner Baz presents a critique of the working practices of analytic philosophy in recent decades. He challenges the assumptions on which the philosophical 'method of cases' rests, and he presents a pragmatist conception of language on which the method of cases as used both 'armchair' and 'experimental' philosophers is fundamentally misguided.
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    The fanciful optimism of Miguel Sánchez-Mazas. Let us calculate... = Freedom and Justice.Javier de Lorenzo & Andoni Ibarra - 2020 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 35 (3):255-265.
    May 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of the death of Miguel Sánchez-Mazas, founder of Theoria. An International Journal of Theory, History and Foundations of Science, and regarded as the person who brought mathematical logic to Spain. Here we present some of his biographical features and a summary of his contributions, from his early work in the 1950s - introducing contemporary advances in logic and philosophy of science in a philosophically backward milieu dominated by the scholasticism of that (...)
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  25. Recent themes in the history of early analytic philosophy.Juliet Floyd - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):pp. 157-200.
    A survey of the emergence of early analytic philosophy as a subfield of the history of philosophy. The importance of recent literature on Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein is stressed, as is the widening interest in understanding the nineteenth-century scientific and Kantian backgrounds. In contrast to recent histories of early analytic philosophy by P.M.S. Hacker and Scott Soames, the importance of historical and philosophical work on the significance of formalization is highlighted, as are the contributions made (...)
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  26. Languages of ineffability. The rediscovery of apophaticism in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion.Sebastian Gäb - 2020 - In Sebastian Hüsch (ed.), Negative Knowledge. Tübingen: Narr Francke. pp. 191-206.
    I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God? What is the point of talking about an ineffable God?
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    Analytic Philosophy and the Long Tail of Scientia: Hegel and the Historicity of Philosophy’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2010 - The Owl of Minerva 42 (1/2):1–18.
    Rejection of the philosophical relevance of history of philosophy remains pronounced within contemporary analytic philosophy. The two main reasons for this rejection presuppose that strict deduction is both necessary and sufficient for rational justification. However, this justificatory ideal of scientia holds only within strictly formal domains. This is confirmed by a neglected non-sequitur in van Fraassen’s original defence of ‘Constructive Empiricism’. Conversely, strict deduction is insufficient for rational justification in non-formal, substantive domains of inquiry. In non-formal, (...)
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  28. The Metaphysics of the Incarnation in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion.Marek Dobrzeniecki - 2021 - Verbum Vitae 39 (2):571-587.
    The paper presents the latest achievements of analytic philosophers of religion in Christology. My goal is to defend the literal/metaphysical reading of the Chalcedonian dogma of the hypostatic union. Some of the contemporary Christian thinkers claim that the doctrine of Jesus Christ as both perfectly divine and perfectly human is self-contradictory (I present this point of view on the example of John Hick) and, therefore, it should be understood metaphorically. In order to defend the consistency of the conciliar (...)
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  29. The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy[REVIEW]Herman Cappelen & Max Emil Deutsch - 2018 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 1 (05).
    Review of Avner Baz's book on the methodology of philosophy.
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    Panpsychism and the mind-body problem in contemporary analytic philosophy.Emmett L. Holman - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):251-269.
    Not so long ago, the idea that analytic philosophers would be taking panpsychism seriously would have been hard to believe. That is because in its early, logical positivist, stage, the analytic movement earned the reputation of being militantly anti-metaphysical. But analytic philosophy has come a long way since the heyday of logical positivism; and, in fact, the dialectic of recent debates on the mind–body problem among analytic philosophers has pushed many of them in the direction (...)
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    The dialogue of reason: an analysis of analytical philosophy.Laurence Jonathan Cohen - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Johnathan Cohen's book provides a lucid and penetrating treatment of the fundamental issues of contemporary analytical philosophy. This field now spans a greater variety of topics and divergence of opinion than fifty years ago, and Cohen's book addresses the presuppositions implicit to it and the patterns of reasoning on which it relies.
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    Origins of Analytic Philosophy.Mitchell S. Green - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):613.
    Frege was the grandfather of analytical philosophy, Husserl the founder of the phenomenological school, two radically different philosophical movements. In 1903, say, how would they have appeared to any German student of philosophy who knew the work of both? Not, certainly, as two deeply opposed thinkers: rather as remarkably close in orientation, despite some divergence of interests. They may be compared with the Rhine and the Danube, which rise quite close to one another and for a time pursue (...)
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  33. The Kalam Cosmological Argument in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy.Mark R. Nowacki - 2002 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    Approximately 1,500 years ago John Philoponus proposed a simple argument for the existence of God. The argument runs thus: Whatever comes to be has a cause of its coming to be. The universe came to be. Therefore, the universe has a cause of its coming to be. ;Due to the influence of William Lane Craig, this argument and the family of arguments that support it have come to be known as the "kalam" cosmological argument . Craig's account of the KCA (...)
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    Cartesian Metaphysics: The Scholastic Origins of Modern Philosophy (review).Patrick R. Frierson - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):292-294.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2001) 292-294 [Access article in PDF] Secada, Jorge. Cartesian Metaphysics: The Scholastic Origins of Modern Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 333. Cloth, $59.95. Descartes scholars can welcome this book. Secada supports trends in scholarship that criticize seeing Descartes as merely an anti-skeptical foundationalist, and he challenges many prominent interpretations of Descartes's metaphysics. In addition, Secada (...)
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  35. Introduction : Alternative conceptions of divinity and contemporary analytic philosophy of religion.Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa - 2016 - In Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa (eds.), Alternative Concepts of God: Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Scholasticism in modern thought.Henry Alonzo Myers - 1939 - Journal of Philosophy 36 (5):113-124.
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  37. Can religious experience provide justification for the belief in God? The debate in contemporary analytic philosophy.Kai-man Kwan - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (6):640–661.
    In recent analytic philosophy of religion, one hotly debated topic is the veridicality of religious experience. In this paper, I briefly trace how the argument from religious experience comes into prominence in the twentieth century. This is due to the able defense of this argument by Richard Swinburne, William Alston, and Jerome Gellman among others. I explain the argument's intuitive force and why the stock objections to religious experience are not entirely convincing. I expound Swinburne's approach and his (...)
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  38. Hobbes’s Theory of Causality and Its Aristotelian Background.Cees Leijenhorst - 1996 - The Monist 79 (3):426-447.
    Causality is without doubt one of the main topics of Hobbes's philosophy. Quite justifiably, F. Brandt stated that Chapters 9 and 10 of De Corpore, which expound Hobbes's doctrine of causality, are the most crucial ones ever written by Hobbes. According to Hobbes the quest for causes is the quintessence of all philosophical inquiry. "Philosophy is such knowledge of effects or appearances, as we acquire by true ratiocination from the knowledge we have first of their causes or generation. (...)
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  39. Prolegomena to any future history of analytic philosophy.Aaron Preston - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (4):445-465.
    The careful historical and metaphilosophical attention recently bestowed upon analytic philosophy has revealed that traditional ways of defining it are inadequate. In the face of this inadequacy, contemporary authors have proposed new definitions that detach analytic philosophy from its turn of the twentieth century origins. I argue that this contemporary trend in defining analytic philosophy is misguided, and that it diminishes the likelihood of our coming to an accurate historical and metaphilosophical understanding (...)
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  40. Model-induced escape.Barry Smith - 2022 - Facing the Future, Facing the Screen: 10Th Budapest Visual Learning Conference.
    We can illustrate the phenomenon of model-induced escape by examining the phenomenon of spam filters. Spam filter A is, we can assume, very effective at blocking spam. Indeed it is so effective that it motivates the authors of spam to invent new types of spam that will beat the filters of spam filter A. -/- An example of this phenomenon in the realm of philosophy is illustrated in the work of Nyíri on Wittgenstein's political beliefs. Nyíri writes a paper (...)
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    Frege: An Introduction to the Founder of Modern Analytic Philosophy.Sir Anthony Kenny - 1995 - New York, N.Y., USA: Penguin Books. Edited by Ted Honderich.
    Written by Anthony Kenny, a leading figure in contemporary philosophy, this volume guides the reader through a concise and accessible explanation and assessment of Frege's radical and lasting contributions to our understanding of language, meaning, and the foundations of arithmetic.
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    Proslogion: Including Gaunilo Objections and Anselm's Replies.Matthew D. Walz - 2013 - South Bend, IN, USA: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Matthew D. Walz, Gaunilo & Anselm.
    Written for his brother Benedictine monks around 1077, Anselm's Proslogion is perhaps the best-known partially-read book of the Middle Ages. Many readers are familiar only with Anselm's well-known argument for God's existence in Chapters 2-4, which is often called the "ontological argument," a misleading appellation coined centuries later by Immanuel Kant. In this argument Anselm begins with the thought of "something than which nothing greater is able to be thought," and subsequently he leads the reader to see that such a (...)
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    Quine and Analytic Philosophy: The Language of Language.George D. Romanos - 1983 - MIT Press.
    For fifty years, Willard Van Orman Quine's books and articles have stimulated intense debate in the fields of logic and the philosophy of language. Many scholars in fact, regard Quine as the greatest living English-speaking philosopher; yet his views remain widely misunderstood and misinterpreted. This book provides the first major explication and defense of Quine's systematic philosophy and is ideally suited for use as a required or supplementary text in a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in (...)
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    Metafísica y Lenguaje. [REVIEW]E. M. Macierowski - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (1):154-155.
    The text is divided into four chapters: 1.0 Metaphysics, transcendental philosophy and analytic philosophy; 2.0 The senses of being ; 3.0 Being and existence ; and 4.0 Modalities. After a defense of contemporary analytic philosophy against the usual charge of its supposedly superficial character and its lack of philosophical significance, Llano offers a thoughtful reading of Wittgenstein against his ancient, medieval and Kantian scholastic background. Following Gilson's historical analysis, Llano diagnoses a "tendency to reflect (...)
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    Analytical Philosophy of History.H. S. Harris - 1968 - Philosophical Review 77 (4):508.
  46. Impressions and appraisals of analytic philosophy in europe. I.Ernest Nagel - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):5-24.
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    “Cognitive style” of Russian social-humanitarian science: overtaking is impossible, but is outstrippnig possible?Andrey Orekhov - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 3:7-14.
    Introduction and the aim of the study. The paper analyzes the place and role of morphogenetic theory within a framework of contemporary socialtheoretical discourse. M. Archer’s morphogenetic theory and P. Donati’s relational conception are considered as two examples of this discourse. Methods. The authors use analytical methods (analysis, synthesis, etc.), applied in contemporary philosophy of social sciences. Scientific novelty. The key idea of the paper is analyzing morphogenetic social theory in terms of analytical scholasticism as a (...)
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  48. Analytic philosophy and the return of Hegelian thought (review).Rebecca Kukla - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):pp. 113-115.
    In this book, Paul Redding argues both that Hegel’s thought is making a resurgence in some quarters of analytic philosophy, and that such a resurgence is well-deserved and will bear future fruit. He begins with Bertrand Russell’s story of analytic philosophy as born out of a rejection of Hegelian thought, and traces the development of an alternative path through analytic philosophy that moves through Frege, Wittgenstein, Sellars, and Evans, and finds its fullest contemporary (...)
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  49. Contemporary Christian analytic philosophy of religion: Biblical fundamentalism, terrible solutions to a horrible problem, and hearing God. [REVIEW]Michael P. Levine - 2000 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 48 (2):89-119.
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    The Rise of the Term ‘Analytic Philosophy’ in Britain in the Early 1930s and Its Contemporary Evolution: Conceptual Creativity and Conceptual Engineering.Artur Kosecki - 2024 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 29 (2):221-253.
    Ernest Nagel’s two-part article entitled “Impressions and Appraisals of Analytic Philosophy in Europe” undoubtedly played a crucial role in the development of analytic philosophy in both Europe and the United States. Nagel articulates the shared metaphilosophical assumptions embraced by philosophers from various centres, including Prague, Vienna, Lviv, Warsaw, and Cambridge. Nevertheless, it is important to note that philosophers began to describe themselves using the term “analytical philosopher,” or a similar term, particularly within the intellectual centre of (...)
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