Results for 'rural land sharers'

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  1. Land Use Programme (RELU) 2007.Rural Economy - forthcoming - Common Knowledge.
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    Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules in the Rural Land Laws of Ethiopia from Access to Justice and Women’s Land Rights’ Lens.Abebaw Abebe Belay - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-13.
    Land is a constitutional issue in Ethiopia. Article 40 of the FDRE constitution enshrines governing provisions about rural and urban land. Legislation power is given to the federal government (Article 51(5) of the constitution) although this power can be delegated to regions (Article 50(9) of the same constitution). In contrast, administration power is allocated to regions (Article 52 (2(d)) of the constitution). The federal government has enacted the Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation 456/2005. Both (...)
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    Performance Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of Rural Land Circulation Mode.Shanhui Sun & Wei Lu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    To evaluate the performance of rural land circulation mode through the analytic network hierarchy process, based on the results of the performance evaluation with analytic network process, we implemented efficiency analysis on five types of rural land circulation mode by two improved efficiency analytic procedures. Finally, we implemented sensitivity analysis for each criterion layer of the evaluation index system with the performance evaluation data, interpreted five types of rural land circulation mode from three perspectives (...)
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    The environmental and ethical implications of lead shot contamination of rural lands in north America.V. G. Thomas - 1997 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (1):41-54.
    Lead shot deposited in fields and woodlands near shooting rangesand intense, upland, hunting adds an enormous tonnage of lead toenvironments, worldwide. This contamination is not remedied bybanning lead shot use only for waterfowl hunting. Lead pelletsdisintegrate extremely slowly, during which time they may beingested from the soil by wild birds, livestock, or silage-makingmachinery, and cause sublethal or fatal lead poisoning. Leadpellet corrosion products contaminate soil, surface waters, andground waters, often exceeding permissible levels. Plants do notconcentrate much lead from the soil, (...)
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    Vast Tracts of Land: Rural Healthcare Culture.Craig M. Klugman - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):57-58.
    Rurality in the modern United States (US) is characterized as a small population spread over a wide area of land. Only approximately 21% of the population lives in rural areas, which is defined as...
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    The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia.Andreas Neef, Siphat Touch & Jamaree Chiengthong - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (6):1085-1103.
    In rural Cambodia the rampant allocation of state land to political elites and foreign investors in the form of “Economic Land Concessions (ELCs)”—estimated to cover an area equivalent to more than 50 % of the country’s arable land—has been associated with encroachment on farmland, community forests and indigenous territories and has contributed to a rapid increase of rural landlessness. By contrast, less than 7,000 ha of land have been allotted to land-poor and landless (...)
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    The Rural Landscape of the Land of Arraphe.Martha A. Morrison & Carlo Zaccagnini - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):534.
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    Land loss as a cause of unrest among the rural spanish-American village population of northern New Mexico.Clark S. Knowlton - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (3):25-39.
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    The Political Economy of Land Grabs in Malawi: Investigating the Contribution of Limphasa Sugar Corporation to Rural Development. [REVIEW]Blessings Chinsinga, Michael Chasukwa & Sane Pashane Zuka - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (6):1065-1084.
    Though a recent phenomenon, land grabs have generated considerable debate that remains highly polarized. In this debate, one view presents land deals as a path to sustainable and transformative rural development through capital accumulation, infrastructural development, technology transfer, and job creation while the alternative view sees land grabs as a new wave of neo-colonization, exploitation, and domination. The underlying argument, at least theoretically, is that international land deals unlock the much needed capital to accelerate the (...)
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    Constructing rural culture: Family and land in Iowa. [REVIEW]Deborah Fink - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (4):43-53.
    Family farm ideology encapsulates one strand of the historical relations of Americans to the land. An examination of gender differences in historical experiences of land in Iowa suggests that men and women have had different patterns of access to land and to profits from agricultural enterprises. Where men have seen the land as a resource to be exploited, women have tended to view land as a setting for reciprocal interaction.In the late nineteenth century the state (...)
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    Ecologies of Land and Sea and the Rural/Urban Divide in Australia: Sugar vs the Reef? and The Yeomans Project.Laura Fisher & ローラ フィッシャー - 2017 - Culture and Dialogue 5 (1):98-130.
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    Irrigated Agricultural Lands, Territory and Rural Development.Fernando E. Garrido Fernández & Eduardo Moyano Estrada - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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    Rural Sanctuary: an Ecosemiotic Agency to Preserve Human Cultural Heritage and Biodiversity.Almo Farina - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (1):139-158.
    A Rural Sanctuary is defined as an area where farming activity creates habitats for a diverse assemblage of species that find a broad spectrum of resources along the season. A Rural Sanctuary is proposed as a new model of land management to protect nature inside a framework of cultural identity and agro-forestry sustainability. A Rural Sanctuary has a dual mission: to provide immaterial and material resources for people, and to guarantee living spaces to a large assemblage (...)
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    Rural Healthcare Ethics: No Longer the Forgotten Quarter.William Nelson, Mary Ann Greene & Alan West - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):510-517.
    The rural health context in the United States presents unique ethical challenges to its approximately 60 million residents, who represent about one quarter of the overall population and are distributed over three-quarters of the country’s land mass. The rural context is not only identified by the small population density and distance to an urban setting but also by a combination of social, religious, geographical, and cultural factors. Living in a rural setting fosters a sense of shared (...)
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    Jules pretty, the living land: Agriculture, food and community regeneration in rural europe. [REVIEW]Stewart Lockie - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (1):105-108.
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    Participatory rural appraisal of spate irrigation systems in eastern Eritrea.Mehretab Tesfai & Jan de Graaff - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):359-370.
    In the Sheeb area in eastern Eritrea a Participatory Rural Appraisal(PRA) was carried out in two villages, one upstream and one downstreamof the ephemeral rivers Laba and Mai-ule. The objectives of the studywere to obtain a better understanding of farmer-managed spate irrigationsystems and to enable the local people to perform their own farmingsystem analysis. This paper describes the various PRA activities, suchas mapping, diagramming and ranking of problems, that were undertakenwith the participation of local people. The resource mapping revealedthat (...)
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    The Making of a New Rural Order in South China: I. Village, Land, and Lineage in Huizhou, 900–1600. By Joseph P. McDermott. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xvi + 466. $99.00. [REVIEW]Yonghua Lu - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):418-420.
    The Making of a New Rural Order in South China: I. Village, Land, and Lineage in Huizhou, 900– 1600. By Joseph P. McDermott. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xvi + 466. $99.00.
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    Land tenure in the U.S.: power, gender, and consequences for conservation decision making. [REVIEW]Peggy Petrzelka & Sandra Marquart-Pyatt - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (4):549-560.
    Land tenure relations have both social and environmental implications, ranging from potential power issues to land stewardship. Drawing upon survey data of landowners collected in the Great Lakes Basin of the U.S., this study builds upon existing research by examining absentee landlords of agricultural land—a vastly understudied but growing category of landowners. By furthering analysis on gender dynamics in the landlord-tenant relationship, the study findings augment Gilbert and Beckley’s (Rural Sociology, 1993) suggestion that subordinate landlord-dominant tenant (...)
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  19. Rurally rooted cross-border migrant workers from Myanmar, Covid-19, and agrarian movements.Saturnino M. Borras, Jennifer C. Franco, Doi Ra, Tom Kramer, Mi Kamoon, Phwe Phyu, Khu Khu Ju, Pietje Vervest, Mary Oo, Kyar Yin Shell, Thu Maung Soe, Ze Dau, Mi Phyu, Mi Saryar Poine, Mi Pakao Jumper, Nai Sawor Mon, Khun Oo, Kyaw Thu, Nwet Kay Khine, Tun Tun Naing, Nila Papa, Lway Htwe Htwe, Lway Hlar Reang, Lway Poe Jay, Naw Seng Jai, Yunan Xu, Chunyu Wang & Jingzhong Ye - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):315-338.
    This paper examines the situation of rurally rooted cross-border migrant workers from Myanmar during the Covid-19 pandemic. It looks at the circumstances of the migrants prior to the global health emergency, before exploring possibilities for a post-pandemic future for this stratum of the working people by raising critical questions addressed to agrarian movements. It does this by focusing on the nature and dynamics of the nexus of land and labour in the context of production and social reproduction, a view (...)
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  20. Thinking past Henri Lefebvre : introducing “the theory of ground rent and rural sociology”.Stuart Elden & Adam David Morton - 2016 - Antipode 48 (1):57-66.
    This introduction to the translation of Henri Lefebvre's 1956 essay “The theory of ground rent and rural Sociology” moves through three stages. First, it suggests that Anglophone appropriations of Lefebvre have tended to focus too much on his urban writings, at the expense of understanding his early work on rural sociology, and failing to recognise how his urban focus emerged as a result of his interest in rural–urban transformation. Second, it provides a summary of his wider work (...)
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    Gender, land, and water: From reform to counter-reform in Latin America. [REVIEW]Carmen Diana Deere & Magdalena Leon - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):375-386.
    Rural women did not fare very well inthe land reforms carried out during the Latin American“reformist period” of the 1960s and 1970s, with womenbeing under-represented among the beneficiaries. It isargued that women have been excluded from access toand control over water for similar reasons that theywere excluded from access to land during thesereforms. The paper also investigates the extent towhich women have gained or lost access to land duringthe “counter-reforms” of the 1980s and 1990s. Underthe neo-liberal (...)
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    Inequality Regimes, Patriarchal Connectivity, and the Elusive Right to Own Land for Women in Pakistan.Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):799-811.
    This study addresses the gap between policy and practice on the issue of women’s right to own rural land through a qualitative study conducted in Pakistan’s two largest provinces, Punjab and Sindh. A recent survey finds that only 4% of women own rural land in Pakistan. Given the relatively large agrarian economy, land is a key resource determining women’s agency. To understand the dynamics that maintain this status quo, I use two distinct strands of feminist (...)
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    Rural livelihoods in the arid and semi-arid environments of Kenya: Sustainable alternatives and challenges.Robinson K. Ngugi & Dickson M. Nyariki - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):65-71.
    The improvement of the welfare of inhabitants of arid and semi-arid lands, either through the enhancement of existing livelihoods or the promotion of alternative ones, and their potential constraints are discussed. Alternative livelihoods are discussed under regenerative and extractive themes with respect to environmental stability. Regenerative (i.e., non-extractive) livelihoods include activities like apiculture, poultry keeping, pisciculture, silkworm production, drought tolerant cash cropping, horticulture, community wildlife tourism, processing of livestock and crop products, agro-forestry for tree products, and micro-enterprises in the informal (...)
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    Pollution from cooking in rural and poor urban households of Africa: A methodological review.Sasi Gangiah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):11.
    The article examines the effect of cooking food in kitchens on the health of women, as women and children are at a greater risk to indoor air pollution (IAP). It is important to study the cooking practices and prevalent behaviours among African women to understand the magnitude of the danger they face. The study suggests that a decline in the combustion of solid fuels and the use of clean energy can improve health among women and children, as well as sustainability (...)
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    Land Institutions and Chinese Political Economy: Institutional Complementarities and Macroeconomic Management.Meg Elizabeth Rithmire - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (1):123-153.
    This article critically examines the origins and evolution of China’s unique land institutions and situates land policy in the larger context of China’s reforms and pursuit of economic growth. It argues that the Chinese Communist Party has strengthened the institutions that permit land expropriation—namely, urban/rural dualism, decentralized land ownership, and hierarchical land management—in order to use land as a key instrument of macroeconomic regulation, helping the CCP respond to domestic and international economic trends (...)
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  26. Bare Land: Alienation as Deracination in Anna Tsing and John Steinbeck.Tim Christiaens - 2024 - In Re-imagining Class. pp. 257-277.
    In The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing explains how bare land is formed. Capitalism produces ‘ruins’ by stripping living beings of the capacity to form their own ecological relations, a necessary condition for the reproduction of life. Contemporary capitalism alienates living beings from ecological relations, i.e. capitalism generates “the ability to stand alone, as if the entanglements of living did not matter. Through alienation, people and things (...)
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    Role of the neo-rural phenomenon and the new peasantry in agroecological transitions: a literature review.Beatriz Vizuete, Elisa Oteros-Rozas & Marina García-Llorente - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1277-1297.
    In the context of agricultural activity intensification and rural abandonment, neo-rurality has emerged as a back-to-the-land migratory movement led by urban populations seeking alternative ways of life close to nature. Although the initiatives of the new peasantry are diverse, most are land related, such as agriculture and livestock farming. A priori, neorural people undertake agri-food system activities in ways that differ from the conventional model, following the principles of environmental and social sustainability. We conducted a systematic review (...)
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    Polanyi and the Peasant Question in China: State, Peasant, and Land Relations in China, 1949–Present.John Yasuda & Julia Chuang - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (2):311-347.
    This article applies Karl Polanyi’s concept of a double movement to the trajectory of rural state policies in China since 1949. It argues that Chinese socialism created a contradictory social contract that has fueled an ongoing struggle between state and peasantry over the surplus generated from rural land. This struggle has shaped a historical oscillation between state policies that facilitate extraction of agricultural surpluses and policies that introduce social protections in the form of household farming and revitalized (...)
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    Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia.Laura Schoenberger & Alice Beban - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):301-312.
    In areas of land conflict, fear and the threat of violence work to reproduce imaginaries of land as a resource that powerful people can grab. An urgent question for agrarian scholars and activists is how people can overcome fear so that alternative imaginaries might flourish. In this article, we argue for attention to the affective dimension of imaginaries; ideas of what land is and should be are co-constituted through the material and social, imbued with powerful emotions that (...)
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    The rural social sciences: An overview of research institutions, tools, and knowledge for addressing problems and issues. [REVIEW]Frederick H. Buttel - 1987 - Agriculture and Human Values 4 (1):42-65.
    This paper seeks to provide a broad overview of the historical, contemporary, and future roles of the rural social sciences. This overview is preceded by a brief elaboration of a model of the social, political, and economic structure of experiment station research organizations which is helpful in identifying the particular types of agricultural and social sciences research that have tended to be conducted in land-grant institutions. Agricultural economics and rural sociology are given particular emphasis in the next (...)
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    Anglo-american land use attitudes.Eugene C. Hargrove - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (2):121-148.
    Environmentalists in the United States are often confronted by rural landowners who feel that they have the right to do whatever they want with their land regardless of the consequences for other human beings or of the damage to the environment. This attitude is traced from its origins in ancient German and Saxon land use practices into the political writings of Thomas Jefferson where it was fused togetherwith John Locke’s theory of property. This view of land (...)
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  32. What is a meaningful role? Accounting for culture in fish and wildlife management in rural Alaska.Jeffrey Brooks & Kevin Bartley - 2016 - Human Ecology 44 (5):517-531.
    The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 requires federal agencies to provide a meaningful role for rural subsistence harvesters in management of fish and wildlife in Alaska. We constructed an interpretive analysis of qualitative interviews with residents of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Stakeholders' perceptions of their roles and motivations to participate in collaborative management are linked to unseen and often ignored cultural features and differing worldviews that influence outcomes of collaboration. Agencies need to better understand Yup'ik preferences for (...)
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    Abandoning land in search of farms: challenges of subsistence migrant farming in Ghana.Vincent Z. Kuuire, Paul Mkandawire, Isaac Luginaah & Godwin Arku - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):475-488.
    Migration remains an important strategy for livelihood security in sub-Saharan Africa. Like other parts of the region, migrant flows within Ghana have historically been directed towards urban, mineral, and plantation economies. This study, however, examines a new pattern of migration related to rural livelihood that has intensified in recent decades largely in response to mounting environmental pressures and worsening poverty. Using in-depth interviews and focused group discussions and drawing on perspectives from the livelihood approach and political ecology, this paper (...)
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    The old faith and the Russian land: a historical ethnography of ethics in the Urals.Douglas Rogers - 2009 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In search of salvation on the Stroganov estates -- Faith, family, and land after emancipation -- Youth : exemplars of rural socialism -- Elders : Christian ascetics in the Soviet countryside -- New risks and inequalities in the household sector -- Which khoziain? whose moral community? -- Society, culture, and the churching of Sepych -- Separating post-Soviet worlds? : priestly baptisms and priestless funerals.
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    “Galiza is (not) a mine”: rural responses to pro-extractivist policies.Joám Evans Pim - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    The struggles against extractivist developments have been a constant during the past 50 years of accelerated social transformation of the Galizan rural landscape. From the 1970s As Encrobas and Triacastela struggles against open pit coal and limestone mining to recent mass movements against the Corcoesto, San Finx and Touro metal mining developments, a common pattern emerges of emancipatory rural action to defend lands and livelihoods from the ruling Partido Popular slogan “Galiza is a mine”. Renewed interest for mining (...)
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    Monetary valuation of livelihoods for understanding the composition and complexity of rural households.Delali B. K. Dovie, E. T. F. Witkowski & Charlie M. Shackleton - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):87-103.
    There is, at present, little precise understanding of the relative contributions of the various income streams used by impoverished rural households in southern Africa. The impact of household profiles on overall income also is not well understood. There is, therefore, little consideration of these factors in national economic accounting. This paper is an attempt to reduce this gap in knowledge by reflecting on the relative contribution of agro-pastoralism, secondary woodland resources, and formal and informal cash income streams to households (...)
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  37. Leopold's Novel: The Land Ethic in Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer.Peter S. Wenz - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (2):106-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.2 (2003) 106-125 [Access article in PDF] Leopold's NovelThe Land Ethic in Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer Peter S. Wenz Introduction Like many good novels, Prodigal Summer's 1 account of love, tragedy, conflict, and choice in human relationships conveys an overall message about how life should be lived. In this case the message corresponds to Aldo Leopold's call for "a land ethic [that] changes (...)
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    The land reform in independent Estonia: Memory as precedent — Toward the reconstruction of agriculture in Eastern Europe. [REVIEW]Mark B. Lapping - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (1):52-59.
    As literally every East European nation struggles to reformits agricultural sector, land reform in its many forms figures preeminently in strategic thinking on the problem. Estonia's historic program, instituted during the first republican period, was a highly successful reform from many perspectives. With political as well as economic goals, the reform had an important social dimension as well in that it reinvigorated entire rural regions and established a vital family farming system. The land reform's achievements owe as (...)
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    Ladino and Q'eqchí Maya land use and land clearing in the Sierra de Lacandón National Park, Petén, Guatemala.David L. Carr - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):171-179.
    This paper examines potential differences in land use between Q'eqchí Maya and Ladino farmers in a remote agricultural frontier in northern Petén, Guatemala. The research site, the Sierra de Lacandón National Park, is a core conservation zone of Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve. In recent years, much has been written about the dramatic process of colonization and deforestation in Petén, Guatemala's largest and northernmost department. Since the early 1980s a rapid rural transformation has occurred where once remote forested regions (...)
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    Land and Power from Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England?John Moreland - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):175-193.
    Archaeology, and in particular the study of ceramics, lies at the heart of the interpretive schemes that underpin Framing the Early Middle Ages. While this is to be welcomed, it is proposed that even more extensive use of archaeological evidence - especially that generated through the excavation of prehistoric burial-mounds and rural settlements, as well as the study of early medieval coins - would have produced a rather more dynamic and nuanced picture of the transformations in social and political (...)
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    Multi-functional landscapes from the grassroots? The role of rural producer movements.Abigail K. Hart, Philip McMichael, Jeffrey C. Milder & Sara J. Scherr - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):305-322.
    Around the world, agricultural landscapes are increasingly seen as “multi-functional” spaces, expected to deliver food supplies while improving rural livelihoods and protecting and restoring healthy ecosystems. To support this array of functions and benefits, governments and civil society in many regions are now promoting integrated farm- and landscape-scale management strategies, in lieu of fragmented management strategies. While rural producers are fundamental to achieving multi-functional landscapes, they are frequently viewed as targets of, or barriers to, landscape-oriented initiatives, rather than (...)
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    Neo-colonialism in the Polish rural world: CAP approach and the phenomenon of suitcase farmers.Mirosław Biczkowski, Roman Rudnicki, Justyna Chodkowska-Miszczuk, Łukasz Wiśniewski, Mariusz Kistowski & Paweł Wiśniewski - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):667-691.
    Notwithstanding the opportunities it provides, the implementation of some measures of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (EU CAP), including agri-environment-climate measures (AECMs), also generates threats. The study identifies an extremely disturbing process that can be referred to as “internal neo-colonialism”, which has been driven by the technocratic agrarian policy of the EU and transformations in Poland at the turn of the twenty-first century. The associated disadvantageous practices mainly affect areas under threat of marginalisation and peripheralisation, including Poland with its post-Socialist (...)
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    The Philosophy, Culture, Changing Lifestyle and Rural Poverty in the 21St Century Ghana.Bartholomew Johnson Sebbeh - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 6 (1):1-18.
    Purpose: A cursory look at the lives of most people living in the rural areas of Ghana suggests that they are poor as compared to their counterparts living in the urban areas. The study aimed at investigating into the culture, philosophy, lifestyles and factors that have impacted negatively on the socio-economic situation that make the people living in the rural areas poor. Methodology: In order to obtain data on the causes of poverty among the rural people, the (...)
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    “Been Heres” and “Come Heres” in Stafford County, Virginia: Private Landowners and Land Conservation on the Urban Fringe.Ranjit Singh - 2020 - Environment, Space, Place 12 (2):31-57.
    Abstract:Private land is vitally important to land conservation efforts, but access to private landowners is a challenge for researchers. This paper studies the preferences and concerns of such landowners on the rural-urban fringe of Stafford County, Virginia. Participatory research and interviews with 53 private landowners show that conservation is deeply embedded within key social, moral, cultural, and political contexts, including a divide between long-term and newer residents. Successful conservation requires such social knowledge. It is argued that landowner (...)
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    The Politics of Dispossession: Theorizing India’s “Land Wars”.Michael Levien - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (3):351-394.
    While struggles over land dispossession have recently proliferated across the developing world and become particularly significant in India, this paper argues that existing theories of political agency do not capture the specificity of the politics of dispossession. Based on two years of ethnographic research on anti-dispossession movements across rural India, the paper argues that the dispossession of land creates a specific kind of politics, distinct not just from labor politics, but also from various other forms of peasant (...)
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    Environmentalism in Ireland: Ecological Modernisation versus Populist Rural Sentiment.Liam Leonard - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (4):463-483.
    The recent phase of economic growth in the Republic of Ireland has led to an increase in industrial and infrastructural development across the island. One offshoot of this accelerated growth has been a rise in community based environmental movements, as environmentalists and concerned communities have come to mobilise campaigns to protect local communities and hinterlands. This paper examines the contestation of two forms of environmentalism, institutional ecomodernism versus a grassroots ecopopulism within the context of the ongoing dispute between a local (...)
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    Scheffler’s autopsy of poverty in the biblical text: Critiquing land expropriation as an elitist project.Temba T. Rugwiji - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3).
    The theme of poverty has recently dominated various scholarly platforms, including academic presentations and public debates. Nevertheless, it has emerged that the rhetoric about poverty reduction seems to be the project of the elite who apparently write and speak on behalf of the poor. The plight of the majority of the poor is problematised so that transformation is superficially democratised with the ultimate aim of benefitting the elite. The present study reflects on Eben Scheffler’s contributions on poverty and the poor (...)
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    Aesthetic and Other Values in the Rural Landscape.John Benson - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (2):221-238.
    The paper discusses some relationships between aesthetic and non-aesthetic reasons for valuing rural landscape, i.e., landscape shaped by predominantly non-aesthetic purposes. The first part is about the relationship between aesthetic reasons and considerations of utility and argues for an intimate connection between them. The next part considers the relationship between aesthetic and other non-instrumental reasons for valuing landscape and argues that there are important contingent but no essential connections between them. The third part considers the strength or weakness of (...)
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    Reimagining modern politics in the European mountains: confronting the traditional commons with the neo-rural conception of the common good.Ismael Vaccaro, Oriol Beltran & Camila Del Mármol - forthcoming - Theory and Society.
    Since at least the 1970s, the countryside of Western Europe has been the site of a myriad of “new” communal initiatives. Rural areas that were abandoned during the last century have witnessed the arrival of new inhabitants. These newcomers often flock to the mountains escaping urban lifestyles characterized by individualism, mass-oriented livelihoods, and isolation. Many of these individuals move to areas like the Catalan Pyrenees, where common property and communal institutions have had a strong historical presence. In embracing (...) life, these new inhabitants are looking for a more integrated social life in which the commons are, on the one hand, a form of collective private property, and, on the other, represent a more egalitarian way of life in which contributing to the collective effort is not only an efficient way of dealing with particularly harsh ecological conditions, but also an ideological statement that defines the community as something different: an alternative to urban capitalism. Two definitions of the commons are colliding in these mountains; two longstanding lines of political thought are converging and establishing a dialogue that is not always easy: (1) traditional ideologies of land ownership that defined common property over the centuries, not based on economic equality, but on private property and locally shared responsibility on the economic base of the community; and (2) utopian anti-capitalism that views the commons as an alternative mode of social organization and ownership based on egalitarianism. (shrink)
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    Ideology, Bureaucracy and Aesthetics: Landscape Change and Land Reform in Northwest Scotland.Rick Rohde - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (2):199-221.
    Scottish devolution and land reform were high on the political agenda with Labour's victory at the general election in 1997. In the Highlands of Scotland, where disputes over the ownership and control of land have a long history, initiatives involving the community ownership of land were gathering pace, one of which was Orbost Estate in Skye. What began as an 'experiment' in building a new community with the intention of creating a model for land reform, by (...)
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