Results for 'minimal responsibility'

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  1. Killing Minimally Responsible Threats.Saba Bazargan - 2014 - Ethics 125 (1):114-136.
    Minimal responsibility threateners are epistemically justified but mistaken in thinking that imposing a nonnegligible risk on others is permissible. On standard accounts, an MRT forfeits her right not to be defensively killed. I propose an alternative account: an MRT is liable only to the degree of harm equivalent to what she risks causing multiplied by her degree of responsibility. Harm imposed on the MRT above that amount is justified as a lesser evil, relative to allowing the MRT (...)
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    Negative S− contrast with minimal response requirements in S+.Stephen Werk & James H. McHose - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):25-27.
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    The von Restorff isolation effect with minimal response learning.Arthur R. Jensen - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (2):123.
  4. On Bazargan’s “Hybrid Account” of the Permissibility of Killing Minimally Responsible Threats.Uwe Steinhoff - manuscript
    Saba Bazargan proposes a novel “hybrid” justification for the killing of minimally responsible threats (MRTs). His account allegedly combines two elements, namely “the complex account of liability” and “the lesser-evil discounting view.” I argue that Bazargan’s conclusion that minimally responsible threats can sometimes be killed as well as certain other conclusions that Bazargan regards as a particular advantage of his hybrid account are single-handedly generated by one element of the “hybrid account,” namely by the lesser-evil discounting view. The lesser-evil discounting (...)
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  5. Ethical Guidelines for the Care of People in Post-Coma Unresponsiveness (Vegetative State) or a Minimally Responsive State.National Health & Medical Research Council - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1).
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    Ethical Guidelines for the Care of People in Post-Coma Unresponsiveness (Vegetative State) or a Minimally Responsive State.National Health And Medical Research Council - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1):367-402.
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  7. Minimal Rationality: Structural or Reasons-Responsive?Jean Moritz Müller - 2022 - In Christine Tappolet, Julien Deonna & Fabrice Teroni, A Tribute to Ronald de Sousa.
    According to a well-known view in the philosophy of mind, intentional attitudes by their very nature satisfy requirements of rationality (e.g. Davidson 1980; Dennett 1987; Millar 2004). This view (which I shall call Constitutivism) features prominently as the ‘principle of minimal rationality’ in de Sousa’s monograph The Rationality of Emotion (1987). By explicating this principle in terms of the notion of the formal object of an attitude, de Sousa articulates an interesting and original version of Constitutivism, which differs in (...)
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    Simply Responsible: Basic Blame, Scant Praise, and Minimal Agency.Matt King - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    We evaluate people all the time for a wide variety of activities. We blame them for miscalculations, uninspired art, and committing crimes. We praise them for detailed brushwork, a superb pass, and their acts of kindness. We accomplish things, from solving crosswords to mastering guitar solos. We bungle our endeavors, whether this is letting a friend down or burning dinner. Sometimes these deeds are morally significant, but many times they are not. Simply Responsible defends the radical proposal that the blameworthy (...)
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  9. The Minimal Approval View of Attributional-Responsibility.August Gorman - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Southern California
    I argue in favor of the Minimal Approval account, an original account of an agent’s moral responsibility for her actions, understood as the conditions that must be met so that an agent’s actions speak for her such that she can appropriately be blamed on their basis. My account shares a general theoretical orientation with Deep Self views, but diverges in several respects. I argue that Deep Self views tend to seriously over-generate exemptions, such that agents are exempt from (...)
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    Minimal Properties of a Natural Semiotic System: Response to Commentaries on “How Molecules Became Signs”.Terrence W. Deacon - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):1-13.
    In the target article “How molecules became signs” I offer a molecular “thought experiment” that provides a paradigm for resolving the major incompatibilities between biosemiotic and natural science accounts of living processes. To resolve these apparent incompatibilities I outline a plausible empirically testable model system that exemplifies the emergence of chemical processes exhibiting semiotic causal properties from basic nonliving chemical processes. This model system is described as an autogenic virus because of its virus-like form, but its nonparasitic self-repair and reproductive (...)
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  11. Brain response to one's own name in vegetative state, minimally conscious state, and locked-in syndrome.Fabien Perrin, Caroline Schnakers, Manuel Schabus, Christian Degueldre, Serge Goldman, Serge Brédart, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville, Maurice Lamy, Gustave Moonen, André Luxen, Pierre Maquet & Steven Laureys - 2006 - Archives of Neurology 63 (4):562-569.
  12. Minimal representing: A response to Gallagher.Michael Wheeler - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (3):371 – 376.
    In his contribution to this issue, Shaun Gallagher casts a sharply focussed critical eye over positions which claim that action is to be explained, in part, by appeal to minimal representations. On...
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    Minimal Metaphysics vs. Maximal Semantics: A Response to Paul Roth and Fons Dewulf.Daniel Swaim & Adrian Currie - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 16 (2):226-236.
    In our article, “Past Facts and The Nature of History”, we unpack a broadly realist view of the nature of history and historical narratives. Paul Roth’s The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation serves as our primary foil. Fons DeWulf and Roth have replied, and this is our response to their response.
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    Cortical responses to salient nociceptive and not nociceptive stimuli in vegetative and minimal conscious state.Marina de Tommaso, Jorge Navarro, Crocifissa Lanzillotti, Katia Ricci, Francesca Buonocunto, Paolo Livrea & Giulio E. Lancioni - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Response: Commentary: Cortical responses to salient nociceptive and not nociceptive stimuli in vegetative and minimal conscious state.Marina de Tommaso - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Self-Knowledge and the Minimal Conditions of Responsibility: A Traffic-Participation View on Human Agency.Maureen Sie - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (2):271-291.
    “I demote practical reason from the conductor’s podium on which it is traditionally pictured, leading the performance. I picture practical reason less as an orchestral conductor than as a theatrical prompter — out of sight, following the action in case it needs to be nudged back into an intelligible course.” (David Velleman 2009, p. 4)IntroductionIn this paper I discuss our practice of exchanging explanatory and justifying reasons with one another, that is, reasons with which we explain or justify our actions, (...)
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  17. Distributive Justice and the Minimal State: A Response to Blackstone.Donald R. Burrill - 1978 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 59 (4):394.
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  18. A Minimal Ethic of Market-Oriented Responsibility: The Nestle Case.James W. Kuhn & Donald W. Shriver Jr - 1991 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:216-241.
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  19. In Defence of a Minimal Conception of Epistemic Contextualism: A Reply to M. D. Ashfield’s Response. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Freitag - 2013 - Acta Analytica 28 (1):127-137.
    The article responds to the objections M.D. Ashfield has raised to my recent attempt at saving epistemic contextualism from the knowability problem. First, it shows that Ashfield’s criticisms of my minimal conception of epistemic contextualism, even if correct, cannot reinstate the knowability problem. Second, it argues that these criticisms are based on a misunderstanding of the commitments of my minimal conception. I conclude that there is still no reason to maintain that epistemic contextualism has the knowability problem.
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  20. Unconscious Mens Rea: Criminal Responsibility for Lapses and Minimally Conscious States.Katrina Sifferd - 2016 - In Dennis Michael Patterson & Michael S. Pardo, Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    In a recent book, Neil Levy argues that culpable action – action for which we are morally responsible – is necessarily produced by states of which we are consciously aware. However, criminal defendants are routinely held responsible for criminal harm caused by states of which they are not conscious in Levy’s sense. In this chapter I argue that cases of negligent criminal harm indicate that Levy’s claim that moral responsibility requires synchronic conscious awareness of the moral significance of an (...)
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    Simply Responsible: Basic Blame, Scant Praise, and Minimal Agency, written by Matt King. [REVIEW]Robin T. Bianchi - 2025 - Journal of Moral Philosophy:1-4.
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    Commentary: Cortical responses to salient nociceptive and not nociceptive stimuli in vegetative and minimal conscious state.Antonino Naro & Rocco S. Calabrò - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The sadistic trait predicts minimization of intention and causal responsibility in moral judgment.Bastien Trémolière & Hakim Djeriouat - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):158-171.
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    Minimal Ethics and the New Configuration of the Public Space.Sandu Frunza - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):3-17.
    Contemporary thinkers have not been hesitant to talk about the end of religion, the end of philosophy, or the end of morality. In such a context, our society is based on what Lipovetsky calls a minimal ethics. We live at the crossroads of two types of discourses: one proclaiming moral decadence, and another that speaks about the revival of morality. The fact that ethical maximalism quits the contemporary scene does not necessarily mean that it leaves a complete vacuum. The (...)
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  25. A Minimal Libertarianism: Free Will and the Promise of Reduction.Christopher Evan Franklin - 2018 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Christopher Evan Franklin develops and defends a novel version of event-causal libertarianism. This view is a combination of libertarianism--the view that humans sometimes act freely and that those actions are the causal upshots of nondeterministic processes--and agency reductionism--the view that the causal role of the agent in exercises of free will is exhausted by the causal role of mental states and events (e.g., desires and beliefs) involving the agent. Franklin boldly counteracts a dominant theory that has similar (...)
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    Minimal answers to yes/no questions in the service of sequence organization.Leelo Keevallik - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (3):283-309.
    In conversation analytic and interactional studies, some responses are analyzed as being minimal.This article explores minimality in regard to two types of answers that appear to be used interchangeably as minimal responses to yes/no questions in Estonian. The answers represent typologically different formats, particles and echo answers. It is argued that minimality should be defined in a sequentially sensitive manner and that the two answer formats are used to display speakers’ understanding of the status of the social action (...)
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    (1 other version)A minimal ingroup advantage in emotion identification confidence.Steven G. Young & John Paul Wilson - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion:1-8.
    Emotion expressions convey valuable information about others’ internal states and likely behaviours. Accurately identifying expressions is critical for social interactions, but so is perceiver confidence when decoding expressions. Even if a perceiver correctly labels an expression, uncertainty may impair appropriate behavioural responses and create uncomfortable interactions. Past research has found that perceivers report greater confidence when identifying emotions displayed by cultural ingroup members, an effect attributed to greater perceptual skill and familiarity with own-culture than other-culture faces. However, the current research (...)
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  28. The Minimal Approval View of Attributability.August Gorman - 2019 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility Volume 6. Oxford University Press.
    This paper advances a new agentially undemanding account of the conditions of attributability, the Minimal Approval account, and argues that it has a number of advantages over traditional Deep Self theories, including the way in which it handles agents with conditions like addiction, Tourette syndrome, and misophonia. It is argued that in order for an agent to be attributionally responsible, the mental process that leads to her action must dispose her to be such that she would, upon reflec-tion, approve (...)
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  29. Compatibilism and Truly Minimal Morality.Travis Quigley - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (4).
    I formulate a compatibilism that is distinctively responsive to skeptical worries about the justification of punishment and other moral responsibility practices. I begin with an evolutionary story explaining why backward-looking reactive attitudes are “given” in human society. Cooperative society plausibly could not be sustained without such practices. The necessary accountability practices have complex internal standards. These internal standards may fully ground the appropriateness of reactive attitudes. Following a recent analogy, we can similarly hold that there are no external standards (...)
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  30. Minimal models and canonical neural computations: the distinctness of computational explanation in neuroscience.M. Chirimuuta - 2014 - Synthese 191 (2):127-153.
    In a recent paper, Kaplan (Synthese 183:339–373, 2011) takes up the task of extending Craver’s (Explaining the brain, 2007) mechanistic account of explanation in neuroscience to the new territory of computational neuroscience. He presents the model to mechanism mapping (3M) criterion as a condition for a model’s explanatory adequacy. This mechanistic approach is intended to replace earlier accounts which posited a level of computational analysis conceived as distinct and autonomous from underlying mechanistic details. In this paper I discuss work in (...)
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    Racial Bias in Neural Response for Pain Is Modulated by Minimal Group.Fengtao Shen, Yang Hu, Mingxia Fan, Huimin Wang & Zhaoxin Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Minimal Morality, Bargaining Power, and Moral Constraint: Replies to D’Agostino, Thrasher, Morris, and Vanderschraaf.Michael Moehler - 2020 - Analytic Philosophy 61 (1):87-100.
    The history of contractarian moral theory is long and varied. It includes the classic social contract theories of Hobbes (1651), Hume (1739/1740), and Kant (1785) as well as modern versions of these theories, such as those of Gauthier (1986), Scanlon (1998), Darwall (2006), and Southwood (2010). In Minimal Morality: A Multilevel Social Contract Theory (2018), I continue this tradition by developing a ‘multilevel social contract theory’ that combines Humean, Hobbesian, and Kantian moral features. In this article, I reply to (...)
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    Responsiveness of the Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life Cognition Banks in Recent Brain Injury.Callie E. Tyner, Pamela A. Kisala, Aaron J. Boulton, Mark Sherer, Nancy D. Chiaravalloti, Angelle M. Sander, Tamara Bushnik & David S. Tulsky - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Patient report of functioning is one component of the neurocognitive exam following traumatic brain injury, and standardized patient-reported outcomes measures are useful to track outcomes during rehabilitation. The Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life measurement system is a TBI-specific extension of the PROMIS and Neuro-QoL measurement systems that includes 20 item banks across physical, emotional, social, and cognitive domains. Previous research has evaluated the responsiveness of the TBI-QOL measures in community-dwelling individuals and found clinically important change over a 6-month assessment (...)
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    The Anti-Metaphysical Argument Against Scientific Realism: A Minimally Metaphysical Response.Raphaël Künstler - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (4):577-595.
    The anti-metaphysical argument against scientific realism is the following: Knowledge of unobservable entities implies metaphysical knowledge; There is no metaphysical knowledge. Therefore, there is no knowledge of unobservable entities. This argument has strangely received little attention in the profuse literature on scientific realism. This paper claims that the AMA is logically more fundamental than both the pessimistic meta-induction and the underdetermination argument. The second and main claim of this paper is that the instrumentalists’ use of AMA is incoherent. The gist (...)
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  35. Individual Responsibility and the Ethics of Hoping for a More Just Climate Future.Arthur Obst & Cody Dout - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (3):315-335.
    Many have begun to despair that climate justice will prevail even in a minimal form. The affective dimensions of such despair, we suggest, threaten to make climate action appear too demanding. Thus, despair constitutes a moral challenge to individual climate action that has not yet received adequate attention. In response, we defend a duty to act in hope for a more just (climate) future. However, as we see it, this duty falls differentially upon the shoulders of more and less (...)
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  36. Neurostimulation and the minimally conscious state.Walter Glannon - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (6):337–345.
    Neurostimulation to restore cognitive and physical functions is an innovative and promising technique for treating patients with severe brain injury that has resulted in a minimally conscious state (MCS). The technique may involve electrical stimulation of the central thalamus, which has extensive projections to the cerebral cortex. Yet it is unclear whether an improvement in neurological functions would result in a net benefit for these patients. Quality-of-life measurements would be necessary to determine whether any benefit of neurostimulation outweighed any harm (...)
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  37. A Bergsonian Account of Action as a Basis for Understanding Moral Responsibility.Sigrid Sarnoff - 1983 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    The object of this dissertation is to discover a ground for our common-sense view that a person is morally responsible for her actions. I begin with the assumption that if we are justified in holding an agent morally responsible, it must be possible for her to do better or worse than she does. Using Bergson's concept of duration as the model for how conscious experience develops, I construct a schema for how actions happen that shows how it is possible for (...)
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    Dispreferred responses when texting: Delaying that ‘no’ response.Johanna Rendle-Short - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (6):643-661.
    Socially, people find it difficult to say ‘no’ to requests or invitations. In spoken interaction, we orient to this difficulty through the design of our responses. An agreement response is characteristically said straightaway with minimal gap between request and response. A disagreement response is characteristically delayed through silence and by prefacing the disagreement turn with tokens such as ‘well’, ‘uhm’ and ‘uh’ or with accounts as to why the recipient cannot accept the request or invitation. The question for this (...)
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    Rapid response: Covid 19: Christmas relaxation will overwhelm services (rr20).Michal Pruski - unknown
    Dear Editor, -/- It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to present patients with the available options for managing their conditions, including the potential benefits and anticipated negative consequences of each option. Patients then weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of each option, and juxtapose them with their wider life goals and preferences. We generally accept that patients might not choose the option that is most health or life preserving because they might value other things more. We accept that (...)
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  40. A Minimal Turing Test: Reciprocal Sensorimotor Contingencies for Interaction Detection.Pamela Barone, Manuel G. Bedia & Antoni Gomila - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:481235.
    In the classical Turing test, participants are challenged to tell whether they are interacting with another human being or with a machine. The way the interaction takes place is not direct, but a distant conversation through computer screen messages. Basic forms of interaction are face-to-face and embodied, context-dependent and based on the detection of reciprocal sensorimotor contingencies. Our idea is that interaction detection requires the integration of proprioceptive and interoceptive patterns with sensorimotor patterns, within quite short time lapses, so that (...)
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    Minimal ethics for the anthropocene.Joanna Zylinska - 2014 - Ann Arbor, Michigan: Open Humanities Press.
    Life typically becomes an object of reflection when it is seen to be under threat. In particular, humans have a tendency to engage in thinking about life (instead of just continuing to live it) when being confronted with the prospect of death: be it the death of individuals due to illness, accident or old age; the death of whole ethnic or national groups in wars and other forms of armed conflict; but also of whole populations, be they human or nonhuman. (...)
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    A Minimal Setup for Spontaneous Smile Quantification Applicable for Valence Detection.Mauro Nascimben & Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566354.
    Tracking emotional responses as they unfold has been one of the hallmarks of applied neuroscience and related disciplines, but recent studies suggest that automatic tracking of facial expressions have low validation. In this study, we focused on the direct measurement of facial muscles involved in expressions such as smiling. We used single-channel surface electromyography (sEMG) to evaluate the muscular activity from the Zygomaticus Major face muscle while participants watched music videos. Participants were then tasked with rating each video with regard (...)
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    Minimal Cognitive Preconditions on the Ratchet.Elizabeth Renner & Tadeusz Zawidzki - 2018 - In Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Francesca De Petrillo, Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer Verlag. pp. 249-265.
    H. sapiens stands out from other primates along many social dimensions; however, none seems as prominent and important as the capacity of our species for cumulative cultural evolution or, as Tomasello calls it, “the ratchet.” Although other primate species show evidence of cultural variation, there is little evidence of cumulative cultural evolution, i.e., the gradual accumulation, modification, and refinement of traditions and skills over historical time, in any primate species other than our own. This is clearly an extremely significant component (...)
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    Responsible for the state: The case of obedient subjects.Farid Abdel-Nour - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (3):259-275.
    This article explains how we ordinary subjects of a state who are neither political leaders nor functionaries are responsible for outcomes that are properly attributed to that state and that took place during our adult lifetime. Its focus is on the connection we forge to those outcomes via our obedience alone. If our responsibility as subjects is justified, it would apply under all regime types including oppressive and authoritarian ones. The argument is that this responsibility can only be (...)
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    (1 other version)Rethinking Philosophers' Responsibility.Lydia B. Amir - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 49:19-29.
    Should philosophers address the needs of their societies? If the answer is affirmative, and if today's needs are being inadequately answered within the New Age movement for lack of viable alternatives, philosophers' minimal response could be teaching critical thinking outside the academe, and maximal response would be providing relevant wisdom for the world. The first option requires construing logic and epistemology as practical fields. The second requires reforming part of Philosophy as social thinking which provides relevant wisdom for the (...)
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  46. Moral Responsibility, Guilt, and Retributivism.Randolph Clarke - 2016 - The Journal of Ethics 20 (1-3):121-137.
    This paper defends a minimal desert thesis, according to which someone who is blameworthy for something deserves to feel guilty, to the right extent, at the right time, because of her culpability. The sentiment or emotion of guilt includes a thought that one is blameworthy for something as well as an unpleasant affect. Feeling guilty is not a matter of inflicting suffering on oneself, and it need not involve any thought that one deserves to suffer. The desert of a (...)
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  47. Caring, minimal autonomy, and the limits of liberalism.Agnieszka Jaworska - 2008 - In Hilde Lindemann, Marian Verkerk & Margaret Urban Walker, Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    According to Gawande, Lazaroff “chose badly.” Gawande suggests that physicians may be permitted to intervene in choices of this kind. What makes the temptation to intervene paternalistically in this and similar cases especially strong is that the patient’s choice contradicts his professed values. Paternalism appears less problematic in such cases because, in contradicting his values, the patient seems to sidestep his own autonomy. This chapter addresses the dangers of overextending this interpretation. I argue that it is not so easy to (...)
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  48. Self-organization, free energy minimization, and optimal grip on a field of affordances.Jelle Bruineberg & Erik Rietveld - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:1-14.
    In this paper, we set out to develop a theoretical and conceptual framework for the new field of Radical Embodied Cognitive Neuroscience. This framework should be able to integrate insights from several relevant disciplines: theory on embodied cognition, ecological psychology, phenomenology, dynamical systems theory, and neurodynamics. We suggest that the main task of Radical Embodied Cognitive Neuroscience is to investigate the phenomenon of skilled intentionality from the perspective of the self-organization of the brain-body-environment system, while doing justice to the phenomenology (...)
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    Responsibility and Self-Defense: Can We Have It All?Adam Hosein - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (3):367-385.
    The role of responsibility in our common-sense morality of self-defense is complex. According to common-sense morality, one can sometimes use substantial, even deadly, force against people who are only minimally responsible for posing a threat to us. The role of responsibility in self-defense is thus limited. However, responsibility is still sometimes relevant. It sometime affects how much force you can use against a threatener: less if they are less responsible and more if they are more responsible. Is (...)
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    Kantian Respect for Minimally Rational Animals.James Rocha - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (2):309-327.
    Immanuel Kant, in a much-maligned view, thought that we could only have indirect duties to nonhuman animals who have no inherent moral value since they lack rationality. While there are various responses to this worrisome position, no one seems to consider that animals could conceivably qualify as having rationality, even on Kantian high standards. Animals engage in various activities that could be taken as indicators of the core aspects of rationality that Kant requires for having absolute worth. While these animal (...)
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