Results for 'maternal somatic support'

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  1.  34
    Should a Brain-dead pregnant woman be provided somatic support to save the life of the fetus?Sakiko Masaki, Hiroko Ishimoto, Yasuhiro Kadooka & Atsushi Asai - 2016 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 26 (4):130-136.
    In recent years, a number of news stories were reported worldwide involving brain-dead pregnant women. Debates over providing life support to braindead pregnant women and delivery of their children have been around for some decades. Maintaining a woman’s life solely for fetal viability has become a major controversial social issue. Opposing opinions exist where one side supports the woman and her child should be left to die in dignity and the other side claims to protect the unborn child’s right (...)
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    Cell‐cell signalling, microtubule organization and RNA localization: Is PKA a link?Paul Lasko - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (2):105-107.
    Specification of the anterior‐posterior axis of the Drosophila embryo is brought about by the asymmetric localization of specific maternally expressed RNAs and proteins within the oocyte. While many of these localized molecules have been identified and progress has been made towards understanding their functions, how the localization process is instigated remains unclear. A recent paper reports that protein kinase A (PKA) activity is essential for many of these RNA localizations and for the correct polarization of the microtubule cytoskeleton(1). These and (...)
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    Maternal histone variants and their chaperones promote paternal genome activation and boost somatic cell reprogramming.Peng Yang, Warren Wu & Todd S. Macfarlan - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (1):52-59.
    The mammalian egg employs a wide spectrum of epigenome modification machinery to reprogram the sperm nucleus shortly after fertilization. This event is required for transcriptional activation of the paternal/zygotic genome and progression through cleavage divisions. Reprogramming of paternal nuclei requires replacement of sperm protamines with canonical and non‐canonical histones, covalent modification of histone tails, and chemical modification of DNA (notably oxidative demethylation of methylated cytosines). In this essay we highlight the role maternal histone variants play during developmental reprogramming following (...)
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    Grandparental Support and Maternal Postpartum Mental Health.Madelon M. E. Riem, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Maaike Cima & Marinus H. van IJzendoorn - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (1):25-45.
    Support from grandparents plays a role in mothers’ perinatal mental health. However, previous research on maternal mental health has mainly focused on influences of partner support or general social support and neglected the roles of grandparents. In this narrative review and meta-analysis, the scientific evidence on the association between grandparental support and maternal perinatal mental health is reviewed. Searches in PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Scopus, and PsycINFO yielded 11 empirical studies on N = 3381 participants, (...)
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    Maternal Parenting Attitudes and Preschoolers’ Hot and Cool Executive Functions.Agata Złotogórska, Adam Putko & Anna Kamza - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (2):236-246.
    The relationships between maternal parenting attitudes and preschoolers’ hot and cool executive functions were examined. Forty-eight children aged 3 to 4 years and their mothers took part in the study. Self-report questionnaire concerning parenting attitudes was obtained from the mothers of children who performed a set of EF tasks. Additionally, both maternal and child verbal ability were controlled. It was found that maternal parenting attitudes were related only to child cool EF. Protecting attitude was positively related to (...)
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  6.  68
    A Somatic Movement Approach to Fostering Emotional Resiliency through Laban Movement Analysis.Rachelle P. Tsachor & Tal Shafir - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:261557.
    Although movement has long been recognized as expressing emotion and as an agent of change for emotional state, there was a dearth of scientific evidence specifying which aspects of movement influence specific emotions. The recent identification of clusters of Laban movement components which elicit and enhance the basic emotions of anger, fear, sadness and happiness indicates which types of movements can affect these emotions (Shafir et al., 2016), but not how best to apply this knowledge. This perspective paper lays out (...)
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  7.  54
    Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb.Amy M. Boddy, Angelo Fortunato, Melissa Wilson Sayres & Athena Aktipis - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1106-1118.
    The presence of fetal cells has been associated with both positive and negative effects on maternal health. These paradoxical effects may be due to the fact that maternal and offspring fitness interests are aligned in certain domains and conflicting in others, which may have led to the evolution of fetal microchimeric phenotypes that can manipulate maternal tissues. We use cooperation and conflict theory to generate testable predictions about domains in which fetal microchimerism may enhance maternal health (...)
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  8. The somatic Marker hypotheses, and what the iowa gambling task does and does not show.Giovanna Colombetti - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (1):51-71.
    Damasio's somatic marker hypothesis (SMH) is a prominent neuroscientific hypothesis about the mechanisms implementing decision-making. This paper argues that, since its inception, the SMH has not been clearly formulated. It is possible to identify at least two different hypotheses, which make different predictions: SMH-G, which claims that somatic states generally implement preferences and are needed to make a decision; and SMH-S, which specifically claims that somatic states assist decision-making by anticipating the long-term outcomes of available options. This (...)
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  9.  25
    Maternal Personality and Child Temperamental Reactivity: Differential Susceptibility for Child Externalizing Behavioral Problems in China.Shufen Xing, Xin Gao, Xia Liu, Yuanyuan Ma & Zhengyan Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    It is important to identify the developmental antecedents of externalizing behavioral problems in early childhood. The current study examined the main effects of maternal personality and its interactive effects with child temperamental reactivity in predicting child externalizing behavioral problems, indicated by impulsivity and aggression. This study was composed of 70 children (Mage= 17.6 months, SD = 3.73) and their mothers. The results showed that maternal agreeableness was negatively associated with child impulsivity. Child temperamental reactivity moderated the effect of (...)
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  10.  48
    Maternal Competition in Women.Catherine Linney, Laurel Korologou-Linden & Anne Campbell - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (1):92-116.
    We examined maternal competition, an unexplored form of competition between women. Given women’s high investment in offspring and mothers’ key role in shaping their reproductive, social, and cultural success as adults, we might expect to see maternal competition between women as well as mate competition. Predictions about the effect of maternal characteristics (age, relationship status, educational background, number of children, investment in the mothering role) and child variables (age, sex) were drawn from evolutionary theory and sociological research. (...)
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  11.  46
    Maternal–Fetal Conflict and Periviability.Alan Vincelette - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (3):401-407.
    A recent statement of consensus held that the principle of double effect would allow the induction of a previable fetus in order to eliminate a grave and present danger to the life of a mother suffering from peripartum cardiomyopathy. The author responds to this declaration, points out some limitations preventing it from being a vehicle for broader agreement, and offers an alternative, namely, medical induction of labor in cases of maternal–fetal vital conflict can be justified if the fetus has (...)
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  12.  41
    The somatic integration definition of the beginning of life.Mark T. Brown - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1035-1041.
    The somatic integration definition of life is familiar from the debate on the determination of death, with some bioethicists arguing that it supports brain death while others argue that some brain‐dead bodies exhibit sufficient somatic integration for biological life. I argue that on either interpretation, the somatic integration definition of life implies that neither the preimplantation embryo nor the postimplantation embryo meet the somatic integration threshold condition for organismal human life. The earliest point at which a (...)
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  13.  75
    Missing mother: Migrant mothers, maternal surrogates, and the global economy of care.Jean P. Tan - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):113-132.
    A longitudinal perspective on motherhood that spans the experience of gestation, birthing, the care of young children, and the mother’s relation to her grown children makes way for a conception of the mother as essentially plural. It shall be argued in this paper that maternity is necessarily tied to surrogacy, that it is divided into a multiplicity of tasks inevitably parceled out to multiple agents. In this essay, the analysis of maternal surrogacy is focused on the phenomenon of mothering (...)
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  14.  18
    Maternal Inclinations, Queer Orientations, Common Occupation.Isabell Dahms - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (2):147-163.
    This article explores queer spatial and feminist coalitional practices through Adriana Cavarero's concept of maternal and mimetic “inclinations”, Sara Ahmed's concept of queer “orientations” and a political action by the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP). It argues that through these paradigms, social histories become central to philosophical thinking about subjectivity. Ahmed and Cavarero conceive of subjectivity through postural and spatial relations. To explore how spatial and postural relations generate subjectivities, I focus on an example of a deliberate political takeover (...)
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  15.  34
    Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood by Julie Langford (review).Lien Foubert - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (4):678-682.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood by Julie LangfordLien FoubertJulie Langford. Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. xiv + 203 pp. 20 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $55.It is now well-established that, through various media, imperial propaganda was aimed at different groups in Roman society. Ever since Jaś Elsner’s influential publication (Art and (...)
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  16.  32
    Maternal request’ caesarean sections and medical necessity.Rebecca C. H. Brown & Andrea Mulligan - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (3):312-320.
    Currently, many women who are expecting to give birth have no option but to attempt vaginal delivery, since access to elective planned caesarean sections (PCS) in the absence of what is deemed to constitute ‘clinical need’ is variable. In this paper, we argue that PCS should be routinely offered to women who are expecting to give birth, and that the risks and benefits of PCS as compared with planned vaginal delivery should be discussed with them. Currently, discussions of elective PCS (...)
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  17.  25
    Negotiating Maternal Identity: Adrienne Rich’s Legacy for Inquiry into the Political-Philosophical Dimensions of Pregnancy and Childbirth.Candace Johnson - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):65-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Negotiating Maternal IdentityAdrienne Rich’s Legacy for Inquiry into the Political-Philosophical Dimensions of Pregnancy and ChildbirthCandace JohnsonGiving birth has been described as the crossing of an imaginary threshold, which separates an independent maternal self from some sort of dual or subordinate existence. The metaphor of a border has also been employed to demonstrate this transformation, which may be liberating, oppressive, or some complex combination thereof (Weir 2006; Martinez (...)
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  18. Maternal Autonomy and Prenatal Harm.Nathan Robert Howard - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (3):246-255.
    Inflicting harm is generally preferable to inflicting death. If you must choose between the two, you should generally choose to harm. But prenatal harm seems different. If a mother must choose between harming her fetus or aborting it, she may choose either, at least in many cases. So it seems that prenatal harm is particularly objectionable, sometimes on a par with death. This paper offers an explanation of why prenatal harm seems particularly objectionable by drawing an analogy to the all-or-nothing (...)
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  19.  8
    The Maternal Bond in Ethics and Evolution.John Mizzoni - 2024 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 11 (1):25-36.
    The scope of the humanities has been broadened by tracing the evolutionary roots of human biology. A salient example of the move in this direction is the philosophical study of ethics. Specifically, Nel Noddings’ theory of Care Ethics has made contributions to an evolutionary understanding of morality as having developed through several paths, one of them stemming from the maternal instinct. Recent scientific research on the brains of pregnant women supports Noddings’ philosophical sketch. Thus, Noddings’ work contributes to the (...)
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  20.  37
    In defense of the somatic mutation theory of cancer.David L. Vaux - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (5):341-343.
    According to the somatic mutation theory (SMT), cancer begins with a genetic change in a single cell that passes it on to its progeny, thereby generating a clone of malignant cells. It is strongly supported by observations of leukemias that bear specific chromosome translocations, such as Burkitt's lymphoma, in which a translocation activates the c‐myc gene, and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), in which the Philadelphia chromosome causes production of the BCR‐ABL oncoprotein. Although the SMT has been modified and extended (...)
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  21. Identifying Risk and Resilience Factors in the Intergenerational Cycle of Maltreatment: Results From the TRANS-GEN Study Investigating the Effects of Maternal Attachment and Social Support on Child Attachment and Cardiovascular Stress Physiology.Anna Buchheim, Ute Ziegenhain, Heinz Kindler, Christiane Waller, Harald Gündel, Alexander Karabatsiakis & Jörg Fegert - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionChildhood maltreatment is a developmental risk factor and can negatively influence later psychological functioning, health, and development in the next generation. A comprehensive understanding of the biopsychosocial underpinnings of CM transmission would allow to identify protective factors that could disrupt the intergenerational CM risk cycle. This study examined the consequences of maternal CM and the effects of psychosocial and biological resilience factors on child attachment and stress-regulatory development using a prospective trans-disciplinary approach.MethodsMother-child dyads participated shortly after parturition, after 3 (...)
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  22. The brain and somatic integration: Insights into the standard biological rationale for equating brain death with death.D. Alan Shewmon - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (5):457 – 478.
    The mainstream rationale for equating brain death (BD) with death is that the brain confers integrative unity upon the body, transforming it from a mere collection of organs and tissues to an organism as a whole. In support of this conclusion, the impressive list of the brains myriad integrative functions is often cited. Upon closer examination, and after operational definition of terms, however, one discovers that most integrative functions of the brain are actually not somatically integrating, and, conversely, most (...)
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  23.  26
    Maternal Interaction With Infants Among Women at Elevated Risk for Postpartum Depression.Sherryl H. Goodman, Maria Muzik, Diana I. Simeonova, Sharon A. Kidd, Margaret Tresch Owen, Bruce Cooper, Christine Y. Kim, Katherine L. Rosenblum & Sandra J. Weiss - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:737513.
    Ample research links mothers’ postpartum depression (PPD) to adverse interactions with their infants. However, most studies relied on general population samples, whereas a substantial number of women are at elevated depression risk. The purpose of this study was to describe mothers’ interactions with their 6- and 12-month-old infants among women at elevated risk, although with a range of symptom severity. We also identified higher-order factors that best characterized the interactions and tested longitudinal consistency of these factors from 6 to 12 (...)
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    Communication Across Maternal Social Networks During England’s First National Lockdown and Its Association With Postnatal Depressive Symptoms.Sarah Myers & Emily H. Emmott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:648002.
    Postnatal/postpartum depression (PND/PPD) had a pre-COVID-19 estimated prevalence ranging up to 23% in Europe, 33% in Australia, and 64% in America, and is detrimental to both mothers and their infants. Low social support is a key risk factor for developing PND. From an evolutionary perspective this is perhaps unsurprising, as humans evolved as cooperative childrearers, inherently reliant on social support to raise children. The coronavirus pandemic has created a situation in which support from social networks beyond the (...)
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  25.  21
    Conceptual blending, somatic marking, and normativity: a case example from ancient Chinese.Edward G. Slingerland - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (3):557-584.
    One purpose of this article is to support the universalist claims of conceptual blending theory by documenting its application to an ancient Chinese philosophical text, and also to provide illustrations of complex multiple-scope blends constructed over the course of conceptual blending by suggesting that, in many cases, the primary purpose of achieving human scale is not to help us apprehend a situation, but rather to help us to know how too feel about it. This argument is essentially an attempt (...)
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  26.  26
    Moving With Pain: What Principles From Somatic Practices Can Offer to People Living With Chronic Pain.Emma Meehan & Bernie Carter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article brings together research from the fields of chronic pain management and somatic practices to develop a novel framework of principles to support people living with persistent pain. These include movement-based approaches to awareness of the internal body (interoception), the external environment (exteroception) and movement in space (proprioception). These significantly work with the lived subjective experiences of people living with pain, to become aware of body signals and self-management of symptoms, explore fear and pleasure of movement, and (...)
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  27.  19
    Fetal–Maternal Intra-action: Politics of New Placental Biologies.Rebecca Scott Yoshizawa - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (4):79-105.
    Extensively employed in reproductive science, the term fetal–maternal interface describes how maternal and fetal tissues interact in the womb to produce the transient placenta, purporting a theory of pregnancy where ‘mother’, ‘fetus’, and ‘placenta’ are already-separate entities. However, considerable scientific evidence supports a different theory, which is also elaborated in feminist and new materialist literatures. Informed by interviews with placenta scientists as well as secondary sources on placental immunology and the developmental origins of health and disease, I explore (...)
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  28.  22
    Prospective Associations Between Maternal Depression and Infant Sleep in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.Leah Gilbert, Vania Sandoz, Dan Yedu Quansah, Jardena J. Puder & Antje Horsch - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundWomen with gestational diabetes mellitus have higher rates of perinatal depressive symptoms, compared to healthy pregnant women. In the general population, maternal depressive symptoms have been associated with infant sleep difficulties during the first year postpartum. However, there is lack of data on infants of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus.MethodsThis study assessed the prospective associations between maternal perinatal depressive symptoms and infant sleep outcomes. The study population consisted of 95 Swiss women with gestational diabetes mellitus and their infants, (...)
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  29. Levinasian reflections on somaticity and the ethical self.Joel W. Krueger - 2008 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 51 (6):603 – 626.
    In this article, I attempt to bring some conceptual clarity to several key terms and foundational claims that make up Levinas's body-based conception of ethics. Additionally, I explore ways that Levinas's arguments about the somatic basis of subjectivity and ethical relatedness receive support from recent empirical research. The paper proceeds in this way: First, I clarify Levinas's use of the terms “sensibility”, “subjectivity”, and “proximity” in Otherwise than Being: or Beyond Essence . Next, I argue for an interpretation (...)
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  30.  27
    Maternal warmth is associated with network segregation across late childhood: A longitudinal neuroimaging study.Sally Richmond, Richard Beare, Katherine A. Johnson, Katherine Bray, Elena Pozzi, Nicholas B. Allen, Marc L. Seal & Sarah Whittle - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:917189.
    The negative impact of adverse experiences in childhood on neurodevelopment is well documented. Less attention however has been given to the impact of variations in “normative” parenting behaviors. The influence of these parenting behaviors is likely to be marked during periods of rapid brain reorganization, such as late childhood. The aim of the current study was to investigate associations between normative parenting behaviors and the development of structural brain networks across late childhood. Data were collected from a longitudinal sample of (...)
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  31.  35
    Continuous Support Promotes Obstetric Labor Progress and Vaginal Delivery in Primiparous Women – A Randomized Controlled Study.Ylva Vladic Stjernholm, Paula da Silva Charvalho, Olga Bergdahl, Tomislav Vladic & Maria Petersson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Obstetric labor and childbirth are mostly regarded as a physiological process, whereas social, cultural, psychological and transcendental aspects have received less attention. Labor support has been suggested to promote labor progress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether continuous labor support by a midwife promotes labor progress and vaginal delivery.Material and Methods: A randomized controlled study at a university hospital in Sweden in 2015–17. Primiparous women with singleton pregnancy and spontaneous labor onset were randomized to (...)
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  32.  40
    Artificial Womb on Maternal Request and Without the Father’s Consent: Ethical Perspectives Through a Principlist Approach.Matteo Gulino, Pasquale Ricci & Gianluca Montanari Vergallo - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):121-123.
    De Bie et al. argued that the decision “to transfer the fetus to AWT falls under maternal autonomy” while “once the fetonate is being supported by AWT, decision making would become a shared parenta...
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  33.  8
    The art of somatic coaching: embodying skillful action, wisdom, and compassion.Richard Strozzi-Heckler - 2014 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    The Art of Somatic Coaching introduces the concepts and principles of coaching with practices that include body awareness, bodywork, and mindfulness for both the coach and the client. Author and expert coach, Richard Strozzi-Heckler, PhD, explains that in order to achieve truly sustainable changes in individuals, teams, and organizations, it is necessary to implement body-oriented somatic practices in order to dissolve habits, behaviors, and interpretations of the world that are no longer relevant. He explains that these ways of (...)
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    Maternal and Paternal Representations in Assisted Reproductive Technology and Spontaneous Conceiving Parents: A Longitudinal Study.Marcella Paterlini, Federica Andrei, Erica Neri, Elena Trombini, Sara Santi, Maria Teresa Villani, Lorenzo Aguzzoli & Francesca Agostini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim of this study was to investigate whether parental mental representations during pregnancy and after delivery differed between parents who conceived after Assisted Reproductive Treatments and spontaneous conceiving parents. Effects of specific ART variables were also taken into account. Seventeen ART couples and 25 SC couples were recruited at Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. At both 32 weeks of gestation and 3 months postpartum participants completed the Semantic Differential of the IRMAG, a self-report tool which measures specific domains of mental representations (...)
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  35.  77
    Cesarean delivery on maternal request: can the ethical problem be solved by the principlist approach?Tore Nilstun, Marwan Habiba, Göran Lingman, Rodolfo Saracci, Monica Da Frè & Marina Cuttini - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):11-.
    In this article, we use the principlist approach to identify, analyse and attempt to solve the ethical problem raised by a pregnant woman's request for cesarean delivery in absence of medical indications.We use two different types of premises: factual (facts about cesarean delivery and specifically attitudes of obstetricians as derived from the EUROBS European study) and value premises (principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice).Beneficence/non-maleficence entails physicians' responsibility to minimise harms and maximise benefits. Avoiding its inherent risks (...)
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  36.  23
    Appropriately framing maternal request caesarean section.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):554-556.
    In their paper, ‘How to reach trustworthy decisions for caesarean sections on maternal request: a call for beneficial power’, Eide and Bærøe present maternal request caesarean sections (MRCS) as a site of conflict in obstetrics because birthing people are seeking access to a treatment ‘without any anticipated medical benefit’. While I agree with the conclusions of their paper -that there is a need to reform the approach to MRCS counselling to ensure that the structural vulnerability of pregnant people (...)
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    Semantic Contingency of Maternal Verbal Input Directed at Very Preterm and Full-Term Children.Nicoletta Salerni & Chiara Suttora - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Several studies have testified to the importance of a responsive linguistic input for children’s language acquisition and development. In particular, maternal use of expansions, imitations, interpretations, and labels has been shown to promote both children’s language comprehension and production. From this perspective, the present study examined the semantically contingent linguistic input addressed to very preterm children’s comparing it to that directed to full-term children observed during a semi-structured play session when the children were 24 months of age. The relationships (...)
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    A Good Coach is Hard to Find: In Search of Supportive Maternity Care.Erin E. Mckee - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (3):195-198.
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  39. Shared decision-making in maternity care: Acknowledging and overcoming epistemic defeaters.Keith Begley, Deirdre Daly, Sunita Panda & Cecily Begley - 2019 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 25 (6):1113–1120.
    Shared decision-making involves health professionals and patients/clients working together to achieve true person-centred health care. However, this goal is infrequently realized, and most barriers are unknown. Discussion between philosophers, clinicians, and researchers can assist in confronting the epistemic and moral basis of health care, with benefits to all. The aim of this paper is to describe what shared decision-making is, discuss its necessary conditions, and develop a definition that can be used in practice to support excellence in maternity care. (...)
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    Born Under COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions: Infant Regulatory Problems and Maternal Mental Health at 7 Months Postpartum.Anna Perez, Ariane Göbel, Lydia Yao Stuhrmann, Steven Schepanski, Dominique Singer, Carola Bindt & Susanne Mudra - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe SARS-COVID-19 pandemic and its associated disease control restrictions have in multiple ways affected families with young children, who may be especially vulnerable to mental health problems. Studies report an increase in perinatal parental distress as well as symptoms of anxiety or depression in children during the pandemic. Currently, little is known about the impact of the pandemic on infants and their development. Infant regulatory problems have been identified as early indicators of child socio-emotional development, strongly associated with maternal (...)
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    Impact of a Remotely Supervised Motor Rehabilitation Program on Maternal Well-Being During the COVID-19 Italian Lockdown.Moti Zwilling, Alberto Romano, Martina Favetta, Elena Ippolito & Meir Lotan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    COVID-19 Lockdown was particularly challenging for most mothers of people with intellectual disabilities, including those with Rett syndrome, leading to feelings of abandonment from healthcare services of their children. Within those days, telerehabilitation has represented a valid alternative to support physical activity and treatment, supporting parents in structuring their children’s daily routine at home. This article aims to describe the well-being level of two groups of mothers of girls and women with RTT who were involved in a home-based remotely (...)
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  42.  72
    Are there moral differences between maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer?César Palacios-González - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):503-511.
    This paper examines whether there are moral differences between the mitochondrial replacement techniques that have been recently developed in order to help women afflicted by mitochondrial DNA diseases to have genetically related children absent such conditions: maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer. Firstly, it examines whether there is a moral difference between MST and PNT in terms of the divide between somatic interventions and germline interventions. Secondly, it considers whether PNT and MST are morally distinct under a therapy/creation (...)
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  43. Navigating Quality and Innovation: Actor‐Network Theory and Hybrid Assemblages in Midwifery Practice, Implications of Maternity Early Warning Tools and Artificial Intelligence.Bridget Ferguson, Adele Baldwin, Clare Harvey & Amanda Henderson - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (2):e70001.
    Midwifery philosophy views childbearing as primarily normal, indicative of a woman's overall health. Midwifery practice focuses on supporting the human‐to‐human relationship between the midwife and the woman holding primacy. Despite the traditional focus on wellness, maternity care in today's risk averse world is increasingly complex. Technology has been increasingly implemented into maternity care to detect complications early and reduce harm. The Maternity Early Warning Tool is a technological innovation in this regard. Actor‐network theory (ANT) offers a framework for analysing the (...)
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    The Multiple Determinants of Maternal Parenting Stress 12 Months After Birth: The Contribution of Antenatal Attachment Style, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Infant Temperament.Vibeke Moe, Tilmann von Soest, Eivor Fredriksen, Kåre S. Olafsen & Lars Smith - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375203.
    Parenting stress can influence caregiving behavior negatively, which in turn may harm children’s development. Identifying precursors of parenting stress, preferably beginning during pregnancy and throughout the first year of life, is therefore important. The present study aims to provide novel knowledge on this issue through a detailed examination of the association between maternal attachment style and later parenting stress. Moreover, we examine the role of several additional risk factors, specificially the mothers’ own adverse childhood experiences (ACE), as well as (...)
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  45.  38
    Norms, Childcare Costs, and Maternal Employment.William J. Scarborough, Liana Christin Landivar, Caitlyn Collins & Leah Ruppanner - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (6):910-939.
    In this article, we investigate how state-to-state differences in U.S. childcare costs and gender norms are associated with maternal employment. Although an abundance of research has examined factors that influence mothers’ employment, few studies explore the interrelationship between maternal employment and culture, policy, and individual resources across U.S. states. Using a representative sample of women in the 2017 American Community Survey along with state-level measures of childcare costs and gender norms, we examine the relationship between these state conditions (...)
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    Is current practice around late termination of pregnancy eugenic and discriminatory? Maternal interests and abortion.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):165-171.
    The attitudes of Australian practitioners working in clinical genetics and obstetrical ultrasound were surveyed on whether termination of pregnancy (TOP) should be available for conditions ranging from mild to severe fetal abnormality and for non-medical reasons.These were compared for terminations at 13 weeks and 24 weeks. It was found that some practitioners would not facilitate TOP at 24 weeks even for lethal or major abnormalities, fewer practitioners support TOP at 24 weeks compared with 13 weeks for any condition, and (...)
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    Abortion care as moral work: ethical considerations of maternal and fetal bodies.Johanna Schoen (ed.) - 2022 - New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
    Fetal and Maternal Bodies brings together the voices of abortion providers, abortion counselors, clinic owners, neonatologists, bioethicists, and historians to discuss how and why providing abortion care is moral work. The collection offers voices not usually heard as clinicians talk about their work and their thoughts about life and death. In four subsections--Providers, Clinics, Conscience, and The Fetus--the contributions in this anthology explore the historical context and present-day challenges to the delivery of abortion care. Contributing authors address the motivations (...)
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    Neurobiological limits and the somatic significance of love: Caregivers’ engagements with neuroscience in Scottish parenting programmes.Tineke Broer, Martyn Pickersgill & Sarah Cunningham-Burley - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (5):85-109.
    While parents have long received guidance on how to raise children, a relatively new element of this involves explicit references to infant brain development, drawing on brain scans and neuroscientific knowledge. Sometimes called ‘brain-based parenting’, this has been criticised from within sociological and policy circles alike. However, the engagement of parents themselves with neuroscientific concepts is far less researched. Drawing on 22 interviews with parents/carers of children (mostly aged 0–7) living in Scotland, this article examines how they account for their (...)
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    Moral Distress and Feticide: Hearing the Voices of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physicians.Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz & Iris Ohel-Shani - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (2):114-123.
    We conducted in-depth interviews to investigate maternal- fetal medicine (MFM) physicians’ feelings about their moral thoughts and dilemmas related to providing feticide for lateterm abortion in Israel. We interviewed 14 MFM physicians (who constitute approximately 40 percent of MFM physicians who perform feticide in the countr y) from five hospitals in Israel during 2018 and 2019. They were recruited via personal acquaintance and snowball sampling. Findings reveal that despite their clear recognition that feticide is a necessary procedure, all describe (...)
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  50.  71
    Overheated Rats, Race, and the Double Gland: Paul Kammerer, Endocrinology and the Problem of Somatic Induction. [REVIEW]Cheryl A. Logan - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (4):683 - 725.
    In 1920, Eugen Steinach and Paul Kammerer reported experiments showing that exposure to high temperatures altered the structure of the gonad and produced hyper-sexuality in "heat rats," presumably as a result of the increased production of sex hormones. Using Steinach's evidence that the gonad is a double gland with distinct sexual and generative functions, they used their findings to explain "racial" differences in the sexuality of indigenous tropical peoples and Europeans. The authors also reported that heat induced anatomical changes in (...)
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