Results for 'material exploitation'

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  1. Exploitation, Solidarity, and Dignity.Pablo Gilabert - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (4):465-494.
    This paper offers a normative exploration of what exploitation is and of what is wrong with it. The focus is on the critical assessment of the exploitation of workers in capitalist societies. Such exploitation is wrongful when it involves a contra-solidaristic use of power to benefit oneself at the expense of others. Wrongful exploitation consists in using your greater power, and sometimes even in making other less powerful than you, in order to get them to benefit (...)
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    Exploiting the guilt aversion of others: do agents do it and is it effective?Eric Cardella - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):523-560.
    The general idea of guilt aversion is that agents may be motivated to avoid letting others down, even at the expense of their own material payoff. Several experimental studies have documented behavior that is consistent with agents exhibiting guilt averse motivations in social interactions. However, there are strategic implications of guilt aversion, which can impact economic outcomes in important ways, that have yet to be explored. I introduce a game that admits the possibility for agents to induce guilt upon (...)
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  3. Diachronic exploitation of landscape resources - tangible and intangible industrial heritage and their synthesis suspended step.Georgia Zacharopoulou - 2015 - Https://Ticcih-2015.Sciencesconf.Org/.
    It is expected that industrial heritage actually tells the story of the emerging capitalism highlighting the dynamic social relationship between the “workers” and the owners of the “production means”. In current times of economic crisis, it may even involve a painful past with lost social, civil, gender and/or class struggles, a depressing present with abandoned, fragmented, degraded landscapes and ravaged factories, and a hopeless future for the former workers of the local (not only) society; or just a conquerable ground for (...)
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    Material Encounters: A Phenomenological Account of Social Interaction in Autism.Sofie Boldsen - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (3):191-208.
    Abstract:Since the birth of autism as a psychiatric category, autistic individuals have been described as preoccupied with the world of objects and detached from the world of subjects, thus marking a distinction between the “social” and the “non-social” still prevalent in autism research and diagnostic criteria. The aim of this article is to question this distinction by examining the role of things in autistic forms of social interaction. Drawing on qualitative data from an ongoing qualitative and phenomenological study on social (...)
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    Virtual sites performance and materialization.Linda Matthews - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (1):55-65.
    The imagistic promotion of the iconic city form is increasingly achieved by the deployment of the CCTV webcam system. This not only presents new material to mediate people's engagement with this space, but also offers new ways to materialize its actual three-dimensional form. Recent design-based research conducted at the University of Technology, Sydney, shows that the function of the CCTV Internet cameras can be extended and adapted to provide a type of engagement with urban environments that subverts its more (...)
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    Material Sustainability Information and Stock Price Informativeness.Jody Grewal, Clarissa Hauptmann & George Serafeim - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (3):513-544.
    As part of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s revision of Regulation S–K, which lays out reporting requirements for publicly-listed companies, many investors proposed the mandatory disclosure of sustainability information in the form of environmental, social and governance data. However, progress is contingent on collecting evidence regarding which sustainability disclosures are financially material. To inform this issue, we examine materiality standards developed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. Firms voluntarily disclosing more SASB-identified sustainability information exhibit greater price informativeness, while the (...)
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  7. Trade-offs in exploiting body morphology for control: From simple bodies and model-based control to complex ones with model-free distributed control schemes.Matej Hoffmann & Vincent C. Müller - 2014 - In Helmut Hauser, Rudolf M. Füchslin & Rolf Pfeifer, Opinions and Outlooks on Morphological Computation. E-Book. pp. 185-194.
    Tailoring the design of robot bodies for control purposes is implicitly performed by engineers, however, a methodology or set of tools is largely absent and optimization of morphology (shape, material properties of robot bodies, etc.) is lag- ging behind the development of controllers. This has become even more prominent with the advent of compliant, deformable or "soft" bodies. These carry substantial potential regarding their exploitation for control – sometimes referred to as "mor- phological computation" in the sense of (...)
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    Negotiating the Inhuman: Bakhtin, Materiality and the Instrumentalization of Climate Change.Angela Last - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):60-83.
    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only (...)
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    Biobanking of human biological material and the principle of noncommercialisation of the human body and its parts.Joanna Pawlikowska, Jakub Pawlikowski & Dorota Krekora-Zając - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):154-164.
    The prohibition of commercialisation of the human body and its parts is not applied consistently and suffers from many exceptions in the human biological material (HBM) market. Examples include the possibility of patenting certain HBM-derived products and their commercial marketing or payments for blood donations. Thus, the current practice of marketing HBM-derived products makes the altruistic donor most vulnerable to exploitation while being deprived of benefits. There seem to be two ways to improve this state of affairs. The (...)
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    Vital Matters and Generative Materiality: Between Bennett and Irigaray.Rachel Jones - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (2):156-172.
    This paper puts Jane Bennett’s vital materialism into dialogue with Luce Irigaray’s ontology of sexuate difference. Together these thinkers challenge the image of dead or intrinsically inanimate matter that is bound up with both the instrumentalization of the earth and the disavowal of sexual difference and the maternal. In its place they seek to affirm a vital, generative materiality: an ‘active matter’ whose differential becomings no longer oppose activity to passivity, subject to object, or one body, self or entity to (...)
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    Material Theory.Mariam Fraser - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (5):1-26.
    This article addresses the serotonin hypothesis of depression, as it was formulated in clinical and laboratory experiments during the 1950s. In the first instance I argue that the `challenge' posed by patients' subjectivities in clinical investigations into the potentially anti-depressant drug iproniazid was not solely due to the tensions generated by the subject/object dichotomy, but to an excess that exceeds the properties of the objects of the experiment, as well as its requirements and conditions. I then suggest that the serotonin (...)
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  12. A legal market in organs: the problem of exploitation.Kate Greasley - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):51-56.
    The article considers the objection to a commercial market in living donor organs for transplantation on the ground that such a market would be exploitative of the vendors. It examines a key challenge to that objection, to the effect that denying poor people the option to sell an organ is to withhold from them the best that a bad situation has to offer. The article casts serious doubt on this attempt at justifying an organ market, and its philosophical underpinning. Drawing, (...)
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    About Waged Labour: From Monetary Subordination to Exploitation.Jean Cartelier - 2017 - Economic Thought 6 (2):27.
    Wage-earners voluntarily accept to work under the control, and for the account of, firms run by entrepreneurs1; they do not decide what, how and how much, they must produce; wage-earners are not responsible for the consequences of their activities when they comply with entrepreneurs' orders12; inside the firm, wage-earners are subordinates. Outside the firm, wage-earners freely choose the way they spend their wages in the markets for commodities and services. Such is the 'stylised fact' which characterises the wage relationship in (...)
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  14. Simple or complex bodies? Trade-offs in exploiting body morphology for control.Matej Hoffmann & Vincent C. Müller - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli, Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 335-345.
    Engineers fine-tune the design of robot bodies for control purposes, however, a methodology or set of tools is largely absent, and optimization of morphology (shape, material properties of robot bodies, etc.) is lagging behind the development of controllers. This has become even more prominent with the advent of compliant, deformable or ”soft” bodies. These carry substantial potential regarding their exploitation for control—sometimes referred to as ”morphological computation”. In this article, we briefly review different notions of computation by physical (...)
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  15. Where it Hurts: Indian Material for an Ethics of Organ Transplantation.Lawrence Cohen - 2003 - Zygon 38 (3):663-688.
    This article focuses on ethical issues surrounding the selling and buying of human organs. The author argues that most people who sell their organs in India do so in order to pay already existing debts. The transaction is only temporarily an exchange of “life for life,” and most “donors” are back in debt soon after the operation. The author discusses the flexible ethics that reduce reality to dyadic transactions and the purgatorial ethics that collapse real and imaginary exploitation in (...)
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    Towards a critical space theory: The instrumental politics of space exploitation.Sid Simpson, Désirée Weber & John McMahon - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Though a growing number of voices in public discourse are expressing reservations about the new space race and its implications, inherently political questions have remained largely untouched by political theorists: Who is space for and for whose benefit? What are the ideological presumptions and functions of private space exploration? To confront this astro-aporia, we proceed in four parts. First, we develop a typology of two broad positions that predominate in contemporary criticism of space exploration: those who are “space pessimists” and (...)
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    From scientific exploitation to individual memorialization: Evolving attitudes towards research on Nazi victims’ bodies.Herwig Czech, Paul Weindling & Christiane Druml - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):508-517.
    During the Third Reich, state‐sponsored violence was linked to scientific research on many levels. Prisoners were used as involuntary subjects for medical experiments, and body parts from victims were used in anatomy and neuropathology on a massive scale. In many cases, such specimens remained in scientific collections and were used until long after the war. International bioethics, for a long time, had little to say on the issue. Since the late 1980s, with a renewed interest in the Holocaust and other (...)
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    Why the South African National Health Research Ethics Council is wrong about ownership of human biological material and data.Donrich Thaldar, Uyanda Maboea & Amy Gooden - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    The South African National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) states in its 2024 Ethics Guidelines that human biological material (HBM) and data cannot be privately owned under South African law. This position conflicts with established legal principles, guidelines by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), and South African university policies, all of which support private ownership of HBM and data. Private ownership is not only legally sound but also ethically necessary, providing a framework for accountability, ensuring fair (...)
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    Il camouflage nel campo allargato. Variazioni su Disruptive Pattern Material e Dazzle Painting nella cultura visiva contemporanea.Maite Méndez Baiges - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (2):43-58.
    The First World War was the scenario that led to the invention and systematic use of military camouflage techniques. Between them, the two fundamental modes of static or pictorial camouflage: mimetic, known as Disruptive Pattern Material, and the naval, called Dazzle Painting. Avantgarde artists contributed to their birth. Immediately, there was the transfer of these techniques to the civilian sphere, revealing that its essentially practical essence did not prevent the exploitation of its aesthetic potential by contemporary visual culture. (...)
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  20. System availability optimization for production and embedding of bitumen bounded materials.Milan Mirkovic - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Belgrade
    Application of the reliability of repairable systems on solving problems from constructing production systems takes an important place in the process of finding the optimal solution among the suggested system choices. The basic hypothesis when using the reliability of the repairable systems is that every machine is representing a component, a fact that is debatable when talking about technical sciences. However, considering the second assumption of the stationary process, the function of the availability is introduced. It represents the measure between (...)
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  21. The Inhuman and the Automaton: Exploitation and the Exploited in the Era of Late Capitalism.Katerina Kolozova - 2017 - In Rocco Gangle & Julius Greve, Superpositions: Laruelle and the Humanities. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    (A chapter in a book edited by Rocco Gangle and Julius Greve, titled Superpositions: Laruelle and the Humanities) The human-in-human is nonhuman or “inhuman” (Haraway), monstrous along with the animal, the machine and the darkness of the out-there insofar as it remains a radical hybridity or one that is philosophically unmediated. The real precedes signification and occupies the position of mere materiality (either physicality or machinic materiality) unilaterally situated vis-à-vis a signifying agency. This dual unilaterality is placed within a dyadic (...)
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    Designing English for Legal Communication Programmes: Exploiting Legislative Genres.Vijay K. Bhatia - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1883-1896.
    Legislative writing, which is one of the key genres in the practice of law, has mostly been overlooked in pedagogic applications in English for Legal Communication (ELC), even though more than any other professional writing, it demonstrates very typical and distinctive use of linguistic and other semiotic resources, including some of the specific rhetorical conventions and constraints. However, it is surprising that despite its distinctive prominence in legal practice, it has never figured in English for Legal Communication programmes. It seems (...)
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    Turning public issues into private troubles: Lead contamination, domestic labor, and the exploitation of women's unpaid labor in australia.Kathryn Robinson, Kathleen Mcphillips & Lois Bryson - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (5):754-772.
    Residents living in the vicinity of lead smelters are subjected to particularly high levels of contamination from the toxic process of smelting. Yet, public health strategies currently promoted by state health authorities in Australia do not focus their major attention on stopping the contamination at its source. This article focuses on housecleaning regimes, largely implemented by women, aimed at stopping the toxic material from being ingested by children. Because the residential areas surrounding the smelters are degraded, their property value (...)
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  24. The Meaning of Things: Domestic Symbols and the Self.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Eugene Halton - 1981 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The Meaning of Things explores the meanings of household possessions for three generation families in the Chicago area, and the place of materialism in American culture. Now regarded as a keystone in material culture studies, Halton's first book is based on his dissertation and coauthored with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. First published by Cambridge University Press in 1981, it has been translated into German, Italian, Japanese, and Hungarian. The Meaning of Things is a study of the significance of material possessions (...)
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    What’s Gendered about Gender-Based Violence?: An Empirically Grounded Theoretical Exploration from Tanzania.Hilde Jakobsen - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (4):537-561.
    Violence is often considered gendered on the basis that it is violence against women. This assumption is evident both in “gender-based violence” interventions in Africa and in the argument that gender is irrelevant if violence is also perpetrated against men. This article examines the relation of partner violence not to biological sex, but to gender as conceptualized in feminist theory. It theorizes the role of gender as an analytical category in dominant social meanings of “wifebeating” in Tanzania by analyzing arguments (...)
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    The culture of child labor as a current expression of neo-colonialism.Soraya Franzoni Conde - 2024 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 24 (1):63-81.
    This article discusses how the persistence of child labor, especially in Brazil and the United States of America, constitutes a current facet of neo-colonialism. Cultivated as an educational and dignifying activity, exploited child labor persists and is naturalized. Schools, religions, and the legislation contribute to making the working class come to love and naturalize what in the past was understood as torture and punishment, thus jointly acting as a fundamental means of forming a new cultural form: the love of work. (...)
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  27. Analyzing Oppression.Ann E. Cudd - 2006 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Analyzing Oppression asks: why is oppression often sustained over many generations? The book explains how oppression coercively co-opts the oppressed to join their own oppression and argues that all persons have a moral responsibility to resist it. It finally explores the possibility of freedom in a world actively opposing oppression.
  28.  12
    How Do They Get Away with It?Michael McGowan - 2020 - In Ruth Tallman & Jason Southworth, Saturday Night Live and Philosophy: Deep Thoughts Through the Decades. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 25–38.
    Saturday Night Live (SNL) has exploited sexual power differentials, pedophilia and molestation, and produced “Digital Shorts” that use women for sexual ends. SNL has even made light of slavery and mass shootings. Suffice it to say, SNL's producers, writers, and actors are unafraid to push the boundaries of what is considered socially acceptable on network television. By presenting awkward or insensitive or offensive material – like dating in a concentration camp – SNL performers remind people just how horrific some (...)
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    A liberal theory of externalities?Carl David Mildenberger - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (9):2105-2123.
    Unlike exploitative exchanges, exchanges featuring externalities have never seemed to pose particular problems to liberal theories of justice. State interference with exchanges featuring externalities seems permissible, like it is for coercive or deceptive exchanges. This is because exchanges featuring negative externalities seem to be clear cases of the two exchanging parties harming a third one via the exchange—and thus of conduct violating the harm principle. This essay aims to put this idea into question. I will argue that exchanges featuring negative (...)
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    Rape as a Form of Torture.Jane Duran - 2000 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (2):191-196.
    Using material taken from contemporary feminist theory and also from work on human rights, it is argued that rape is a form of torture, and that it operates on powerful levels, both literally and metaphorically. Part of the argument is that rape has achieved the status it has as political force for exploitation because of strong beliefs about cultural reproduction and about the roles that women play in cultural reproduction.
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    The Absolute Beneath the Relative and Other Essays.Stanley L. Jaki - 1988 - Upa.
    The exploitation of Einstein's relativity theory on behalf of the relativization of all norms and values is the most conspicuous aspect of a culturally disastrous trend, which, in its various ramifications, is the critical target of this book. Students of history, psychology, sociology and metaphysics will find much food for thought and rich material in this latest of the author's long-standing efforts aimed at the demythologization of science. This book presents fourteen not readily available essays of the winner (...)
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  32. Surveillance Capitalism: a Marx-inspired account.Nikhil Venkatesh - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (3):359-385..
    Some of the world's most powerful corporations practise what Shoshana Zuboff (2015; 2019) calls ‘surveillance capitalism’. The core of their business is harvesting, analysing and selling data about the people who use their products. In Zuboff's view, the first corporation to engage in surveillance capitalism was Google, followed by Facebook; recently, firms such as Microsoft and Amazon have pivoted towards such a model. In this paper, I suggest that Karl Marx's analysis of the relations between industrial capitalists and workers is (...)
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  33. For Permitting Hazing.Stephen Kershnar - 2011 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (1):87-106.
    In this essay, I argue that colleges and universities should permit hazing. I argue that if hazing is wrong, then it wrongs someone and if it wrongs someone then it violates someone’s right. Hazing does not violate someone’s right when the person who is hazed gives informed consent. I then argue that because hazing is permissible, colleges should permit it. I consider and respond to objections that hazing is wrong for reasons that are not right-based. Here I consider objections relating (...)
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  34. ‘Models of’ and ‘Models for’: On the Relation between Mechanistic Models and Experimental Strategies in Molecular Biology.Emanuele Ratti - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):773-797.
    Molecular biologists exploit information conveyed by mechanistic models for experimental purposes. In this article, I make sense of this aspect of biological practice by developing Keller’s idea of the distinction between ‘models of’ and ‘models for’. ‘Models of (phenomena)’ should be understood as models representing phenomena and are valuable if they explain phenomena. ‘Models for (manipulating phenomena)’ are new types of material manipulations and are important not because of their explanatory force, but because of the interventionist strategies they afford. (...)
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  35. Reframing Sacred Values.Scott Atran & Robert Axelrod - unknown
    Sacred values differ from material or instrumental values in that they incorporate moral beliefs that drive action in ways dissociated from prospects for success. Across the world, people believe that devotion to essential or core values – such as the welfare of their family and country, or their commitment to religion, honor, and justice – are, or ought to be, absolute and inviolable. Counterintuitively, understanding an opponent's sacred values, we believe, offers surprising opportunities for breakthroughs to peace. Because of (...)
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    Managing Human Tissue Transfer Across National Boundaries – An Approach from an Institution in South Africa.Safia Mahomed, Kevin Behrens, Melodie Slabbert & Ian Sanne - 2015 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (1):29-35.
    With biobank research on the increase and the history of exploitation in Africa, it has become necessary to manage the transfer of human tissues across national boundaries. There are many accepted templates of Material Transfer Agreements that currently exist internationally. However, these templates do not address the specific concerns of South Africa and even of Africa as a continent. This article will examine three significantly important ethico-legal concepts that were deliberated and carefully adapted by a South African Institution (...)
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    Is it ethical to prevent secondary use of stored biological samples and data derived from consenting research participants? The case of Malawi.Randy G. Mungwira, Wongani Nyangulu, James Misiri, Steven Iphani, Ruby Ng’ong’ola, Chawanangwa M. Chirambo, Francis Masiye & Joseph Mfutso-Bengo - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundThis paper discusses the contentious issue of reuse of stored biological samples and data obtained from research participants in past clinical research to answer future ethical and scientifically valid research questions. Many countries have regulations and guidelines that guide the use and exportation of stored biological samples and data. However, there are variations in regulations and guidelines governing the reuse of stored biological samples and data in Sub-Saharan Africa including Malawi.DiscussionThe current research ethics regulations and guidelines in Malawi do not (...)
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    Judging the Probability of Hypotheses Versus the Impact of Evidence: Which Form of Inductive Inference Is More Accurate and Time‐Consistent?Katya Tentori, Nick Chater & Vincenzo Crupi - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):758-778.
    Inductive reasoning requires exploiting links between evidence and hypotheses. This can be done focusing either on the posterior probability of the hypothesis when updated on the new evidence or on the impact of the new evidence on the credibility of the hypothesis. But are these two cognitive representations equally reliable? This study investigates this question by comparing probability and impact judgments on the same experimental materials. The results indicate that impact judgments are more consistent in time and more accurate than (...)
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  39. Space exploration and environmental issues.William Hartmann - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):227-239.
    New discoveries about materials and solar energy raise the possibility of a long-tenn shift of mining, refining, and manufacturing from Earth’s surface to locations outside Earth’s ecosphere, allowing Earth to begin to relax back toward its natural state. A little-discussed ambivalence toward the potential of space exploration exists among environmentalists. One camp sees it as a human adventure that may allow a bold initiative to improve Earth; another camp shies away from “heavy technology” and thus distrusts efforts as massive as (...)
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    Working Practices of the Menopause Clinic.Marilys Guillemin - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (4):449-471.
    Although there are many possible ways of understanding menopause, it is the notion of menopause as hormone deficiency that currently dominates. How is it that this account remains prevalent rather than some alternative understanding of menopause? This question is explored through the employment of a framework informed by both actor network theory and symbolic interactionist studies. The author exploits the common ground shared by these two conceptual approaches to analyze how practices generate and reify particular kinds of knowledge about menopause. (...)
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  41. Kant and the Claims of Knowledge.Paul Guyer - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a radically new account of the development and structure of the central arguments of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: the defense of the objective validity of such categories as substance, causation, and independent existence. Paul Guyer makes far more extensive use than any other commentator of historical materials from the years leading up to the publication of the Critique and surrounding its revision, and he shows that the work which has come down to us is the result (...)
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    Acerca de la historia y la ficción en tres versiones imperiales de la fundación de Alejandría.Ivana Chialva - 2012 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 16 (2):43-56.
    Las fuentes de la tradición indirecta de las Vidas (βίοι) de Alejandro se distinguen entre las más creíbles, enmarcadas en los límites de la historiografía y de la biografía imperiales, y aquellas de invención, más cercanas a la novela de viajes y la paradoxografía. Este trabajo propone ir más allá de esa categorización genérica para pensar la dualidad historia / ficción como material coexistente en las diferentes versiones en torno a la fundación de Alejandría según tres autores griegos de (...)
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    Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial Ecotopianism.Heather Alberro - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):528-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial EcotopianismHeather Alberro (bio)Limitations and Exclusions of the (Western) Utopian CanonUtopianism in all of its manifestations often powerfully (re)surfaces during times of significant socio-ecological upheaval as a response to oppressive and exploitative realities. As such it is a fervent refusal against a given status quo and its purported inevitability. Utopianism and hope are rendered possible by, and (...)
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    Biobanks: patents or open science?Antonella De Robbio - 2013 - Oxford: Woodhead Publishing.
    Biobanks represent an invaluable research tool and, as a result of their intrinsic and extrinsic nature, may be looked upon as archives or repositories largely made up of libraries, or collections of content where the content is the biological material derived from different individuals or species, representing valuable tangible assets. Biobanks analyses aspects of the commons and common intellectual property relating to the concepts of private property, not only concerning data but biological materials as well, and the advantages and (...)
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    Functional realism suggested from the actualization of affordances.Hirofumi Ochiai - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (3):399-411.
    Molecular structure is one of the dispositional attributes of the molecule and counted as an example of affordances. This attribute has been systematically exploited through the development of theories and practice of organic chemistry. (Ochiai 2023, pp. 141–149) The question to be addressed in this study is whether we can legitimately claim that this type of attribute is real. To answer the question, we first clarify what is worthy of the word ‘reality’ in scientific arguments. Whitehead claims that a physical (...)
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    Either/or.Robert L. Perkins - 1995 - Mercer University Press.
    In Either/Or, Part One, Kierkegaard presents what he calls the aesthetic form of life. There he focuses on a large variety of the stereotypical views of women, from a sentimental and whining appraisal of her position in the world, through the view that sexual exploitation is an uncontrollable natural instinct and/or drive for which men are not morally responsible, to the view that woman is a jest, not to be taken seriously as a moral and responsible being, and then (...)
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    Roman Literary Culture: From Cicero to Apuleius (review).William Scovil Anderson - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):135-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Roman Literary Culture: From Cicero to ApuleiusWilliam S. AndersonElaine Fantham. Roman Literary Culture: From Cicero to Apuleius. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. xv 1 326 pp. Cloth, $39.95.This is a book that needed to be written, in answer to a deep gap in our resources on Latin literature. As our current time and our students keep raising questions along the lines of cultural history, (...)
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    The new technology and its human impact.Umberto Colombo - 1989 - World Futures 27 (1):25-32.
    In the years that have passed since publication of the Club of Rome's seminal report "Limits to Growth," the issues raised in terms of development, resource use and the environment have become ever more pressing. The potential of advances in science and technology to affect all aspects of life, including development, was then little understood. Today's unparalleled burst in scientific and technological creativity has given new options and opportunities to the world economic system. Central to this process is a series (...)
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    Microplots.Brett Cooke - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (2):183-196.
    My hypothesis is that art reflects and exploits patterns of differential interest shaped by natural selection.Swan Lake demonstrates how little plot material is required for an evening-long work of art. Examination of this and other ballets suggests that the scenario is closer to the core of a production than the more changeable music and dance are. This narrative minimum is composed of different behavioral tendencies familiar to sociobiological inquiry. Set into a matrix of counterpoising forces, these biases generate enormous (...)
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    The Social Constitution of Commodity Fetishism, Money Fetishism and Capital Fetishism.Georgios Daremas - 2018 - In Judith Dellheim & Frieder Otto Wolf, The Unfinished System of Karl Marx: Critically Reading Capital as a Challenge for Our Times. Springer Verlag. pp. 219-249.
    The critical concept of commodity fetishism and its developed forms of money and capital fetishism ground the contemporary shape of social life under the rule of capital. This chapter offers a novel interpretation based on Marx’s Capital, elucidating the oft-overlooked interconnection of the fetishism triptych that accounts for domination, as well as the normalisation of exploitation as experienced in capitalist life. In commodity fetishism, a market-based pseudo-social ‘thing-hood’ preponderates over commodity owners and producers, concealing the double inversion that constitutes (...)
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