Results for 'philosophy of human person'

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  1.  19
    Philosophy of Human Dignity in the Problem Field of the Global World.G. G. Kolomiets, Y. V. Parusimova & I. V. Kolesnikova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):508-520.
    The article discusses human dignity in the aspect of modern challenges of technological civilization, which has entered a new stage of its development. Human dignity as a category of ethics remains underestimated, since in the first row of ethical values humanitarians, as a rule, put the categories of freedom and justice. Today, “dignity” acquires a special and higher status, the concept of human dignity is being rethought, going beyond the ethical category itself as a virtue. In the (...)
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    The Logic of Human Personality: An Onto-Logical Account.Mary Louise R. O'Hara - 1997 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ, USA: Humanity Books.
    The Logic of Human Personality shows how the ancient definition of person remains useful today, and explains how it happened to fall into disuse. The method of using the categories of Aristotle is illustrated by showing how action, relation, and time as well as the fundamental category of substance, can help us understand what it is to be a person. The Logic of Human Personality agrues, against Mill and others who have found Aristotle's categories unsatisfactory, that (...)
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    A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos by James Greenaway (review).Thomas W. Holman - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):717-719.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos by James GreenawayThomas W. HolmanGREENAWAY, James. A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023. xii + 326 pp. Cloth, $125.00; paper, $50.00“Belonging” is a common theme in contemporary political discourse, but it has not yet garnered much sustained attention in terms of its philosophical significance. James Greenaway’s new book aims to (...)
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  4. The human person in a philosophy of education.Ralph Philip Joly - 1965 - The Hague,: Mouton.
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    The Nature of Human Persons: Metaphysics and Bioethics.James T. Bretzke - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (1):213-214.
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  6. The human person in the Consolation of philosophy.Mark K. Spencer - 2024 - In Michael Wiitala, Boethius' _Consolation of Philosophy_: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    Nicolai Hartmann’s Study of Human Personality.Sister Helen James - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (2):204-233.
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    The Individuality of Human Persons: A Study in the Ethical Personalism of Max Scheler.John F. Crosby - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (1):21-50.
    In his deep and significant study of the thought of Max Scheler, Hans Urs von Balthasar writes that “the realm of the personal was Scheler’s innermost concern, more important to him than anything else, the sanctuary of his thought.” This is why Scheler again and again aligned himself with personalism in philosophy, as we can see from the introduction to his major work, Formalism in Ethics.
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    Yoruba, Concept of Human Personality.Barry Hallen - 2021 - In V. Y. Mudimbe & Kasereka Kavwahirehi, Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 708-709.
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    The place of human person in relation to causality: a complementary alternative.J. I. Oguh - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (2).
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  11. The Emergence of Authentic Human Person in Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Superman: An Hermeneutics Approach to Literary Criticism.I. I. I. Abonado - 2014 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 5 (1).
    The paper interprets Nietzsche’s description of authentic human person.Based on the works of Nietzsche, commentaries and philosophical interpretationsof various authors, authentic human person evolves into a superman by usingthe principles of discipline and mastery of oneself. His authenticity, however,requires persistence, courage and strength to endure many forms of sufferingsand to overcome alienation brought about by his environment. Otherwise,man would become slave of his desires or alien to his own powers, talents andcapacities. Thus, Nietzsche’s thought of superman (...)
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    The nature of human persons: metaphysics and bioethics.Jason T. Eberl - 2020 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The questions of whether there is a shared nature common to all human beings and, if so, what essential qualities define this nature are among the most widely discussed topics in the history of philosophy and remain the subject of perennial interest and controversy. This book offers a metaphysical investigation of the composition of the human essence-that is, with what is a human being identical or what types of parts are necessary for a human being (...)
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    Aquinas and the Individuation of Human Persons Revisited.Montague Brown - 2003 - International Philosophical Quarterly 43 (2):167-185.
    This paper focuses on Aquinas’s doctrine of individuation as it applies to human beings. There are three main sections. In the first, the general lines of Aquinas’s doctrine of individuation are presented in the context of discussing an article by Joseph Owens and some other recent work on individuation. I argue for form as the primary principle of individuation and specify the uniqueness of human individuality by reference to the degrees of perfection among things. The second section focuses (...)
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    Philosophy of Mental Heath based on the Catholic Meta-model of the Person.Craig Steven Titus - 2024 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 24 (2):251-280.
    This article explains a philosophy of mental health in the light of human dignity and flourishing from the perspective of a Catholic Christian meta-model of the person (meta-model). It conceptualizes healing as the search to attain wholeness of health, flourishing, and holiness through integrated practices at biophysical, emotional, mental, moral, social, and spiritual levels. Healing attains positive change consistent with human nature and flourishing through intra- and interpersonal sources. The paper uses the meta-model as a framework (...)
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    The Incommunicability of Human Persons.I. I. I. John F. Crosby - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):403-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE INCOMMUNICABILITY OF HUMAN PERSONS JOHN F. CROSBY, III Franciscan University of Steubenville Steubenville, Ohio I PROPOSE TO explore the idea that persons do not exist as replaceable specimens of or as mere instances of an ideal or type, but rather exist in some sense for their own sakes, each existing as incommunicably his or her own.1 I undertake this study in the conviction that the incommunicability of (...)
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  16.  42
    On the Use and Abuse of History in Philosophy of Human Rights.Lena Halldenius - unknown
    History plays an important role in the philosophy of human rights, more so than in philosophical discussions on related concepts, such as justice. History tends to be used in order to make it credible that there is a tradition of rights as a moral idea, or an ethical ideal, that transcends national boundaries. In the example that I investigate in this chapter, this moral idea is tightly spun around the moral dignity of the human person. There (...)
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    The Unconscious: The Fundamentals of Human Personality, Normal and Abnormal. [REVIEW]Isador H. Coriat - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (25):697-698.
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  18. The Human person and philosophy in the contemporary world: proceedings of the meeting of the World Union of Catholic Philosophical Societies, Cracow, 23-25 August 1978.Józef Życiński (ed.) - 1980 - Kraków: Pontifical Faculty of Theology.
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    The Human Person in Contemporary Philosophy.Frederick C. Copleston - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (92):3 - 19.
    The author discusses the philosophical views on personality of the personalists, The existentialists, And professors lavelle and le senne. (staff).
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    PHILOSOPHY OF MIND The Human Person: Animal and Spirit.T. S. Champlin - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (2):119-121.
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    Indian conceptions of human personality.Karel Werner - 1996 - Asian Philosophy 6 (2):93 – 107.
    Abstract Western philosophical and psychological thinking lacks an accepted theory of human personality; it has produced conflicting and inadequate notions, such as the religious one of a soul, the vague concept of the ?mind? and biological theories basing their understanding of man on the functions of the nervous system, particularly the brain, or dealing with his mental dimension only in terms of behavioural patterns. This paper explores the notions of personality in Indian systems and finds that virtually all of (...)
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    The philosophy of Maria Montessori: what it means to be human.Robert G. Buckenmeyer - 2008 - [United States]: Xlibris.
    Dr. Maria Montessori opened the first Casa dei Bambini (Children's House) on 6 January 1907 in San Lorenzo, Rome. Through her observations and work with these children she discovered their astonishing, almost effortless ability to learn. Thus began a century of great work uncovering the true nature of childhood. "Times have changed, and science has made great progress, and so has our work; but our principles have only been confirmed, and along with them our conviction that mankind can hope for (...)
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  23.  70
    The Irreducibility of the Human Person: A Catholic Synthesis.Mark K. Spencer - 2022 - Washington, DC, USA: Catholic University of America Press.
    Catholic philosophical anthropologists have defended views of the human person on which we are not reducible to anything non-personal. For example, it is not the case that we are nothing but matter, souls, or parts of society. Nevertheless, most Catholic anthropologies have been reductionistic in other ways. Mark K. Spencer presents a philosophical portrait of human persons on which we are entirely irreducible to anything non-personal, by synthesizing claims from many strands of the Catholic tradition. These include (...)
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  24.  15
    Karol wojtyla’s philosophy of the human person and the filipino contemporary societal issues.Glenn Pajares - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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    The Nature Of Human Persons: Metaphysics and Bioethics. [REVIEW]David Hershenov - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (1):143-146.
  26.  39
    Robert Spaemann's philosophy of the human person: nature, freedom, and the critique of modernity.Holger Zaborowski - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The German philosopher Robert Spaemann provides an important contribution to a number of contemporary debates in philosophy and theology, opening up possibilities for conversation between these disciplines. He engages in a dialogue with classical and contemporary positions and often formulates important and original insights which lie beyond common alternatives. In this study Holger Zaborowski provides an analysis of the most important features of Spaemann's philosophy and shows the unity of his thought. The question 'Who is a person?' (...)
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  27.  84
    No explanation of persons, no explanation of resurrection: on Lynne Baker’s constitution view and the resurrection of human persons.James T. Turner - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (3):297-317.
    I don’t think Lynne Rudder Baker’s constitution view can account for personal identity problems of a synchronic or diachronic nature. As such, it cannot accommodate the Christian’s claim of eschatological bodily resurrection-a principle reason for which she gives this account. In light of this, I press objections against her constitution view in the following ways: First, I critique an analogy she draws between Aristotle’s “accidental sameness” and constitution. Second, I address three problems for Baker’s constitution view [‘Constitution Problems’ ], each (...)
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  28.  36
    Robert Spaemann's Philosophy of the Human Person: Nature, Freedom, and the Critique of Modernity. By Holger Zaborowski.Patrick Madigan - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):539-540.
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  29. The philosophy of human death: an evolutionary approach.Adam Świeżyński - 2009 - Warszawa / Warsaw: Wydawnictwo UKSW / CSWU Press.
    In Chapter 1 I discuss the basic problem which made me undertake the issue of human death. That problem was the dualism in the depiction of human nature which has not been fully overcome yet, the dualism which leads to the emergence of new difficulties in contemporary attempts at adequately solving the problem of human death. They include the separation of soul from the body in the moment of death, and the borderline between the moment of death (...)
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    The vedic concept of human personality and its destiny.Karel Werner - 1977 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 5 (3):275-289.
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  31. Soul, body, and survival: essays on the metaphysics of human persons.Kevin Corcoran (ed.) - 2001 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    This collection brings together cutting-edge research on the metaphysics of human nature and soul-body dualism.Kevin Corcoran's collection, Soul, Body, and ...
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    The unconscious: the fundamentals of human personality normal and abnormal.Morton Prince - 1973 - New York,: Arno Press.
    "This work is designed to be an introduction to abnormal psychology. The problems considered, however, belong equally to normal psychology. The present volume consists of selected lectures (with the exception of four) from courses on abnormal psychology delivered at the Tufts College Medical School (1908-10) and later at the University of California (1910). These again were based on a series of papers on the Unconscious published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1908-9) of which they are elaborations. Since the lectures (...)
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    The Emergence of Authentic Human Person in Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Superman: An Hermeneutics Approach to Literary Criticism.Asisclo M. Abonado Iii - 2014 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 5 (1).
    The paper interprets Nietzsche’s description of authentic human person.Based on the works of Nietzsche, commentaries and philosophical interpretationsof various authors, authentic human person evolves into a superman by usingthe principles of discipline and mastery of oneself. His authenticity, however,requires persistence, courage and strength to endure many forms of sufferingsand to overcome alienation brought about by his environment. Otherwise,man would become slave of his desires or alien to his own powers, talents andcapacities. Thus, Nietzsche’s thought of superman (...)
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  34.  24
    Some Marxist Theories of Human Personality.Mary L. O’Hara - 1979 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 53:115-123.
  35. The Human Person and the "Conquest of Freedom".Alice Ramos & Jiaxin Li - 2006 - Philosophy and Culture 33 (9):71-82.
    In the essay, I want to disscuss Maritain's concept of freedom. If we want to understand some obscure thoughts about Maritain, we have to understand Thomas's thoughts. In the essay entitled "The Conquest of Freedom.", Maritain illustrates what freedom means. He indicates it is inseparable between the notions of personality and independent freedom. It is therefore necessary to study the Thomistic concepts of the will as nature and the will as reason . My purpose in this paper will be twofold: (...)
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    John Macmurray's philosophy of the personal and the irreducibility of psychological persons.Jeff Sugarman - 2006 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 26 (1-2):172-188.
    John Macmurray's philosophy of "the form of the personal" is examined with particular interest in his emphasis on persons as agents, his account of psychological development, his claim that our self-awareness as persons is acquired from the mutuality of personal relations, and his important contribution in placing personhood at the center of inquiries into the human condition. Subsequently, it is argued that the reality of psychologically capable personhood so construed is irreducible to physical, biological, or social categories frequently (...)
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  37. The Puzzle of the Origin of Human Persons.Alfred Driessen - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (2):49-63.
    The fundamental question about the origin of human persons asks for a multidisciplinary approach. Biology and genetics have made remarkable progress in the last two decades. In addition, (pre-) history, philosophy, and anthropology could contribute significantly to a correct solution. Also, the Jewish-Christian tradition could provide elements to the complex puzzle. The present study attempts to show that recent genetic data can be an integrated part of a coherent view of the origin of human persons.
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  38. Amann, Francis (2001) Ganzes und Teil: Wahrheit und Erkennen bei Spinoza. Germany: Konigshausen & Neumann, 354 pp. Arnaldez, Roger (2001) Averroes: A Rationalist in Islam. Notre Dame, IN: Univer-sity of Notre Dame Press, $34.95, 157 pp. Bracken, Joseph A., SJ (2001) The One in the Many: A Contemporary Recon. [REVIEW]Human Persons - 2002 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 51:223-225.
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    Measuring the Horizon: Objectivity, Subjectivity and the Dignity of Human Personal Identity.Francis J. Ambrosio & Elisabetta Lanzilao - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):32.
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    Philosophy of Education in a Poor Historical Moment: A Personal Account.Ilan Gur-Zeev - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):477-483.
    Under the post-metaphysical sky “old” humanistic-oriented education is possible solely at the cost of its transformation into its negative, into a power that is determined to diminish human potentials for self-exaltation. Nothing less than total metamorphosis is needed to rescue the core of humanistic genesis: the quest for edifying Life and resistance to the call for “home-returning” into the total harmony that is promised to us within nothingness.
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  41. Gordon W. Allport’s Concept of the Human Person: On a Possible Dialogue between Philosophy and Psychology.Omi Jastrzebski - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):71-86.
    For many years, modern social science and philosophy have been a battlefield of conflicting visions of the human person. There are many armies involved in this fight—among them the personalists who, even among themselves, represent different approaches to the understanding of the human person.G. W. Allport states that both philosophy and psychology are interested in the same common subject matter—that is, the human person.1 Allport's statement in this regard is very clear: personalistic (...)
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  42.  30
    The Teaching of St. Thomas Regarding the Formal Constitutive of Human Personality.George Duggan - 1941 - New Scholasticism 15 (4):318-349.
  43.  76
    Philosophy of the Human Person.James B. Reichmann - 1985 - Loyola Press.
  44.  73
    Values of love: two forms of infinity characteristic of human persons.Sara Heinämaa - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):431-450.
    In his late reflections on values and forms of life from the 1920s and 1930s, Husserl develops the concept of personal value and argues that these values open two kinds of infinities in our lives. On the one hand personal values disclose infinite emotive depths in human individuals while on the other hand they connect human individuals in continuous and progressive chains of care. In order to get at the core of the concept, I will explicate Husserl’s discussion (...)
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  45. Edith Stein’s Engagement with the Thought of Thomas Aquinas in Her Mature Philosophy of the Human Person.Robert McNamara - 2019 - Dissertation, Liverpool Hope University
    This thesis is an investigation of Edith Stein’s later philosophical works with respect to the question of the human person to reveal in what way she engages with the thought of Thomas Aquinas while continuing to practice philosophy according to the phenomenological method of investigation. The investigation is focused primarily upon the confluence of understanding found in two of Stein’s later works, Endliches und ewiges Sein and Der Aufbau der menschlichen Person, with supplementary reference also made (...)
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  46. A comprehensive theory of the human person from philosophy and nursing.Catherine Green - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (4):263-274.
    This article explores a problem of the articulation of an adequate account of the human person in both philosophical and nursing theory. It follows the lead of philosopher Norris Clarke in suggesting that there has been a significant division in the way philosophers have looked at the human person and goes on to suggest that this division is paralleled in prominent nursing theories. The paper reviews and argues for the synthesis of two contemporary philosophic theories of (...)
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    The Dignity of the Person in the Context of Human Providence.Piotr Stanisław Mazur - 2009 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (1):109-118.
    Thomas Aquinas understands providence as the reason of directing things to ends, and as the execution of that directing, i.e. governance. Thus, providence is one of the fundamental attributes of the person that reveals the person's perfection and dignity. Providence consists in a free and reasonable directing of oneself and the reality subject to oneself in order to actualize potentialities of oneself and of other beings in the context of the ultimate goal of existence. Human providence joins (...)
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  48. PHILOSOPHY OF PERSONS: “Human Nature” and Its Role in Feminist Theory.Louise M. Antony - 1997 - In Janet A. Kourany, Philosophy in a Feminist Voice: Critiques and Reconstructions. Princeton University Press. pp. 63-91.
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    The Human Person and the World of Values: A Tribute to Dietrich Von Hildebrand by His Friends in Philosophy.Balduin V. Schwarz - 2012 - Fordham University Press.
    Additional Contributors Include John V. Walsh, Bruno De Solages, Aurel Kolnai, Gabriel Marcel, Michele Federico Sciacca, Henri De Lubac, Robert W. Gleason, And Jacques Albert Cuttat. The Orestes Brownson Series On Contemporary Thoughts And Affairs, No. 3.
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  50. Philosophy of medicine and other humanities: Toward a wholistic view.Howard Brody - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (3).
    A less analytic and more wholistic approach to philosophy, described as best overall fit or seeing how things all hang together, is defended in recent works by John Rawls and Richard Rorty and can usefully be applied to problems in philosophy of medicine. Looking at sickness and its impact upon the person as a central problem for philosophy of medicine, this approach discourages a search for necessary and sufficient conditions for being sick, and instead encourages a (...)
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