Results for 'modalisations'

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  1.  94
    Modalised conditionals: a response to Willer.Moritz Schulz - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (3):673-682.
    A paper by Schulz (Philos Stud 149:367–386, 2010) describes how the suppositional view of indicative conditionals can be supplemented with a derived view of epistemic modals. In a recent criticism of this paper, Willer (Philos Stud 153:365–375, 2011) argues that the resulting account of conditionals and epistemic modals cannot do justice to the validity of certain inference patterns involving modalised conditionals. In the present response, I analyse Willer’s argument, identify an implicit presupposition which can plausibly be denied and show that (...)
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  2. Modalising Plurals.Simon Thomas Hewitt - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (5):853-875.
    There has been very little discussion of the appropriate principles to govern a modal logic of plurals. What debate there has been has accepted a principle I call (Necinc); informally if this is one of those then, necessarily: this is one of those. On this basis Williamson has criticised the Boolosian plural interpretation of monadic second-order logic. I argue against (Necinc), noting that it isn't a theorem of any logic resulting from adding modal axioms to the plural logic PFO+, and (...)
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  3. Modalisations et modulations passionnelles.J. Fontanille - 1994 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 48 (189):341-362.
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    Non-normal Modalisation.Rogerio A. S. Fajardo & Marcelo Finer - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 83-95.
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    The logical structure of principles in Alexy’s theory. A critical analysis.Juan Pablo Alonso - 2016 - Revus 28:53-61.
    This paper offers a critical analysis of the logical structure of principles proposed by Robert Alexy and, in particular, of their structure as optimisation commands. Its first part dwells on the question whether the optimisation element in the logical structure should be understood as part of modalisation, as part of the consequent, or as an independent element. In the second part, the author analyses possible forms of inter-definability of deontic operators. Finally, some questions are raised on the conditional structure proposed (...)
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    Learning argumentative capacities.Joaquim Dolz - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (2):227-251.
    In the fields of linguistics and psychology the didactic implementation of new knowledge relative to argumentative discourse and its acquisition has led us to develop a didactic sequence focused on the teaching of argumentation in 11–12 year old pupils. This sequence was experimented in six schools in order to assess the effect of these new educational methods on the capacities of pupils to treat the dialogic dimensions of argumentation in the writing of monologues. An analysis of the productions of the (...)
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  7. Binding bound variables in epistemic contexts.Brian Rabern - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (5-6):533-563.
    ABSTRACT Quine insisted that the satisfaction of an open modalised formula by an object depends on how that object is described. Kripke's ‘objectual’ interpretation of quantified modal logic, whereby variables are rigid, is commonly thought to avoid these Quinean worries. Yet there remain residual Quinean worries for epistemic modality. Theorists have recently been toying with assignment-shifting treatments of epistemic contexts. On such views an epistemic operator ends up binding all the variables in its scope. One might worry that this yields (...)
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  8. The logic of relative fundamentality.Fabrice Correia - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 6):1279-1301.
    I introduce a proof system for the logic of relative fundamentality, as well as a natural semantics with respect to which the system is both sound and complete. I then “modalise” the logic, and finally I discuss the properties of grounding given a suggested account of this notion in terms of necessity and relative fundamentality.
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  9. Structuralism's unpaid epistemological debts.Bob Hale - 1996 - Philosophia Mathematica 4 (2):124--47.
    One kind of structuralism holds that mathematics is about structures, conceived as a type of abstract entity. Another denies that it is about any distinctively mathematical entities at all—even abstract structures; rather it gives purely general information about what holds of any collection of entities conforming to the axioms of the theory. Of these, pure structuralism is most plausibly taken to enjoy significant advantages over platonism. But in what appears to be its most plausible—modalised—version, even restricted to elementary arithmetic, it (...)
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  10. Against advanced modalizing.Josh Parsons - 2012 - In James Maclaurin (ed.), Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne. Springer. pp. 139-153.
    I discuss a problem for modal realism raised by John Divers and others. I argue that the problem is real enough but that Divers’ “advanced modalising” solution is inadquate. The problem can only be solved by 1) holding that modal realism is only contingently true, 2) embracing a kind of Meinongianism about ontological commitment, or 3) abandoning the project of “analysing modality”.
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    Sentential constants in systems near R.John Slaney - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (3):443 - 455.
    An Ackermann constant is a formula of sentential logic built up from the sentential constant t by closing under connectives. It is known that there are only finitely many non-equivalent Ackermann constants in the relevant logic R. In this paper it is shown that the most natural systems close to R but weaker than it-in particular the non-distributive system LR and the modalised system NR-allow infinitely many Ackermann constants to be distinguished. The argument in each case proceeds by construction of (...)
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  12. Comunicarea politica: aspecte generale si ipostaze actuale.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2004/2005 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 3:101-146.
    La communication politique peut être entendue comme action sémiologique collective qui se réalise dans le contexte de l’acte de gouverner une société et aussi bien comme acte d’exercice du pouvoir politique en ne faisant recours qu’aux signes. Actuellement la communication politique apparaît surtout sous la forme spécialisée du marketing politique et elle est centrée sur le but de gagner les élections. La “nouvelle” communication politique soulève quelques questions épineuses: (a) la carrière de l’homme politique dépend dans une trop grande mesure (...)
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    On the semantics of locatives.Marcus Kracht - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (2):157-232.
    The present paper deals with the semantics of locative expressions. Our approach is essentially model-theoretic, using basic geometrical properties of the space-time continuum. We shall demonstrate that locatives consist of two layers: the first layer defines a location and the second a type of movement with respect to that location. The elements defining these layers, called localisersand modalisers, tend to form a unit, which is typically either an adposition or a case marker. It will be seen that this layering is (...)
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    Lévi-Strauss et le marxisme.Bruno Karsenti - 2013 - Diogène 238 (2):88-105.
    Dans cet essai, nous cherchons à ressaisir le sens politique du structuralisme à la lumière d’un rapprochement inattendu, présenté à la fin de Tristes Tropiques, entre le bouddhisme et le marxisme. On s’est beaucoup interrogé sur ce que le marxisme a apporté en propre à l’anthropologie structurale de Lévi-Strauss, et cela dès la parution du livre de Lucien Sebag, Marxisme et structuralisme, en 1964. Dans le même temps, le marxisme officiel, dans ses différentes tendances, avait attaqué une approche des structures (...)
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    Annoter la polyphonie dans les textes : le cas des passages entre guillemets.Fanny Rinck & Agnès Tutin - 2007 - Corpus 6:79-100.
    Dans cet article, nous présentons une étude de faisabilité sur l’annotation des passages entre guillemets, phénomènes linguistiques polyphoniques qui résistent souvent à une lecture univoque et à un schéma d’annotation simplificateur. La faisabilité de l’annotation a été testée à travers une étude inter-annotateurs qui a montré, avec un accord pour 80% des annotations effectuées, que des valeurs stables (dénomination, citation, autonymie, commentaires modalisants) pouvaient être postulées. Les cas de désaccord, en partie inévitables face à la complexité du phénomène, peuvent être (...)
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    La forme dialogue chez Platon: évolution et réceptions.Frédéric Cossutta & Michel Narcy - 2001 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
    Utilisant de nouveaux outils d'analyse, les études platoniciennes contemporaines cherchent dans tout ce qui accompagne le contenu explicite d'une œuvre - tout ce qui est suggéré de façon oblique, les situations, l'atmosphère, les digressions, les réticences... - des indications sur ce que l'auteur, soit veut communiquer, soit communique réellement. Ce fait si simple et en même temps énigmatique, connu de tout temps, à savoir que la philosophie de Platon ne nous est accessible que par ses dialogues, constitue l'un de ces (...)
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    Souffrance et Plénitude de la Vie: Regard Transcendantal et Communauté Intropathique.Rolf Kühn - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (1):141 - 159.
    À la suite de la phénoménologie de Michel Henry ce texte analyse la structure fondamentale de la vie auto-affective se supportant toujours elle-même pour être co-originairement également la jouissance d'elle-même. En toute souffrance il faut alors reconnaître cette vie transcendentalement individuée qui veut vivre son « Je-Peux » fondamental en toutes ses modalisations. Toute « thérapie » se trouve ainsi plongée dans un « pathos-avec » dont l'exercice concret se révèle dans ce « regard transcendantal » sur la souffrance (...)
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    Evidence in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience.Anthony J. Steinbock - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 583-606.
    This chapter addresses Immanuel Kant and the potential impasse of any philosophical account of religious experience. Various attempts within phenomenology are explored to broaden the notion of givenness and evidence beyond the parameters of object-givenness. Then, the chapter deals with a phenomenology of religious experience as an irreducible sphere of human experience, and its unique style of evidence and modalisations. For Kant, experience is limited to one mode of givenness in which objects of knowledge are actively constituted with the (...)
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    The master argument and branching time.Lars Gundersen - 1997 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 5:49-60.
    It is argued that reconstructions of the so-called ‘Master Argument’ of Dideros Cronos to the effect that possibility should be understood as present or future truth, essentially relies on two axioms: i) that every true proposition concerning the past is necessary, and ii) that it follows necessarily from a proposition being true that it always has been the case that it would be true. It is furthermore argued that these two axioms are inconsistent in the sense that any tense/modal semantics (...)
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    Leibniz und die Rechtfertigung des Krieges: Eine Rekonstruktion nach den deontischen Modalitäten und dem Naturrecht.Griselda Gaiada - 2019 - Studia Leibnitiana 51 (1):42.
    This article deals with the problem of justification of war in the light of Leibnizian natural right and deontic definitions. From an analysis of the principles of rationality on which, according to Leibniz, the justification of an act is based, it proposes “deontic types of war” - namely: justifiable wars (whether just or facultative), just wars (defensive war, war of cooperation), facultative wars (preventive war, humanitarian intervention), unjust wars (war of aggression, war of extermination, terrorism) -, which express the modality (...)
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    Moral character, moral choice and the existential semiotics of space awareness.Anne Nevgi & Niclas Sandström - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):139-165.
    In this paper, we describe a semiotic programme that proposes an alternative conceptual framework to understand the moral positionalities that people have in socio-material space. The study amalgamates moral character and signs and signification through a discussion of moral choice and value acts in an existential semiotic framework, as laid out by Eero Tarasti. The programme was triggered by a lived experience in a non-place, yielding the concept of semiotic space awareness – i.e., the value acts that work as signs (...)
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  22. La situation professionnelle : de la notion vers les prémices d’un concept.Jean-François Marcel - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):40-58.
    Based on the presentation of a research framework (the shared work of teachers), this text uses an empirical approach to examine the hypothesis of a co-elaboration of the professional situation. To do so, the empirical investigation, based on the Goffman framework, analyzes the process of reconstructing a teaching session (reference situation) over the course of a pedagogical counselling session (support situation) characterized by interaction between a beginning teacher and a trainer. The invalidation of the hypothesis leads to a suggested conceptualization (...)
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    Modalizmo persvarstymas ir gynyba.Monika Morkūnaitė - forthcoming - Problemos:45-57.
    Modalizmas, arba filosofinė teorija, teigianti, kad modalinės sąvokos, tokios kaip galima ir būtina, yra neredukuojamos ir neanalizuojamos, reikšmingai skiriasi nuo galimų pasaulių semantikos, kur modalinės sąvokos interpretuojamos kaip galimų pasaulių kvantifikavimas. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami pagrindiniai modalizmo principai, remiantis šią teoriją plėtojusių Arthuro Prioro, Kito Fine’o ir Graeme’o Forbeso darbais. Tuomet aptariama tokių mąstytojų kaip Davidas Lewisas, kuris teigia, kad antireduktyvizmas modalumų atžvilgiu apskritai nelaikytinas teorine prieiga, bei Josephas Melia, kuris tvirtina, jog modalizmas implicitiškai mėgdžioja galimų pasaulių semantiką, kritika. Straipsnyje įrodinėjama, kad (...)
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  24. Advanced Temporalising.Daniel Deasy - 2008 - In Dean W. Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    There is a widespread assumption that B-theorists (according to whom there is nothing metaphysically special about the present moment in virtue of which it is present) should interpret the standard tense operators (‘it was the case that’, ‘it will be the case that’) as implicit quantifier-restrictors – so that, for example, an utterance at instant t of the sentence ‘It was the case that there are dinosaurs’ is true just in case there are dinosaurs located at some instant t* earlier (...)
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    La situation professionnelle : Contributions des sciences de l'éducation à l'élaboration d'un objet scientifique.Jean-François Marcel, Frédéric Tupin & Philippe Maubant - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):1-4.
    Based on the presentation of a research framework (the shared work of teachers), this text uses an empirical approach to examine the hypothesis of a co-elaboration of the professional situation. To do so, the empirical investigation, based on the Goffman framework, analyzes the process of reconstructing a teaching session (reference situation) over the course of a pedagogical counselling session (support situation) characterized by interaction between a beginning teacher and a trainer. The invalidation of the hypothesis leads to a suggested conceptualization (...)
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