Results for 'provisional right'

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  1.  95
    Publicity and provisional right.Gary Banham - 2007 - Politics and Ethics Review 3 (1):73-89.
    This piece presents an account of Kant's notion of provisional right and connects this conception to his defence of two principles of publicity. The argument is to the effect that understanding the notion of provisional right will enable us to comprehend the Kantian picture of the state of nature, the basis of the transition from such a state to the civil condition and also his treatment of international right. The paper also presents the sketch of (...)
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  2. Provisional right and non-state peoples.Anna Stilz - 2014 - In Katrin Flikschuh & Lea Ypi, Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    What Is Provisional Right?Martin Jay Stone & Rafeeq Hasan - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (1):51-98.
    Kant maintains that while claims to property are morally possible in a state of nature, such claims are merely “provisional”; they become “conclusive” only in a civil condition involving political institutions. Kant’s commentators find this thesis puzzling, since it seems to assert a natural right to property alongside a commitment to property’s conventionality. We resolve this apparent contradiction. Provisional right is not a special kind of right. Instead, it marks the imperfection of an action where (...)
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    Provisional Right in Kant's Rechtslehre.Elisabeth Ellis - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 100-105.
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    CHAPTER 4. Citizenship and Provisional Right.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 84-113.
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    The provisionality of property rights in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.Rafeeq Hasan - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (6):850-876.
    I criticize two ways of interpreting Kant's claim that property rights are merely ‘provisional’ in the state of nature.Weak provisionalityholds that in the state of nature agents can make rightful claims to property. What is lacking is the institutional context necessary to render their claims secure. By contrast,strong provisionalityholds that making property claims in the state of nature wrongs others. I argue for a third view,anticipatory provisionality, according to which state of nature property claims do not wrong others, but (...)
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    Kant’s Provisionality Thesis.J. P. Messina - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (3):439-463.
    I argue that Kant’s mature political philosophy entails the provisionality thesis. The provisionality thesis asserts that in a world like ours, populated with beings sufficiently like us, acquired rights (rights to external objects of choice, including property, sovereignty and territory) are necessarily provisional. I motivate the standard view, which restricts the notion of provisional right to the state of nature and the transition from the state of nature to the civil condition. I then provide two textual arguments (...)
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  8.  21
    Provisionalism in the Study of Politics.Elisabeth Ellis - 2004 - In Ian Shapiro, Rogers M. Smith & Tarek E. Masoud, Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 350-377.
  9. Kant’s Politics: Provisional Theory for an Uncertain World.Elisabeth Ellis - 2005 - Yale University Press.
    Kant’s brilliant original contributions to political thought cannot be understood without attention to his dynamic concept of provisional right, argues Elisabeth Ellis in this book—the first comprehensive interpretation of Kant’s political theory. Kant’s notion of provisional right applies to existing institutions and practices that are consistent with the possibility of progress. Ellis traces this idea through Kant’s works and demonstrates that the concept of provisional right can be used both to illuminate contemporary theoretical debates (...)
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  10.  40
    Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - Yale University Press.
    True,Kant takes the conclusions of his ethical work for granted in his political theorizing; he treats corollaries of the categorical imperative as conclusive principles of political right.However,in his political theory his concern is not simply to lay ...
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  11. Provisional politics: Kantian arguments in policy context (review).E. Regina Helfrich - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 249-250.
    In this short but intriguing book, Elisabeth Ellis tackles the problem that our political language is misleadingly full of clashes between conclusive political principles, when in fact our political actions necessarily take place in a world too complex and changing for such fixed answers. Drawing upon the work of Immanuel Kant, Ellis proposes to clarify our political talk and reasoning by replacing the language of conclusive principles with that of provisional reasoning. It is the aim of the book to (...)
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    Justice as provisionality: An account of contrastive hard cases.Monica Mookherjee - 2001 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 4 (3):67-100.
    James Tully's account of a ?post?imperial constitutionalism?, in his book Strange Multiplicity, wrongly rejects the ideal of impartiality in modern political theory. Pace Tully, this paper argues for a conception of impartiality called ?justice as provisionality?. This is demonstrated by explaining the concept of a ?contrastive hard case?. These cases, exemplified both by indigenous peoples? struggles for recognition and ?traditional? justifications for violence against women, centrally involve conflicts over the cultural interpretation of value. The paper argues that the just adjudication (...)
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    The right to teach at university: a Humboldtian perspective.Bruce Macfarlane & Martin G. Erikson - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1136-1147.
    The right to teach at university is a distinctive philosophical and legal conundrum but a largely unexplored question. Drawing on Humboltdian principles, the legitimacy of the university teacher stems from their continuing engagement in research rather than possession of academic and teaching qualifications alone. This means that the right to teach needs to be understood as a privilege and implies that it is always provisional, requiring an ongoing commitment to research. Yet, massification of higher education systems internationally (...)
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  14.  7
    (1 other version)Pretending peace: Provisional political trust and sincerity in Kant and Améry.Marguerite La Caze - 2017 - In Pretending Peace: Provisional political trust and sincerity in Kant and Améry. New York: Routledge. pp. 156-72.
    Kant suggests in The Metaphysics of Morals that we may sometimes say something untrue or insincere since others are free to interpret our statements as they wish. (1996, 6:238) Yet he also argues that even in conflict situations we should be truthful so as to not eliminate trust and to make it possible for a rightful condition to arise. My paper considers the conditions Kant believes essential to maintain basic trust so that in better times peace is possible. It also (...)
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  15.  77
    Human rights and the legitimacy of the international order.Allen Buchanan - 2008 - Legal Theory 14 (1):39-70.
    The international legal order is beginning to take human rights seriously, yet sound justifications for claims about human rights are conspicuously absent. Philosophers have begun to respond to this “justification deficit” by developing theories of human rights. Although a philosophical conception of human rights is needed, it would not be sufficient. The justification of human rights is a dynamic process in which a provisional philosophical conception of human rights both guides and is fleshed out by public processes of practical (...)
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  16.  29
    Democracy in an Uncertain World: Expertise as a Provisional Response to Vulnerability.Robert Smid - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 44 (3):30-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Democracy in an Uncertain World:Expertise as a Provisional Response to VulnerabilityRobert Smid (bio)In the final chapter of American Immanence, Michael Hogue writes that "[r]ather than asking the foundationalist question of what epistemology is needed to ground or justify democracy, the pragmatist asks what epistemology democracy entails. What 'way of knowing' follows from, or is appropriate to, democracy as an associational ethos of vulnerable life?"1 While Hogue and I (...)
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  17. The shape of Lockean rights: Fairness, pareto, moderation, and consent.Richard Arneson - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (1):255-285.
    In chapter four of Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick raised interesting questions about whether or not it is ever morally acceptable to act against what are agreed to be an individual's natural moral rights. The pursuit of these questions opens up issues concerning the specific content of these individual rights. This essay explores Nozick's questions by posing examples and using our considered responses to them to specify the shape of individual rights. The exploration provisionally concludes that a conception of (...)
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  18. Kant on Property Rights and the Social Contract.Kenneth Baynes - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):433-453.
    For all contract theorists, including Kant, political legitimacy is based upon the consent of the governed. The differences amongst them begin to emerge when we inquire into the motivations and considerations which lead up to the agreement. For Kant, consent to the social contract is not based upon considerations of rational self-interest or prudence, nor upon a natural right to self-preservation and the guarantee of absolute property rights, but upon a moral obligation to institutionalize and make peremptory in a (...)
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    The International Criminal Court's Provisional Authority to Coerce.Antonio Franceschet - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (1):93-101.
    The United Nations ad hoc tribunals in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda had primacy over national judicial agents for crimes committed in these countries during the most notorious civil wars and genocide of the 1990s. The UN Charter granted the Security Council the right to establish a tribunal for Yugoslavia in the context of ongoing civil war and against the will of recalcitrant national agents. The Council used that same right to punish individuals responsible for a genocide that (...)
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  20. Property and the Will: Kant and Achenwall on Ownership Rights.Fiorella Tomassini - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (2):297-313.
    This article examines Kant’s theory of property through a comparative analysis of Gottfried Achenwall’s justification of ownership rights. I argue that at the core of Achenwall’s and Kant’s understanding of ownership rights lies the idea that rights are to be acquired through a juridical act (factum iuridicum, rechtlichen Act) of the will. However, while Achenwall thinks of this act as emerging from a private will, Kant holds that rights and obligations can only be brought about by an act of the (...)
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    Acting as if: the utopian political thought and actions of the US disability rights movement.Gisli Vogler - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (4):589-608.
    This article studies the response of the US disability community to the prevalent assumption that disabled people do not have a future, in the form of the disability rights movement. It provides an exploratory discussion of the key role played by utopianism in the response. In doing so, the article adds to critical theorizing on the importance of utopia to the oppression of non-dominant groups and to transcending that oppression. I use utopian studies scholarship to interpret the activities leading up (...)
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  22.  41
    Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2 (review). [REVIEW]Barbara A. Biesecker - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (3):254-256.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2Barbara A. BieseckerEyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2. Jacques Derrida Trans.Jan Plug and others. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004. Pp. xi, 303. $53.95, hardcover, $20.95, paperback.My motivation is doubled. First, I want to use the occasion of this review to mark out a consistent and dominant motif in the life's work of Jacques Derrida (whose passing nearly (...)
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    Kants Rechtslehre zwischen ethischer Überhöhung und positivistischer Verflachung.Georg Geismann - 2021 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 29 (1):189-235.
    This essay deals with Kant’s Doctrine of Right, but in a rather unusual way by being at the same time a review of a book on that doctrine. It was, indeed, that book which brought me, by trying to review it, to reformulate my own view on the issue To sum up the main mistakes of the author of that book: he takes the Doctrine of Right as a direct application of the doctrine of freedom, as developed in (...)
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    What Kant Would Have Said in the Refugee Crisis.Peter Niesen - 2017 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50:83-106.
    The paper starts out from a debate that occurred in Germany in 2015, where interpreters claimed to be able to divine Immanuel Kant’s views of the contemporary refugee crisis. It does not attempt to give a substantive answer to the title question, i.e. it does not try to specify the conclusive extension of cosmopolitan right. In contrast, it outlines the systematic work that would have to be done in order to be able to answer the title question. I start (...)
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  25.  99
    Review: Fleischacker, A Third Concept of Liberty: Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Adam Smith. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Ellis - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):447-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Third Concept of Liberty. Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Adam SmithElisabeth EllisSamuel Fleischacker. A Third Concept of Liberty. Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Adam Smith. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Cloth, $70.00. Pp. 338.Samuel Fleischacker's lively and ambitious new book on judgment makes significant contributions to the literature interpreting Kant and Smith. He constructs a powerful [End Page 447] theory of free human judgment from (...)
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    The Longest Revolution: Cultural Studies after Speciesism.John Simons - 1997 - Environmental Values 6 (4):483-497.
    This article is a provisional exploration of the field of cultural studies from a committed animal rights perspective. It argues that cultural studies will need to be reformed in response to increasing public concern about animal welfare issues and the growth of environmental consciousness. A number of critical readings of literary texts are employed to exemplify how this reformation might manifest itself in practice. It includes a review and critique of some current work in the field and suggests that (...)
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  27.  73
    (1 other version)The ethics of complexity and the complexity of ethics.Minka Woermann - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):447-463.
    In this paper, we investigate the implications that a general view of complexity - i.e. the view that complex phenomena are irreducible - hold for our understanding of ethics. In this view, ethics should be conceived of as constitutive of knowledge and identity, rather than as a normative system that dictates right action. Using this understanding, we elaborate on the ethics of complexity and the complexity of ethics. Whilst the former concerns the nature and the status of our modelling (...)
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  28.  87
    (1 other version)Moral mazes: the world of corporate managers.Robert Jackall - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is right in the corporation is not what is right in a man's home or in his church," a former vice-president of a large firm observes. "What is right in the corporation is what the guy above you wants from you." Such sentiments pervade American society, from corporate boardrooms to the basement of the White House. In Moral Mazes, Robert Jackall offers an eye-opening account of how corporate managers think the world works, and of how big (...)
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  29.  55
    The use and abuse of scientific studies.Kathryn Paxton George - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):217-233.
    In response to Evelyn Pluhar'sWho Can Be Morally Obligated to Be a Vegetarian? in this journal issue, the author has read all of Pluhar's citations for the accuracy of her claims and had these read by an independent nutritionist. Detailed analysis of Pluhar's argument shows that she attempts to make her case by consistent misappropriation of the findings and conclusions of the studies she cites. Pluhar makes sweeping generalizations from scanty data, ignores causal explanations given by scientists, equates hypothesis with (...)
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  30. on finding yourself in a state of nature: a kantian account of abortion and voluntary motherhood.Jordan Pascoe - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (3).
    In this essay, I draw on Kant’s legal philosophy in order to defend the right to voluntary motherhood by way of abortion at any stage of pregnancy as an essential feature of women’s basic rights. By developing the distinction between innate and acquired right in Kant’s legal philosophy, I argue that the viability standard in US law (as established in Planned Parenthood v. Casey) misunderstands the nature of embodied right. Our body is the site of innate (...); it is the means through which we can set and pursue ends in the world. The law, therefore, cannot adjudicate the relationship between the will and the body: it cannot require us to allow our bodies to be used against our will. By comparing unwanted pregnancy to sexual assault, I problematize the notion that consent to pregnancy, like consent to sex, can ever be conclusive. I examine Kant’s own account of unwanted pregnancy, in which he describes mother and child finding themselves “in a state of nature” in order to rethink the status of the fetus in law, and I argue that we should understand the fetus’s right to life as provisional, rather than as enforceable by law. (shrink)
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  31. Conceptual Schemes/Frameworks and Their Relation to Law: A New Argument for Separation of Church and State.Vincent Samar - 2024 - Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice 30 (2):379-424.
    A central question that arises when interpreting the U.S. Constitution is which theory of interpretation is the best? In his recent book, “How to Interpret the Constitution,” Cass Sunstein reviews various theories of constitutional interpretation currently in vogue and then offers what he believes would be the best approach going forward. In this Article, I want to take up a more basic question presupposed by the very idea of a theory of interpretation. That is, whether it is even possible to (...)
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  32. Pluralism and Meaning: Paul Ricoeur and the Ethics of Interpretation.John Wall - 1999 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    This dissertation is a constructive interpretation of the significance of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's work for ethical theory. It argues that Ricoeur provides a concept of moral meaning which addresses more adequately than major contemporary alternatives, particularly Hebermas, MacIntyre, and Levinas, the problem of moral pluralism. Specifically, moral meaning for Ricoeur is a dialectical term which mediates the teleological good and the deontological right of tradition-interpreting selves. It renders productive these two poles of moral life, one Aristotelian and the (...)
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    Conflicting interests, social justice and proxy consent to research.Daryl Pullman - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (5):523 – 545.
    Historically the primary role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) has been "to assure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in research" (U.S. FDA, 1996). However, there is much to suggest that IRBs have been unable to fulfil this mandate, particularly in regard to the matter of informed consent. Part of the problem in this regard is that the competing interests of other stakeholders (...)
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    (1 other version)So animal a human ..., Or the moral relevance of being an omnivore.Kathryn Paxton George - 1990 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3 (2):172-186.
    It is argued that the question of whether or not one is required to be or become a strict vegetarian depends, not upon a rule or ideal that endorses vegetarianism on moral grounds, but rather upon whether one's own physical, biological nature is adapted to maintaining health and well-being on a vegetarian diet. Even if we accept the view that animals have rights, we still have no duty to make ourselves substantially worse off for the sake of other rights-holders. Moreover, (...)
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  35. Consent.Richard J. Arneson - unknown
    The Lockean natural rights tradition—including its libertarian branch-- is a work in progress.1 Thirty years after the publication of Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick’s classic work of political theory is still regarded by academic philosophers as the authoritative statement of right-wing libertarian Lockeanism in the Ayn Rand mold.2 Despite the classic status of this great book, its tone is not at all magisterial, but improvisational, quirky, tentative, and exploratory. Its author has more questions than answers. On some central (...)
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    Intentionality, Institutions, and Human Nature.Joseph Margolis - 1986 - The Monist 69 (4):546-567.
    Addressing the question of intentionality, we do well to orient ourselves by provisional extremes. There is a temptation to politicize the discussion by identifying the right-wing and left-wing poles of the debate, but the slightest good sense shows that one would thereby only betray one’s own allegiance and one’s own assessments. Still, the point of the temptation rests with the remarkable division of interest in the philosophical community.
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    The Nature of Proof in Psychiatry.Paul Lieberman - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):225-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Nature of Proof in PsychiatryPaul Lieberman (bio)Keywordspsychotherapy process, knowledge and psychiatry, externalism, WittgensteinThis vivid clinical report illustrates recognizably, and provocatively, a number of routine, but often unexamined, clinical questions. In its few paragraphs, it depicts challenges that each practitioner confronts, and, in the flux of clinical work, addresses, however implicitly and imperfectly, every day: From what data, and by what processes, does a clinical formulation, or way of (...)
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    Beyond Toleration: Queer Theory and Heteronormativity.Declan Kavanagh - 2016 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 8:73-82.
    The recent widespread transformation in the conjugal rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people across much of the globe may seem to suggest that, at long last, the history of heterosexism has reached its terminus. In Ireland, the Equal Marriage Referendum in May 2015 offered the opportunity for the citizens of the Republic to extend the same rights, permissions, and privileges to same-sex couples that married heterosexual couples freely enjoy. The passing of that referendum and the extension of (...)
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    Time For Beginners: Natality, Biopolitics, and Political Theology.Rosalyn Diprose & Ewa Płonowska Ziarek - 2013 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 3 (2):107-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Time For Beginners:Natality, Biopolitics, and Political TheologyRosalyn Diprose and Ewa Płonowska ZiarekDespite The Growing Interest in Hannah Arendt’s idea of natality and its relationship to politics,1 natality is rarely discussed in the context of biopolitics.2 This is all the more puzzling since Arendt is not only a thinker of natality but also, as Agamben acknowledges in Homo Sacer, the first thinker of biopolitics (Agamben 1998, 3–4). While we will (...)
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    Taking Sin Seriously.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (1):45 - 74.
    Contemporary Roman Catholic ethics endeavors to take sin seriously by offering theologies of sin that emphasize it as a force and as a basic, personal orientation. Such efforts rightly counter the Catholic tradition's earlier reduction of sin to sins, and sins to external acts and moral culpability. But perhaps they go too far in this regard. By engaging Charles Curran, this study argues that inattention to sins undermines the theological referent of sin as a discourse that concerns more than moral (...)
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  41. Desired Becomings.Katja Mayer & Judith Simon - unknown
    In contrast to Christopher Kelty’s case for the “careful cultural analysis of the domesticated forms that open source is taking” – which we agree to be a very useful endeavor – we would like to stick with the original call for papers for this special issue, that explicitly addresses the critical power of free software and a necessary shift to epistemologies. In our contribution we are responding to the aims of this special issue and to some of the contributions from (...)
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    Normativity within the Bounds of Plural Reasons. The Applied Ethics Revolution.Sergio Cremaschi - 2007 - Uppsala, Sweden: NSU Press. Edited by Dag Petersson & Asger Sørensen.
    In chapter one I will try to reconstruct a plot, or a hidden agenda, in the discussion in ethics between the beginning of the twentieth century and 1958, the year of a decisive turning point in ethics, both Anglo-Saxon and Continental, and strangely enough also the year of the beginning of the end of the Cold War, of post-Tridentine Catholicism, and perhaps something else. My hypothesis will be that there are two similar starting points for the Anglo-Saxon and the Continental (...)
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  43. Notas sobre a definição de virtude moral em Aristóteles (EN 1106b 36- 1107a 2).Lucas Angioni - 2009 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 3 (1):1-17.
    This paper discusses some issues concerning the definition of moral virtue in Nicomachean Ethics 1106b 36- 1107a 2. It is reasonable to expect from a definition the complete enumeration of the relevant features of its definiendum, but the definition of moral virtue seems to fail in doing this task. One might be tempted to infer that this definition is intended by Aristotle as a mere preliminary account that should be replaced by a more precise one. The context of the argument (...)
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    Re-editing the Republic.Malcolm Schofield - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125 (4):607-614.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Re-editing the RepublicMalcolm SchofieldS. R. Slings, ed. Platonis Respublica. Oxford Classical Texts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. xxiv + 428 pp. Cloth, $45.S. R. Slings' Republic is the second volume to appear in the new OCT edition of Plato. Reviewing the first—the new volume I, containing the first two tetralogies—Slings rounded off with some general remarks for the "average user of OCTs," who "will want to know to what degree (...)
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    Heuristics and Inferential Microstructures: The Path to Quaternions.Emiliano Ippoliti - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (3):411-425.
    I investigate the construction of the mathematical concept of quaternion from a methodological and heuristic viewpoint to examine what we can learn from it for the study of the advancement of mathematical knowledge. I will look, in particular, at the inferential microstructures that shape this construction, that is, the study of both the very first, ampliative inferential steps, and their tentative outcomes—i.e. small ‘structures’ such as provisional entities and relations. I discuss how this paradigmatic case study supports the recent (...)
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  46. The Termination Risks of Simulation Science.Preston Greene - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):489-509.
    Historically, the hypothesis that our world is a computer simulation has struck many as just another improbable-but-possible “skeptical hypothesis” about the nature of reality. Recently, however, the simulation hypothesis has received significant attention from philosophers, physicists, and the popular press. This is due to the discovery of an epistemic dependency: If we believe that our civilization will one day run many simulations concerning its ancestry, then we should believe that we are probably in an ancestor simulation right now. This (...)
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  47. Idealism and Indian philosophy.Shyam Ranganathan - 2021 - In Joshua R. Farris & Benedikt Paul Göcke, The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In contrast to a stereotypical account of Indian philosophy that are entailments of the interpreter’s beliefs (an approach that violates basic standards of reason), an approach to Indian philosophy grounded on the constraints of formal reason reveals not only a wide spread disagreement on dharma (THE RIGHT OR THE GOOD), but also a pervasive commitment to the practical foundation of life’s challenges. The flip side of this practical orientation is the criticism of ordinary experience as erroneous and reducible to (...)
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    Global Status and Trends in Intellectual Property Claims: Patent Dataset for Biodiversity.Anthony Mark Cutter & Paul Oldham - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (2):1-111.
    The extension of intellectual property rights into the realm of biology has emerged as an increasing focus of controversy in relation to science,2 biodiversity,3 agriculture,4 health,5 development,6 human rights7 and trade.8 This paper presents the results of a review of international trends in activity for patent protection between 1990-2000 and provisional data to 2004 and 2005 from over 70 national patent offices, four regional patent offices and the World Intellectual Property Organisation using the European Patent Office esp@cenet worldwide database.9 (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Climate Change and Non-Ideal Theory: Six Ways of Responding to Noncompliance.Simon Caney - 2016 - In Clare Heyward & Dominic Roser, Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 21-42.
    This paper examines what agents should do when others fail to comply with their responsibilities to prevent dangerous climate change. It distinguishes between six different possible responses to noncompliance. These include what I term (1) 'target modification' (watering down the extent to which we seek to prevent climate change), (2) ‘responsibility reallocation’ (reassigning responsibilities to other duty bearers), (3) ‘burden shifting I’ (allowing duty bearers to implement policies which impose unjust burdens on others, (4) 'burden shifting II’ (allowing some to (...)
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  50. Merleau‐Ponty, Metaphysical Realism and the Natural World1.Simon P. James - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (4):501 – 519.
    Environmental thinkers often suppose that the natural world (or some parts of it, at least) exists in its own right, independent of human concerns. The arguments developed in this paper suggest that it is possible to do justice to this thought without endorsing some form of metaphysical realism. Thus the early sections look to Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception to develop an anti-realist account of the independent reality of the natural world, one, it is argued, that has certain advantages over (...)
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