Results for 'object of civil rights'

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  1. The System of Objects of Civil Rights: Problem of Concepts.Asta Jakutytė-Sungailienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (1):143-157.
    The Civil Code of Lithuania (1964), in force until 2000, did not regulate the objects of civil rights, thus Chapter V of Part III of Book I of the Civil Code of Lithuania is a significant novelty. Several approaches to an abstract definition of the objects of civil rights still exists in the legal doctrine: whether the object of civil rights and the object of the civil relationship coincide; is (...)
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    Hegel’s Spirit as a Defence of Civil Rights and Bulwark Against Extremism.Patricia Calton - 2017 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 21 (1):82-98.
    Hegel’s detailed analysis of subjective religion and his forceful rejection of the movement in his own political environment to deny civil liberties to Jewish citizens give us the conceptual tools to respond to our contemporary cases of religious extremism without violating the value of the autonomy and inherent worth of the thinking person that fanaticism tramples. This paper first addresses Hegel’s analysis of fanaticism, demonstrating that its rejection of the order of existing structures in favor of an abstract ideal (...)
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    (1 other version)Convention for protection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology and biomedicine: Convention on human rights and biomedicine.Council of Europe - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (3):277-290.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with Regard to the Application of Biology and Biomedicine: Convention on Human Rights and BiomedicineCouncil of EuropePreambleThe Member States of the Council of Europe, the other States and the European Community signatories hereto,Bearing in mind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948;Bearing (...)
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    Protection of Creditors' Rights in Asset Deal.Asta Jakutytė-Sungailienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):199-212.
    The Civil Code of Lithuania re-established enterprise (business) as a self-sufficient object of civil rights and introduced several legal transanctions with it, the so- called asset deals (sale-purchase of enterprise and lease of enterprise). Since every transfer of enterprise comprises the transfer (delegation) of debts to the new owner, the legal regulation on asset deals must be orientated to the protection of creditors’ rights. However, the legal practice showed that the existing legal regulation regarding asset (...)
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  5. “The Potential Impact of Hobby Lobby on LGBT Civil Rights?”.Vincent Samar - 2015 - Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 16:547-91.
    The Supreme Court’s construction of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) in Hobby Lobby created a great fear among various civil rights groups, especially in the LGBT community, over what the Court might do next regarding rights of same-sex and transgender couples seeking legal protections in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Indeed, if Justice Alito’s majority position is taken for all that its logic implies, then, as Justice Ginsburg’s dissent warns, there is indeed much for (...)
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    Metaphysics of Human Rights. 1948-2018. On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the UDHR.Elisa Grimi & Luca Di Donato (eds.) - 2019 - Vernon Press.
    The 1948 Declaration of Human Rights demanded a collaboration among exponents from around the world. Embodying many different cultural perspectives, it was driven by a like-minded belief in the importance of finding common principles that would be essential for the very survival of civilization. Although an arduous and extensive process, the result was a much sought-after and collective endeavor that would be referenced for decades to come. Motivated by the seventieth anniversary of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human (...) and enriched by the contributions of eminent scholars, this volume aims to be a reflection on human rights and their universality. The underlying question is whether or not, after seventy years, this document can be considered universal, or better yet, how to define the concept of “universality.” We live in an age in which this notion seems to be guided not so much by the values that the subject intrinsically perceives as good, but rather by the demands of the subject. Universality is thus no longer deduced by something that is objectively given, within the shared praxis. Conversely, what seems to have to be universal is what we want to be valid for everyone. This volume will be of interest to those currently engaged in research or studying in a variety of fields including Philosophy, Politics and Law. (shrink)
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  7. The Measure of Civilizations.Barry Smith - 2002 - Academic Questions 16 (1):16-22.
    Is it possible to compare civilizations one with another? Is it possible, in other words, to construct some neutral and objective framework in terms of which we could establish in what respects one civilization might deserve to be ranked more highly than its competitors? Morality will surely provide one axis of such a framework (and we note in passing that believers in Islam might quite reasonably claim that their fellow-believers are characteristically more moral than are many in the West). Criteria (...)
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  8.  25
    Capote’s frozen cats: Sexuality, hospitality, civil rights.Michael P. Bibler - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (1):116-130.
    In this late story, Truman Capote celebrates a peculiar form of object relations to expand definitions of sexuality beyond conventional identity categories and thus suggest a more expansive model of social inclusion and civil rights. Building on work in animal studies, queer theory, and the new materialities, I argue that the literalism of these object relations decenters the human and reimagines a wider ethics of belonging. The story describes an elderly widow who keeps all of her (...)
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  9.  30
    Two Theories of Civilization.Jay Newman - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (210):473 - 483.
    Once upon a time, when there was no psychoanalysis or cultural anthro-pology or meta-ethics, most philosophers believed that there was objective truth in such statements as, ‘Murder is wrong’, ‘One should not steal’, and ‘Heliogabalus was an evil man’. Many philosophers still believe that there is, and though their view is not wholly respectable in most English-speaking philosophical circles, it probably has the important merit of being true. There are serious reasons for worrying about the traditional view: it is not (...)
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    The Relationship Between Individuals’ Recognition of Human Rights and Responses to Socially Responsible Companies: Evidence from Russia and Bulgaria.Petya Puncheva-Michelotti, Marco Michelotti & Peter Gahan - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (4):583-605.
    An emerging body of literature has highlighted a gap in our understanding of the extent to which the salience attached to human rights is likely to influence the extent to which an individual takes account of Corporate Social Responsibility in decision making. The primary aim of this study is to begin to address this gap by understanding how individuals attribute different emphasis on specific aspects of human rights when making decisions to purchase, work, invest or support the community (...)
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  11.  28
    Retrieving the Differences: the Distinctiveness of the Welfare Aspect of Human Rights from the Perspective of Judicial Protection.Gustavo Arosemena - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (3):239-255.
    Recently, the idea that all rights are positive and costly has come to prominence in international human rights law. This has been taken to imply that there are no reasons to object to providing economic, social, and cultural rights with the same level of protection than civil and political rights. The present contribution aims to reject this undifferentiated view. It argues that even if it is accepted that all rights are in a sense (...)
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  12. The meaning of life and the measure of civilizations.Barry Smith - 2002 - In The History of Liberalism in Europe. Paris: CREA/CREPHE.
    In what respects is Western civilization superior or inferior to its rivals? In raising this question we are addressing a particularly strong form of the problem of relativism. For in order to compare civilizations one with another we would need to be in possession of a framework that is neutral and objective, a framework based on principles of evaluation which would be acceptable, in principle, to all human beings. Morality will surely provide one axis of such a framework (and we (...)
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    Civil Disobedience, Not Merely Conscientious Objection, In Medicine.Dana Howard - 2020 - HEC Forum 33 (3):215-232.
    Those arguing that conscientious objection in medicine should be declared unethical by professional societies face the following challenge: conscientious objection can function as an important reforming mechanism when it involves health care workers refusing to participate in certain medical interventions deemed standard of care and legally sanctioned but which undermine patients’ rights. In such cases, the argument goes, far from being unethical, conscientious objection may actually be a professional duty. I examine this sort of challenge and ultimately argue that (...)
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    Civil Procedure on Securing a Claim in the Republic of Kosovo.Bionda Rexhepi - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (1):124-138.
    The objective of the paper is to create a concept of what securing the claim is, based on the positive legislation of Kosovo’s law, comparing its regulation with laws of somewhat similar legislations of neighbouring regions, understanding its implementation in practice, to achieve conclusions and remarks based on law, facts, practice, and the comparative aspect. The Civil Procedure Law in the Republic of Kosovo is regulated with contested, non-contested or enforcement procedure. Securing the claim is an institute expressively regulated (...)
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  15. Civil disobedience and conscientious objection.Maeve Cooke & Danielle Petherbridge - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):953-957.
    The question of civil disobedience has preoccupied philosophical discourse at least since Thoreau's articulation of disobedience as a form of non-compliance and Rawls' classic definition outlined in the wake of the civil rights and student protest movements of the 1960s. It has become increasingly clear, however, that these classic definitions are being challenged and rethought from a variety of traditions in the wake of contemporary protests. These articles engage with the most recent debates surrounding civil disobedience (...)
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    Transfer of the Rights of Succession (text only in Lithuanian).Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):111-133.
    The article deals with a specific type of contract that an heir is entitled to conclude—the transfer (or sale) of the rights of succession. As a starting point, the author of the article analyses the formation and further development of the transfer of succession as a whole (hereditas) in the Roman law. Two major proceedings used by Roman lawyers for the purposes of the alienation of hereditas are analysed, one being in iure cessio hereditatis and the second taking the (...)
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  17. The Limits of the Rights to Free Thought and Expression.Barrett Emerick - 2021 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 31 (2):133-152.
    It is often held that people have a moral right to believe and say whatever they want. For instance, one might claim that they have a right to believe racist things as long as they keep those thoughts to themselves. Or, one might claim that they have a right to pursue any philosophical question they want as long as they do so with a civil tone. In this paper I object to those claims and argue that no one (...)
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  18.  33
    Proprietary Complexes: Theoretical Aspects.Asta Jakutytė-Sungailienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (2):513-526.
    In a legal sense, a proprietary complex is comprehended as a totality of the objects of civil rights having common purpose which is referred to as a self-sufficient object having separate monetary value. In contemporary doctrine of private law, wherein the pluralistic theory of civil relationship is prevalent, the object of the civil relationship as well as the object of civil rights is considered the values regarding which of the civil (...)
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    Right wing ascendance in India and politicisation of India’s military.Ali Ahmed - 2019 - Антиномии 19 (4):88-106.
    The rise to taking over state power after elections of 2014 by majoritarian forces in India has since witnessed weakening of institutions of governance. The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party has returned to power with an enhanced parliamentary majority in the 2019 elections. The rise of hindutva, the Hindu nationalist political philosophy of the formations comprising the BJP and the Sangh parivaar or affiliates of the right wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has reshaped the discourse on the “idea of India”. Under the (...)
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  20. Property Rights and the Political Philosophy of John Locke.Ruth J. Sample - 1995 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    The ultimate aim of this dissertation is to determine whether libertarian theories of property can be adequately grounded in Locke's theory of natural rights. I defend the thesis that Locke's theory has no room for a fundamental commitment to natural rights, including property rights. ;In the first three chapters, I challenge each component of the dominant interpretation of Locke's theory of property in this century, viz., that of C. B. Macpherson. In Chapter One, I criticize Macpherson's claim (...)
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    A paradox in Locke's Theory of Natural Rights.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1969 - Dialogue 8 (2):256-271.
    There are certain recurring objections to Locke's theory of legitimate government and the conception of natural rights on which it is based. These objections generally take the form of showing that most of Locke's claims in the Second Treatise stand largely as ad hoc assertions, defended—if at all—not by philosophical argumentation but by appeals to theology or intuition. These criticisms might be called external criticisms of Locke's theory because they focus, not upon the coherence of the theory or the (...)
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  22. Human Rights Reconceived: A Defense of Rawls's Law of Peoples.Alyssa Rose Bernstein - 2000 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    How can respect for cultural and religious differences be reconciled with the conviction that everyone has basic human rights that must be secured? Should liberal states require that non-liberal states secure human rights, and can they do so without being intolerant and oppressive? Is there a human right to democracy, and should a liberal hold that all states must become modern liberal democracies and may be pressured to reform their traditional practices and institutions? Do human rights include (...)
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  23. Ideas of Europe: Civilization and Constitution.Étienne Balibar - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):3-17.
    In this article, the author discusses two aspects of the representation of “Europe” as a historical subject that are bound to prove controversial: its relationship to universality, and the conditions of its becoming democratic as a polity. The paradox of “European identity” is that it conceived of itself as the particular site of the invention of the universal and its revelation to the world. A dialectics of recognition through the confrontation with the Other was always involved (above all in the (...)
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    The challenge of selective conscientious objection in Israel.Randy Friedman - 2006 - Theoria 53 (109):79-99.
    Whether refusal is an act of civil disobedience meant to challenge the state politically as a form of protest, or an action which reflects a deep moral objection to the policies of the state, selective conscientious objection presents the state and its citizens with a number of difficult legal and moral challenges. Appeals to authority outside of the state, whether religious or secular, influence both citizenship and the behavior of the government itself. As Israel raises funds to defend IDF (...)
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    A new era of civil rights? Latino immigrant farmers and exclusion at the United States Department of Agriculture.Sea Sloat & Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):631-643.
    In this article we investigate how Latino immigrant farmers in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States navigate United States Department of Agriculture programs, which necessitate standardizing farming practices and an acceptance of bureaucracy for participation. We show how Latino immigrant farmers’ agrarian norms and practices are at odds with the state’s requirement for agrarian standardization. This interview-based study builds on existing historical analyses of farmers of color in the United States, and the ways in which their farming practices and (...)
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    Hegel: Lectures on Natural Right and Political Science: The First Philosophy of Right.J. Michael Stewart, Peter C. Hodgson & Otto Pöggeler (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    These lectures constitute the earliest version of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, one of the most influential works in Western political theory. They introduce a notion of civil society that has proven of inestimable importance to diverse philosophical and social agendas. This transcription of the lectures, which remained in obscurity until 1982, presents the philosopher's social thought with clarity and boldness. It differs in some significant respects from Hegel's own published version of 1821. Nowhere does Hegel make plainer the difference (...)
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  27. Noncivil Disobedience and the Right of Necessity. A Point of Convergence.Alejandra Mancilla - 2012 - Krisis 3:3-15.
    Given the conceptual gap in the global justice debate today (where most of the talk is about the duties of the rich, but little is said about what the poor may do for themselves), in this article I reintroduce the idea of a right of necessity. I first delineate a normative framework for such a right, inspired by these historical accounts. I then offer a contemporary case where the exercise of the right of necessity would be morally legitimate according to (...)
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    Lectures on Natural Right and Political Science: The First Philosophy of Right : Heidelberg, 1817-1818, with Additions From the Lectures of 1818-1819.J. Michael Stewart & Peter Hodgson (eds.) - 1995 - University of California Press.
    _Philosophy of Right_ remains among the most influential works in Western political theory. It introduces a notion of civil society that has proven of inestimable importance to diverse philosophical and social agendas. In this transcription of the lectures that formed the initial version of Hegel's text, the philosopher presents his thought with a clarity and directness seldom matched in his later writings. Nowhere does Hegel make clearer the difference between his concept of objective spirit and traditional concepts of natural (...)
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    Two Conceptions of Civil Rights.Richard A. Epstein - 1991 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (2):38-59.
    I.WhatVintage ofCivilRights?In this paper I wish to compare and contrast two separate conceptions of civil rights and to argue that the older, more libertarian conception of the subject is preferable to the more widely accepted version used in the modern civil rights movement. The first conception of civil rights focuses on the question of individual capacity. The antithesis of a person with civil rights is the slave. But even if individuals are declared (...)
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    Lectures on Natural Right and Political Science: The First Philosophy of Right.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1995 - Oxford: University of California Press. Edited by P. Wannenmann.
    _Philosophy of Right_ remains among the most influential works in Western political theory. It introduces a notion of civil society that has proven of inestimable importance to diverse philosophical and social agendas. In this transcription of the lectures that formed the initial version of Hegel's text, the philosopher presents his thought with a clarity and directness seldom matched in his later writings. Nowhere does Hegel make clearer the difference between his concept of objective spirit and traditional concepts of natural (...)
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    Civil Power and the Deconstruction of Scholasticism in the Thought of Marc'antonio de Dominis.Benjamin Slingo - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (4):507-526.
    SummaryMarc'antonio de Dominis is well known to historians as a figure in the political and religious culture of early modern Britain and Europe. This article contends that he was also a major theorist of civil power: his critique of Catholic scholastic political thought is compelling and his account of divine right kingship sheds light on conceptual problems that troubled a range of early modern thinkers. De Dominis dismantled the scholastic theory of political power on its own terms, insisting that (...)
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    Strategic intellectual property litigation, the right of publicity, and the attenuation of free speech: Lessons from the schwarzenegger bobblehead doll war (and peace).William T. Gallagher - manuscript
    This article is part of a Symposium that examines the legal and policy issues raised by the Schwarzenegger bobblehead doll litigation, in which a Hollywood star-turned-governor sued under California's right of publicity laws and under federal copyright law to stop a small Ohio company from selling a bobblehead doll depicting Schwarzenegger in a business suit, with a bandolier of bullets, and brandishing an assault rifle. The article contends that defendants' unauthorized use of the Schwarzenegger image on dolls and their accompanying (...)
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  33. The Necessity of Exosomatic Knowledge for Civilization and a Revision to our Epistemology.Ray Scott Percival - 2012 - In Norbert-Bertrand Barbe (ed.), LE NÉANT DANS LA PENSÉE CONTEMPORAINE. Publications du Centre Fran. pp. 136-150.
    The traditional conception of knowledge is justified, true belief. If one looks at a modern textbook on epistemology, the great bulk of questions with which it deals are to do with personal knowledge, as embodied in beliefs and the proper experiences that someone ought to have had in order to have the right (or justification) to know. I intend to argue that due to the explosive growth of knowledge whose domain is “outside the head”, this conception has outlived its relevance. (...)
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    Hegel: Lectures on Natural Right and Political Science: The First Philosophy of Right.Peter C. Hodgson (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press UK.
    These lectures constitute the earliest version of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, one of the most influential works in Western political theory. They introduce a notion of civil society that has proven of inestimable importance to diverse philosophical and social agendas. This transcription of the lectures, which remained in obscurity until 1982, presents the philosopher's social thought with clarity and boldness. It differs in some significant respects from Hegel's own published version of 1821. Nowhere does Hegel make plainer the difference (...)
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    Why conscience matters: a defence of conscientious objection in healthcare.Xavier Symons - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The book provides a detailed introduction to a major debate in bioethics, as well as a rigorous account of the role of conscience in professional decision-making. Exploring the role of conscience in healthcare practice, this book offers fresh counterpoints to recent calls to ban or severely restrict conscience objection. It provides a detailed philosophical account of the nature and moral import of conscience, and defends a prima facie right to conscientious objection for healthcare professionals. The book also has relevance to (...)
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    The Core Values of Chinese Civilization.Lai Chen - 2017 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    Drawing on the core values of western civilization, the author refines the counterparts in Chinese civilization, summarized as four core principles: duty before freedom, obedience before rights, community before individual, and harmony before conflict. Focusing on guoxue or Sinology as the basis of his approach, the author provides detailed explanations of traditional Chinese values. Recent scholars have addressed the concept of guoxue since the modern age, sorting through it and piecing it together, which has produced an extremely abundant range (...)
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    Roma Rights and Discrimination Based on Ethnicity in Sweden.David Berat - 2018 - Seeu Review 13 (1):15-29.
    This article is about the rights of the Roma in Sweden and the level of discrimination that Roma are facing. The aims and objectives of the article is theoretical and practical understanding of the situation of the Roma and their human rights through our research and analysis of reports from international organizations, civil society organizations, deep interviews and data from the collected 57 questionnaires. The data is collected during the two study visits in November 2016 and February (...)
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    Lectures on natural right and political science: the first philosophy of right: Heidelberg, 1817-1818, with additions from the lectures of 1818-1819.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1995 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by P. Wannenmann.
    This is the only English edition of a set of lectures which constitute an earlier and significantly different version of Hegel's classic Philosophy of Right, one of the most influential works in Western political theory. They are essential for a full understanding of Hegel's key concepts of civil society, objective spirit, and recognition.
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    ‘A psychological riddle demanding a solution’. Crowd psychology and the Finnish Civil War of 1918.Petteri Pietikainen - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):555-573.
    ABSTRACT Right after the Finnish Civil War of 1918, the first treatises discussing the insurgents in crowd psychological terms were published. Between 1918 and the early 1920s, several Finnish authors used Gustave Le Bon's and other crowd psychologists’ ideas of suggestion, mental epidemics, and the dangers of socialism in their interpretations of the aborted revolution. The article argues that the use of crowd psychology in the years following the Finnish Civil War was an attempt to articulate in objective, (...)
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    (1 other version)Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Civil Legislation: A Comparative Study Between French Civil Law and Iraqi Civil Law.Fatima Abdul Rahim Ali Al-Musallamawi & Mona Muhammad Kazem Abbas Al-Dulaimi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:156-176.
    This study deals with the protection of intellectual property rights in French and Iraqi civil law. This is because the literary and life creativity in Iraq is declining, it is difficult to invest money in new things, and the number of people who comply with the artificial laws made since 2003 is increasing, and secondly, another reason, people's ignorance of the existing laws in Iraq. Iraq, so it is necessary. In each legislation, legal mechanisms are used to promote (...)
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    The Corruption of Civil Rights and Civil Law.President Ulysses S. Grant - unknown
    The effects of the late civil strife have been to free the slave and make him a citizen. Yet he is not possessed of the civil rights which citizenship should carry with it. This is wrong, and should be corrected. To this correction I stand committed, so far as Executive influence can avail.
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    The Philosophy of Civil Rights.Joseph V. Trunk - 1939 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 15:21-35.
  43.  11
    Libertad de expresión y derecho de defensa frente al ius puniendi de la administración: una visión a la luz de la más reciente jurisprudencia constitucional = Freedom of expression and right of defense opposite to the ius puniendi of the administration: a vision in the light of the most recent constitutional jurisprudence.José Mateos Martínez - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política:135-146.
    RESUMEN: El presente artículo analiza el reforzamiento de la libertad de expresión que se produce cuando ésta es ejercida en conexión con el derecho de defensa, y se centra en un concreto supuesto que ha sido recientemente examinado por el Tribunal Constitucional: el ejercicio del derecho de defensa en primera persona por un funcionario que es objeto de un expediente disciplinario. A la vez que estudiamos la solución dada por el TC al citado caso, reflexionamos sobre los efectos de la (...)
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    Moral Foundations of Civil Rights Law.Alan Gewirth - 1987 - Modern Schoolman 64 (4):235-255.
  45.  80
    Freedom, Firearms, and Civil Resistance.Dustin Crummett - 2021 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (2):247-266.
    The claim that guns can safeguard freedom is common in US political discourse. In light of a broadly republican understanding of freedom, I evaluate this claim and its implications. The idea is usually that firearms would enable citizens to engage in revolutionary violence against a tyrannical government. I argue that some of the most common objections to this argument fail, but that the argument is fairly weak in light of other objections. I then defend a different argument for the claim (...)
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    (1 other version)Rationality and the right to privacy.Mark Alfino & G. Randolph Mayes - 2001 - In Daniel A. Bonevac (ed.), Today's moral issues: classic and contemporary perspectives. Boston: McGraw Hill.
    When tennis fan Jane Bronstein attended the 1995 U.S. Open she probably knew there was a remote chance her image would end up on television screens around the world. But she surely did not know she was at risk of becoming the object of worldwide attention on the David Letterman Show. As it happened, Letterman spotted an unflattering clip from the U.S. Open showing a heavyset Bronstein with peach juice dripping down her chin. Not only did he show the (...)
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    The overprotection of conscientious objection in Chile’s abortion regulation.Pablo Marshall & Yanira Zúñiga - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (2):58-62.
    This paper critically analyses conscientious objection to abortion in the context of the new regulation of pregnancy termination in Chile. It argues that adequate regulation should not be blind: The bioethical requirements that seek to balance the interests involved must consider the legal regulation of the interests at stake, the context in which they are implemented, and, fundamentally, the effectiveness of the solutions adopted. Attention should be paid to the risks involved in the political use of conscientious objection to prevent (...)
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    Does Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights Apply to Disciplinary Procedures in the Workplace?Astrid Sanders - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (4):791-819.
    Remarkably, there have been three decisions by the Court of Appeal and one decision by the Supreme Court (including notably R(G) v Governors of X School) in the space of three years on the same question as to whether the procedural guarantees of Article 6 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) can apply to disciplinary proceedings in the workplace. The earlier recent domestic decisions held that Article 6(1) could apply or did apply to workplace disciplinary procedures and could imply (...)
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    US "Human Rights" Policy : an appraisal.Koenraad Lenaerts - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (4):619-632.
    In the wake of the 1980 CSCE follow-up meeting US human rights objectives should be defined contextually so as to include besides the traditional human rights ingredients, i.e. the right to personal integrity, civil and politica! liberties, such values as peace, national security, nuclear non-proliferation, economie growth and redistribution. To this effect, the US should stress more a proper «world order» as its ultimate policy goal. Doing so would provide it at once with the flexibility needed in (...)
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    Black time and the aesthetic possibility of objects.Daphne Lamothe - 2023 - Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
    The decades following the civil rights and decolonization movements of the sixties and seventies - termed the post-soul era - created new ways to understand the aesthetics of global racial representation. Daphne Lamothe shows that beginning around 1980 and continuing to the present day, Black literature, art, and music resisted the pull of singular and universal notions of racial identity. Developing the idea of 'Black aesthetic time' - a multipronged theoretical concept that analyzes the ways race and time (...)
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