Results for 'phonocentrism'

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  1. Listening to Phonocentrism with Deaf Eyes.H.-Dirksen Bauman - 2008 - Essays in Philosophy 9 (1):41-54.
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    Derrida: un pensador (judío sefardí) de ‘parole vive’, en los márgenes de la filosofía.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:303-328.
    RESUMEN: Derrida es un pensador judío sefardí que cuestiona sistemáticamente las obras literarias, filosóficas, artísticas y políticas (desmenuzando y deconstruyendo), y cuya obra se mueve entre los márgenes de la filosofía. Conocido como el defensor de la escritura, Derrida es, en el fondo, un pensador de ‘parole vive’ que reconoce que la escritura deja a la palabra inmóvil. En el presente artículo saco a luz la cultura judía sefardí de Derrida (que a menudo se desconoce o se pasa por alto), (...)
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    Derrida and Saussure on entrainment and contamination: Shifting the paradigm from the Course to the Nachlass.Beata Stawarska - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (3):297-312.
    In this essay I address Derrida’s influential readings of the Course in General Linguistics attributed to Ferdinand de Saussure in Of Grammatology and Glas. I complicate Derrida’s charge of phonocentrism, that is, the charge that Saussure privileges the medium of sound and/or speech as a site of unmediated signifying presence, by re-examining the relevant sections from the Course in light of the materials related to Saussure’s linguistics from the Nachlass, some of them recently discovered. I document especially the extent (...)
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    A Voice and Nothing More.Mladen Dolar - 2006 - MIT Press.
    Plutarch tells the story of a man who plucked a nightingale and finding but little to eat exclaimed: "You are just a voice and nothing more." Plucking the feathers of meaning that cover the voice, dismantling the body from which the voice seems to emanate, resisting the Sirens' song of fascination with the voice, concentrating on "the voice and nothing more": this is the difficult task that philosopher Mladen Dolar relentlessly pursues in this seminal work.The voice did not figure as (...)
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    The "Tao" and the "Logos": Notes on Derrida's Critique of Logocentrism.Zhang Longxi - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):385-398.
    In a wholesale destructive or deconstructive critique of Western philosophical tradition, it is precisely this ethnocentric-phonocentric view of language that Jacques Derrida has chosen for his target. In Derrida’s critique, Hegel appears as one of the powerful enactors of that tradition yet peculiarly on the verge of turning away from it as “the last philosopher of the book and the first thinker of writing.”13 As Derrida sees it, phonocentrism in its philosophical dimension is also “logocentrism: the metaphysics of phonetic (...)
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    A critical response to Zhang Longxi.Timothy J. Nulty - 2002 - Asian Philosophy 12 (2):141 – 146.
    This is essay is a critical response to Zhang Longxi's argument that Taoist philosophy is susceptible to Derrida's arguments against logocentrism. I present two main arguments. First, I argue that Zhang fails to provide sufficient evidence that would show Taoism is logocentric. Moreover, even if Zhang could provide support for such a claim there cannot be a general deconstructive argument against logocentrism. Derrida's arguments against logocentrism work from within a specific text. The second argument offers reasons for believing Taoism is (...)
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    Prolegomenon to Contemporary Ethics of Machine Translation.Wessel Reijers & Quinn Dupont - 2023 - In Helena Moniz & Carla Parra Escartín (eds.), Towards Responsible Machine Translation: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Machine Translation. Springer Verlag. pp. 11-27.
    Globalisation has triggered a proliferation of translation practises, many of which are mediated by machines. This development raises fundamental philosophical questions about language, writing, meaning, reference, and representation. This chapter builds a bridge between the ethics of machine translation and philosophy of technology. It starts by considering the activity of translation as such and argues that this is an inherently ethical activity because it involves sacrifice, establishes commonality between foreign elements, and invokes certain professional virtues. Consequently, the chapter asks what (...)
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    Grammatological Deconstruction of Linguistics: From Marx to Derrida.Qingben Li & Jinghua Guo - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):129-144.
    Derrida considered himself Marx's successor in Spectres of Marx, as manifested in his grammatological deconstruction of linguistics. Proceeding from linguistics, Derrida questioned the traditional linguistics represented by Saussure, overturned the metaphysics based on linguistic signs, and thereby deconstructed logocentrism. In Derrida's view, logocentrism is the belief that there is an ultimate reality such as being, essence, truth and ideas, which actually doesn't exist and needs to be negated. In linguistics, logocentrism, or rather phonocentrism, maintains that speech alone conveys ideas (...)
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    Welcome to the Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual Reality.Ann Weinstone - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):77-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Welcome To The Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual RealityAnn Weinstone (bio)1. The Question of Addiction and TranscendenceIt has become a truism to say that virtual reality (VR) is addictive. Case, the protagonist of William Gibson’s Neuromancer, dreams of connection to the net like a junkie jonesing for a fix. In Jeff Noon’s novel Vurt, you get to cyberspace by tickling the back of your throat with addictive, government-produced feathers. (...)
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    From the Sacrifice of the Letter to the Voice of Testimony: Giorgio Agamben's Fulfillment of Metaphysics.Jeffrey S. Librett - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):11-33.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From the Sacrifice of the Letter to the Voice of TestimonyGiorgio Agamben’s Fulfillment of MetaphysicsJeffrey S. Librett (bio)By denying us the limit of the Limitless, the death of God leads to an experience in which nothing may again announce the exteriority of being, and consequently to an experience which is interior and sovereign. But such an experience, for which the death of God is an explosive reality, discloses as (...)
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  11. Dialogue at the Limit of Phenomenology.Beata Stawarska - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:145-156.
    In this essay I highlight the importance of the phenomenon of living speech and the communicative dimension of experience in phenomenological research. Specifically, I critically consider the charge of phonocentrism raised by Derrida to phenomenology which appears to have discredited any attempt to approach the phenomenon of vocality for fear of falling back into a metaphysics of presence and adopting the stance of atomistic subjectivity. It may be true that classical phenomenology of consciousness privileges the first person point of (...)
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    The Entanglement: How Art and Philosophy Make Us What We Are by Alva Noë (review).Frederik M. Bjerregaard-Nielsen - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):724-725.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Entanglement: How Art and Philosophy Make Us What We Are by Alva NoëFrederik M. Bjerregaard-NielsenNOË, Alva. The Entanglement: How Art and Philosophy Make Us What We Are. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2023. 288 pp. Cloth, $27.95In The Entanglement, Alva Noë sets forth a minimal yet meaningful definition of art and philosophy and asks how they make us what we are. Art and philosophy are the modes (...)
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    Plato and Saussure Deconstructed: Language and Philosophy through Derrida’s Lens.Julia Bouchut - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):820-834.
    Jacques Derrida’s philosophy greatly disrupted traditional Western metaphysics by questioning our understanding of the relationship between language and reality. This paper examines how Derrida deconstructs logocentric and phonocentric perspectives that have influenced Western thought, focusing on his analyses of Plato’s Cratylus and Phaedrus, as well as Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics. For Derrida, the meaning in language is always shifting, suggesting that absolute truths, as traditionally conceived in Platonic metaphysics, are inherently unstable. His concept of différance illustrates the (...)
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  14. Confession, Voice and the Sensualization of Power: The Significance of Michel Foucault’s 1962 Encounter with Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Lauri Siisiäinen - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:138-153.
    Michel Foucault is known for his critiques of the intertwinement of empirical knowledge, perception and experience, and power. Within this general framework, this article focuses on a fairly unnoticed text of Foucault’s: his 1962 Introduction to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Dialogues . The article shows that Foucault’s Introduction is central for more than one reason: Firstly, it is apparently the first piece, in which Foucault focuses in detail on confession as an individualizing mode of power and truth-utterance. Secondly, in this text, Foucault (...)
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    “Garments of Thought”: Writing Signs and the Critique of Logocentrism.Sabine Arnaud - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (2):272-305.
    Long before Jacques Derrida undertook a critique of phonocentrism as a form of ethnocentrism, a few teachers of deaf pupils rose to the challenge of working on a sign language independent of the structures of speech. For Derrida, this critique encompassed a reappraisal of Western limitations, while reflecting upon the boundaries and linearity of alphabetical versus ideographic writing. What I explore in this article is how the development of a pedagogy for deaf pupils went hand in hand with an (...)
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    A Chinese Word by Jacques Derrida.Héctor G. Castaño - 2021 - Derrida Today 14 (2):148-168.
    Some scholars claim that in Derrida's Of Grammatology the author presents China and its script as essentially and radically Other when compared to the West. In this paper, I argue that Derrida's discussion of Leibniz, his critique of the notions of ‘phonetic writing’ and ‘ideograph’, and the distinction he makes between ‘logocentrism’ and ‘phonocentrism’, enables him to deconstruct an essentialist conception of China or Chinese writing. However, far from conceiving China in a relativist or ethnocentric manner, Derrida also pays (...)
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    Leaving a Trace in the World: Sexuality and Auto-Affection in Of Grammatology.Mauro Senatore - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):240-254.
    This essay aims to bring to light a specific movement elaborated by Derrida in Of Grammatology, which goes from the experience of dispossession in speech and the economy of signs that replaces speech itself with writing, through the chains of supplements, to the merging of language and auto-erotism into the differentiated totality of auto-affection as the universal rule of experience or as life itself. I will point out that idealization, as the submission of the world to a certain power of (...)
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