Results for 'nomadology'

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  1.  25
    Nomadology: The War Machine.Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari - 1986 - Semiotext(E).
    Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari redefine the relation between the state and its war machine. Far from being a part of the state, warriers are nomads who always come from the outside and keep threatening the authority of the state. In this daring essay inspired by Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari redefine the relation between the state and its war machine. Far from being a part of the state, warriers are nomads who always come from the outside and keep (...)
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    Nomadology: The War Machine.Brian Massumi (ed.) - 1986 - Semiotext(E).
    In this daring essay inspired by Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari redefine the relation between the state and its war machine. Far from being a part of the state, warriers are nomads who always come from the outside and keep threatening the authority of the state. In the same vein, nomadic science keeps infiltrating royal science, undermining its axioms and principles. Nomadology is a speedy, pocket-sized treatise that refuses to be pinned down. Theorizing a dynamic relationship between sedentary (...)
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    Nomadology or Ideology? Žižek's Critique of Deleuze.Robert Sinnerbrink - 2006 - Parrhesia 1:62-87.
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    Nomadología: (una lectura de Deleuze).Dardo F. Scavino - 1991 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Fresno.
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    Toward a FIERCE Nomadology: Contesting Queer Geographies on the Christopher Street Pier.Rachel Loewen Walker - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (1):90-120.
    New York City has a long history of gentrification, well demonstrated by the strategies of “revitalization” and “re-development” that have occurred in Harlem throughout the last century. Less well known is the historical, political, and social context surrounding New York’s Pier 45, also known as the Christopher Street Pier. As a historically-known gathering spot for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, the Christopher Street Pier gained recognition for harbouring what could be described as a queer public . However, recent processes (...)
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    The postidentitarian predicament in the footnotes of A Thousand Plateaus: nomadology, anthropology, and authority.Christopher L. Miller - 1993 - Diacritics 23 (3):6-35.
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    5. What is a Literature of War?: Kleist, Kant and Nomadology.Brent Adkins - 2015 - In Craig Lundy & Daniela Voss (eds.), At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 105-122.
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  8. """ War machine" and" Divine Violence": Is There God in" Nomadology"?Vladimir Milisavljevic - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):203 - +.
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    Deterritorializing Programming Systems: For a Nomadology of Forth.Theodore M. Norton - 1998 - Symploke 6 (1):109-117.
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    Serious Fun? Deleuze’s Treatise on Nomadology.Dorothea Olkowski - 2017 - PhaenEx 12 (1):71-84.
    In Anti-Oedipus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari analyze the manner in which what they refer to as deterritorialized flows of desire, have been reduced to state, family or religious hierarchies. Matter, capital, and libido are among the flows of desire for which nature and human nature are processes of production. The author’s argue that there is really only one process of desiring-production, that now capitalism and psychoanalysis are inextricably linked, and that the former produces subjective abstract labor, (...)
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  11. "On the Noumena of History": On the Status of Nomads in Deleuze's Thought.Daniel W. Smith - manuscript
    The “Treatise on Nomadology: The War Machine" is one of the most important and innovative chapters in Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's book, A Thousand Plateaus. It is a highly original text in political philosophy whose implications have yet to be fully mined—or even partially mined, for that matter. This short text analyzes the "noumenal" status that Deleuze assigns to the nomadic war machine, and analyzes the fundamental role that the nomadology plays in Deleuze and Guattari's political philosophy.
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    Deleuze and AlphaGo.Jay Lampert - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (1):27-54.
    It is time to update Deleuze and Guattari's contrast between Chess and Go in the ‘Nomadology’ Plateau with a discussion of AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence that revolutionised Go in 2016. I focus less on the political issues in Go nomadology, central as they are, and more on smooth space and time. I explain and speculate on some details in Go strategy, as well as some processes of machine learning. The relations between human Go, computer Go, and smooth-time (...) remain unsettled, in my view, but many resources for nomadological analysis open up for readers who learn to play, and program, Go. (shrink)
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  13. Thinking as Folding.Kyle Novak - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (4):745-762.
    Rosi Braidotti has recently argued that the emerging scholarship on posthumanism should employ what she calls nomadic thinking. Braidotti identifies Gilles Deleuze’s work on Spinoza as the genesis of posthumanist ontology, yet Deleuze’s claims about nomadic thinking or nomadology come from his work on Leibniz. I argue that for posthumanist thought to theorize subjectivity beyond the human, it must use nomadology to overcome ontology itself. To make my argument, I demonstrate that while Braidotti is correct about Spinoza’s influence (...)
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  14. Post-place branding as nomadic experiencing.George Rossolatos - 2018 - Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 4 (14):285-304.
    This paper introduces post-place branding in the context of the post-representationalist turn in marketing research by drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s (A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1987) theory of nomadology. By engaging critically with fundamental concepts in the place and destination branding literature, post-place branding offers an alternative perspective to entrenched definitions of subjectivity, place, and event experiencing, by effecting a paradigmatic shift from processing monad to nomad, from event as symbolic structure to (...)
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  15. Critical Displacements: On the Socio-Political Potential of ‘Wearable’ Structures.Edith Lázar & Sabin Borș - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:65-85.
    In this article, we discuss the potential of wearable structures to provide effective social commentaries and address the political representation of refugees, migrants, and nomads. We take Lucy Orta’s Refuge Wear as an occasion to address a series of socio-political considerations around wearables, textiles, communication, and technology, as well as the role of urban and social environments in determining architectures of mobility. Finally, we provide a critique of framing concepts such as relational aesthetics, heterotopias, nomadology, or deterritorialization—to propose a (...)
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  16.  44
    Stance and strategy: post‐structural perspective and post‐colonial engagement to develop nursing knowledge.Anne M. Sochan - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (3):177-190.
    How should nursing knowledge advance? This exploration contextualizes its evolution past and present. In addressing how it evolved in the past, a probable historical evolution of its development draws on the perspectives of Frank & Gills's World System Theory, Kuhn's treatise on Scientific Revolutions, and Foucault's notions of Discontinuities in scientific knowledge development. By describing plausible scenarios of how nursing knowledge evolved, I create a case for why nursing knowledge developers should adopt a post‐structural stance in prioritizing their research agenda(s). (...)
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  17.  27
    State and politics: Deleuze and Guattari on Marx.Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc - 2016 - South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e). Edited by Ames Hodges.
    Part One. Archi-violence: presupposition of the state -- Historical materialism and schizoanalysis of the form-state -- Capture: for a concept of primitive accumulation of state power -- Part Two. Exo-violence: hypothesis of the war machine -- Nomadology: hypothesis of the war machine -- The formula and the hypothesis: state appropriation and genealogy of war power -- Part Three. Endo-violence: the capitalist axiomatic -- The axiomatic of capital: states and accumulation on a global scale -- Becoming minorities: becoming revolutionary -- (...)
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  18.  10
    Nomad Citizenship: Free-Market Communism and the Slow-Motion General Strike.Eugene W. Holland - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Nomad Citizenship_ argues for transforming our institutions and practices of citizenship and markets in order to release society from dependence on the state and capital. It changes Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of nomadology into a utopian project with immediate practical implications, developing ideas of a nonlinear Marxism and of the slow-motion general strike. Responding to the challenge of creating philosophical concepts with concrete applications, Eugene W. Holland looks outside the state to analyze contemporary political and economic development using the (...)
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  19.  19
    La mystique de l’esprit de corps chez Bergson et Deleuze/Guattari.Luis de Miranda - 2017 - la Deleuziana 5:177-186.
    « Esprit de corps » is a now globally uttered phrase, which designates the strong inner cohesion of — and attachment to — a human organized group. Since the Encyclopaedists up until Bourdieu, the term is usually critical and pejorative in French thought, used to fustigate the groupthink of privileged social casts. But in their famous chapter on war machines, Deleuze and Guattari proposed a much less well-known yet promising U-turn in the way esprit de corps was theorized. Far from (...)
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  20.  16
    Diferença e Distribuição Nômade Na Filosofia Política de Deleuze e Guattari.Yasmin de Oliveira Alves Teixeira - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (155):567-588.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this article was to develop an interpretation of the relation between Deleuzian transcendental empiricism and Deleuze-Guattarian political philosophy in the “Treatise on Nomadology,” which focuses on the concept of the nomadic war machine. To understand this concept, it is necessary to keep in mind that this is a transcendental Idea or virtual multiplicity, correlated of an effondement (‘ungrounding’), which sustains a difference by right in relation to the State apparatus and the military institution. On the (...)
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  21.  20
    Music and Holey Space.Ronald Bogue - 2019 - la Deleuziana 10.
    Toward the end of the Nomadology plateau of A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze and Guattari differentiate an ambulant holey space from the smooth space of the nomadic war machine and the striated space of the sedentary State apparatus. Although Deleuze and Guattari only discuss the concept briefly, holey space provides a useful means of framing their remarks on music in general. Music’s holey space is a quasi-territory determined by processes of following sonic movement-matter. Its instruments differ from nomadic weapons and (...)
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    Musica e spazio bucato.Ronald Bogue - 2019 - la Deleuziana 10.
    Toward the end of the Nomadology plateau of A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze and Guattari differentiate an ambulant holey space from the smooth space of the nomadic war machine and the striated space of the sedentary State apparatus. Although Deleuze and Guattari only discuss the concept briefly, holey space provides a useful means of framing their remarks on music in general. Music’s holey space is a quasi-territory determined by processes of following sonic movement-matter. Its instruments differ from nomadic weapons and (...)
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    Феномен гіпертексту в інтернеті та філософія постмодернізму.Krasnopyorov Petro - 2017 - Схід 3 (149):58-63.
    The article contains general definition of the phenomenon of hypertext and the Internet in a virtual consciousness philosophy of post-modernism. Describes the phenomenon of hypertext as nonlinear forms of computer and literary texts, its structural units and the main aspects of the organization of hypertext. The article contains the detailed analysis of publications on the issue of hypertext and the history of investigation of this problem. The specific features which allow defining of hypertext as the brand new phenomenon are analyzed (...)
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    The Necessity and Contingency of Universal History.Craig Lundy - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 10 (1):51-75.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 51 - 75 History occupies a somewhat awkward position in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Although they often criticise history as a practice and advance alternatives that are explicitly anti-historical, such as ‘nomadology’ and ‘geophilosophy’, their scholarship is nevertheless littered with historical encounters and deeply influenced by historians such as Fernand Braudel. One of Deleuze and Guattari’s more significant engagements with history occurs through their reading and theory of universal (...)
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  25. Gilles Deleuze's Non-Ontological Philosophy.Kyle Novak - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Guelph
    The aim of this dissertation is to develop an account of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophical project as a departure from ontology and ontological thinking. Ontology can be broadly understood as the study of being or the study of the meaning of being. Traditional ontology examines the nature of being while more contemporary philosophy often understands being itself as becoming or a process. In this respect, Deleuze has often been interpreted as a process or differential ontologist. This project departs from that interpretation (...)
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    For a nomad ontology against academic citizenship.Andrew Gibson - 2024 - Journal of Praxis in Higher Education 6 (2):187-196.
    This paper argues against the apparently benign concept of ‘academic citizenship,’ drawing on resources and conceptual precedents from within higher education generally and philosophy specifically. It does so not only in order to offer a critique, however. By considering the directions from which criticism can be levelled at the notion of ‘citizenship’, and the State-centric conceptualisation of the university underlying it, an argument for an alternative conceptualisation of academic being is offered. Ontology is suggested as a suitable route to dealing (...)
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  27.  15
    Go Nomadism, Evolutionary Computation and Natural Selection: A Reply to Jay Lampert.Michael J. Bennett - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (2):277-288.
    In response to a 2023 article by Jay Lampert in Deleuze and Guattari Studies, this paper develops the question of what Deleuze and Guattari might make of AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence developed by Google which defeated one of the top human Go players in 2016. It approaches the question in a way that supplements and complements Lampert’s analysis, by noting the well-worn analogy between computer programming and evolutionary biology and then cross-referencing it with Deleuze and Guattari’s attitude towards the latter (...)
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  28.  49
    Understanding the Legitimacy of Movement.Tiffany E. Montoya - 2021 - Essays in Philosophy 22 (1):10-27.
    While Spain was conquering new lands in the Americas, foreigners arrived into their own—the Gitanos. Spain imposed a double-standard whereby their crossing into new, occupied, territory was legitimate, but the entry of others into Spanish territory was not. I compare and contrast these historically parallel movements of people using Deleuze and Guattari’s taxonomy of movement. I conclude that the double-standard of movement was due to differences of power between these two groups, understood in terms of material conditions, a prototypical “racial (...)
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