Results for 'menaces'

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  1. Introduction: The Hyperreal Theme in 1990s American Cinema Chapter 1. Back to the Future as Baudrillardian Parable Chapter 2. The Alien films and Baudrillard's Phases of Simulation Chapter 3. The Hyperrealization of Arnold Schwarzenegger Chapter 4. Oliver Stone's Hyperreal Period Chapter 5. Bill Clinton Goes to the Movies Chapter 6. Tarantino's Pulp Fiction and Baudrillard's Perfect Crime Chapter 7. Recursive Self-Reflection in The Player Chapter 8. Baudrillard, The Matrix, and the "Real 1999" Chapter 9. Reality. [REVIEW]Television: The Truman Show Chapter 10Recombinant Reality in Jurassic Park Chapter 11. The Brad Versus Tyler in Fight Club Chapter 12. Shakespeare in the Longs Chapter 13. Ambiguous Origins in Star Wars Episode I.: The Phantom Menace Chapter 14. Looking for the Real: Schindler'S. List, Saving Private Ryan & Titanic Chapter 15. That'S. Cryotainment! Postmortem Cinema in the Long S. - 2015 - In Randy Laist (ed.), Cinema of simulation: hyperreal Hollywood in the long 1990s. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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  2. The Menace of Liberal Scholarship.Noam Chomsky - unknown
    Senator Fulbright has developed a similar theme, in an important and perceptive speech.2 He describes the failure of the universities to form "an effective counterweight to the military-industrial complex by strengthening their emphasis on the traditional values of our democracy." Instead they have "joined the monolith, adding greatly to its power and influence." Specifically, he refers to the failure of the social scientists, "who ought to be acting as responsible and independent critics of the Government's policies," but who, instead, become (...)
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    The menace of British depopulation.D. V. Glass - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 29 (3):211.
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    Menaces radicales sur les personnes et les familles.Julien Arotcharen & Malika Mansouri - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 237 (3):107-122.
    Les jeunes « radicalisés » sont confrontés à des mouvements de questionnements internes et externes, comme grand nombre d’adolescents, sur leur filiation, leur identité. Leur engagement dans cet horizon guerrier s’inscrit autour de menaces psychiques inexorables face à des impensés dans leur histoire individuelle et collective. Appuyé par une méthodologie complémentariste, l’article analyse la situation de deux jeunes hommes confrontés à des reviviscences traumatiques de non-dits familiaux et la réactivation de mouvements internes et externes non maîtrisables. Malgré la tentative (...)
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    Menace of child labor in balochistan: A case study of quetta district balochistan province, pakistan.Muhammad Anwar, Shahida Habib Alizai & Waris Ali - 2019 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 58 (2):161-170.
    The present study was conducted in Quetta district Balochistan province so as to determine the perception of the respondents about causes and consequences of child labor in Balochistan province. The sample size was 100 family units selected by using the simple random sampling. Somehow of the respondents fall in the age categories of 41 to 50 years, followed by 30% of the family units who were in the age categories of 50 and above years. More than half 52% of the (...)
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  6. Menaces sur la personne.Georges Card - 2006 - Nova et Vetera 81 (3):7-24.
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    The menace of colour.E. W. MacBride - 1927 - The Eugenics Review 19 (2):131.
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    The menace to the english race and to its traditions of present-day immigration and emigration.G. P. Mudge - 1920 - The Eugenics Review 11 (4):202.
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    National menace: mediating homo/sexuality and sovereignty in the Polish national/ist discourses.Robert Kulpa - 2020 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (3):327-343.
    ABSTRACTThe bio-political discourses of nationhood and homo/sexuality burgeon geo-culturally and historically, and this article presents a case-study of Poland post-2004 EU enlargement. Focused on...
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    The Menace of Non‐Being.Leslie Herrmann - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (2):201-221.
    In the face of unremitting faith in economic progress and the attendant environmental degradation that is, increasingly, one of its ugly fruits, Jürgen Moltmann’s rich conception of God’s Sabbath peace offers a compelling reorientation. When drawn upon for its contribution toward the fostering of one’s moral imagination and for the cultivation of ethical criteria, it offers an accessible yet rigorous lens through which to view a particular situation: the attempt by Nestlé Waters to build the largest bottled water plant in (...)
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    The Menace of Colonialism and the Imperative of Koinonia as a Model for Living in a Nigerian Context.Raphael Akhijemen Idialu - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (4):271-279.
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  12. The Menace of Science without Civilization: From Knowledge to Wisdom.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Dialogue and Universalism 22 (3):39-63.
    We are in a state of impending crisis. And the fault lies in part with academia. For two centuries or so, academia has been devoted to the pursuit of knowledge and technological know-how. This has enormously increased our power to act which has, in turn, brought us both all the great benefits of the modern world and the crises we now face. Modern science and technology have made possible modern industry and agriculture, the explosive growth of the world’s population, global (...)
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    A “Menace” or a Martyr to the Public’s Health?Jacob Steere-Williams - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):818-821.
  14. The Menace of Science without Wisdom.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Ethical Record 117 (9):10-15.
    We urgently need to bring about a revolution in the aims and methods of science – and of academic inquiry more generally. Instead of giving priority to the search for knowledge, universities need to devote themselves to seeking and promoting wisdom by rational means, wisdom being the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others, wisdom thus including knowledge, understanding and technological know-how, but much else besides. A basic task ought to be to help humanity (...)
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  15. Conciliationism and the Menace of Scepticism.Diego E. Machuca - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):469–488.
    It is sometimes claimed that conciliatory views on disagreement ultimately lead to either global or widespread scepticism. This is deemed to be a serious problem for conciliationism either because scepticism of either kind is a patently untenable stance or because it poses a serious threat to our intellectual and social lives. In this paper, I first argue that the alleged untenability of both types of scepticism is far from being obvious and should therefore be established rather than taken for granted, (...)
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    The menace of the AIDS‐tuberculosis combo: any solutions?Jan A. Verschoor & Philip Onyebujo - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (5):365-366.
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    The Menace of Modern Biography.Gerald G. Walsh - 1932 - Modern Schoolman 9 (3):50-52.
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    The Menace.William D. Routt - 1988 - Substance 17 (1):69.
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    Les menaces de l'« espéranglais ».Charles Durand - 2004 - Hermes 40:222.
    Cette communication examine les problèmes associés à l'usage de l'anglais comme un néoespéranto contemporain. Toutefois, l'anglais ne présente aucune des caractéristiques d'une langue internationale planifiée et son usage fait automatiquement retomber les organisations internationales qui l'utilisent comme langue de travail sous la houlette d'anglophones natifs. D'autre part, pour les natifs des autres langues, la perte des outils de définition et de représentation des connaissances stérilise leur créativité et les entraîne dans un conformisme réducteur, qui accélère leur déclin. La prise de (...)
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  20. Limits of authority and menaces to truth: Some thoughts of Joseph Ratzinger on politics and liturgy.Mariusz Biliniewicz - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (3):276.
    Joseph Ratzinger has never produced one theological opus that would encompass his whole theological vision and its corollaries in particular matters. However, despite this, during his long and prolific theological career, in his many publications and interventions he has touched upon nearly every conceivable theological topic. Although these topics are often very diverse, they are also interrelated by the general intellectual framework on which Ratzinger operates. By analysing his insights about particular issues that, at first glance, may appear to have (...)
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  21. Endangered culture as a menace to the entire world.M. Carnogurska - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (7):469-472.
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  22. (1 other version)Étienne Tempier et les menaces contre l'éthique chrétienne.R. Hissette - 1979 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21:68.
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  23. A Destructive Dialectic: The Menace of Egalitarianism and Self-Esteem.G. K. Stanley - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (2):95.
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  24. Putnam and the Relativist Menace.Richard Rorty - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (9):443-461.
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    La Démocratisation Sous la Menace Révolutionnaire.Raphaël Franck - forthcoming - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines.
    Résumé Cette étude présente une revue de la littérature ayant trait à la démocratisation sous la menace des révolutions. Elle met en parallèle les analyses arguant que la démocratisation résulte de l’action des élites qui bénéficient de l’extension du droit de vote à d’autres segments de la société. Elle analyse également les tests empiriques qui valident ou infirment les théories de la menace révolutionnaire.
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    L’écho traumatique des menaces au sein de la famille : reviviscence et après-coup.Pascal Roman - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 237 (3):17-34.
    Le projet de cet article est de montrer, à partir d’une clinique issue de productions culturelles (littérature, cinéma), de quelle manière les menaces vécues dans l’enfance mobilisent des échos traumatiques à l’âge adulte qui se présentent essentiellement sur le mode de la reviviscence. Ces échos dans l’actuel ouvrent une possible expérience de reprise après coup de ces vécus traumatiques et autorisent une possible relance des processus de symbolisation qui se trouvent, selon des modalités et des registres divers en fonction (...)
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    The Beauty and Menace of the Japanese Cherry Trees: Conflicting Visions of American Ecological Independence.Philip Pauly - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):51-73.
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    L'Asie menace, l'Afrique attend.Pierre Jean Daniel André - 1953 - [Nice]: J. Dervyl.
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    Postmodernity: Chance Or Menace?Zygmunt Bauman - 1991
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  30. À propos de la menace byzantine sur Damiette sous le règne de Michel III.Roger Rémondon - 1953 - Byzantion 23:245-50.
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    If anyone menaced my shore / I would tooth and claw and nail / for the only thing I had.Alba de Juan I. López - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 114:261-299.
    En 1993 y 2012 la poeta irlandesa Mary O’Malley publicó Valparaiso y Where the Rocks Float que edificó alrededor de la figura del mar y de la zona costera irlandesa donde nació. En ambas colecciones, la figura del mar se transforma en un potente agente activo que denuncia el rol de la mujer en la sociedad irlandesa y la explotación de los espacios azules con fines de consumo. Utilizando el análisis de Donna Haraway en Manifiesto cíborg (1985), este artículo analizará (...)
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    The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large. [REVIEW]Thomas F. Woodlock - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (1):169-170.
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    The Menace of Fascism. [REVIEW]Robert Briffault - 1934 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 3 (2):301-302.
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    The Menace of the Herd. [REVIEW]Mcdonnell Mcdonnell - 1943 - Modern Schoolman 21 (1):52-53.
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    The Menace of the Herd. [REVIEW]Timothy L. McDonnell - 1943 - Modern Schoolman 21 (1):52-53.
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  36. Pleasure, Pain, and Ethical Responsibility: A Felt-Situated Reading of Menace II Society.Hilary E. Davis - 1994 - In Philosophy of Education.
    This paper posits a feminist aesthetic of reading, ‘re-captivation,’ which accounts for both the reader's pleasure and his/her ethical responsibility. Re-captivation is distinguished by its introspective and ethical characteristics; it is a pleasure informed by the pain of misrecognition, i.e. acknowledgement of one's own complicity in systems of oppression. After a brief explanation of re-captivation, this paper describes my experience viewing the film Menace II Society. Using my paths of identification and emotional response to this film as my data, I (...)
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    Le propre de l'homme: sur une légitimité menacée.Rémi Brague - 2013 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Armes de destruction massive, pollution, extinction démographique : tout ce qui menace l'homme en tant qu'espèce vivante ne fait plus de doute. Mais il existe des facteurs qui viennent de l'homme lui-même, visant à saper son humanité propre. Ces facteurs ont beau être plus difficiles à saisir, c'est eux que Rémi Brague tâche de repérer à travers une analyse fulgurante et radicale de l'idée d'humanisme. Car il ne s'agit plus de savoir comment nous pouvons promouvoir la valeur homme et ce (...)
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    Understanding and Mitigating the Menace of Predatory Journals: Perspectives of University Teachers in Bangladesh.Umme Habiba & S. M. Zabed Ahmed - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-24.
    This paper examines the perspectives of university teachers in Bangladesh regarding predatory journals, assesses their knowledge of the characteristics of such journals, investigates the factors that might influence their submission of papers to such journals, and explores their views on how universities can contribute to the identification of predatory journals. A total of 391 university teachers participated in this study. Chi-square tests were conducted to examine the relationship between participants’ demographic characteristics and their perceptions of open access and predatory journals. (...)
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    Tackling the Menace of Cultism in Africa's Tertiary Educational Institutions: Focus on Nigeria.U. E. Iwara - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (1).
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    La fonction présidentielle : entre menaces et déclin 1.Lucien Jaume - 2017 - Cités 69 (1):125.
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    Curbing the menace and ills of corruption among the three arms of government in Nigeria.O. O. Asukwo - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (1).
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    De la menace du biais d’anthropomorphisme dans nos rapports moraux aux non-humains.Timothée Gallen & Richard Monvoisin - 2020 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 15 (1-2):113-133.
    Does anti-speciesist philosophy have a blind spot, as many of its critics claim, wrongly granting feelings and abilities to other animals? This text questions the criticism of anthropomorphism bias that may affect animalist philosophy. By analyzing how our knowledge of the behaviour of non-human animals is elaborated, we show that appealing to a critical anthropomorphism is not only a logical and rational option, but above all the only one we have at our disposal to understand the behaviour of other animals. (...)
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    L’intersectionnalité, une menace pour la sociologie (et les sociologues français) des classes sociales?Isabelle Clair - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    Since the translation, in 2005, of one of Kimberlé W. Crenshaw’s articles introducing intersectionality into the field of French social sciences, the word and the theoretical perspective it labels have been the object of great mistrust on the part of many sociologists claiming a critical position. The lexicon of threat is mobilised to disqualify the intersectional approach – much more than to discuss it – because its aim, or effect, is to purely and simply erase social class as a fundamental (...)
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  44. Photography and Other Menaces to Nineteenth-Century French Literary and Artistic Traditions.Miriella Melara - 1993 - Diogenes 41 (162):37-53.
    When the news of the invention of the daguerreotype left the halls of the French Academy of Sciences in 1839, it fell on the ears of an eager and receptive public, spellbound by the miracle of such an invention. The rapid popularization of the daguerreotype, and subsequently, of less time-consuming photographic processes, forced critics and artists alike to vehemently defend a definition of art that either categorically excluded the new medium or open-mindedly included it within the ranks of a modern (...)
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    «Élément de démocratie» ou «Menace pour la démocratie »? Récupération, disqualification et routinisation du Bébete Show.Gregory Derville - 2001 - Hermes 29:145.
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  46. Episode I : the philosophical menace. The platonic paradox of Darth Plagueis : how could a sith lord be wise?Terrance MacMullan - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  47. McCleary, G. F., The Menace of British Depopulation. [REVIEW]Smith Smith - 1938 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 7:317.
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  48. Robert Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds., Pornography: Private Right or Public Menace? Reviewed by.Randal Marlin - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (2):77-79.
  49. C est pour la premiere fois dans lhistoire que la civilisation créée par les hommes, tout en améliorant leurs conditions de vie sur cette terre, les menace en même temps d'une manière croissante. Pendant des siècles, le genre humain ne craignait que les cataclysmes de la nature. Les tremblements de terre et les éruptions des volcans, les sécheresses et les inondations, les incendies et les.Civilisation Menacêe - 1992 - Paideia 16:7.
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    Le lien mère-enfant au risque du confinement : illustration clinique d’un huis clos familial et de la menace œdipienne.Jonathan Nicolas - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 237 (3):35-50.
    Cet article rend compte du lien mère-enfant et des effets des confinements sur les fantasmes œdipiens. Nous partirons de notre pratique de psychologue dans un centre médico-psychologique et plus particulièrement de l’analyse d’un cas clinique d’un jeune garçon et de sa mère que nous avons pu suivre avant et après la période des confinements. Nous nous appuierons sur la parole de l’enfant qui évoque, au sortir du confinement, une certaine « nostalgie » de ce moment où la place du tiers (...)
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