ABSTRACT In this paper we state and prove Herbrand's properties for two modal systems, namely T and S4, thus adapting a previous result obtained for the system D [CIA 86a] to such theories. These properties allow the first order extension?along the lines of [CIA 91]?of the resolution method defined in [ENJ 86] for the corresponding propositional modal systems. In fact, the Herbrand-style procedures proposed here treat quantifiers in a uniform way, that suggests the definition of a restricted notion of unification for quantifier free modal formulae obtained by means of a Skolem-like procedure. The differences among the three systems considered, D, T and S4, are taken into account by preliminary propositional transformations of the formulae, in such a way that the problem of quantifier elimination can be treated within the same pattern in the different systems. The methods employed to prove the fundamental theorems are purely proof-theoretical and make use of the formalization of the considered modal theories in terms of sequent calculi, where the cut elimination theorem holds.