Results for 'nurse practitioners'

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  1.  92
    Nurse Practitioners in Developing Countries: Some Ethical Considerations.Ruth Stark, N. V. K. Nair & Shigeru Omi - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (4):273-277.
    One of the principles of health care ethics is the principle of justice. An important expression of justice is equity. The provision of basic primary health care services to all people is the key to eliminating the gross inequities in health status existing in many countries. For many years nurses in developing countries have ‘led the way’ in bringing these essential services to poor rural communities, including the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, and the prescribing and dispensing of medications. Nurses (...)
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    Examining the potential of nurse practitioners from a critical social justice perspective.Annette J. Browne & Denise S. Tarlier - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):83-93.
    Nurse practitioners (NPs) are increasingly called on to provide high‐quality health‐care particularly for people who face significant barriers to accessing services. Although discourses of social justice have become relatively common in nursing and health services literature, critical analyses of how NP roles articulate with social justice issues have received less attention. In this study, we examine the role of NPs from a critical social justice perspective. A critical social justice lens raises morally significant questions, for example, why certain (...)
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    Neonatal nurse practitioner ethics knowledge and attitudes.Mobolaji Famuyide, Caroline Compretta & Melanie Ellis - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2247-2258.
    Background: Neonatal nurse practitioners have become the frontline staff exposed to a myriad of ethical issues that arise in the day-to-day environment of the neonatal intensive care unit. However, ethics competency at the time of graduation and after years of practice has not been described. Research aim: To examine the ethics knowledge base of neonatal nurse practitioners as this knowledge relates to decision making in the neonatal intensive care unit and to determine whether this knowledge is (...)
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    Primary Care Nurse Practitioners' Integrity When Faced With Moral Conflict.Carolyn Ann Laabs - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (6):795-809.
    Primary care presents distressful moral problems for nurse practitioners (NPs) who report frustration, powerlessness, changing jobs and leaving advanced practice. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to describe the process NPs use to manage moral problems common to primary care. Twenty-three NPs were interviewed, commenting on hypothetical situations depicting ethical issues common to primary care. Coding was conducted using a constant comparative method. A theory of maintaining moral integrity emerged consisting of the phases of encountering conflict, (...)
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    The problem of comparing nurse practitioner practice with medical practice.Michael A. Carter & Amal S. Haji Assa - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12551.
    Comparing the practice of nurse practitioners to medical practice began almost 50 years ago and continues to this day. This comparison is curious since the founders of this movement did not indicate that these advanced practice nurses were to be interchangeable with physicians. Nevertheless, substantial literature indicates that nurse practitioners perform equally or better when measured against physician practice standards. This paper compares the ontology and epistemology of both professions and concludes that the philosophical foundations are (...)
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    Knowing the nurse practitioner: dominant discourses shaping our horizons.Judy Rashotte - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (1):51-62.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the various discourses, particularly the dominant instrumental and economic discourses that have brought the phenomena of the nurse practitioner into being. It is proposed that NPs have been constituted as an object of nature and therefore understood metaphorically as a tool or instrument within the health care system to be used efficiently and effectively. Heidegger's philosophical analysis of the question concerning technology is used to argue that our current ways of knowing (...)
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    Knowing the nurse practitioner: Dominant discourses shaping our horizons.Judy Rashotte rn phd candidate - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (1):51–62.
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    Working in a ‘third space’: a closer look at the hybridity, identity and agency of nurse practitioners.Teresa Chulach & Marilou Gagnon - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):52-63.
    Nurse practitioners (NPs), as advanced practice nurses, have evolved over the years to become recognized as an important and growing trend in Canada and worldwide. In spite of sound evidence as to the effectiveness ofNPs in primary care and other care settings, role implementation and integration continue to pose significant challenges. This article utilizes postcolonial theory, as articulated by Homi Bhabha, to examine and challenge traditional ideologies and structures that have shaped the development, implementation and integration of theNProle (...)
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    Nurse Practitioners: What Does the Public Need to Know?Connie M. Ulrich - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):14-15.
  10.  10
    Solidarity and alignment in nurse practitioner–patient interactions.Staci Defibaugh - 2014 - Discourse and Communication 8 (3):260-277.
    This article focuses on how solidarity is negotiated in interactions during medical visits between nurse practitioners and patients. Drawing on data from ethnographic field notes, audio-recorded interactions and interviews involving one NP and 20 patients, the article outlines ways in which the NP creates a sense of solidarity by lessening the social distance between herself and her patients. These attempts at solidarity do not correlate with what has been noted in previous studies of medical visits involving medical doctors (...)
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    Praxis and the role development of the acute care nurse practitioner.Kelley Kilpatrick - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):116-126.
    Acute care nurse practitioner roles have been introduced in many countries. The acute care nurse practitioner provides nursing and medical care to meet the complex needs of patients and their families using a holistic, health‐centred approach. There are many pressures to adopt a performance framework and execute activities and tasks. Little time may be left to explore domains of advanced practice nursing and develop other forms of knowledge. The primary objective of praxis is to integrate theory, practice and (...)
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    A Path Analytic Model of Ethical Conflict in Practice and Autonomy in a Sample of Nurse Practitioners.Connie M. Ulrich & Karen L. Soeken - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (3):305-316.
    The purpose of this study was to test a causal model of ethical conflict in practice and autonomy in a sample of 254 nurse practitioners working in the primary care areas of family health, pediatrics, adult health and obstetrics/gynecology in the state of Maryland. A test of the model was conducted using a path analytic approach with LISREL 8.30 hypothesizing individual, organizational and societal/market factors influencing ethical conflict in practice and autonomy. Maximum likelihood estimation was used to estimate (...)
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    The power and politics of collaboration in nurse practitioner role development.Judith Burgess & Mary Ellen Purkis - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):297-308.
    BURGESS J and PURKIS ME. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 297–308 The power and politics of collaboration in nurse practitioner role developmentThis health services study employed participatory action research to engage nurse practitioners (NPs) from two health authorities in British Columbia, Canada, to examine the research question: How does collaboration advance NP role integration within primary health‐care? The inquiry was significant and timely because the NP role was recently introduced into the province, supported by passage of legislation and (...)
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  14.  23
    Refining the model for an emergency department‐based mental health nurse practitioner outpatient service.Timothy Wand, Kathryn White & Joanna Patching - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):231-241.
    Refining the model for an emergency department‐based mental health nurse practitioner outpatient service The mental health nurse practitioner (MHNP) role based in the emergency department (ED) has emerged in response to an increase in mental health‐related presentations and subsequent concerns over waiting times, co‐ordination of care and therapeutic intervention. The MHNP role also provides scope for the delivery of specialised primary care. Nursing authors are reporting on nurse‐led outpatient clinics as a method of healthcare delivery that allows (...)
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  15.  48
    Patient Willingness to Be Seen by Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Residents in the Emergency Department: Does the Presumption of Assent Have an Empirical Basis?Roderick S. Hooker & Gregory L. Larkin - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):1-10.
    Physician assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), and medical residents constitute an increasingly significant part of the American health care workforce, yet patient assent to be seen by nonphysicians is only presumed and seldom sought. In order to assess the willingness of patients to receive medical care provided by nonphysicians, we administered provider preference surveys to a random sample of patients attending three emergency departments (EDs). Concurrently, a survey was sent to a random selection of ED residents and PAs. (...)
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  16.  40
    Moral Distress and the Nurse Practitioner.N. S. Godfrey & K. V. Smith - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (4):330-336.
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    Pain Disregarded: A Nurse Practitioner's Chronic Pain Story.K. Amy - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (3):216-219.
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    Outcomes‐based trial of an inpatient nurse practitioner service for general medical patients.Mathilde H. Pioro, C. Seth Landefeld, Patricia F. Brennan, Barbara Daly, Richard H. Fortinsky, Unhee Kim & Gary E. Rosenthal - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (1):21-33.
  19. Monitoring and Investigating Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners in Pain Management.Jean B. Lazarus & Belinda Downing - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (1):101-118.
    The Mayday Scholars Program for 2001-2002 provided an opportunity to boards of nursing to present their experiences in monitoring the prescribing practices of advanced practice nurses and to research ways for improving their own investigation processes as professional disciplinary agencies for prescribing practices related to pain management. The Alabama Board of Nursing was interested in participating in the program based on its commitment to accountability for public protection. A gradual increase in disciplinary cases involving violations of prescribing practices by certified (...)
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  20.  35
    Is It Reasonable to Refuse to Be Seen by a Nurse Practitioner in the Emergency Department?Armand H. Matheny Antommaria & Julie Melini - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):15-17.
  21. The only people involved in this case were the nurse practitioner, nurses, the neonatologist, the mom and the grandmother. She was a young, single, competent person who seemed to have good support from her own mother. The grandmother always came with the young mother whenever she came to visit The ethical issues presented in this case are: Should the quality of life be an.Jane I. Maddox - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    Knowledge and attitudes of medical and nursing practitioners regarding non-beneficial futile care in the intensive care units of Trinidad and Tobago.Sridhar Polakala, Seetharaman Hariharan & Deryk Chen - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (2):95-101.
    Objective To determine the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare personnel regarding the provision of non-beneficial futile care in the intensive care units at the major public hospitals in Trinidad and Tobago. Method Prospective data collection was done using a questionnaire administered to the medical and nursing staff of the intensive care units. The questionnaire was designed to capture the opinions regarding the futile care offered to terminally ill patients at the intensive care units. The responses were based on a five-point (...)
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    Is It Reasonable to Refuse to Be Seen by a Nurse Practitioner in the Emergency Department?Armand H. Matheny Antommaria - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):15-17.
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    Factors Associated With Having a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant as Primary Care Provider for Veterans With Diabetes Mellitus.Morgan Perri, M. Everett Christine, A. Smith Valerie, Woolson Sandra, Edelman David, C. Hendrix Cristina, S. Z. Berkowitz Theodore, White Brandolyn & L. Jackson George - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801771276.
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    An Exploratory Analysis of US Nurse Practitioner Perspectives on Training and Credentialing.Elena Kraus - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
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    The Ethics of Substituting Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Residents for Attending Physicians.Nancy S. Jecker - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):11-13.
  27.  25
    Working relationships between practice nurses and general practitioners in Australia: a critical analysis.Eileen Willis, Condon Judith & John Litt - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (4):239-247.
    Working relationships between practice nurses and general practitioners in Australia: a critical analysisThis research set out to explore shared care between practice nurses and general practitioners in South Australia. Nine practice nurses (PNs), two nurse practitioners and 10 general practitioners (GPs) were interviewed in urban and rural practices in order to build up a picture of how GPs and PNs worked together. The interviews showed that shared care was not a reality, although practice nurses were (...)
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    Nurses as Moral Practitioners Encountering Parents in Neonatal Intensive Care Units.Liv Fegran, Sølvi Helseth & Åshild Slettebø - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (1):52-64.
    Historically, the care of hospitalized children has evolved from being performed in isolation from parents to a situation where the parents and the child are regarded as a unit, and parents and nurses as equal partners in the child’s care. Parents are totally dependent on professionals’ knowledge and expertise, while nurses are dependent on the children’s emotional connection with their parents in order to provide optimal care. Even when interdependency exists, nurses as professionals hold the power to decide whether and (...)
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    Book Review: Fairman J 2008: Making room in the clinic: nurse practitioners and the evolution of modern health care. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 195 pp. $45.95 (HB). ISBN 978 0 8135 4319 2. [REVIEW]Lesley Magnussen - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (5):672-673.
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    A nursing solution to primary care delivery shortfall.Michael Carter, Phillip Moore & Nina Sublette - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12245.
    Many countries project that they will have difficulty to meet their demand for primary care based on an inadequate supply of primary care doctors. There are many reasons for this, and they tend to vary by country. The policy options available to these countries are to increase the number of local primary care doctors, recruit doctors from other countries, ration primary care, shift more primary care to specialists, or authorize other disciplines to provide primary care. This article examines lessons learned (...)
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    Nursing in The 21st Century: Perfect Practice, Imperfect Practitioners.Melody Carter - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (1):57-59.
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  32.  17
    Academics and practitioners: nurses as intellectuals.Colin A. Holmes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (2):73-83.
    Academics and practitioners: nurses as intellectualsIn the author's experience, nurse educators working in universities generally accept that they are ‘academics’, but dismiss suggestions that they are ‘intellectuals’ because they see it as a pretentious description referring to a small number of academics and aesthetes who inhabit a conceptual world beyond the imaginative capacity of most other people. This paper suggests that the concept of the ‘intellectual’, if not the word itself, be admitted into nursing discourse through the adoption (...)
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    Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Practitioners: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook. Lois N. Magner.Arleen Tuchman - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):775-776.
  34.  70
    Nurses’ Ethical Conflicts: what is really known about them?Barbara K. Redman & Sara T. Fry - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):360-366.
    The purpose of this article is to report what can be learned about nurses’ ethical conflicts by the systematic analysis of methodologically similar studies. Five studies were identified and analysed for: (1) the character of ethical conflicts experienced; (2) similarities and differences in how the conflicts were experienced and how they were resolved; and (3) ethical conflict themes underlying four specialty areas of nursing practice (diabetes education, paediatric nurse practitioner, rehabilitation and nephrology). The predominant character of the ethical conflicts (...)
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    Critical discourse analysis for nursing research.Jennifer L. Smith - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):60-70.
    Critical discourse analysis is a useful and productive qualitative methodology but has been underutilized within nursing research. In order to redress this deficiency the research presented in this article represents an exploration of the way in which critical discourse analysis may be applied to the analysis of public debates around policy for nursing practice. In this article the author discusses the history of the application of critical discourse analysis and provides an example of its application to the debate around the (...)
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    Medical and nursing clinical decision making: a comparative epistemological analysis.Judy Rashotte & F. A. Carnevale - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):160-174.
    The aim of this article is to explore the complex forms of knowledge involved in diagnostic and interventional decision making by comparing the processes in medicine and nursing, including nurse practitioners. Many authors assert that the practice of clinical decision making involves the application of theoretical knowledge (acquired in the classroom and textbooks) as well as research evidence, upon concrete particular cases. This approach draws on various universal principles and algorithms to facilitate the task. On the other hand, (...)
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  37. Reflective Practice in Nursing: The Growth of the Professional Practitioner.Anthony M. Palmer & Sarah Burns - 1994 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This work explores the underlying issues and problems surrounding reflection, describing a selection of initiatives and fulfilling a need for novice reflectors to increase their knowledge. The theoretical underpinnings are presented, along with the realities of using reflection in practice.
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    Virtual power: gendering the nurse–technology relationship.Julie Fairman & Patricia D’Antonio - 1999 - Nursing Inquiry 6 (3):178-186.
    To date, studies of the relationship between technology and its consumers have used the constructs of traditional paradigms of production and consumption as the foundation for analysis. These studies have served to reinforce traditional concepts of gender and hierarchy in the nursing–technology dichotomy. To propose a new and more relevant framework for analysing the technology–nursing relationship, the analysis of gender within the methodology of the social history of technology will be used. Healthcare will be viewed as a technologic network, and (...)
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    Ethical issues in advanced nursing practice.Karen Bartter (ed.) - 2001 - Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
    Nursing staff of many specialities are taking on and developing their roles in new and advanced practice areas. Patients will be offered new services from highly skilled advanced nurse practitioners. Such nurses need guidance, direction and information to assist them in their new roles. This book will offer insight and guidance on a variety of issues that are likely to be encountered by the Nurse Practitioner in everyday practice.
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    Nursing and euthanasia: A narrative review of the nursing ethics literature.Barbara Pesut, Madeleine Greig, Sally Thorne, Janet Storch, Michael Burgess, Carol Tishelman, Kenneth Chambaere & Robert Janke - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):152-167.
    Background: Medical Assistance in Dying, also known as euthanasia or assisted suicide, is expanding internationally. Canada is the first country to permit Nurse Practitioners to provide euthanasia. These developments highlight the need for nurses to reflect upon the moral and ethical issues that euthanasia presents for nursing practice. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide a narrative review of the ethical arguments surrounding euthanasia in relationship to nursing practice. Methods: Systematic search and narrative review. Nine electronic (...)
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    Strikes, Nurses and The Law in the UK.Bridgit Dimond - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (4):269-276.
    This paper explores the law relating to strikes and other industrial action in the UK and the problems faced by nurse practitioners. It also reviews the advice given to nurses by the professional associations. If any employee takes part in industrial action, he or she could personally face four arenas of accountability for this action: disciplinary proceedings before the employer; criminal proceedings; civil proceedings for negligence; and professional conduct proceedings.
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    Nurses and Voluntary Assisted Dying: How the Australian Capital Territory’s Law Could Change the Australian Regulatory Landscape.R. Jeanneret & S. Prince - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):393-399.
    On June 5, 2024, the Australian Capital Territory passed a law to permit voluntary assisted dying (“VAD”). The Australian Capital Territory became the first Australian jurisdiction to permit nurse practitioners to assess eligibility for VAD. Given evidence of access barriers to VAD in Australia, including difficulty finding a doctor willing to assist, the Australian Capital Territory’s approach should prompt consideration of whether the role of nurses in VAD should be expanded in other Australian jurisdictions. Drawing on lessons from (...)
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  43.  22
    Engaging practitioners with critical reflection: issues and dilemmas.C. Morley - unknown
    This paper presents a reflective account of my teaching practice with health practitioners who work as school nurses in the secondary education system in regional Victoria, Australia. It highlights some of the issues and dilemmas that emerged during my experiences, as a social work educator, facilitating workshops about critically reflective learning as a cross-disciplinary enterprise. Using critical reflection, this paper also raises questions regarding how we might respond to some of the challenges to improve future approaches to teaching critical (...)
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    Can nurses in clinical practice ascribe responsibility to intelligent robots?Jerick Tabudlo, Letty Kuan & Paul Froilan Garma - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1457-1465.
    Background The twenty first- century marked the exponential growth in the use of intelligent robots and artificial intelligent in nursing compared to the previous decades. To the best of our knowledge, this article is first in responding to question, “Can nurses in clinical practice ascribe responsibility to intelligent robots and artificial intelligence when they commit errors?”. Purpose The objective of this article is to present two worldviews (anthropocentrism and biocentrism) in responding to the question at hand chosen based on the (...)
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  45. Indigenous nurses’ practice realities of cultural safety and socioethical nursing.Kiri Hunter & Catherine Cook - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (6):1472-1483.
    Background: Persistent healthcare emphasis on universal moral philosophy has not advantaged indigenous and marginalised groups. Centralising cultural components of care is vital to provide ethical healthcare services to indigenous people and cultural minorities internationally. Woods’ theoretical explication of how nurses can integrate cultural safety into a socioethical approach signposts ethical practice that reflects culturally congruent relational care and systemic critique. Aim: To demonstrate the empirical utility of Woods’ ethical elements of cultural safety within a socioethical model, through analysis of indigenous (...)
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    Exploring nursing expertise: nurses talk nursing.Sally Hardy, Robert Garbett, Angie Titchen & Kim Manley - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):196-202.
    Exploring nursing expertise: nurses talk nursingIt has become increasingly important for practitioners to articulate their expertise in modern healthcare settings that demand high levels of accountability and evidence‐based practice. The material presented within this article has been interpreted drawing from discourse analysis1to help explore the discourses that shape and influence understandings of nursing practice. What we present are extracts from four of the 35 participant nurses who applied to take part in the Royal College of Nursing Institute's Expertise in (...)
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    Can nursing educators learn to trust the world’s most trusted profession?Philip Darbyshire & David R. Thompson - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12412.
    Nursing and nursing education face a paradox whereby the world's most trusted profession seems not to trust its own students and practitioners. Much of nursing education has adopted what has been memorably described as the ‘cop shit’ approach. This is the panoply of surveillance, anti‐plagiarism and proctoring technologies that appear to be used more for policing and punishment of an inherently dishonest student body than to develop ethical and scholarly writing among future peers and colleagues. Nurses in practice may (...)
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    Licensed Nurses' Perceptions of Ethical Climates in Skilled Nursing Facilities.Anna A. Filipova - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (5):574-588.
    This study examines the presence of ethical climates in skilled nursing facilities and identifies their antecedents (work group, job position, tenure). A cross-sectional survey design was implemented. A total of 359 facilities were selected in the Midwestern United States. Responses were received from nurses representing 100 of those facilities (28%). A total of 656 usable questionnaires were returned of the 3060 distributed (21.4% response rate). Descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and multivariate and univariate analyses of variance were used. The results (...)
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    Physician-nurse collaboration in the relationship between professional autonomy and practice behaviors.Arzu Bulut, Halil Sengül, Çeçenya İrem Mumcu & Berkan Mumcu - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):253-271.
    Background Nurses and physicians are key members of healthcare teams. While physicians are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, nurses are part of the treatment and the primary practitioners of patient care. Nurses’ professional autonomy, collaboration with physicians, and practice behaviors in treatment and patient care practices are interrelated. Objectives In the present study, we examined the mediating effect of physician–nurse collaboration on the relationship between nurses’ practice behaviors and their professional autonomy. Design The present study (...)
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    Social capital, rural nursing and rural nursing theory.William Lauder, Sally Reel, Jane Farmer & Harvey Griggs - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (1):73-79.
    The notion of social capital focuses attention on social connectedness within communities and the ways that this connectedness may affect health and well‐being. There are many competing definitions of social capital but most suggest that it involves trust, social networks and reciprocity within communities, not necessarily geographically defined. The usefulness of social capital and related theories that help in understanding the function of nurses in rural communities are explored in this paper. Nurses and health service planners are becoming increasingly aware (...)
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