Results for 'odradek'

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    Odradek y el problema de la forma.H. Diego Fernández - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (181).
    El artículo examina el conflicto formal que se produce en la descripción de Odradek al interior de “La preocupación del padre de familia” de Franz Kafka. En la voz de su narrador, Kafka se vale de un lenguaje de extraordinaria precisión para describir a su criatura (Odradek), produciendo una serie de paradojas. Prestamos atención seria a estas paradojas, mostrando las consecuencias que ellas plantean para los conceptos de “historia” en Kant y Benjamin, en sus respectivas relaciones con el (...)
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  2. In Odradek's World: Bare Life and Historical Materialism in Agamben and Benjamin.Miguel Vatter - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (3):45-70.
    This essay reconstructs Agamben’s theory of bare life as an example of an affirmative biopolitics, a politics of life that lies beyond sovereignty. The essay shows that his account of bare life constitutes a reworking of four central motifs found in Marx’s historical materialism: the facticity of alienated existence, the fetishism of commodities, the profanity of bourgeois society, and the nihilism of revolution. Agamben’s renewal of historical materialism explicitly turns on an innovative and controversial synthesis of Benjamin and Heidegger. This (...)
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  3. „Wunsch, Odradek zu sein..." Über das Motiv der Entstellung bei Walter Benjamin.Franz Maciejewski - 2006 - In Aleida Assmann & Jan Assmann (eds.), Verwandlungen. München: Fink. pp. 9--267.
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  4. Odradek, albo kto się boi Waltera Benjamina?Ryszard Różanowski - 1997 - Nowa Krytyka 8.
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    Hic sunt impossibilia. Odradek e altri oggetti non convenzionali.Stefano Vaselli - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 33 (33):237-266.
    The topic of this article is to develop an alternative, ontologically settled, problematic intuition about how to establish theoretical criteria of (non) conceptuality of an intentional content which kind of properties must an object possess to be able to furnish a full formal satisfaction to a conceptualization process? Are there any objects upon which our concepts can only go in vain in a sort of non conceptual short circuit’s breakdown in the very same act, in order to be caught in (...)
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    Adorno’s reading of Kafka: Odradek as a cryptogram of late capitalism. 정진범 - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 146:89-118.
    이 연구는 카프카의 단편 〈가장의 걱정(Die Sorge des Hausvaters)〉에 대한 아도르노의 철학적 해석을 사물화의 양가성 문제를 중심으로 다룬다. 아도르노는 벤야민에게 보낸 1934년 편지에서 이 단편에 등장하는 수수께끼같은 형상인 오드라데크를 두고 “사물적으로 전도된 삶에서 자연의 연관관계로부터의 탈출이 약속되어 있다”고 쓴다. 아도르노가 보기에 카프카는 사물화된 세계에서의 소외를 타협 없이 보여주고 있으며, 바로 이를 통해서만 구원의 전망이 열린다. 이러한 전도의 전도는 결코 필연성에 따라 보증되어 있지 않지만, 사물화의 경험은 결코 마르크스-루카치 전통에서 이야기되듯 부정적이지만은 않다. 아도르노는 오히려 사물에 대한 경계, 적대적 태도 속에서 인간성과 (...)
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    Hearing/seeing dread: thought of distortion and transformation in Kafka’s The Burrow and Odradek.Michiko Oki - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (1):16-26.
    In Kafka’s unfinished story, The Burrow, an unidentified subterranean creature struggles while digging in a burrow, constantly engulfed in anxiety for potential intruders. His obsessive anxiety starts to be materialised in his hearing of a noise everywhere and at constant intensity. Incessantly speculating the cause of this noise, his dreadful imagination first finds it as a swarm of small fries, eventually growing into a single gigantic monster threatening his burrow, as if desiring an irresistible entity that goes beyond the idea (...)
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  8. From Kant's starry skies to Kafka's Odradek : Benjamin and the quantum of history.Eric Kligerman - 2018 - In Nassima Sahraoui & Caroline Sauter (eds.), Thinking in constellations: Walter Benjamin in the humanities. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Textures of the anthropocene: grain, vapor, ray.Katrin Klingan (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
    Texts and textures: approaching an age of human-made nature through the particulate, the volatile, and the radiant. We have entered the Anthropocene era—a geological age of our own making, in which what we have understood to be nature is made by man. We need a new way to understand the dynamics of a new epoch. These volumes offer writings that approach the Anthropocene through the perspectives of grain, vapor, and ray—the particulate, the volatile, and the radiant. The first three volumes—each (...)
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  10. Eine Deutung der Metamorphose bei Kafka.Elia Gonnella - 2022 - Segni E Comprensione 36 (102):178-191.
    -/- In Kafka's work there are many examples of metamorphic instances. Die Verwandlung is obviously the first case that we are used to know as a real metamorphic example. However, it is not the only one, for examples Odradek, but also the way Kafka describes the encounter between characters or the characteristics of some of them (Das Schloss). The paper tries to conceptualize the metamorphosis through a distinction between two forms: (1) metamorphosis or transformation that allows us to know (...)
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    Hamlet o Europa y el fin del Trauerspiel moderno.Fabrizio Desideri - 2024 - Boletín de Estética 68:7-29.
    El personaje de Hamlet ha sido un punto de referencia para gran parte de la filosofía europea del siglo XX, representando el espíritu y destino de Europa. Diversos autores, como Pavel Florenskij, Lev S. Vygotskij y Carl Schmitt, han visto en Hamlet la contradicción inherente a una transición epocal no resuelta, caracterizada por el dolor interminable de un interim. Mi artículo explora la posibilidad de interpretar el tiempo de Hamlet bajo esta luz, en relación con las ideas de Walter Benjamin (...)
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    Furor Divinus : creativity in Plato's Ion.Andrew Benjamin - 2015 - Odradek : Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories 1 (2).
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  13. La conversione tragica in Hume.Filippo Contesi - 2022 - Odradek 8 (2).
    According to Hume, the pleasures that appreciators experience from good tragedies are critically accounted for by the unpleasantness associated with the events that those tragedies represent. This account appeals to a process of conversion of the unpleasant into the pleasant. Two of the more prominent contemporary interpretations of Hume’s conversion process – respectively advanced by Malcolm Budd (1991) and Alex Neill (1998) – put forward two contrasting views of the role of unpleasantness in Hume’s view of the pleasures of tragedy. (...)
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  14. Creativity and the Machine. How Technology Reshapes Language.Fabio Fossa - 2017 - Odradek 3 (1-2):178-208.
    In scientific communications, journal articles, and philosophical aesthetic debates the words “art”, “creativity”, and “machine” are put together more and more frequently. Since some machines are designed to, or happens to, imitate human artistic creativity, it seems natural to use the same words to talk about human artists and machines which imitate them. However, the evolution of language in light of technology may conceal specific features of the phenomena it is supposed to describe. This makes it difficult to understand what (...)
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  15. Dei, umani e algoritmi. L'immagine dell'artista nell'era digitale.Fabio Fossa - 2020 - Odradek 5 (1):435-477.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss how the image of the artist has formed in Western culture and how digital art may shed light on some of its internal contradictions, if not perhaps even help us overcome them. Firstly, I take into consideration the Jewish and Christian tradition according to which the image of God as Creator may play the role of the archetypal artist, of whom the human artist is a sort of copy and imitator – an (...)
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  16. Principi di Remixologia. Una assiologia per il XXI Secolo e oltre (traduzione di F. Fossa).Fabio Fossa & David J. Gunkel - 2019 - Odradek (1):411-434.
    Among the many forms of artistic expression that characterize the digital era, remix occupies a rather central position. At the same time, however, the success of remix as an artistic practice raises several hard questions. What is original and what is derived? How can we sort out and make sense of questions concerning origination and derivation in situations where one thing is appropriated, reused, and repurposed for something else? What theory of moral and aesthetic value can accommodate and explain these (...)
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  17. La Bestimmung come disposizione. Un’analisi tra Sorge e Liebe.Elia Gonnella - 2023 - Odradek. Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics, and New Media Theories 9 (1-2):263-303.
    This paper analyses Spalding’s Betrachtung über die Bestimmung des Menschen (1748) through a translation proposal that tries to point out the human disposal to act ethically. In accord with modern German use, I argue for a translation of Bestimmung as disposition. In the first part of the article, I deal with the relevant issues for a philosophy of human experience that are present in Spalding’s text. In the second one, I bring the translation proposal into the philosophical domain showing how (...)
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