Results for 'postdocs'

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  1.  2
    ‘It was the illness talking’: self-illness ambiguity and metaphors’ functions in mental health narrative.Ucl Postdoc At The Dept Of Linguistics & Ens Institut Jean Nicod - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-19.
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    Postdocs as Key to Faculty Diversity: A Structured and Collaborative Approach for Research Universities.Colette Patt, Andrew Eppig & Mark A. Richards - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Over the past 50 years the diversity of higher education faculty in the mathematical, physical, computer, and engineering sciences has advanced very little at 4-year universities in the United States. This is despite laws and policies such as affirmative action, interventions by universities, and enormous financial investment by federal agencies to diversify science, technology, mathematics, and engineering career pathways into academia. Data comparing the fraction of underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars to the fraction of faculty at these institutions offer a straightforward (...)
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    What Being a postdoc Entails: Postdoctoral Pathways in Switzerland in around 2010.Pierre Bataille & Marie Sautier - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:35-66.
    La multiplication des contrats à durée déterminée constitue une caractéristique importante des marchés académiques contemporains. Ce phénomène de précarisation, observable dans plusieurs contextes disciplinaires et nationaux, se manifeste notamment par l’augmentation marquée, depuis les années 1990, du nombre d’emplois postdoctoraux, proportionnellement au nombre de postes stabilisés. Parallèlement, les chercheur⋅e⋅s en début de carrière sont largement confronté⋅e⋅s à des discours institutionnels faisant la promotion des mobilités académiques et des collaborations internationales. L’abondance des discours autour de la mobilité des jeunes chercheur⋅e⋅s tend (...)
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    Value thy postdoc, or s/he might be lost to gas fitting….Andrew Moore - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (3):213-213.
  5.  33
    The Forgotten Scholar: Underrepresented Minority Postdoc Experiences in STEM Fields.Aman Yadav, Christopher D. Seals, Cristina M. Soto Sullivan, Michael Lachney, Quintana Clark, Kathy G. Dixon & Mark J. T. Smith - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-26.
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  6. The tenets and foundation building for academic success : preparing graduate students and postdocs for professional growth.LeAnne Salazar Montoya & Brione Minor Mitchell - 2024 - In Emmanuel Hans, Educational philosophy and sociological foundation of education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
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    Between Delivery and Luck: Projectification of Academic Careers and Conflicting Notions of Worth at the Postdoc Level.Jonatan Nästesjö - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    This paper investigates how early career academics interpret and respond to institutional demands structured by projectification. Developing a ‘frame analytic’ approach, it explores projectification as a process constituted at the level of meaning-making. Building on 35 in-depth interviews with fixed-term scholars in political science and history, the findings show that respondents jointly referred to _competition_ and _delivery_ in order to make sense of their current situation. Forming what I call _the project frame_, these interpretive orientations were legitimized by various organizational (...)
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    Unsustainable Growth, Hyper-Competition, and Worth in Life Science Research: Narrowing Evaluative Repertoires in Doctoral and Postdoctoral Scientists’ Work and Lives.Maximilian Fochler, Ulrike Felt & Ruth Müller - 2016 - Minerva 54 (2):175-200.
    There is a crisis of valuation practices in the current academic life sciences, triggered by unsustainable growth and “hyper-competition.” Quantitative metrics in evaluating researchers are seen as replacing deeper considerations of the quality and novelty of work, as well as substantive care for the societal implications of research. Junior researchers are frequently mentioned as those most strongly affected by these dynamics. However, their own perceptions of these issues are much less frequently considered. This paper aims at contributing to a better (...)
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    Postdoctoral Life Scientists and Supervision Work in the Contemporary University: A Case Study of Changes in the Cultural Norms of Science.Ruth Müller - 2014 - Minerva 52 (3):329-349.
    This paper explores the ways in which postdoctoral life scientists engage in supervision work in academic institutions in Austria. Reward systems and career conditions in academic institutions in most European and other OECD countries have changed significantly during the last two decades. While an increasing focus is put on evaluating research performances, little reward is attached to excellent performances in mentoring and advising students. Postdoctoral scientists mostly inhabit fragile institutional positions and experience harsh competition, as the number of available senior (...)
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    Funding the frontier – the Human Frontier Science Program.Martin Reddington - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (10):842-844.
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    Perceptions of Research Integrity Climate in Hungarian Universities: Results from A Survey among Academic Researchers.Anna Catharina Vieira Armond & Péter Kakuk - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-12.
    Research integrity climate is an important factor that influences an individual’s behavior. A strong research integrity culture can lead to better research practices and responsible conduct of research. Therefore, investigations on organizational climate can be a valuable tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each group and develop targeted initiatives. This study aims to assess the perceptions on integrity climate in three universities in Hungary. A cross-sectional study was conducted with PhD students, postdocs, and professors from three Hungarian (...)
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  12. Becoming a Disciplined Science: Prospects, Pitfalls, and Reality Check for ID.William A. Dembski - unknown
    Recently I asked a well-known ID sympathizer what shape he thought the ID movement was in. I raised the question because, after some initial enthusiasm on his part three years ago, his interest seemed to have flagged. Here is what he wrote: An enormous amount of energy has been expended on "proving" that ID is bogus, "stealth creationism," "not science," and so on. Much of this, ironically, violates the spirit of science. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. (...)
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    (1 other version)On the Trail of Whitehead. Lucas Jr - 2016 - Process Studies 45 (1):86-94.
    A young Canadian mathematician and philosopher, Winthrop Bell, who was Edmund Husserl's first doctoral student from North America, taught as a postdoc at Harvard in the 1920s, where he took a complete set of notes in the first class at Harvard taught by Alfred North Whitehead during the 1924-1925 academic year. These notes, missing for over 80 years, have recently been found. The notes transform scholarship concerning the early development of Whitehead's mature metaphysical views, while the note-taker's own career illuminates (...)
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    A Model Program for RCR Instruction for Early-Career Faculty Investigators with NIH K-Awards.Stuart E. Ravnik & Elizabeth Heitman - 2023 - Teaching Ethics 23 (2):271-284.
    National Institutes of Health’s policies for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) instruction for individual career development awards (K-awards) stress appropriateness to the career stage and tailoring to the individual’s needs. Early-career faculty have unique needs for RCR instruction. While our institution requires RCR education for ALL graduate students and postdoctoral trainees, we found that many K-awardees 1) are early-career faculty not eligible to participate in postdoc programs, and 2) many had received formal RCR instruction at only basic or intermediate levels. (...)
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    A Leak in the Academic Pipeline: Identity and Health Among Postdoctoral Women.Renate Ysseldyk, Katharine H. Greenaway, Elena Hassinger, Sarah Zutrauen, Jana Lintz, Maya P. Bhatia, Margaret Frye, Else Starkenburg & Vera Tai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  16. Is it simple to be parents in philosophy? A kitchen table dialogue.Eva-Maria Aigner & Jonas Oßwald - 2024 - Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education 12 (1):61-77.
    Tillie Olsen (1978) drew attention to an evident, yet underappreciated fact of writing, which is that it takes time: ‘Where the claims of creation cannot be primary, the results are atrophy; unfinished work; minor effort and accomplishment; silences’ (p. 13). Drawing from our experiences as a precariously employed PhD student and a postdoc in philosophy with parenting responsibilities, we want to address this type of silencing in a manner that stylistically corresponds to the exhaustion, lack of time, and lack of (...)
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  17.  23
    Erratum.Pierre Bataille & Marie Sautier - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:201.
    Philosophia Scientiae 23-3, p. 35-66, doi : 10.4000/philosophiascientiae.2048 Dans les échanges de fichiers durant les corrections des épreuves de notre article (« Ce “qu’être postdoc” veut dire»), nous avons transmis nos figures avec une notation erronée. Par ailleurs une des figures (la 2, présentant schématiquement notre approche analytique) a sauté au cours des mêmes échanges, du fait d’une inattention de notre part. Elle est reproduite ci-dessous. Dans l’article publié dans la version p...
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    Ethics and Sustainability in Accounting and Finance, Volume I.Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt (ed.) - 2019 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses recent developments relating to ethical and sustainable issues in accounting and finance. Accounting is often seen as a technical discipline that records, classifies and reports financial transactions. However, since the financial information produced concerns all interest groups both within and outside the enterprise, accounting also has social characteristics and involves multi-faceted duties and responsibilities. As such, in addition to basic principles and accepted rules and standards in the field, this book focuses on the ethical aspects and fundamentals (...)
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  19.  14
    History of Philosophy of Science: New Trends and Perspectives.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Marina Frasca-Spada, Lothar Schäfer, Kenneth Simonsen & R. Lanier Anderson - 2010 - Springer.
    This volume includes recent contributions to the philosophy of science from a historical point of view and of the highest topicality: the range of the topics covers all fields in the philosophy of the science provided by authors from around the world focusing on ancient, modern and contemporary periods in the development of the science philosophy. This proceedings is for the scientific community and students at graduate level as well as postdocs in this interdisciplinary field of research.
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    Developing a State University System Model to Diversify Faculty in the Biomedical Sciences.Robin Herlands Cresiski, Cynthia Anne Ghent, Janet C. Rutledge, Wendy Y. Carter-Veale, Jennifer Aumiller, John Carlo Bertot, Blessing Enekwe, Erin Golembewski, Yarazeth Medina & Michael S. Scott - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Amid increasing demands from students and the public, universities have recently reinvigorated their efforts to increase the number of faculty from underrepresented populations. Although a myriad of piecemeal programs targeting individual recruitment and development have been piloted at several institutions, overall growth in faculty diversity remains almost negligible and highly localized. To bring about genuine change, we hypothesize a consortia approach that links individuals to hiring opportunities within a state university system might be more effective. Here we present a case (...)
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    Surviving Science – Coping with Exit-Decisions in Physics and History.Tim Fenkner & Jonas Gottschalk-Rayling - forthcoming - Minerva:1-21.
    Academic careers between the completion of a PhD and the acquisition of tenure are characterized by short term contracts, high levels of competition, and future uncertainty. Existing research indicates that uncertainty is a primary cause for postdocs in all disciplines to constantly question the continuation of their career. Despite this commonality between disciplines, we argue that future imaginations, coping strategies and ultimately the decision-making practices to exit or remain in academia differ in each discipline. Drawing from 60 qualitative interviews (...)
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  22.  20
    Selbstbewusstsein und Perspektivität: Eine Untersuchung der Zweite-Person-Perspektive.Mandy Stake - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Diese Arbeit bespricht die Bedingungen von Selbstbewusstsein. Nach eingehender Kritik an bestehenden philosophischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Theorien wird ein eigenständiger Ansatz zur Akquise von Selbstbewusstsein entwickelt, der die besondere Bedeutung der Zweite-Person-Perspektive hervorhebt, ausführlich analysiert und in den aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Diskurs einbettet: Die hier entwickelte Theorie der umfassenden Perspektivität untersucht das Phänomen des Selbstbewusstseins sowohl philosophisch als auch in Bezug auf die mit der Erste-, Zweite-, und Dritte-Person-Perspektive verknüpften entwicklungspsychologischen Fähigkeiten. Von zentraler Bedeutung dafür sind die an aktuelle philosophische Debatten anschließenden (...)
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  23. Attention to Values Helps Shape Convergence Research.Casey Helgeson, Robert E. Nicholas, Klaus Keller, Chris E. Forest & Nancy Tuana - 2022 - Climatic Change 170.
    Convergence research is driven by specific and compelling problems and requires deep integration across disciplines. The potential of convergence research is widely recognized, but questions remain about how to design, facilitate, and assess such research. Here we analyze a seven-year, twelve-million-dollar convergence project on sustainable climate risk management to answer two questions. First, what is the impact of a project-level emphasis on the values that motivate and tie convergence research to the compelling problems? Second, how does participation in convergence projects (...)
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    (1 other version)History of Philosophy of Science: New Trends and Perspectives.M. Heidelberger & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2002 - Springer.
    This volume includes recent contributions to the philosophy of science from a historical point of view and of the highest topicality: the range of the topics covers all fields in the philosophy of the science provided by authors from around the world focusing on ancient, modern and contemporary periods in the development of the science philosophy. This proceedings is for the scientific community and students at graduate level as well as postdocs in this interdisciplinary field of research.
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    Conception and Interpretation of Interdisciplinarity in Research Practice: Findings from Group Discussions in the Emerging Field of Digital Transformation.Josephine B. Schmitt, Anne Goldmann, Samuel T. Simon & Christoph Bieber - 2023 - Minerva 61 (2):199-220.
    In recent years, we have been observing the phenomenon of an emerging scientific field: _digital transformation research_ (DTR). Due to the diversity and complexity of its object of research digital, transformation is not effectively researchable if confined to the boundaries of individual disciplines. In the light of Scientific/Intellectual Movement theory (Frickel and Gross 2005 ), we wonder how interdisciplinarity could and should be mobilized to further advance the development of the field of DTR. To answer this question, we (a) need (...)
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    The authorship list in science: Junior physicists' perceptions of who appears and why. [REVIEW]Eugen Tarnow - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (1):73-88.
    A questionnaire probing the distribution of authorship credit was given to postdoctoral associates (“postdocs”) in order to determine their awareness of the professional society’s ethical statement on authorship, the extent of communication with their supervisors about authorship criteria, and the appropriateness of authorship assignments on submitted papers. Results indicate a low awareness of the professional society’s ethical statement and that little communication takes place between postdocs and supervisors about authorship criteria. A substantial amount of authorship credit given to (...)
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    Monstrous ontologies: politics ethics materiality.Caterina Nirta & Andrea Pavoni (eds.) - 2021 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    While the presence of monsters in popular culture is ever-increasing, their use as an explicit or implicit category to frame, stigmatise, and demonise the other is seemingly on the rise. At the same time, academic interest for monsters is ever-growing. Usually, monstrosity is understood as a category that emerges to signal a transgression to a given order; this approach has led to the demystification of the insidious characterisations of the (racial, sexual, physical) other as monstrous. While this effort has been (...)
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