Results for 'proof-theoretic methods '

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  1.  9
    Multicomponent proof-theoretic method for proving interpolation properties.Roman Kuznets - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1369-1418.
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    Proof-theoretic methods in quantifier-free definability.Zoltan A. Kocsis - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (4):103555.
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    A Proof-Theoretic Approach to Negative Translations in Intuitionistic Tense Logics.Zhe Lin & Minghui Ma - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (5):1255-1289.
    A cut-free Gentzen sequent calculus for Ewald’s intuitionistic tense logic \ is established. By the proof-theoretic method, we prove that, for every set of strictly positive implications S, the classical tense logic \ is embedded into its intuitionistic analogue \ via Kolmogorov, Gödel–Genzten and Kuroda translations respectively. A sufficient and necessary condition for Glivenko type theorem in tense logics is established.
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  4. A proof-theoretic characterization of the primitive recursive set functions.Michael Rathjen - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):954-969.
    Let KP- be the theory resulting from Kripke-Platek set theory by restricting Foundation to Set Foundation. Let G: V → V (V:= universe of sets) be a ▵0-definable set function, i.e. there is a ▵0-formula φ(x, y) such that φ(x, G(x)) is true for all sets x, and $V \models \forall x \exists!y\varphi (x, y)$ . In this paper we shall verify (by elementary proof-theoretic methods) that the collection of set functions primitive recursive in G coincides with (...)
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    A prooftheoretic study of the correspondence of hybrid logic and classical logic.H. Kushida & M. Okada - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (1):35-61.
    In this paper, we show the equivalence between the provability of a proof system of basic hybrid logic and that of translated formulas of the classical predicate logic with equality and explicit substitution by a purely prooftheoretic method. Then we show the equivalence of two groups of proof systems of hybrid logic: the group of labelled deduction systems and the group of modal logic-based systems.
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    Proof-theoretical analysis of order relations.Sara Negri, Jan von Plato & Thierry Coquand - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (3):297-309.
    A proof-theoretical analysis of elementary theories of order relations is effected through the formulation of order axioms as mathematical rules added to contraction-free sequent calculus. Among the results obtained are proof-theoretical formulations of conservativity theorems corresponding to Szpilrajn’s theorem on the extension of a partial order into a linear one. Decidability of the theories of partial and linear order for quantifier-free sequents is shown by giving terminating methods of proof-search.
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    Proof-Theoretical Aspects of Nonlinear and Set-Valued Analysis.Nicholas Pischke - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):288-289.
    This thesis is concerned with extending the underlying logical approach as well as the breadth of applications of the proof mining program to various (mostly previously untreated) areas of nonlinear analysis and optimization, with a particular focus being placed on topics which involve set-valued operators.For this, we extend the current logical methodology of proof mining by new systems and corresponding so-called logical metatheorems that cover these more involved areas of nonlinear analysis. Most of these systems crucially rely on (...)
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    A proof-theoretic analysis of collection.Lev D. Beklemishev - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (5-6):275-296.
    By a result of Paris and Friedman, the collection axiom schema for $\Sigma_{n+1}$ formulas, $B\Sigma_{n+1}$ , is $\Pi_{n+2}$ conservative over $I\Sigma_n$ . We give a new proof-theoretic proof of this theorem, which is based on a reduction of $B\Sigma_n$ to a version of collection rule and a subsequent analysis of this rule via Herbrand's theorem. A generalization of this method allows us to improve known results on reflection principles for $B\Sigma_n$ and to answer some technical questions left (...)
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  9. Proof-theoretic semantic values for logical operators.Nissim Francez & Gilad Ben-avi - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):466-478.
    The paper proposes a semantic value for the logical constants (connectives and quantifiers) within the framework of proof-theoretic semantics, basic meaning on the introduction rules of a meaning conferring natural deduction proof system. The semantic value is defined based on Fregecontributions” to sentential meanings as determined by the function-argument structure as induced by a type-logical grammar. In doing so, the paper proposes a novel proof-theoretic interpretation of the semantic types, traditionally interpreted in Henkin models. The (...)
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    Provability algebras and proof-theoretic ordinals, I.Lev D. Beklemishev - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 128 (1-3):103-123.
    We suggest an algebraic approach to proof-theoretic analysis based on the notion of graded provability algebra, that is, Lindenbaum boolean algebra of a theory enriched by additional operators which allow for the structure to capture proof-theoretic information. We use this method to analyze Peano arithmetic and show how an ordinal notation system up to 0 can be recovered from the corresponding algebra in a canonical way. This method also establishes links between proof-theoretic ordinal analysis (...)
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    A proof-theoretic study of the correspondence of classical logic and modal logic.H. Kushida & M. Okada - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1403-1414.
    It is well known that the modal logic S5 can be embedded in the classical predicate logic by interpreting the modal operator in terms of a quantifier. Wajsberg [10] proved this fact in a syntactic way. Mints [7] extended this result to the quantified version of S5; using a purely proof-theoretic method he showed that the quantified S5 corresponds to the classical predicate logic with one-sorted variable. In this paper we extend Mints' result to the basic modal logic (...)
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  12. Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Subsentential Phrases.Nissim Francez, Roy Dyckhoff & Gilad Ben-Avi - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (3):381-401.
    The paper briefly surveys the sentential proof-theoretic semantics for fragment of English. Then, appealing to a version of Frege’s context-principle (specified to fit type-logical grammar), a method is presented for deriving proof-theoretic meanings for sub-sentential phrases, down to lexical units (words). The sentential meaning is decomposed according to the function-argument structure as determined by the type-logical grammar. In doing so, the paper presents a novel proof-theoretic interpretation of simple type, replacing Montague’s model-theoretic type (...)
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    A Proof-Theoretic Approach to Formal Epistemology.Sara Negri & Edi Pavlović - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 303-345.
    Ever since antiquity, attempts have been made at defining knowledge through belief augmented by additional properties such as truth and justification. These characterizations have been challenged by Gettier counterexamples and their variants. A modern proposal, what is known as defeasibility theory, characterizes knowledge through stability under revision of beliefs on the basis of true or arbitrary information. A formal investigation of such a proposal calls for the methods of dynamic epistemic logic: well developed semantic approaches to dynamic epistemic logic (...)
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    A unification-theoretic method for investigating the k-provability problem.William M. Farmer - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (3):173-214.
    The k-provability for an axiomatic system A is to determine, given an integer k 1 and a formula in the language of A, whether or not there is a proof of in A containing at most k lines. In this paper we develop a unification-theoretic method for investigating the k-provability problem for Parikh systems, which are first-order axiomatic systems that contain a finite number of axiom schemata and a finite number of rules of inference. We show that the (...)
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    Proof Theory for Positive Logic with Weak Negation.Marta Bílková & Almudena Colacito - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):649-686.
    Proof-theoretic methods are developed for subsystems of Johansson’s logic obtained by extending the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic with weak negations. These methods are exploited to establish properties of the logical systems. In particular, cut-free complete sequent calculi are introduced and used to provide a proof of the fact that the systems satisfy the Craig interpolation property. Alternative versions of the calculi are later obtained by means of an appropriate loop-checking history mechanism. Termination of the (...)
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    Thomas Piecha and Peter Schroeder-Heister. Incompleteness of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Respect to Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Studia Logica , vol. 107 (2019), no. 1, pp. 233–246. - Alexander V. Gheorghiu, Tao Gu and David J. Pym. Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic. Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, Revantha Ramanayake and Josef Urban, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14278, Springer, Cham, pp. 367–385. - Hermógenes Oliveira. On Dummett’s Pragmatist Justification Procedure. Erkenntnis , vol. 86 (2021), no. 2, pp. 429–455. [REVIEW]Will Stafford - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):427-431.
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    Proof Theory for Fuzzy Logics.George Metcalfe, Nicola Olivetti & Dov M. Gabbay - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Fuzzy logics are many-valued logics that are well suited to reasoning in the context of vagueness. They provide the basis for the wider field of Fuzzy Logic, encompassing diverse areas such as fuzzy control, fuzzy databases, and fuzzy mathematics. This book provides an accessible and up-to-date introduction to this fast-growing and increasingly popular area. It focuses in particular on the development and applications of "proof-theoretic" presentations of fuzzy logics; the result of more than ten years of intensive work (...)
  18. Pure proof theory aims, methods and results.Wolfram Pohlers - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (2):159-188.
    Apologies. The purpose of the following talk is to give an overview of the present state of aims, methods and results in Pure Proof Theory. Shortage of time forces me to concentrate on my very personal views. This entails that I will emphasize the work which I know best, i.e., work that has been done in the triangle Stanford, Munich and Münster. I am of course well aware that there are as important results coming from outside this triangle (...)
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    The Method of Socratic Proofs: From the Logic of Questions to Proof Theory.Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion - 2021 - In Moritz Cordes (ed.), Asking and Answering: Rivalling Approaches to Interrogative Methods. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. pp. 183–198.
    I consider two cognitive phenomena: inquiring and justifying, as complementary processes running in opposite directions. I explain on an example that the former process is driven by questions and the latter is a codification of the results of the first one. Traditionally, proof theory focuses on the latter process, and thus describes the former, at best, as an example of a backward proof search. I argue that this is not the best way to analyze cognitive processes driven by (...)
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  20. The method of hypersequents in the proof theory of propositional non-classical logics.Arnon Avron - 1977 - In Wilfrid Hodges (ed.), Logic. New York: Penguin Books. pp. 1-32.
    Until not too many years ago, all logics except classical logic (and, perhaps, intuitionistic logic too) were considered to be things esoteric. Today this state of a airs seems to have completely been changed. There is a growing interest in many types of nonclassical logics: modal and temporal logics, substructural logics, paraconsistent logics, non-monotonic logics { the list is long. The diversity of systems that have been proposed and studied is so great that a need is felt by many researchers (...)
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    Light monotone Dialectica methods for proof mining.Mircea-Dan Hernest - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):551-561.
    In view of an enhancement of our implementation on the computer, we explore the possibility of an algorithmic optimization of the various proof-theoretic techniques employed by Kohlenbach for the synthesis of new effective uniform bounds out of established qualitative proofs in Numerical Functional Analysis. Concretely, we prove that the method of “colouring” some of the quantifiers as “non-computational” extends well to ε-arithmetization, elimination-of-extensionality and model-interpretation.
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  22. Proof analysis in intermediate logics.Roy Dyckhoff & Sara Negri - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (1):71-92.
    Using labelled formulae, a cut-free sequent calculus for intuitionistic propositional logic is presented, together with an easy cut-admissibility proof; both extend to cover, in a uniform fashion, all intermediate logics characterised by frames satisfying conditions expressible by one or more geometric implications. Each of these logics is embedded by the Gödel–McKinsey–Tarski translation into an extension of S4. Faithfulness of the embedding is proved in a simple and general way by constructive proof-theoretic methods, without appeal to semantics (...)
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  23. Structural Proof Theory.Sara Negri, Jan von Plato & Aarne Ranta - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jan Von Plato.
    Structural proof theory is a branch of logic that studies the general structure and properties of logical and mathematical proofs. This book is both a concise introduction to the central results and methods of structural proof theory, and a work of research that will be of interest to specialists. The book is designed to be used by students of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. The book contains a wealth of results on proof-theoretical systems, including extensions of (...)
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    A Proof Theory for the Logic of Provability in True Arithmetic.Hirohiko Kushida - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):857-875.
    In a classical 1976 paper, Solovay proved the arithmetical completeness of the modal logic GL; provability of a formula in GL coincides with provability of its arithmetical interpretations of it in Peano Arithmetic. In that paper, he also provided an axiomatic system GLS and proved arithmetical completeness for GLS; provability of a formula in GLS coincides with truth of its arithmetical interpretations in the standard model of arithmetic. Proof theory for GL has been studied intensively up to the present (...)
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    Proof Compression and NP Versus PSPACE II: Addendum.Lew Gordeev & Edward Hermann Haeusler - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (2):197-205.
    In our previous work we proved the conjecture NP = PSPACE by advanced proof theoretic methods that combined Hudelmaier’s cut-free sequent calculus for minimal logic with the horizontal compressing in the corresponding minimal Prawitz-style natural deduction. In this Addendum we show how to prove a weaker result NP = coNP without referring to HSC. The underlying idea is to omit full minimal logic and compress only “naive” normal tree-like ND refutations of the existence of Hamiltonian cycles in (...)
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    A Model–Theoretic Approach to Proof Theory.Henryk Kotlarski - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a detailed treatment of ordinal combinatorics of large sets tailored for independence results. It uses model theoretic and combinatorial methods to obtain results in proof theory, such as incompleteness theorems or a description of the provably total functions of a theory. In the first chapter, the authors first discusses ordinal combinatorics of finite sets in the style of Ketonen and Solovay. This provides a background for an analysis of subsystems of Peano Arithmetic as well (...)
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    A short proof of Glivenko theorems for intermediate predicate logics.Christian Espíndola - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):823-826.
    We give a simple proof-theoretic argument showing that Glivenko’s theorem for propositional logic and its version for predicate logic follow as an easy consequence of the deduction theorem, which also proves some Glivenko type theorems relating intermediate predicate logics between intuitionistic and classical logic. We consider two schemata, the double negation shift (DNS) and the one consisting of instances of the principle of excluded middle for sentences (REM). We prove that both schemata combined derive classical logic, while each (...)
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    Normal forms for fuzzy logics: a proof-theoretic approach. [REVIEW]Petr Cintula & George Metcalfe - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5-6):347-363.
    A method is described for obtaining conjunctive normal forms for logics using Gentzen-style rules possessing a special kind of strong invertibility. This method is then applied to a number of prominent fuzzy logics using hypersequent rules adapted from calculi defined in the literature. In particular, a normal form with simple McNaughton functions as literals is generated for łukasiewicz logic, and normal forms with simple implicational formulas as literals are obtained for Gödel logic, Product logic, and Cancellative hoop logic.
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    Proof Analysis: A Contribution to Hilbert's Last Problem.Sara Negri & Jan von Plato - 2011 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jan Von Plato.
    This book continues from where the authors' previous book, Structural Proof Theory, ended. It presents an extension of the methods of analysis of proofs in pure logic to elementary axiomatic systems and to what is known as philosophical logic. A self-contained brief introduction to the proof theory of pure logic is included that serves both the mathematically and philosophically oriented reader. The method is built up gradually, with examples drawn from theories of order, lattice theory and elementary (...)
  30.  28
    Finite methods in 1-order formalisms.L. Gordeev - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):121-151.
    Familiar proof theoretical and especially automated deduction methods sometimes accept infinity where, in fact, it can be omitted. Our first example deals with the infinite supply of individual variables admitted in 1-order deductions, the second one deals with infinite-branching rules in sequent calculi with number-theoretical induction. The contents of Section 1 summarize and extend basic ideas and results published elsewhere, whereas basic ideas and results of Section 2 are exposed for the first time in the present paper. We (...)
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    A proof of strongly uniform termination for Gödel's \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $T$\end{document} by methods from local predicativity. [REVIEW]Andreas Weiermann - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (6):445-460.
    We estimate the derivation lengths of functionals in Gödel's system \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $T$\end{document} of primitive recursive functionals of finite type by a purely recursion-theoretic analysis of Schütte's 1977 exposition of Howard's weak normalization proof for \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $T$\end{document}. By using collapsing techniques from Pohlers' local predicativity approach to proof theory and based on the Buchholz-Cichon and Weiermann 1994 approach to subrecursive hierarchies (...)
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  32. An Introduction to Proof Theory: Normalization, Cut-Elimination, and Consistency Proofs.Paolo Mancosu, Sergio Galvan & Richard Zach - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Sergio Galvan & Richard Zach.
    An Introduction to Proof Theory provides an accessible introduction to the theory of proofs, with details of proofs worked out and examples and exercises to aid the reader's understanding. It also serves as a companion to reading the original pathbreaking articles by Gerhard Gentzen. The first half covers topics in structural proof theory, including the Gödel-Gentzen translation of classical into intuitionistic logic, natural deduction and the normalization theorems, the sequent calculus, including cut-elimination and mid-sequent theorems, and various applications (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Truth, Partial Logic and Infinitary Proof Systems.Martin Fischer & Norbert Gratzl - 2017 - Studia Logica 106 (3):1-26.
    In this paper we apply proof theoretic methods used for classical systems in order to obtain upper bounds for systems in partial logic. We focus on a truth predicate interpreted in a Kripke style way via strong Kleene; whereas the aim is to connect harmoniously the partial version of Kripke–Feferman with its intended semantics. The method we apply is based on infinitary proof systems containing an ω-rule.
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    Softness of MALL proof-structures and a correctness criterion with Mix.Masahiro Hamano - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (6):751-794.
    We show that every MALL proof-structure [9] satisfies the property of softness, originally a categorical notion introduced by Joyal. Furthermore, we show that the notion of hereditary softness precisely captures Girard’s algebraic restriction of the technical condition on proof-structures. Relying on this characterization, we prove a MALL+Mix sequentialization theorem by a proof-theoretical method, using Girard’s notion of jump. Our MALL+Mix correctness criterion subsumes the Danos/Fleury-Retoré criterion [6] for MLL+Mix.
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    Proof theory of classical and intuitionistic logic.Jan von Plato - 2009 - In Leila Haaparanta (ed.), The development of modern logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter focuses on the development of Gerhard Gentzen's structural proof theory and its connections with intuitionism. The latter is important in proof theory for several reasons. First, the methods of Hilbert's old proof theory were limited to the “finitistic” ones. These methods proved to be insufficient, and they were extended by infinitistic principles that were still intuitionistically meaningful. It is a general tendency in proof theory to try to use weak principles. A second (...)
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    The model-theoretic ordinal analysis of theories of predicative strength.Jeremy Avigad & Richard Sommer - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):327-349.
    We use model-theoretic methods described in [3] to obtain ordinal analyses of a number of theories of first- and second-order arithmetic, whose proof-theoretic ordinals are less than or equal to Γ0.
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  37. On the proof theory of the intermediate logic MH.Jonathan P. Seldin - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):626-647.
    A natural deduction formulation is given for the intermediate logic called MH by Gabbay in [4]. Proof-theoretic methods are used to show that every deduction can be normalized, that MH is the weakest intermediate logic for which the Glivenko theorem holds, and that the Craig-Lyndon interpolation theorem holds for it.
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  38. Some Concerns Regarding Ternary-relation Semantics and Truth-theoretic Semantics in General.Ross T. Brady - 2017 - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 4 (3):755--781.
    This paper deals with a collection of concerns that, over a period of time, led the author away from the Routley–Meyer semantics, and towards proof- theoretic approaches to relevant logics, and indeed to the weak relevant logic MC of meaning containment.
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    Proofs and Countermodels in Non-Classical Logics.Sara Negri - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (1):25-60.
    Proofs and countermodels are the two sides of completeness proofs, but, in general, failure to find one does not automatically give the other. The limitation is encountered also for decidable non-classical logics in traditional completeness proofs based on Henkin’s method of maximal consistent sets of formulas. A method is presented that makes it possible to establish completeness in a direct way: For any given sequent either a proof in the given logical system or a countermodel in the corresponding frame (...)
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    Analytic proof systems for λ-calculus: the elimination of transitivity, and why it matters. [REVIEW]Pierluigi Minari - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5):385-424.
    We introduce new proof systems G[β] and G ext[β], which are equivalent to the standard equational calculi of λβ- and λβη- conversion, and which may be qualified as ‘analytic’ because it is possible to establish, by purely proof-theoretical methods, that in both of them the transitivity rule admits effective elimination. This key feature, besides its intrinsic conceptual significance, turns out to provide a common logical background to new and comparatively simple demonstrations—rooted in nice proof-theoretical properties of (...)
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    Herbrand style proof procedures for modal logic.Marta Cialdea - 1993 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 3 (2):205-223.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we state and prove Herbrand's properties for two modal systems, namely T and S4, thus adapting a previous result obtained for the system D [CIA 86a] to such theories. These properties allow the first order extension?along the lines of [CIA 91]?of the resolution method defined in [ENJ 86] for the corresponding propositional modal systems. In fact, the Herbrand-style procedures proposed here treat quantifiers in a uniform way, that suggests the definition of a restricted notion of unification (...)
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  42. Forcing in proof theory.Jeremy Avigad - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):305-333.
    Paul Cohen’s method of forcing, together with Saul Kripke’s related semantics for modal and intuitionistic logic, has had profound effects on a number of branches of mathematical logic, from set theory and model theory to constructive and categorical logic. Here, I argue that forcing also has a place in traditional Hilbert-style proof theory, where the goal is to formalize portions of ordinary mathematics in restricted axiomatic theories, and study those theories in constructive or syntactic terms. I will discuss the (...)
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    A semantical proof of De Jongh's theorem.Jaap van Oosten - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (2):105-114.
    In 1969, De Jongh proved the “maximality” of a fragment of intuitionistic predicate calculus forHA. Leivant strengthened the theorem in 1975, using proof-theoretical tools (normalisation of infinitary sequent calculi). By a refinement of De Jongh's original method (using Beth models instead of Kripke models and sheafs of partial combinatory algebras), a semantical proof is given of a result that is almost as good as Leivant's. Furthermore, it is shown thatHA can be extended to Higher Order Heyting Arithmetic+all trueΠ (...)
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    A proof of the normal form theorem for the closed terms of Girard's system F by means of computability.Silvio Valentini - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):539-544.
    In this paper a proof of the normal form theorem for the closed terms of Girard's system F is given by using a computability method à la Tait. It is worth noting that most of the standard consequences of the normal form theorem can be obtained using this version of the theorem as well. From the proof-theoretical point of view the interest of the proof is that the definition of computable derivation here used does not seem to (...)
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    PROOF THEORY. Gödel and the metamathematical tradition.Jeremy Avigad - 2010 - In Kurt Gödel, Solomon Feferman, Charles Parsons & Stephen G. Simpson (eds.), Kurt Gödel: essays for his centennial. Ithaca, NY: Association for Symbolic Logic.
    At the turn of the nineteenth century, mathematics exhibited a style of argumentation that was more explicitly computational than is common today. Over the course of the century, the introduction of abstract algebraic methods helped unify developments in analysis, number theory, geometry, and the theory of equations; and work by mathematicians like Dedekind, Cantor, and Hilbert towards the end of the century introduced set-theoretic language and infinitary methods that served to downplay or suppress computational content. This shift (...)
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  46. (1 other version)How is it that infinitary methods can be applied to finitary mathematics? Gödel's T: a case study.Andreas Weiermann - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (4):1348-1370.
    Inspired by Pohlers' local predicativity approach to Pure Proof Theory and Howard's ordinal analysis of bar recursion of type zero we present a short, technically smooth and constructive strong normalization proof for Gödel's system T of primitive recursive functionals of finite types by constructing an ε 0 -recursive function [] 0 : T → ω so that a reduces to b implies [a] $_0 > [b]_0$ . The construction of [] 0 is based on a careful analysis of (...)
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    Glivenko theorems and negative translations in substructural predicate logics.Hadi Farahani & Hiroakira Ono - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):695-707.
    Along the same line as that in Ono (Ann Pure Appl Logic 161:246–250, 2009), a proof-theoretic approach to Glivenko theorems is developed here for substructural predicate logics relative not only to classical predicate logic but also to arbitrary involutive substructural predicate logics over intuitionistic linear predicate logic without exponentials QFLe. It is shown that there exists the weakest logic over QFLe among substructural predicate logics for which the Glivenko theorem holds. Negative translations of substructural predicate logics are studied (...)
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    Symmetry as a method of proof.Eric Hammer - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (5):523 - 543.
    This paper is a logical study of valid uses of symmetry in deductive reasoning, of what underlying principles make some appeals to symmetry legitimate but others illegitimate. The issue is first motivated informally. A framework is then given covering a fairly broad range of symmetry arguments, and the formulation of symmetry provided is shown to be a valid principle of reasoning, as is a slightly stronger principle of reasoning, one that is shown to be in some sense as strong as (...)
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  49. On the alleged simplicity of impure proof.Andrew Arana - 2017 - In Roman Kossak & Philip Ording (eds.), Simplicity: Ideals of Practice in Mathematics and the Arts. Springer. pp. 207-226.
    Roughly, a proof of a theorem, is “pure” if it draws only on what is “close” or “intrinsic” to that theorem. Mathematicians employ a variety of terms to identify pure proofs, saying that a pure proof is one that avoids what is “extrinsic,” “extraneous,” “distant,” “remote,” “alien,” or “foreign” to the problem or theorem under investigation. In the background of these attributions is the view that there is a distance measure (or a variety of such measures) between mathematical (...)
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    Proof theory. Gödel and the metamathematical tradition.Jeremy Avigad - 2010 - In Kurt Gödel, Solomon Feferman, Charles Parsons & Stephen G. Simpson (eds.), Kurt Gödel: essays for his centennial. Ithaca, NY: Association for Symbolic Logic.
    At the turn of the nineteenth century, mathematics exhibited a style of argumentation that was more explicitly computational than is common today. Over the course of the century, the introduction of abstract algebraic methods helped unify developments in analysis, number theory, geometry, and the theory of equations; and work by mathematicians like Dedekind, Cantor, and Hilbert towards the end of the century introduced set-theoretic language and infinitary methods that served to downplay or suppress computational content. This shift (...)
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